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junkies are the new lepers, the diseased you get to feel righteous about persecuting

When I went into labour at 2am with my 2nd son and told them I was 17 months clean I was refused demerol (which I had with my 1st son 3 months clean). I asked them to call my doctor but nothing changed. I had to wait until the anesthesiologist came in at 7am. I was hyperventilating and freaked out that my birthing plans weren't followed. I had my epidural after 7am and the nurses were like go to sleep. I told them I'd had to live through pain and now they were stuck listening to me (not much revenge I know but man I can talk!). I was treated differently because at that time I was in recovery. Told me how they were worried I'd relapse if they gave me demerol.
In '88 I smoked some crack that left me nauseous and incredible pains in my lungs. I went to the ER and was honest about smoking bad shit and they only gave me oxygen. I was looked at disdainfully. I was talked down to and felt like a leper! It was a waste of time going to the hospital at that time. You think it's bad now. Man it was rough then!
I'm very fortunate in that my addiction history has not been a feature of the medical 'system' (as far as I'm aware)

After an emergency c-section with the last (& final) child some years ago, being nearly a decade clean of heroin & with no desire for opiates since (lack of opiate-desire has very selfishly not extended itself to other substances or alcohol goddamit) they gave me a dose of Oramorph for the pain, which my Mother (who I'd had to make amends to during the 12-step days) was querying out of medical earshot whether I should take, considering my 'history', not realising that opiates just did not register on my craving receptors anymore (I only actually enjoyed it when I had a habit & it made me feel normal)

Anyway, I took it for the pain, threw up, hated the gouchy feeling & refused further doses

In response to the title of this thread, junkies have always been considered 'lepers' to some sections of society, it's not a new thing, but I actually think there is more understanding & less judgement of le junkie in recent years, but there will always be people who judge & there will always be drug addicts who live the junkie stereotype & give all the under-the-radar, honest, kind junkies a bad name!
go out and get her SOME DRUGS!!! WTF dont be a shitty brother..go buy her some suboxone or xanax ..hell go get her some H she can snort it
Apparently so. I can understand what you mean about the extreme romanticizing, and little junkie cliques, etc., but still: once the fact that you're a junkie is in your medical records, be prepared to be treated like shit by every medical facility except certain rehabs. Perhaps I'm biased too, cause although I quit 20 months ago, I'm still in love with heroin and always will be.

We all get treated like shit at the ER, because they all assume we're looking for drugs now (rehabs will treat you like shit too).

I'm still addicted to nicotine, but I sure as fuck don't loooove it. I'm just too chickenshit to finally throw it down (I"m close though). The lozenges I buy are twice the price of cocaine (4mg/lozenge X 100/box = 400mg for $60), and I will commit violence without them. But they just stick this horribly addictive pointless substance behind the counter at WalGreens, they don't have to be pulled out of a vault with witnesses. A pack-a-day name-brand cigarette habit costs as much as my meth habit, but I can buy cigarettes at any gas station.

So why the difference? And are you really in looove with heroin, or are you in love with "Heroin"?
We all get treated like shit at the ER, because they all assume we're looking for drugs now (rehabs will treat you like shit too).

I'm still addicted to nicotine, but I sure as fuck don't loooove it. I'm just too chickenshit to finally throw it down (I"m close though). The lozenges I buy are twice the price of cocaine (4mg/lozenge X 100/box = 400mg for $60), and I will commit violence without them. But they just stick this horribly addictive pointless substance behind the counter at WalGreens, they don't have to be pulled out of a vault with witnesses. A pack-a-day name-brand cigarette habit costs as much as my meth habit, but I can buy cigarettes at any gas station.

So why the difference? And are you really in looove with heroin, or are you in love with "Heroin"?
What exactly do you mean by that? Youw
wrote heroin twice, once capitalized and in quotation marks. Answer: I love it and always will b/c of the feeling it always gave me. Name m
me one junkie not in love with heroin. Spoiler alert: there are none,or there wouldn't be a trillion songs romanticizing it. P.S. please excuse the staggered posts, my phone is acting up.
My point, if I had one, it was a weird post, is that these things feed on each other. I really do think an opiate by another name (Kratom?) might not taste as sweet.
Junkies are the "old" lepers.

