• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Klonopin Insomnia/Mania


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I’m thinking of getting off klonopin I’m currently prescribed 15 1mg a month for anxiety. Which works well, but one doesn’t really cut it I was prescribed 2mg at first but only five and that helped. So I tend to just take 2 1mg. But during that week or week and a half I have them, I experience mania and insomnia. My question would be, would mentioning trying a different benzo be worse to do in this situation. I wanna try Xanax, it has a shorter half life, so shorter duration of negative effects but if He wanted to prescribe me that he would of but I also admit that they do help my anxiety, and mostly all of it. But I just don’t like myself not sleeping, and being GO GO GO the whole time I’m on it. Honestly feels like a stimulant to me
Please tell your doctor about it, it's a 'paradoxical reaction', and sometimes people can get disinhibited and violent or suicidal when having that.
I’m just worried I’ll be taken off them and I need them cause I plan on starting microdoses of psylocibin and if I accidentally take to much i need them. Would anyone be able to tell me if Xanax would do the same. I don’t have this reaction from valiums but I can’t tell him that I sourced illegally.
I’m just worried I’ll be taken off them and I need them cause I plan on starting microdoses of psylocibin and if I accidentally take to much i need them. Would anyone be able to tell me if Xanax would do the same. I don’t have this reaction from valiums but I can’t tell him that I sourced illegally.

I switched from clonazepam to alprazolam xr many years ago in order to reduce overall sedation without losing the much needed anxiolytic effects. The xr alprazolam formulation works best for me, as otherwise the shorter duration of the alprazolam may have left me insufficiently medicated at points during the day. I find that 1mg clonazepam has about the same duration as 1mg xr alprazolam. Alprazolam also has a marked antidepressant effect that I dont find with other pharmaceutical benzodiazepines. Getting switched over, however, is going to be completely dependent upon your relationship with your doctor and how they feel about switching you to a "more abusable" medication.
try olanzapine
He’s given me that. But it caused the mania to be even worse with the klonopin. To be total honest I may just ask him for one more script and inform him that I wanna stop service to seek a more “holistic” approach. Microdosing and what not. He’s cool enough I think I could tell him that’s what I was going to try but I don’t wanna get flagged hope your doing good shady
I switched from clonazepam to alprazolam xr many years ago in order to reduce overall sedation without losing the much needed anxiolytic effects. The xr alprazolam formulation works best for me, as otherwise the shorter duration of the alprazolam may have left me insufficiently medicated at points during the day. I find that 1mg clonazepam has about the same duration as 1mg xr alprazolam. Alprazolam also has a marked antidepressant effect that I dont find with other pharmaceutical benzodiazepines. Getting switched over, however, is going to be completely dependent upon your relationship with your doctor and how they feel about switching you to a "more abusable" medication.
He knows me pretty well I’ve seen him for 4 years and at one point I was getting monthly scripts. But I might discuss that I don’t like how long it last, I need something quick and immediate and strong, but with the clonazapam it tends to overlap so I feel like I never really know my dose after the 1st one because I never take it on a regular schedule. I really have nothing to lose asking him, they make me manic but I get shit done and have more focus then if I was given an adderall. I’ve always been this way. I use to stay away from sativas until recently cause I like a couch lock type high just chilling but turns out I get more paranoia from indica doms or indica then I do sativas.
Eww blood tests. Lol I’d rather just deal with the anxiety over that. It’s basically a few benzos a month or I won’t take anything he knows I won’t do any SSRI or antipsychs and if I’m not taking klonopin mania is in check moods are even the klonopin just helps me stay off oxy really
But I need to get to the route so I may do microdosing or see if I can get something out of a trip. I just don’t wanna get taken off them cause I’ll need them if I take to much and trip to hard.
I think clonazapin can be quite stimulating.
Having blackouted with clonazapin more than else, I sometimes have no memories for over week since I somehow start getting more of it when I blackout and then it's party party.
try olanzapine

Olanzapine has its uses, but the weight gain is a serious bitch. 5mg sublingual tablets take effect within 5 minutes, but the appetite stimulation is hard to ignore. Cannabis has nothing on olanzapine hunger. It's too bad it's so sedating, it's simply the best anti emetic medication in existence. Oddly, it made me extremely tired, yet oddly unable to sleep on seemingly random occasions. Most of the time, it helped me sleep, but about 1 dose out of 10 left me with paradoxical insomnia. I never experienced mania with it, but I dont get that from benzodiazepines either.

