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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Is it me or morphine pills suck balls?

Hey Skip! So good to meet you, meu irmão!
So now you are back in Brazil, but you have been in Italy indulging in la mala vita, uh? You are such a porco vizioso, aren't you?😉 Nah, man, I really hope that you landed comfortably from those smoking weeks.

Yes mate, there is indeed something wrong with all those sulphate pills, no matter dosage, no matter if ER or IR. I could blame it to my tolerance cause of mdone, but you keep yours at bay successfully (most of the time) so I really don't know. I have no theory, let alone an answer, about why, but that's the truth. I would get, if I still smoked, much more from 0.15 g normal h than from 250 sulphate, also 2 g opium hit me harder than 300+ sulphate. That shouldn't happen, cause those amounts of h or opium are supposed to contain less morphine than the amount in the sulphate pills. I can't explain it to myself. It's a great pain killer but, appart of it, sedation is all that it offers to the patient; apparently, euphoria isn't exactly rare, but not very common when you listen to users' experiences.
As other have said, you could plug them tablets. I don't know what kind of pills you have, some formulations just gel up in contact with water while others don't. If you have the second kind, then crush your pills into fine powder, if there are beans make sure you crush the fuckers to the finest dust you can. Use warm water and not more than 3cl, lay on your side and insert it like 3 or 4 cms and slowly push the plunger. Stay on your side without removing the syringue for a while, it usually works fast and in five minutes you feel it, in 15 or 20 it peacks. I don't dare to advise you any particular dose to start, just keep in mind that rectal is much stronger than oral, easily double BA, be careful.

Forte abraço, meu amigo!
So does this mean daily rectal roa with my morphine (10 year long or more with pain management)... if I start using rectally to actually get some pain relief instead of ORALLY taking these pills that BARELY HELP. Will my tolerance totally get way more fucked up because of the higher ba of the drug getting into my system. Will I be stuck rectal
Hi guys,
I ve recently posted a thread asking how to make the most out of morphine pills (ignored by you heartless bastards :) ) and I ve checked BL for older posts on this issue and it seems that for many people morphine, at least the morphine sulfate I m dealing with, has little to no recreational value. Is it really so even in your experience, and if so why you reckon? It depends on the person or there s some science behind it? Or am I doing something wrong ? Opioids ( H, oxys, heck even codeine) generally make me euphoric and nodding, with morphine I ve no euphoria, no nodding, it just helps with coke comedowns and with the mild H withdrawal I was having ( I ve spent the last two weeks smoking some pretty shitty H down in Italy), I was really expecting something more from a substance that is supposed to be one of the strongest opioids around....

Hey, sorry I missed your thread man. As you know oral morphine has a shitty bioavailabilty 30% ish. Insufflated is said to be lower... Now I was addicted to morphine pills for about 3 years and you can't convince me you don't get better results by snorting. YMMV..

There was an absract study that showed mixing chitosan (diet supplement) in with morphine hcl could up the number to almost 85%, that is optimal lab conditions, no binders, in a saline spray (if I recall) ...... That being said I bought a bottle of chitosan offline and hypothetically people started to buy them up for 5 bucks to mix with there phine. (Could completely be placebo, they saw me doing it and knew there was a reason, I explain and it placebos them too?) Idk do a google or two.

Boofing morphine certainly works better than snorting it but id rather go needle personally.

The answer to your question is, NO MORPHINE PILLS DONT SUCK; since heroin is dead as a duck... IV morphine is pretty much as good as it gets. (dilaudid better rush, no duration, arguable). But if you don't IV, yes they largely go to waste. I used them for 3 years before I went to IV so they don't suck completely.....but if you could trade em off for oxy or even hydro at a 1 mg to 1 mg rate youd be better off orally.
Hey, sorry I missed your thread man. As you know oral morphine has a shitty bioavailabilty 30% ish. Insufflated is said to be lower... Now I was addicted to morphine pills for about 3 years and you can't convince me you don't get better results by snorting. YMMV..

