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Opioids Kratom Mega Thread V.4

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Guys i need some help.

So, I've gotten some kratom for my opiate wd from a friend. From what I understand, it's a stimulant in low doses, and a sedative closer to opiates in moderate to higher doses. My friend told me they are .4 grams per pill, and they are fucking huge and my gag reflex is on set on high right now. I can only get maybe two down at a time, and it keeps making me feel like I'm on crack. I have five left, and would like to get to the sedative threshold, if that is true. How can I take these pills other than swallowing? They're just powder I believe, and extract.
I'm on fent. 150 MCG patches changed every 48 hours, with oxy 10's for breakthroughs for a severe and crippling degenerative disk/tissue disease that is way advanced for my age. Not wanting the doc to think me a "seeker" I haven't told him how the meds stopped helping so much, so after 12 yrs I started sucking on pieces to help the pain, huge mistake cuz I'm running low the last several months. I am getting some kratom soon as I expect wd's and I have to work,the wd's are completely debilitating.I am now down to 50 MCG patch every two days, can someone tell me how much or how to use the kratom safely yet effectively to get me thru to my next script? I'm also looking forward to the pain relief I hear the red vein brand is good for. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I seem to get sporadic sinus infections from taking kratom. Before it happened when Id take too high a dose but this time it happend when i took the exact same dose as normal which confused me. Lasts for up to 3 weeks in the past.

Tons of flourescent orange mucous and a annoying tickle cough. I thought it was withdrawals first but there dont seem to be the other symptoms ppl mention on here of that.

In the past it would come if I took too much over a normal dose but I took the same dose as I usually do last week but the only difference was using a blend with 1g of red vein borneo which I hadnt used in a while, Id just been using the uppy strains such as thai and white vein borneo. Then towards the end of the day I started feeling that funky feeling and dreaded dry eyes and general malaise then the sinus crap came back for the past several days. And when my sinuses are packed up I find it hard to get up in the morning like a lead weight is in my head.

I dont see how it could be withdrawal since I only started again recently after a month's break, and before the months break Id been on a longer run on the kratom and had no symptoms like that when I quit for the month.
We don't source here but you should try taking the powder and pouring it in an empty water bottle filled with half a cup OJ and shake as hard as you can The thickness of the juice really covers the taste.
Question about kratom: My sister takes methadone (about 40 mgs as needed) about 5 times a week (for her severe headaches due to a neck injury,) as well as 2mgs. Klonopin twice daily for anxiety and Ambien for insomnia. I want to be clear that she doesn't mix these things all at once, but she does take all of them on a pretty regular basis. Anyway, she wanted to try Kratom, but didn't know if it would work due to methadone's cross -tolerance with opiates/opiate-like drugs. She had taken her methadone dose at about 10 last night, and today was feeling particularly anxious amd depressed. So even though (as mentioned before) she doesn't typically combine drugs, today she took a 2mg Klonopin and smoked a bowl. She had the notorious munchies, and took a trip up to the convenience store; they sold Kratom, and she bought a 4 pack of Maeng-Da Organic Krarom, as well as one of those "Zen" shots which supposedly has Kratom in in. She took the whole shot and took 2 pills. She says she feels very relaxed and heavily buzzed, and and I would say that it was because of the weed and the Klonopin. However, she said that she felt an opiate-like high as well (and it can't be from the methadone, as it wore off this morning). Therefore she thinks that the methadone did not have a cross tolerance with the Kratom. It could be the weed/ Klonopin combo, or just placebo effect. I know there's no way to know, since for some, weed+Xanax by itself causes an opiate-like high, but I just want some opinions/ analysis...
Question about kratom: My sister takes methadone (about 40 mgs as needed) about 5 times a week (for her severe headaches due to a neck injury,) as well as 2mgs. Klonopin twice daily for anxiety and Ambien for insomnia. I want to be clear that she doesn't mix these things all at once, but she does take all of them on a pretty regular basis. Anyway, she wanted to try Kratom, but didn't know if it would work due to methadone's cross -tolerance with opiates/opiate-like drugs. She had taken her methadone dose at about 10 last night, and today was feeling particularly anxious amd depressed. So even though (as mentioned before) she doesn't typically combine drugs, today she took a 2mg Klonopin and smoked a bowl. She had the notorious munchies, and took a trip up to the convenience store; they sold Kratom, and she bought a 4 pack of Maeng-Da Organic Krarom, as well as one of those "Zen" shots which supposedly has Kratom in in. She took the whole shot and took 2 pills. She says she feels very relaxed and heavily buzzed, and and I would say that it was because of the weed and the Klonopin. However, she said that she felt an opiate-like high as well (and it can't be from the methadone, as it wore off this morning). Therefore she thinks that the methadone did not have a cross tolerance with the Kratom. It could be the weed/ Klonopin combo, or just placebo effect. I know there's no way to know, since for some, weed+Xanax by itself causes an opiate-like high, but I just want some opinions/ analysis...