Face it, it's been that way since the 1940's. This is nothing new.

Some one asked "What did they do wrong?". Well the "wrong" they did was not to others, but to themselves. It's nothing to be ashamed of, yet it is something that cannot be avoided.
The "wrong" is that they let things get out of control and they owe THEMSELVES to regain control enough that their continued existence is assured. We, as a group, do not bear that as a responsibility; it is an individual responsibility which others cannot fulfill.
We can empathize and try to help, but it doesn't really help. The true effort must come from within. One must expend effort towards living and continuance of life, it cannot be done for you.
It's not because I (or others) don't wish to, but reality will not allow us to pay that fee. Only the individual can do it.

Trust me I've tried.
True, but society has done one hell of a job making us feel lower than dirt for the last 80 years or so. As in, "Don't talk to him, he's just a fucking junkie."
But you junkies savor and embrace that attitude. You like it. The feeling of hopelessness is comforting, because it means you don't have to do anything. It's clearly an identity.

And I think the people who never embrace the identity, never think of themselves as junkies, have a much greater chance of "recovery" (meaning, off pills).
But you junkies savor and embrace that attitude. You like it. The feeling of hopelessness is comforting, because it means you don't have to do anything. It's clearly an identity.

Um.... fuck you?

Your know-it-all attitude is sickening (in addition to having no basis in reality).
Basis is too much time in rehabs.
Watching too many addicts. It's not just opiates. It's the curse of Bill W and the twelve steps.

I was only talking about the ones who think of themselves that way.

But if you think I'm wrong, just look at this fucking thread: "WOE is us, the lepers, always have been, it is our plight, our burden, we did it to ourselves, we deserve it, let's wallow together."

THe moment someone posts outside that attitude, it's a "fuck you."

Tell me that's not an identity you've adopted.
I think Felonious Monk is 100% correct, and since that "identity" was given to us by society that had no interest in helping us in the first place, only punishing us, that's where it came from. For 80 or so years it's been that way, I reiterate.
You don't think that junkies have no culture of their own? Among themselves?
Hospitals treat all drug users like shit pretty equally in my experience. Denying someone pain medicine is beyond unethical though I always tell them "look if you send me home in pain it's going to cause me to call a drug dealer and get the shit myself. So all you are doing is making my life more dangerous and difficult." It doesn't always work but it does get the point across. Also I know if I go to the ER I'm not getting shit so I bring my own. It's just part of the game. We signed up too get shit on when we started using drugs.

I don't think anyone romanticizes the stigma we face everyday. If anything we get so beat down by it that we start to believe what they tell us and act accordingly. The sociological term is called Role Theory.
I think society is just ignorant

The whole world is ignorant. I was in hospital once to remove my gal bladder and I am such a druggie I asked the anesthetist to VERY, VERY slowly inject the Midazolam so I could feel it buzz until doctor would come in and he laughed at me and actually did it hahahahaha! gave me half, OH MY FUCK did that take a load off, it was a long wait, maybe 8-10mins but just as the doctor entered he pushed the rest in very quickly and bam, I didn't even see the doctor walk another 3 steps and I opened my eyes in a recovery bed hours later. Give that anesthetist a round of applause, only in Africa my man, 3rd world benefits of being a druggie here. You get scripts from any docter left right and center, some even just give you a few pages and say just mark with and X where you sign, we here in Africa don't give 2 fucks. The chemists neither, nobody gives a fuck in Africa because the whole world doesn't a fuck about us either so stay comfy where you are oin Europe and the US but my "street corner" has a counter and a cash register and my "dealers" walk around in white lab coats. Valium, as in Roche name brand Valuim is 0.3 US cents per pill here. And you guys post "a good deal" when you got a strip of 10 x 10mg ones for 20 USD hahahahahaha!

Fuck off and leave us, also the starving kids, pfffft what pologny, ethnic groups are the fattest for miles around here.