There was an absract study that showed mixing chitosan (diet supplement) in with morphine hcl could up the number to almost 85%, that is optimal lab conditions, no binders, in a saline spray (if I recall) ...... That being said I bought a bottle of chitosan offline and hypothetically people started to buy them up for 5 bucks to mix with there phine. (Could completely be placebo, they saw me doing it and knew there was a reason, I explain and it placebos them too?) Idk do a google or two.

Boofing morphine certainly works better than snorting it but id rather go needle personally.

The answer to your question is, NO MORPHINE PILLS DONT SUCK; since heroin is dead as a duck... IV morphine is pretty much as good as it gets. (dilaudid better rush, no duration, arguable). But if you don't IV, yes they largely go to waste. I used them for 3 years before I went to IV so they don't suck completely.....but if you could trade em off for oxy or even hydro at a 1 mg to 1 mg rate youd be better off orally.
No worries mate. No heroin or hydrocodone here ( Brazil ) it s either morphine or super expensive super addictive oxys ( at least they are straight from the pharmacy so no fentaworries) ..... anyway I m experimenting with morphine oral drops and let me tell you, they are not THAT bad, , but yeah, no comparison with oxys...
No, it is a shame they are oral drops as morphine is simply better and stronger than oxy mg for mg....any IV user worth their salt would know trading an OC 80 for say a Phine 100 is a huge upgrade. Even if it was 80.

Those damn things are over 1 USD per mg stateside and they are largely bunk. (from what I hear, hell if id pay that; and im on bupe)

If you can afford to adjust dosage for poor oral bioavalability I would *think* you may prefer morphine. Actually now that I think back oxy was always kind of a treat....that could just be due to said cost though .50 mg at the time and that was still WHATTTT!?!?!

*edit* I changed junky to IV user because I win the PC wars lol.
Morphine is good for pain imo
Now euphoria not so much unless one is hitting lethal doses which I do not recommend.
2 cent
I hate morphine pills, I tried dissolving the coating off in my mouth and thats when I figured out the pills designed to make you throw up if you do that!

:vampire: :vampire: :vampire:
I've been googling legal euthanasia A LOT for the past MANY YEARS 😥
I know this may seem stupid but you really aren't alone.
And others....
I see it and feel it daily it's my work "environment" if you will. But this goes way back like 40 decades or so before this I don't really care to be here feelin kind of stale but useful at times. :)
Be easy,
Some people can't stand morphine. Personally, it was my fave and then it wound up always being cheap
Hi guys,
I ve recently posted a thread asking how to make the most out of morphine pills (ignored by you heartless bastards :) ) and I ve checked BL for older posts on this issue and it seems that for many people morphine, at least the morphine sulfate I m dealing with, has little to no recreational value. Is it really so even in your experience, and if so why you reckon? It depends on the person or there s some science behind it? Or am I doing something wrong ? Opioids ( H, oxys, heck even codeine) generally make me euphoric and nodding, with morphine I ve no euphoria, no nodding, it just helps with coke comedowns and with the mild H withdrawal I was having ( I ve spent the last two weeks smoking some pretty shitty H down in Italy), I was really expecting something more from a substance that is supposed to be one of the strongest opioids around....
Okay, so here's what you do. Especially with those MST continus pills that clog up when they hit water. (You can find a more detailed description of this online, it was either on bluelight or on another online drug forum, can't remember. But enough googling will get you there.)