I have no knowledge of Methadone at all, and only a little bit of knowledge of Ambien having taken it a bunch of times years ago but I didn't like the effect, felt it knocked me out too much....but I have lots of knowledge about Klonopin, Kratom and Weed.

Not sure exactly whether you are asking if the combo is safe or are you asking why she felt an opiate high???

If it's the latter....yes, I think Kratom is what gave her the opioid high plus maybe some left over Methadone from the half life because weed HEAVILY potentiates Kratom and increases the opioid high and I would GUESS that weed also potentiates Methadone but I can't be sure.

Then Klonopin potentiates most Opiates so I'd ASSUME it potentiates Methadone, but from personal experience I feel that it does NOT really potentiate Kratom so much in the sense that it eliminates most of Kratom's stimulant properties.

However, I think I WOULD say it SLIGHTLY potentiates the OPIOID/Downer side of Kratom...just a little....but I prefer not to take Klonopin when I'm on Kratom cause I like the stimulant effect.

Then you didn't say she took Ambien...but DEFINITELY Klonopin and Methadone potentiate Ambien...to the point that that COULD be a VERY unsafe combo if taken in large dosages....possibly fatal....

In the end...she's taking a LOT of drugs that potentiate eachother...so no shit she's going to feel high lol!!!!

But leaving out the methadone the combo of Kratom, Klonopin and weed is DEFINITELY a safe and very fun combo and nothing to worry about.

Even with the Methadone so long as the Klonopin dosage is low enough it's probably safe.

I don't understand exactly how Methadone and Kratom work together though so that is a question for someone who understands this stuff better.

It's the CNS depressants of Methadone, Ambien and Klonopin which she needs to be careful not to combine in large dosages.

Kratom is not known to be a serious CNS depressant and almost everyone who has ever done it agrees it does NOT depress breathing (at least PLAIN LEAF...extracts who knows....).

So I don't think it matters how much Kratom, weed and hopefully a moderate dose of Klonopin she combines (2mgs sounds fine).....but be careful with the other stuff.

