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Harm Reduction Is there something in meth that weakens tooth enamel?


May 31, 2021
I know that meth dries up the protective saliva in the mouth thereby speeding up the process of tooth decay. However I've gotten toothaches within a day after smoking and I am not even a regular user. I'm wondering if there is something in particular about meth smoke which seems to cause such immediate harm to teeth and ways to protect and prevent it
Meth causes dry mouth or conditions for acid producing bacteria to grow. Not brushing will keep it on your teeth and acid breaks down tooth enamel as a byproduct of sugar metabolized by bacteria.

well acid breaks down salts or minerals by reacting to form new products.
I know that meth dries up the protective saliva in the mouth thereby speeding up the process of tooth decay. However I've gotten toothaches within a day after smoking and I am not even a regular user. I'm wondering if there is something in particular about meth smoke which seems to cause such immediate harm to teeth and ways to protect and prevent it
Yes, saliva is a major thing. But imo it's not what causes relative fast tooth decay. If you do some research you'll see that the actual ph of meth from different sources ei dealers vary greatly. Imagine the ph of saliva and then imagine for example the meth you been smoking has a very much lower ph. That will not be good. This has been discussed before in other threads.
Also grinding of teeth without realizing as your rolling bruv, especially when your rolling hard.
As for protecting and prevention, do some research but common sense would be to brush with good tooth paste regularly, hydrate and chew gum when you trip.
Meth causes dry mouth or conditions for acid producing bacteria to grow. Not brushing will keep it on your teeth and acid breaks down tooth enamel as a byproduct of sugar metabolized by bacteria.

well acid breaks down salts or minerals by reacting to form new products.
This makes no sense to me, and to be honest is really irrelevant to the question.
Acid producing bacteria?
This makes no sense to me, and to be honest is really irrelevant to the question.
Acid producing bacteria?
I think the reason we're both unsatisfied is because the answers given so far all point to some element of personal responsibility. Screw that! Guy has a lot of nerve suggesting that I brush my teeth....
Bactreria will most commonly produce co2 as a byproduct when aqueous is carbonic acid.
I just brushed my teeth! Now I'm worried that I've taken off too many layers of bacteria at once, and I'm exposed because they were serving a protective purpose.
I think others have already explained this pretty well, but I'll throw my hat in the ring.

My understanding of Methamphetamine is that the drug itself does not cause tooth decay. The tooth decay seems to arise from what you would call secondary side-effects of the drug. Methamphetamine and other stimulants are notorious for causing dry mouth. Saliva is your first and best natural defense against insults to your teeth. The lack of saliva is a major contributor to the phenomenon known as "Meth Mouth".

I think to a lesser extent, grinding of the teeth adds to the problems. Also, as Methamphetamine is a powerful anorexant, people typically go without eating, sometimes for days or even weeks at a time. When the time comes to crash, the appetite will return and your body is going to demand the simplest and quickest fuel it has, sugar and carbohydrates. The desire to eat sweet foods as a result of malnutrition tends to cause Meth users to go for sugary drinks and snacks.

If you aren't brushing your teeth and staying hydrated, then eating sugary foods when you crash, the picture of why Meth Mouth happens really comes into clear focus. I'm not trying to be pompous here, but I feel that this pretty much explains it.
How about this for an advertising message Public Service type announcement:

"When it comes
to teeth & gums...

...Better to do Bong Rips
than smoke meth hits."

it needs work, and a third verse
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Do you use a glass pipe? If so, make sure that you’re not putting the pipe in front of your teeth when you hit it. Place the pipe just behind your teeth. Of course the smoke is gonna hit your teeth anyway but it’s just a little less direct smoke. Idk if it makes sense but someone on here mentioned that and it’s been working out for me.

Not sure if there’s something in the meth itself making your teeth hurt. Maybe you’ve just been grinding them like Atelier said. Brush daily but don’t overbrush. Use mouthwash in between brushes. And of course, stay hydrated.
Not satisfied, as I am looking for the complex answer and you gave me the simple one.
It isn't anything directly like the meth sucks calcium or nitrates out of your enamel.

It is the dry mouth, teeth grinding, and lack of hygiene when on meth, not brushing or flossing for days... don't stop ur normal routine on a run or you'll regret it. Have all my teeth done tons of meth in my decade of addiction. Dont rlly anymore like that but if you choose to keep your teeth you can. Gum or nightguard if your grinding
It isn't anything directly like the meth sucks calcium or nitrates out of your enamel.

It is the dry mouth, teeth grinding, and lack of hygiene when on meth, not brushing or flossing for days... don't stop ur normal routine on a run or you'll regret it. Have all my teeth done tons of meth in my decade of addiction. Dont rlly anymore like that but if you choose to keep your teeth you can. Gum or nightguard if your grinding
Ty good advice.
Drink a sip of water every so often.
Furthermore, don't just sip every so often. Sloosh and rinse your teeth and mouth with water AND drink water frequently when using meth.
This will help dramatically.

Someone was telling me periodontal disease was common recently
Two of the mentioned theory's mentioned above are simply disproved.

1. The dry mouth or reduced saliva. Think about Weed, those who puff mostly have their teeth.
2. Bruxisme, or teeth grinding. Been doing that my whole life, its an condition. It will erode your teeth. But not to the degree Meth seems to do.

Possible thesis, to much brushing during use. No idea about the personal hygiene of the average Meth user. But what i know is that after food especially food rich in acidic's, or drinks. They soften the enamel and a period up to an hour is required before you can brush again. Otherwise you will brush of your enamel.
I don’t have any teeth right now. Every single tooth was chipped, broken, and/or worn down from Bruxism. I requested they give me some of my teeth so I could check them out. There weren’t many cavities, but they still looked awful and were keeping me from smiling as I should. I’m in the process of getting implants, plus some dentures to replace my molars. I will be undergoing some bone grafts in my jaw in a few weeks.
Now I have only stitches in my mouth.

Here are 5 of my prescriptions that are known to reduce the production of salivatory amylase, which is an enzyme in your saliva that’s needed for a healthy mouth.

• Amytriptiline, 50mg nightly
• Diphenhydramine, PRN.
• Topamax, 150mg nightly.
• Oxybutinym, 1 each am
• Vyvanse, 40mg each am

You can buy specific products that will promote the saliva production. Biotene is one of the products that assists with this issue.