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Liver Flush....is it crap?

colonic flushes are sometimes just very expensive psyllium husks

i was recently using google to find the best all natural low carb fiber source, psyllium husk powder, in bulk.

i can across so many sites selling there own special psyllium husk powder, sometimes mixed with other herbs, at hugely inflated priced as colonic cleaners

i just mix some plain old psyllium husk powder with my morning protein shake....keeps the bowels moving well...and kind of controls my irritable bowel, though not all the time. start with just a few grams...work your way up...it may cause gas at the start. i do best on a large dose, over 20 grams per day. i found a site that sells this at $21 for 5 pounds US.

i've actually started taking the old standby, ground ginger, which cost $15 for 5 pounds from a bulk spice site. ill make it into gel caps myself, something to do while watch bad tv!!

any other thoughts??

if u want the sites email me...its not clear if we can post sources of legal substances=D =D
I bought a big vat of some of that stuff and then realized it was artificially flavored with aspartame. Gross..not really something I wanna put into my body when trying to cleanse my colon. I need to get some of the not flavored kind and just put it in juice.
MynameisnotDeja said:
Yeah you would shit them out...damn it would hurt if they came out with your pee!!! Owww...

sometimes they can do though, ouch!

what i mean is they will all come out evetually anyway, so is the flush necessary?
just ground psyllium husks

yup, it does take attention to details and sometimes calling the company to check the ingredents to be sure u getting just plain ground psyllium husks. lots of the stuff is mixed with various sugars too....not a good thing on my low carb diet.

also plain psyllium does not taste that good, that is why i mix it in with my protein shake
there are two potential problems with psyllium

a) most of it is said to come from India, where it is either infested with some pathogen or (usually) fumigated in order to get rid of that pathogen

b) it will absorb some of the nutrients of your food . . .

RE: the liver flush . . . try it for yourself especialyl after a fast or after not having had any fat at all for 24 hours or so . . . then drink all that fat . . . and see how your liver feels the next day. And decide for yourself if it's bene doing lots of work or not :p
ebeneezer_geeza said:
what i mean is they will all come out evetually anyway, so is the flush necessary?

no they won't.

they get bigger and bigger and may block everything . . .

a liver flush won't get them out but one of those liver/gallbladder cleanses as described in the beginning might . . . the not-eating-any-fat beforehand is to build sufficient pressure in the liver/gallbladder (no fat = no use of bile for digestion, I think ) . . . and the epsom salts are there to open everything right up so it can really get good through . . . regarding the pressure in the liver . . . if you do it right, within minutes of drinking your olive oil mix you will feel a squeeze in the liver area ... like an octopus squirting its stuff :D

yes, actually it does look like it comes from india and does come with all those goodies that are part of the food supply...ground bug parts...yumm, extra protein for free8o 8o

do i think it is loaded with pathogens...no and we do have an immune system to take care of such problems

yes, psyllium can absorb some nutrients, vitamins or medications taken with it...keep this in mind when u decide what time of day u going to take it

all i know is that psyllium has kept my system moving fine on a low carb program...even with a history of irritable bowel

psyillium keeps me happy=D =D =D
i have to agree with the few people who called this flush horseshit

colonics are also bs, ive been through the whole gamut with drug induced and diet induced constipation, ive had a colonoscopy, spiral ct scan w/tracer, upper GIs w/small bowel follows, etc

but dont think a colonic cant hurt, colonics are inherently dangerous, if you think you need one get a colonoscopy, its just a camera on a hose, youre awake through the whole process and you see everything, the lining of your colon is renewed every 2 weeks, that 2lb of undigested red meat is an urban legend

just think about it rationally, youre paying someone to spray a hose up your ass? what in nature makes you think that a human digestive tract requires that sort of intervention? i mean do elephants stick their trunks up the asses of other elephants?

if stuff (red meat, plaque, whatever your "hydro[lol-ya md's are quacks]therapist" labels it) is so stuck in there why dont you try an experiment? when youre done with a jar of peanut butter and there is just a little left that you couldnt scrape out, pour a glass of water into the jar and dump it back out into the glass, how clean did that get it?
I appreciate the opinions and understand them, of those like you morb who say misc alternative therapies are bullshit. But in my experience, when the doctors were telling me the chiro was bullshit it is all that worked. After having a sick baby (well toddler. STarted at 6 months ended at 2 1/2) who never went longer than a week without gagging on the phlegm and vomiting it up. Always coughing, always sick....One visit to the chiro and he was well for one year. First time ever in his life. Coincedence? Maybe, but I sure as hell am not going to listen to the naysayers and not try alternative therapies after that experience. If you wanna talk danger, look at the deaths from prescribed meds, and simple hospital entries. Modern Medicine is quite deadly. :)

Point being, opinions are appreciated, definitely, but I hope people reading this take their health in their own hands and don't listen to the skeptics. You don't know till you try. And frankly, a colonic is a helluva lot healthier than anything the docs will give you to swallow, IMO.

Another "alternative" "quack" method I tried was ear candling, when his symptoms appeared again, AFTER taking him back to the doc (what can I say, I was young and dumb) The meds still didn't do shit, but one candling cleared him out enough to not have the gag reflex/vomiting from the built up phlegm. Since then, he is now about to be 9 and is just fine, no problems, slight allergies, reacts to a bit more than the avg kid, but not too bad. I believe wholeheartedly that the chiropractor "cured" him.
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DarthMom said:
And frankly, a colonic is a helluva lot healthier than anything the docs will give you to swallow, IMO.