Her opioid high is probably the combo of Kratom's downer effect partially stimulated by the Klonopin with the stimulant side suppressed by it however in combo with weed potentiating the Kratom and possibly a small amount of methadone left over as well....sounds like a nice mild opioid/benzo/weed cocktail that would give almost anyone a nice high.
Question about kratom: My sister takes methadone (about 40 mgs as needed) about 5 times a week (for her severe headaches due to a neck injury,) as well as 2mgs. Klonopin twice daily for anxiety and Ambien for insomnia. I want to be clear that she doesn't mix these things all at once, but she does take all of them on a pretty regular basis. Anyway, she wanted to try Kratom, but didn't know if it would work due to methadone's cross -tolerance with opiates/opiate-like drugs. She had taken her methadone dose at about 10 last night, and today was feeling particularly anxious amd depressed. So even though (as mentioned before) she doesn't typically combine drugs, today she took a 2mg Klonopin and smoked a bowl. She had the notorious munchies, and took a trip up to the convenience store; they sold Kratom, and she bought a 4 pack of Maeng-Da Organic Krarom, as well as one of those "Zen" shots which supposedly has Kratom in in. She took the whole shot and took 2 pills. She says she feels very relaxed and heavily buzzed, and and I would say that it was because of the weed and the Klonopin. However, she said that she felt an opiate-like high as well (and it can't be from the methadone, as it wore off this morning). Therefore she thinks that the methadone did not have a cross tolerance with the Kratom. It could be the weed/ Klonopin combo, or just placebo effect. I know there's no way to know, since for some, weed+Xanax by itself causes an opiate-like high, but I just want some opinions/ analysis...

id tell her to lay off the kratom..she is already taking too many drugs s is..she is taking a very hard opiate(methadone, benzos and tranquilizers..no need to add anything else to the mix..
Has anyone here ever combined Kratom EXTRACT with Phenibut and if so, how was it different as opposed to combining plain leaf Kratom with Phenibut and did you feel the combo was safe in terms of no serious CNS depression?

I've done plain leaf Kratom on Phenibut several times and liked it and plan on trying a combo of Kratom extract with Phenibut and figure it shouldn't be too bad in terms of CNS depression considering I felt safe the one time I drank a bottle of red wine on Kratom Extract.

Do people here feel like this combo shouldn't be considerably less safe than the combo of plain leaf Kratom and Phenibut??
I seem to get sporadic sinus infections from taking kratom. Before it happened when Id take too high a dose but this time it happend when i took the exact same dose as normal which confused me. Lasts for up to 3 weeks in the past.

Tons of flourescent orange mucous and a annoying tickle cough. I thought it was withdrawals first but there dont seem to be the other symptoms ppl mention on here of that.

In the past it would come if I took too much over a normal dose but I took the same dose as I usually do last week but the only difference was using a blend with 1g of red vein borneo which I hadnt used in a while, Id just been using the uppy strains such as thai and white vein borneo. Then towards the end of the day I started feeling that funky feeling and dreaded dry eyes and general malaise then the sinus crap came back for the past several days. And when my sinuses are packed up I find it hard to get up in the morning like a lead weight is in my head.

I dont see how it could be withdrawal since I only started again recently after a month's break, and before the months break Id been on a longer run on the kratom and had no symptoms like that when I quit for the month.
I would say either tainted kratom or an allergy are my only guesses.
Has anyone here ever combined Kratom EXTRACT with Phenibut and if so, how was it different as opposed to combining plain leaf Kratom with Phenibut and did you feel the combo was safe in terms of no serious CNS depression?

I've done plain leaf Kratom on Phenibut several times and liked it and plan on trying a combo of Kratom extract with Phenibut and figure it shouldn't be too bad in terms of CNS depression considering I felt safe the one time I drank a bottle of red wine on Kratom Extract.

Do people here feel like this combo shouldn't be considerably less safe than the combo of plain leaf Kratom and Phenibut??
It entirely depends on whether it's an actual legitimate extract or has compounds added.
It entirely depends on whether it's an actual legitimate extract or has compounds added.

It's a legit company but I don't know if they add things to the extracts.

Anyway I did this combo last night, 2 different Extracts with Phenibut but took too much Phenibut and was nodding out which I hadn't wanted but it felt good before that but I don't really like nodding out, especially when it means being as tired and groggy as I was.

And when I was nodding out my mouth felt REALLY dry and it was hard to swallow. I don't think my throat was really closing up so to speak as I COULD swallow but it was just harder and my throat and mouth were very dry all night even a little after I woke up this morning.

Anyone know why that might have been?

It was definitely something caused by either the Kratom Extract and/or Phenibut.