Off topic: Are you doing alright? I'm glad to see you re-engaging, even if only with us drug nerds.
Olanzapine has its uses, but the weight gain is a serious bitch. 5mg sublingual tablets take effect within 5 minutes, but the appetite stimulation is hard to ignore. Cannabis has nothing on olanzapine hunger. It's too bad it's so sedating, it's simply the best anti emetic medication in existence. Oddly, it made me extremely tired, yet oddly unable to sleep on seemingly random occasions. Most of the time, it helped me sleep, but about 1 dose out of 10 left me with paradoxical insomnia. I never experienced mania with it, but I dont get that from benzodiazepines either.

Off topic: Are you doing alright? I'm glad to see you re-engaging, even if only with us drug nerds.
I’m doing well I got a new car, things are working out better after some real conversation and listening in my relationship. And in a few weeks I’ll be trying psychedelic therapy, which is why I don’t wanna rock the boat to much with my klonopin cause if I end up eating a gram of caps and it’s too much I need it to come down. I’m just wondering if alprazolam would be better for me since it’s shorter acting
I think clonazapin can be quite stimulating.
Having blackouted with clonazapin more than else, I sometimes have no memories for over week since I somehow start getting more of it when I blackout and then it's party party.

My brother is on Clozapine and I've never seen a med that knocks him out like it. He takes it with lithium. It's a battle with the lab he has his bloodwork done at each month to keep him on the Clozapine registry. It seems worth it though, he hasn't been forced into inpatient care since he started on it.
My brother is on Clozapine and I've never seen a med that knocks him out like it. He takes it with lithium. It's a battle with the lab he has his bloodwork done at each month to keep him on the Clozapine registry. It seems worth it though, he hasn't been forced into inpatient care since he started on it.
Well, it depends on the tolerance and works diffrently on individuals, but it definetly doesn't knock you out like xanax. It's more smooth.
I have quite big benzo tolerance I don't know why I'm not even addicted, but I do like 10-20mgs of clonazapoin on once.
My brother is on Clozapine and I've never seen a med that knocks him out like it. He takes it with lithium. It's a battle with the lab he has his bloodwork done at each month to keep him on the Clozapine registry. It seems worth it though, he hasn't been forced into inpatient care since he started on it.
So would y’all just recommend taken them less frequently instead of filling a script and seeing how quickly I can empty it legitimately
Well, it depends on the tolerance and works diffrently on individuals, but it definetly doesn't knock you out like xanax. It's more smooth.
I have quite big benzo tolerance I don't know why I'm not even addicted, but I do like 10-20mgs of clonazapoin on once.
So Xanax is better for a knockout? I’ve taken it before and it seems like I slept on it good but it was street Xanax so I cannot confirm authenticity. I don’t want Ativan. But it seems like Xanax scripts are as lucky as an oxy script.
So Xanax is better for a knockout? I’ve taken it before and it seems like I slept on it good but it was street Xanax so I cannot confirm authenticity. I don’t want Ativan. But it seems like Xanax scripts are as lucky as an oxy script.
Xanax is prespicted for panic attacks, so it's intention is to work fast.
Clonazapin works all day, it's prespicted for epilepsy and normal anxiety. It's very different. It also takes much longer to kick in, while Xanax kicks in on 10-30 minutes and in 1 hour it's already peaking, while on clonazapin it takes 3-6 hours.
Try ativan
I have and it works just not as well as the klonopin. With what @DeadManWalkin' just said I may ask for a switch to Xanax. I can’t be flagged for that and I’m not hurting or addicted so if he says no, and takes me off the klonopin I’ll settle the bill and part ways.