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L-theanine to kill dissociative trip?


Moderator: BDD, OD
Staff member
Jul 21, 2002
With the exception of nitrous oxide (which aside from NMDAR affinity, has opioidergic and gabaergic properties that, I believe, underlie it's recreational potential), I am not a fan of dissociatives. I find them cold, psychotomimetic, anxiogenic and unenjoyable. The only exceptions to this have been with IV ketamine, which had a narcotic feel to it, and the time I took 500mg of some likely O-PCE contaminated DCK with some n-ethylpentedrone (which was the most euphoric but ultimately terrifying drug experience as I was high for days and dissociated for what seemed like weeks). Still, occasionally I've tortured myself with them under the hope for some therapeutic effect (ie as an antidepressant, or to alleviate opioid withdrawal).

Today was one of those days, when 100mg of 2fluoro-deschloroketamine was administered in hopes of some therapeutic gain. As often is the case with dissociatives, this decision was regretted 5 minutes after inhaling it (ie I felt worse than I did before -- anxiogenesis instead of anxiolysis, depression instead of its alleviation, negative thoughts instead of positive ones, physical dysphoria instead of analgesia, etc).

An hour into this misery I got the idea to take 1000mg of l-theanine (a weak NMDA-agonist) in an attempt to reverse it. The 2f-dck paranoia made it seem like a bad idea (in fear of an adverse reaction), but i proceeded anyhow. Within 20 minutes I started feeling significantly better.

I am not designed for dissociatives, but FYI if you ever find yourself in a dissociative mess, try a large dose of l-theanine. (I wonder if l-theanine has any utility in alleviating some symptoms of schizophrenia.)
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Interesting. Also many nootropics such as piracetam and noopept are pretty good at bringing dissociatives down or preventing you from getting much from them in the first place.
That's pretty damn interesting! Thanks for reporting this.

A small correction: L-Theanine is an NMDA receptor antagonist not agonist, which explains better how this worked for you. I think that was just a typo.

I wonder if you take a lot of L-Theanine on a sober brain, if you could describe it's effects as associative? I've never taken L-Theanine before. Might be an interesting experiment to try.
That's pretty damn interesting! Thanks for reporting this.

A small correction: L-Theanine is an NMDA receptor antagonist not agonist, which explains better how this worked for you. I think that was just a typo.

I wonder if you take a lot of L-Theanine on a sober brain, if you could describe it's effects as associative? I've never taken L-Theanine before. Might be an interesting experiment to try.

Oh, not a typo, l-theanine is an NMDA agonist (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21861094/). That was my basis for taking it to end the experience (ie, 2f-dck is the antagonist in this case -- I was agonizing the antagonist). I figured the affinity was too low, but a gram of l-theanine rather quickly snapped me out of 100mg of good quality 2f-dck (during peak effects). I still felt wonky, but mentally the trip/negativity/anxiety was over.

L-theanine is by itself a hugely useful compound, i regret blowing it off for so long.
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Yeah since dissociatives are NMDA antagonists, you'd need an agonist to reverse it.

But yeah, L-theanine is wonderful stuff, it works great for anxiety relief that is non habit-forming, and also for relaxing to sleep. Combining it with caffeine makes caffeine pretty perfect too as it removes the jitters/overstimulation. I've always got a big tub of L-theanine on hand.
Oh I got it turned around! Apologies for confusing matters... I actually double checked my idea, but I even managed to read that backwards, so I guess that is a good reminder of how confirmation bias works.

Anyways really cool.

What's a typical dosage of L-theanine for relaxing/comboing with a coffee? Is theanine the reason tea feels less jittery than coffee?
Yes, theanine is the reason for tea feeling smoother. I usually try to take about 500mg but often pre-prepared forms you buy as supplements will have the dose at 100-200mg. I get it in large bulk powder form, pretty much how you should get anything that it's possible to get this way because if you buy it pilled up from a brand name you're paying like 20x what you have to.
I can definitely confirm that racetams act very well as dissociative trip killers - I have an enzyme deficiency and cannot process DXM correctly (still working on pinning down whether its CYP2D6 or CYP3A4) but a dose of noopept and oxiracetam brought me out of what was essentially a 2.5 day blackout caused by ingesting 90mg of DXM. I was coherent and could walk and talk within minutes.
3A4 metabolism doesn't vary among individuals. 2D6 does the conversion into DXO.
I knew an NMDA agonist should do the trick

So could l-theanine help me with my dissociative-while-sober symptoms caused by ketamine and weed?
Yeah since dissociatives are NMDA antagonists, you'd need an agonist to reverse it.

l-theanine is in fact an NMDA-agonist, correct?

and would Vitamin Shoppe's brand be good enough?

and what about sarcosine and glycine?
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If it's L-theanine then it's fine. But fuck me if I'll ever pay 20 times what it should cost just for some company to brand it and put it in gel caps.
If it's L-theanine then it's fine. But fuck me if I'll ever pay 20 times what it should cost just for some company to brand it and put it in gel caps.

think it's fine to take l-theanine throughout the day to treat daily dissociative symptoms?
I take it throughout the day sometimes when I'm in an anxious place (it happened a lot this year). It seems totally fine, in fact the only thing I've read about its impact on health from chronic use is that it protects against alcohol-related liver damage.
I take it throughout the day sometimes when I'm in an anxious place (it happened a lot this year). It seems totally fine, in fact the only thing I've read about its impact on health from chronic use is that it protects against alcohol-related liver damage.

could suddenly withdrawing from theanine cause a bad reaction, you think?
It doesn't produce withdrawals/physical dependence.
In my experience, theanine will always produce a tendency towards calmness, but in a panic sort of situation from a bad trip, I doubt it would have anywhere near the efficacy of a benzo. But it would be better than nothing, and even the expectation of relief can help with relief.
Very true Xorky, the placebo effect is real.

Not saying that is the case hear, but just knowing you took something you think should help...always helps. The human mind is a funny thing. But yeah L-theanine ain't no benzos when shit hits the fan.
L-theanine was the only sup that helped me in benzo Withdrawl-and works better than kava or ashwaganda for me just to chill out. Excellent advice on ordering bulk powder- I’ve been paying out the ass for caps. People swear by lemon balm but I feel nothing from it🤷‍♀️.
I have a thousand dollar cabinet full of supplements from my benzo desperation days - anyone else have anything they find super helpful- in terms of enzymes and enzyme precursors? I’m sure I have it...just haven’t had the drive to try them all one at a time.