The combo of that with the nodding at the same time felt a bit worrisome like I thought it meant I'd get CNS depression so I used my inhaler a few times (I have mild asthma) but I'm thinking that was probably just anxiety as it was really just dry throat/cotton mouth combined with nodding out.

I think the nodding was probably caused more by the Phenibut than the extract but may have been the combo.
how exactly does kratom affect your testosterone levels?how do you know it is os what i mean??

wtf u get the munchies on kratom!?!?i get the exact opposite, i have to force myself to eat on it....

I just saw this. I can tell opiates including kratom fuck with my testosterone. I'm much more sexually active when I'm clean and have an unintentional "tough guy" mentality that is somewhat curbed by opiate use.
Is there anyone here who has ever gotten to the point where they had a MASSIVE tolerance for plain leaf Kratom and if so, how long a break did you need to take to get your tolerance down to a normal level??

I don't know how I've managed to do it, especially since I am NOT physically addicted to Kratom and only take it 3 days a week, but I can just put this stuff away like crazy.

Today I had almost an ounce of plain leaf, about 27 grams in only 7 fucking hours!!!

And what confuses me is that before last week I went 17 days without Kratom and my tolerance didn't even go back to normal.

Some of it may have to do with strains because I find that the white strains just don't have as much effect on me as greens and reds, but mostly I just find my tolerance has always been big.

When I first used Kratom it already took about 7.5 grams to get me high and 4 didn't really do much to me like it does for some others, but in no time it became the norm for me to need at least 10 grams, then quickly more.

And I don't even use a lot of extract...I mean I did use extract on Saturday, but I usually just use plain leaf.

Is it odd that I can go through an ounce in a day if I'm not careful, even despite NOT being physically dependent on it or using it more than 3 days a week??
Are there people who just lose their ability to get euphoria from Kratom because they used too much, or can most people get that euphoria back by taking a long enough break??

I still get high off it, but the amounts I have to take to get where I want are just getting ridiculous.

Oh but one thing I should mention about how high my tolerance is is that i DON'T take it on am empty stomach and now I'm thinking I may need to start so that might be one reason I need so much.

But how long after you dose can you eat without it diminishing your high??

I can't not eat AT ALL while on Kratom.
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You say you're not physically addicted which I don't deny but I reckon you're just on the verge of that happening and I wouldn't be surprised if there was already some degree of psychological addiction at play (I always used to think kratom was addictive in a purely physical sense but, in retrospect, it can play a lot of subtle mind games that you never notice at the time.) After I'd worked my way up from 15g/day (3x5g doses) to 36g/day (3x12g) over the course of three months and went cold-turkey, it took six months to get back close to baseline tolerance. However, it's lost a bit of its "magic" and my tolerance now builds up way faster than it used to and takes longer to dissipate. Now, if I take a 4-5g two days in a row, I've developed a significant tolerance (~1.5x) by the second day and I then get rebound effects that last a couple of days (though it's only just noticeable the second day) whereas before my addiction, tolerance used to be a thing that happened over weeks, not days, and I only suffered rebound/withdrawal after five or so days of consecutive use.

I think you could possibly get your tolerance back to baseline without much, if any, long term damage after two or three months of abstinence and, TBH, this is probably about the right time for you to think about doing that as you really could be teetering on the edge of a steep and slippery slope if that tolerance gets much higher.

EDIT: Oh, it isn't very pleasant or practical (esp. with any significant tolerance) but if you're after faster onset, you can prepare for a toss-n-wash as normal but with a bit more more leaf, less liquid and then just swish the stuff around in your mouth for as log as you can bear it. The only problem comes after that as it gets pretty damn foul tasting and turns to a consistency that I find seriously gag inducing. So in practice it's more a matter of: toss, swish, spit half, wash, toss other half & wash again.
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Just a quick question, to understand the euphoria of this would I have to have tried an opiate ? Is it intense the euphoria?
Is it odd that I can go through an ounce in a day if I'm not careful, even despite NOT being physically dependent on it or using it more than 3 days a week??

