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Is Speed that common and popular in Oz?

I love it....
and it loves me..

Barrpp!!... you cannot go there!! ...barppp!
im going to hack into BL and change your nick to K-Troll
Speed is delicious and canbe found in the states if you look. Or maybe all my friends are silly tweakers
I found some!! I found some!!
I'm a very happy chicky indeed

Thank you to the person who sourced it for me

This weekend will be much fun
miss apple
Is it just me that can't see the light of speed when held up to the sun that is coke?
Especially in the good old USofA where it is plentiful, cheap and oh so yummy!
Oh yeah speed is definitely in season now. With all this cold weather and all. Nothing like feeling heart pounding adrenalin pumping thru ya veins.
Oh yeah the speed that we get in Oz is in the form of amphetamine sulphate. In USA I think they have "crank". Which is really strong. So different types of speed. Yes speed is ridiculously common in Oz. Mmmmmwuuuuaaaaahhhhh
I have been hearing terms used such as "Speedy Pills", "dancey Pills", ---> good??
"Cokey Pills" and "Smacky Pills"---> bad..
Speedy and Dancey are pretty obvious but how about smackey pills??? and wat effects does that have on me??
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm speed!
lately ive been finding heaps of speed bombs, which i quite enjoy

BUT i cant wait to have another beautiful mdmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pill
(no excuses now since i got my ez-tester!)
btw a nice trick for you speeeeeeeeeeeeeeed freaks, cut a mars bar nearly in 1/2 and sprinkle ya speed in it, then press it back together and EAT
mmmmmmmmmm yummy
speed = good

Attack the Dance Floor like a Bulldozer, for those who came to stand MOVE OVER!
Speed pills, im afraid seem to be my favs. Im sorry, but the time warps and mind boggling effects that mdxx seems to enforce on me flip me out to much
maybe in time il grow to appreciate it more.
But for now, Unfortunately, I can't seem to find much information on speed/meth or whatever it is that I seem to love so much. There is so much information on mdma, its dangers/side effects etc, but I cant seem to source any relavent info on speed.
Any good pages/articles for a niave, ignorant, f00l to read up on the substance ?
Just a short note about some results of an ongoing trends tracking project which I (and around 1000 other users, user activists and proffesionals in the field) am interviewed for each year.
There is no doubt that speed remains very popular, an I'm in no way disagreeing with what's been said so far, but the Illicit Drugs Reporting System (IDRS) study this year indicated a couple of things about Melbourne and SYdney in particular
* cocaine use in Sydney was going through a high (excuse the pun) period, with a corresponding drop off in speed use
* due to a glut of poor quality speed in Melbourne in 98-early 99 a lot of speed users turned to e and other pills. What we are seeing now is very pure speed sold in "points" so you get around 0.2 g for the price of a cut gram. The study indicated that a lot of people were sticking with e still...
I personally absolutely HATE speed. It gives me the worst comedown. I snap at everyone for the next 3 days and am a complete wanker. Also it's physically addictive and after prolonged use leads to amphetamine psycosis. Not very nice.
I knew a girl once that was addicted to speed and she couldn't even speak whole sentences. All I have to say is that I think speed is ICKY....
Doesn't "expecting the unexpected" make the unexpected expected?
I'm sure people say bad things about my beloved coke, but I've got to agree with Darkblade on this one, I only get comedowns from speed, a shit they are bad! My head hurts like its an almightly hangover!
I gotta step and stick up for speed right here. I don't want someone that's never tried it to read that and get turned off.
Speed induced physcosis I think is something that someone would have to be susceptible to to actually be overcome by. Unless you mean the speed shutdown effect when you've been abusing speed, and haven't slept in 8 or 9 days, and your body just shuts down.
If I remember something I was meant to have learn... the receptors it works on will become desensitized to its effects after prolonged stimulation. I could find you a reference for that if you like, but not till after exams.
Aside from this let me say that the day after I have speed, I am the brightest, happiest, most fun-type energetic, and easy to get along with person around me most times.
The only times I'm not is when there's one of those enigmatically (that a word?) envigorating to be aroud people about.
For me speed is what I make of it. If I want to be happy, I think about being happy when I'm lining/IV-ing up. And what it does is amplify this, or whatever feeling I want it to, and add in some extra niceties.
Different speed maybe? You guys (darkblade and bent) aren't in NSW by any chance?
Oh yeah I never get comedowns, its so gradual that I hardly notice. I think I've been getting nice, clean speed and nice clean speed-cut-meth so maybe its the quality of the drug and what its cut with rather than the drug itself.
Speed is good friend of mine, and I'll always look after it, and it will look after me.

Dirty speed cut with crap/dodgy stuff can be awful yeah, but that's not because of the speed.
Nup, in Melbourne - and I have access to really good quality speed - a couple of friends are speed freaks, they just can't get enough of the stuff.
I had a couple of weekends on some really good stuff, and I must admit that was the first time I understood the attraction to the stuff. But the comedown was just too severe for me to consider it often (and it was really, really good stuff) - most of the time it just seems to wake me up. I'd rather drink coffee.
But hey, each to his/her own. Rack me up a line of Charlie any day!
Hello kittens, bet you never imagined you'd see me purring sulkily round these parts again! I just saw my little Apple's name, and thought I'd drop in to rap her sharply on the knuckles for not writing to me in aaaaaaages.
As for speed, if any of you live near a pub called the Rose in Chippendale, Sydney, go into the girls toilet, and into the stall that's straight ahead, and have a little look on the ground, cos I lost about a gram there last night - GRRRRRRRR!!! I will surrender it without protest to any Bluelighter who is lucky enough to find it.
I do miss you all, my little puppies. I'd love to hear from any of you who remember me. Anyone who'd like to chatter can perhaps ask apples for my addy, and I'll let her make executive decisions as to who can and can't get access!
Hope you're all well, and that your coats are growing thick and sleek for winter.
The Cat in the Hat
[This message has been edited by Pillcat (edited 16 June 2000).]
The speed was speed here in Perth. And Perth is, as you probably know, the damned speed capital. Can't get anything BUT speed. All our damned pills are speed (FUCK...I HATE SPEED). Anyway, the stuff my friends get here is very good stuff, very pure. So it's probably just how me and half of my friends react to it that cause us trouble. But as I stated, my comedown is really bad, and it hate the fact that it gives me nor real rush. Give me MDMA anyday (pity none exists here

Doesn't "expecting the unexpected" make the unexpected expected?
just so long as you know its not the speed. And not to diss speed if you're around me, Its a touchy subject, obviously. I just fucken sick of people bagging speed because they don't know shit about it.
Pure speed aye? hahahahahahahahahahaha
yeah I buy what I'm told is pure speed too, its clean at least.
I agree somewhat with the people sticking up for speed here for in the duration of my drug-using career - I have only come accross awesome speed a handful of times.
Sure I'm probably about as connected as a broken piece of lego - but so are a lot of peole when it comes to getting their hands on killer go.
And until you've had the shit which friggin hits you like a ton of bricks, and makes you shake uncontrollably forcing you to dance just to look semi-inconspicuous - you probably don't see its attraction- and hence join the ranks of the many who think it's cool to diss speed *sniff sniff*
XSI11V (former speed freak)
[This message has been edited by XSI11V (edited 16 June 2000).]