Lieing on 911 call for an overdose...

The Lee Deluxe

Jan 8, 2004
I searched for something similar to this, but had trouble finding this specific idea. Since alot of people talk about having to deal with cops and such when they phone 911 for an overdose, I was wondering if its legal, or rational to call 911 for say, a heart attack, when your friend is actually OD'ing, and then when the ambulance shows up, just tell them that its an overdose. I'm not suggesting this to anyone, but just wondering if it is something worth looking into etc.
Then they might not bring the barbituates, ephedrine, naltrexone, or whatever would be helpful in an overdose.
^^I'm preeety sure the paramedics always carry the drugs they would need for OD situations, it's likely part of their main'kit.'
Since no one has any obligation to discuss anything with police I wouldn't worry about mentioning "drug overdose" to 9-1-1. If the cops show up don't tell them anything.

But sometimes cops like to start searching things when someone overdoses, and I have read some reports of cops being real assholes in such a situation, some things some people might like to avoid.
Police have no right to search without probable cause or consent. Most searches are conducted becuase someone (stupidly) gives consent.

Does a passed out body laying in the middle of a living room from an overdose on heroin sound like probable cause? And even if it isn't, the fact is, cops don't always do what they are supposed to, even I can testify to that, I've been searched when there was no probable cause, and I didn't consent. Just cause there are laws doesn't mean people, including cops, follow them.

Would you rather have a friend or family member die because you didnt want to get involved with the law?

think about it.
well when you phone 911 just tell them its a drug OD..... go put your stash sumwere the cops arnt going to find it, and when the PO and the medics show.....just dont say a god damn thing other than the drug the person OD'ed on
I will be partying with FareWellToFashion, thank you.

CALL to get some help for your friend, there is no other option, period.
Do you people even understand what I am suggesting? How could this kill someone? Sometimes people are already too fucked up on drugs to be able to even be seen by the cops, and I think this is a viable option that at least deserves more in-depth attention than glancing at the idea and then suggesting the already well known normal course of action.
Listen up! You fucking idiot.

The 911 operator needs the true facts of the emergency circumstances. An OD is very easily controlled, IF treated in time.

When the emergency people arrive to save your socalled "friend"'s life, they need to know right now that he is OD'ing and on which drug.

One day, in the distant future, technology will advance to the level that I can physically knock the shit out of someone on the other end of my computer.
Adam X said:
Police have no right to search without probable cause or consent. Most searches are conducted becuase someone (stupidly) gives consent.


I was under the impression that there was an additional exceptionl; for the "safety" of the police. Did we eliminate that "zone of safety" thing?
Allright, im just gonna go down the list.

Serumlink: are you suggesting that the paramedics would drive to a hospital after recieving the location of an OD to pick up what they need?

Adam X: (i see this has been handled before, but still, this guy seems rather dense) a person who has OD'ed is probable cause.

Farewelltofashon: you obviously have some deficiency in reading or reading comprehension.

Deroxor: why bring up the OD if you dont have to?

Pottedmeat: you are a moron. you share farewelltofashons reading deficiencies and for some reason you foolishly believe The Lee Deluxe is attached to your computer in some way... i fail to understand this, i suggest you learn how the internet works before impregnating it with your ignorance.

In conclusion, The Lee Deluxe had a badass idea, and you people are morons. he shouldn't have shared with you. Congratulations.
Just call 911 and tell them that your friend is unconscious. When the paramedics get there, tell them the person has overdosed. They will load the person up, and give them some Narcan while enroute to the hospital. They may notify the police, but you should have plenty of time to get rid of any evidence (or leave) by the time the cops come to investigate.
in australia ....

publications for drug od's and stuff over here state that ambulance staff wont notify the police unless its a life threatning situation (usually to the ambo staff or to other non-associated people) and they require police back ...

something along those lines anyway ..
Terberculosis said:

Deroxor: why bring up the OD if you dont have to?
why not bring up the OD.. if ur friend is ODing on the floor and the paremedics come you gotta tell them whats wrong... you cant just say nothing or els they wont know how to treat him rite away. then you have enough time to stash your drugs and when the cops come dont tell THEM anything...
Police are allowed to make a protective sweep for weapons during a detention or subsequent to an arrest.

An overdose is probable cause to conduct a search? What's the scope of the search? A search of the belongings of the person who has overdosed, yes. A search of the entire house, no way. Other people who are present may be patted down for weapons if they are detained, but any searches would be extremely limited.

as someone who has oded and has had their friends make a 911 call first of all do it. just tell them you have some in the house who is not breathing/non responsive. get all the drugs out of the house. tell the paramedic's that it is an overdose. i never even saw a cop or one show up at my buddy's house. paramedics and doctors are more concerned with getting someone help then the police. they don't want people to be afraid to call 911.
^^exactly. This is the sort of advice I've heard a million times over. Not breathing/unconscious. Why do people feel the need to insult others so badly in an attempt to strongarm their opinion through? Not everybody is ready to invite the police to their house in order to help somebody that they might or might not know or like that much. I would if I had to, but there's no reason to believe that it is necessary to say "drug OD" over "not breathing".

A lot of people are hesitant to call an ambulance. I've even seen a lot of experience reports where people don't call and just hope for the best. If more people knew that you could call the hospital and say "not breathing", a lot more people would probably be alive today. A person posts here and likely does some real good and gets insulted without so much as an objective reason as to why they are wrong?