Want Cocaine, go the the corner dokotela, thell Dr. Sibaisobana Ph.D et you want it, call it by name as in; "doctor please give me cocaine for my sinuses and wham bam thank you scam, Cocaine De-hydrocloride capsules, 20mg or if the doctor was in the mood real deal pharmacueticaly produced 94% pure, pure Cocaine HCL powder, to be mixed into your morning coffee sold by the 0.1gram at the bigger type of pharmacies with a lot of footfall through it. I got a script for 300 x 10mg Instant Release Morphine Sulphate tabs once by only telling the doctor I feel a headache was coming on the whole day and don't to feel it when it comes haha!

Africa guys, it is the shit. I've been robbed a few times though......pgggg. Would never leave this country for shit, these thieves even take the time and have the decency to give you your sim card out your stolen "fresh in their hands" phone and drivers license and I.D. out your car if they want to take the car. Dude one guy even looked at my Breitling watch and saw it was old school (from my uncle as a gift) whilst I stared down the barrel of a gun and said "Arrrg no, this looks special it looks very old, it must have been given to you by someone very special like your father, now let's see what's in your wallet." No fucking jokes, I even gave the cunt a lift back to his apartment block. Jesus Christ what goes on here will fill up your American news channels that nothing else could be aired simultaneously, the grid won't handle that shit.
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Sure junkies have a culture of our own, and a large part of the reason for that, is that society has pushed us so far underground for s

so long. Like for, say, a century ago. The Harrison Narcotics Act was passed in 1914, and just went downhill from there.

That shit about Africa is

crazy as fuck, BTW! Sorry about the staggered posts, it's this fucking phone.

<MOD edit: It is fine when this happens, but please don't make an additional post just to point out that you're double or triple posting. I don't know what kind of phone you use, but on the chrome app you can go to settings and check the box that says 'Request desktop site', this will make the site look just like it does on your PC. The functionalities will also work a lot better, and editting becomes possible on mobile!>
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My only point is that culture doesn't live in a vacuum. The alcohol-only non-junkies v. the non-alcohol other drug junkies. Both evolve together.

And some opiate addicts embrace the image.

I mean everyone on Earth tried a substance at least in part, maybe a tiny one, because it was forbidden or dangerous or mysterious, right? The drug has an image, usage too, and especially getting dopesick.
What exactly are they doing that is wrong?

But subotai has a point about rehabs being goddamned everywhere. Having been to five for unrelated drugs, I can tell you, the opiate addicts tend to have a very strong opinion of themselves.

Opiates get romanticized worse than booze, all they way back to the opium wars. They feel that distaste from society but embrace it and write a soft acoustic guitar song about it. Even the "treatment" is ridiculous: take a different kind of opiate, then another different kind, slip up and go to the one you used to use, go back to the therapy one, repeat forever. Feel "bad" about it, write poems about the ordeal.

(But for some reason nearly all the opiate addicts at these rehabs were young and tended to form gossipy little cliques, give each other hand jobs under the table. They also liked to whine a lot in general and about being sick to avoid chores. So I have some bias against them, I admit. )

well, it's not using drugs in and of itself that is wrong, but the lifestyle that generally comes with it. I'm sure there is a small % of heavy drug users who manage to remain somewhat productive members of society but I was speaking more to the overwhelming majority who cannot.

I feel you on the rehab stuff though, you can come across some really obnoxious people there. Not saying im perfect or anything, but I came across a lot of people (mainly young kids like you said) who couldn't do basic shit like wash and fold laundry, cook anything outside of a microwave, and were constantly bitching on the phone at their parents for money or cigarettes.

The same people would get all serious during groups when it was their turn to say something, their turn in the spotlight, and then promptly start fucking around when someone else was speaking.

A lot of these people are, for lack of a better description, professional fuck ups. They know how to manipulate friends and family into thinking that they are changed and will be different this time, knowing full well they are going to fuck up and go back to jail/rehab.

they can recite the 12 steps word for word, but never actually did a single one of them.

its to the point now where I just assume anyone who moves to Florida is a drug addict in rehab.

idk, I still am on the fence about drug usage but at least Im honest about it. There's a lot of fake people in rehab