Another "alternative" "quack" method I tried was ear candling, when his symptoms appeared again, AFTER taking him back to the doc (what can I say, I was young and dumb) The meds still didn't do shit, but one candling cleared him out enough to not have the gag reflex/vomiting from the built up phlegm. Since then, he is now about to be 9 and is just fine, no problems, slight allergies, reacts to a bit more than the avg kid, but not too bad. I believe wholeheartedly that the chiropractor "cured" him.

imo i wasnt given anything to swallow, like the idea that colonics are healthful in any way, i used technology to look inside my digestive tract and that changed the way i thought

sounds to me like you need some lessons in hygiene, if you need candling to clean out your kids ears, try a bath and a q tip now and then, maybe just taking your kid out of his filthy room for that chiro visit changed his life, i spent 10 years with 3 different chiros and ended up with a lawsuit against one of them for malpractice that led to some nice cervical fusion, so pardon me if i disagree when you get the rock to let the evil spirits out of your kids cranium
Elephants in the wild have no such need as they don't eat the highly processed sh*t we happen to put in our bodies. I'd rather not carry pounds of "urban myth" round in my colon, I can tell you that. %)

have a look at the pictures in Richard Anderson's "Cleanse and Purify Thyself" and tell me if the rubbery bits people do actuall ypoop out are just myths. I have met people who have passed stuff like that. :D
Morb said:
if stuff (red meat, plaque, whatever your "hydro[lol-ya md's are quacks]therapist" labels it) is so stuck in there why dont you try an experiment? when youre done with a jar of peanut butter and there is just a little left that you couldnt scrape out, pour a glass of water into the jar and dump it back out into the glass, how clean did that get it?

remember to add psyllium husk and bentonite clay and do it all at body temperature. And massage the walls of the glass a bit... shake the glass a bit, exercise it a little ... encourage glass-wall peristalsis and you will see . . . the peanut butter WILl come off, like it or not ;)

I know what I saw coming out during my cleanses.
Morb said:
imo i wasnt given anything to swallow, like the idea that colonics are healthful in any way, i used technology to look inside my digestive tract and that changed the way i thought

sounds to me like you need some lessons in hygiene, if you need candling to clean out your kids ears, try a bath and a q tip now and then, maybe just taking your kid out of his filthy room for that chiro visit changed his life, i spent 10 years with 3 different chiros and ended up with a lawsuit against one of them for malpractice that led to some nice cervical fusion, so pardon me if i disagree when you get the rock to let the evil spirits out of your kids cranium

Everyone has shit in their ears that can't be reached. My children are clean thanks. Glad to see you were here for actual discourse, and not to be a dick! /sarcasm

I was polite in my disagreement with you, thanks for reminding me that not everyone can handle disagreements like adults.
Ximot said:
remember to add psyllium husk and bentonite clay and do it all at body temperature. And massage the walls of the glass a bit... shake the glass a bit, exercise it a little ... encourage glass-wall peristalsis and you will see . . . the peanut butter WILl come off, like it or not ;)

I know what I saw coming out during my cleanses.

What does the Bentonite do? Im interested in pursuing a colon/parasite cleanse *see my parasite thread* and am looking for the most practical stuff to use that will clean all the yuck out of there. Ive heard of the P@B shakes and then theres the whole herbal plan..Im interested in your opinion since you've done the cleanses. :)
Well, the bentonite is basically something like sand or earth that is finely ground - volcanic ash, some say, I don't really know - and that is packed with minerals and that acts liek sponge in the body and will absorb several times its own weight in whatever it comes into contact with, including any toxins (to which it is said to be particularly receptive).

I always took it in conjunction with the psyllium 8another sponge that turns into a jelly-like goo when in contact with water and requires you to drink heaps of water to keep thing going through smoothly . . . I don't know themechamisn or the science behind it in any detail, but here's a link.


There's all kinds of other healing mineral earths you can get that contains heaps of negatively charged minerals (ions? sorry, no good with the science stuff) that do a similar job. You get these in most healthfood shops or pharmacies for pretty cheap.

You mix the clay with water and drink up. Bit gritty first time round but you get used to it. Good for tummy ache or light food poisoning. Detoxing if taken regularly. Experiment with it, it's fun once you get the hang of it. It really makes a difference to your "gut feeling" :D

I have done most of my cleanses following the Arise-and-Shine" program based on Dr Anderson's books (Cleanse and Purify Thyself), and usually I do it in Thailand, where there's more than one Spa that offer this program at an acceptable price. i find it easier to go through it all (no food, colonics, and bentonite/psyllium shakes) when doing it in a nice sunny setting with plenty people on the same journey. You won't even feel hungry and self-discipline is less of an issue when not in your usual setting. I do it every (other) year or so. It's fun discussing the things that come out without any embarrassment :O

I f you do do a full fast, however, do read up onhow to break a fast - that's the tricky bit - it's crucial not to get back to congesting foods too quickly while the intestinal lining and flora isn't yet back to levels that allow you to cope with it.
Its AMAZING how much opinions can change! I have completed 4 liver flushes now. Best thing I ever did in my life. :) Doing my 5th tonight.
/\ The epsom salt / oil ones following the instructions of Dr Hulda Clark?
Do you fast before you do them or not?
What kind of flush exactly do you do?