- You take 2 spoons. Use an alcohol swab on both. Wait for the alcohol to dry as much as possible, so the spoons aren't wet when you start.
- Put the pill (or part of the pill) in one spoon, carefully. Crush the pill (or part of a pill) woth the other spoon (be careful not to go too fast cuz some crushed pieces can fly out otherwise). Crush the pill into as fine a powder as your patience allows.
- Take some store-bought baking soda, and sprinkle it on top of the crushed pill. The way i've done this is just by eyeballing as large a pile of baking soda as the size of the crushed pill powder. Then mix that shit (gently!).
- Then, squirt in water. I use lukewarm tap water. This will cause the baking soda to fuck with the water's pH immediately when the water touches the mixture.
- Now you gotta be pretty quick. Within 10-30sec of squirting in the water, you wanna sprinkle in citric acid (i bought mine from a pharmacy, it's in crystal form). I'll explain the amount of citric acid you need to use later.
This will cause a fun reaction, it'll start bubbling and foaming quite a lot. I never use more than 2ml of water in a single spoon, and i don't add too much citric acid at once so the reaction doesn't cause the mixture to bubble over.
This seems to cause 2 things. Either one, or both of these things will cause a good chunk of the morphine trapped in the extended release matrix to be released.
The first one is that the mixture's pH is rapidly changed. From my amateur research, i've read that the type of extended release matrix used in MST Continus morphine pills doesn't handle rapid changes of pH very well at all.
The second thing here is the bubbling reaction. I have no concrete data on this, but i'm pretty sure that this also contributes a bit to the gelled matrix getting broken down.
- In either case, at this point you'll be left with a lightly carbonated mixture (bc citric acid, when mixed with baking soda, does a reaction which produces H2O and CO2) of loose morphine, the gelling agents (though they tend to break down a LOT, so it'll look more like some kind of watery, white organic residue), and water.
- Now, unless you know precisely the concentration of your citric acid and baking soda, as well as the proper chemical ratio of both at which the pH is precisely the same as water (which you should probably research if you're gonna do this), you might have to deal with discomfort or burning at the injection site, if the pH is still off.
You can get better at how much of the chemicals you add over time, bc it is absolutely possible to hit that sweet spot where they totally neutralize eachother.
Generally, if there's any salt-looking shit left at the bottom of the spoon, you added too much of either one. You can add some citric acid and see if it fizzes. If yes, then add tiny (and i mean TINY, well, at least if you're using high concentration crystal citric acid) pinches of citric acid, and when the water stops fizzing, stop adding more. If you tried addin a little citric acod and the mixture didn't start fizzing and bubbling any more than it already is, then try adding tiny amounts of baking soda in the same way, until the thing stops fizzing.
- Now, you gotta wait a little bit until the CO2 gas leaves your little fizzy drink. There doesn't tend to be a lot if you wait even just a minute or two, and though it might not be healthy to inject something with tiny CO2 bubbles in case you're inpatient, i've done it and it's caused me no noticeable health issues so far. Still, i heavily recommend waiting the air bubbles out *before* you put that shit into a syringe. But if you're inpatient, you might feel your asshole ticking a bit, and your lungs will start feeling like you need to exhale. It's weird, but that goes away within 15 sec of injection max.
- Now, filter, draw it up, shoot. Remember to BE SURE that you're using good micron filters. Don't cigarette filter this shit EVER, you don't wanna find out what happens when some cellulose gum gets into your veins.
I've used the little green european circle-shaped sterifilts (which say to eliminate 90% of all particles latger than 5um, and 93% of all larger than 10um), and so far i haven't gotten an aneurysm.
They're definetly not the best possible filters, so go for even better and more precise ones if possible. And i'd say not to risk it at all if you don't have access to filters AT LEAST as good as the ones i've described, since i feel like even they are a dangerous gamble. Again, you don't want cellulose gum in your veins to necrotize a chunk of your spine muscle... or wherever else all the trash in your veins is carried to.

Note, this obviously isn't the safest thing out there. But, it *will* cause like 90+% of the morphine that was in the pill to get dissolved into the water, whereas in my experience with MST Continus pills, if you don't do this whole song and dance, only 5-10% of the morphine would get dissolved into the water no matter what you do to it - short of doing this method, of course ;)

Also for the perfectionists, this method is obviously *quite* janky, and i'm sure there's room for improvement and higher efficiency and whatnot. But personally, this way works well enough *by far*, to the point where i feel no need to refine this method any further, at least for my personal purposes. This all might sound very obscure, but it has suited me well.