Nope. But it's good to remember that tolerance and physical dependence are two separate processes. You can develop a large tolerance to opioids without being dependent on them.

If you always using the kratom in the same setting, you can also expect to experience less intense effects, too. There's a certain amount of tolerance that can be ascribed to mentally being used to taking drugs.

BTW, if you're using *any* kratom extracts, you can pretty much guarantee your tolerance will go through the roof. It's just too convenient to take a dose that would normally be considered crazy with some of those extracts, and as others have mentioned, there's suspicion that some "extracts" contain other opioids.

But how long after you dose can you eat without it diminishing your high??

I never believed in this, in fact, having food in your stomach can make the high better, IMO. 'cause you're not starving. Toss and wash your kratom, wait ~20 mins, and you should be OK to snack.
You say you're not physically addicted which I don't deny but I reckon you're just on the verge of that happening and I wouldn't be surprised if there was already some degree of psychological addiction at play (I always used to think kratom was addictive in a purely physical sense but, in retrospect, it can play a lot of subtle mind games that you never notice at the time.) After I'd worked my way up from 15g/day (3x5g doses) to 36g/day (3x12g) over the course of three months and went cold-turkey, it took six months to get back close to baseline tolerance. However, it's lost a bit of its "magic" and my tolerance now builds up way faster than it used to and takes longer to dissipate. Now, if I take a 4-5g two days in a row, I've developed a significant tolerance (~1.5x) by the second day and I then get rebound effects that last a couple of days (though it's only just noticeable the second day) whereas before my addiction, tolerance used to be a thing that happened over weeks, not days, and I only suffered rebound/withdrawal after five or so days of consecutive use.

I think you could possibly get your tolerance back to baseline without much, if any, long term damage after two or three months of abstinence and, TBH, this is probably about the right time for you to think about doing that as you really could be teetering on the edge of a steep and slippery slope if that tolerance gets much higher.

EDIT: Oh, it isn't very pleasant or practical (esp. with any significant tolerance) but if you're after faster onset, you can prepare for a toss-n-wash as normal but with a bit more more leaf, less liquid and then just swish the stuff around in your mouth for as log as you can bear it. The only problem comes after that as it gets pretty damn foul tasting and turns to a consistency that I find seriously gag inducing. So in practice it's more a matter of: toss, swish, spit half, wash, toss other half & wash again.

Of course I am to some extent psychologically addicted as most people are when they like a drug they are using, but I'm not going to allow physical dependence to happen.

Even though I took nearly an ounce today I went 3 days in a row between Sunday and Tuesday without dosing and I'd think 3 days would be enough to get WD if I was going to get any don't you??

And I have managed to stave off physical dependence by only dosing 3 days a week so far.

But I hear what you are saying, only I just took a 17 days break right before last week, so I don't believe it's necessary to avoid physical dependence, but I do want my tolerance to go down.

Do you think that a month would make my tolerance go down since 17 days didn't do it??

I was surprised my tolerance stayed the same after 17 days.

As far as your "slippery slope" comment, what do you think would happen if my tolerance got higher??

Because since I seem to consistently avoid WD, so long as I'm able to keep doing so the "slippery slope" here seems to just be wasting large amounts of Kratom and feeling like it's getting ridiculous to dose that high.

I would take a month break, but I don't really want to take a longer one than that seeing as I did just come off a 17 day once.

I just want to be able to take it 3 days a week as usual but not have to dose so high.

That's interesting about you saying it can kick in faster if I swish the leaf around in my mouth for a while, I never heard that before.

Perhaps If I am not going to take a break right now the next best thing would be to have a cutoff of how much I can take in a certain day regardless of if I get as high as I am planning on.

It's not always easy, but at least it would keep me from wasting so much, and it would prevent my tolerance from getting even higher despite not actually making it go down.
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