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Is anyone else feeling it?

Don't worry.. all those billions of pounds we've pumped into nuclear fusion research will magically pay off at the last minute. Honest.
but where does the energy for hydrogen production come from? it is not abundant in the atmosphere (unlike nitrogen), electrolysis of water needs way too much energy and steam reforming (look it up, if you're not familiar) is, ironically done with hydrocarbons so it's also dependant on oil or gas. of course you cannot get the energy for hydrogen fusion + the energy we use for everything else just from hydrogen fusion, because that wouldn't even be a perpetuum mobile (which is in itself impossible) but a machinery which creates energy from nothing, which also violates all laws of thermodynamics. so I don't believe that fusion energy will be sustainable in the long term, because we will still need to mine lots of energy just for producing hydrogen, but maybe just change the timescale of the crash.
the only real abundant form of energy we have is sunlight, because the sun will continue to shine for a couple billion years longer and when it stops, the earth will die anyway. ;)
water power plants (whatever that is called in english) is also not a good option on a large scale, because big water power plant fuck up the environment where they are built, so powering the whole planet with that is also not really a good idea. I don't really know anythinig regarding wind power though, so that might also be worthwhile. but I believe that the only truly renewable energy will be taken from sunlight, so it is very important to make this technology much more efficient in the next few decades.

and, to stay a bit more on topic, Ninae, you still ignore some questions here. if you're interested in a discussion (if not, why are you posting on a discussion board), please comment on some statements by me and others.
and again, if there is evidence all around you for "something", then please share this..
I already answeared many of your questions to do with the validity of a spiritual versus a materialist outlook and it's a bit off-topic. You can bring that subject up in other threads if you like. Some don't wish for publicity.
so in a sense you tell me that even though you think that you have proven something, you don't feel the need to actually inform others about your proof, and it's the other's fault because they can't relate to what you believe (which is completely subjective).

also I don't see how it's off-topic... you and others present ideas here and naturally some people will be looking for evidence for your ideas/beliefs/predictions/whatever (besides what you say), and you repeatedly refuse to offer anything, explaining this is because it has to do with things outside the material world so you cannot express it in speech (or mathematics of whatever).
so, and be honest with yourself, if you cannot offer something that others can independently verify (or not), how exactly have you proven anything?

I don't want to take your personal beliefs from you, because everybody has them, me included, but you should realize that beliefs are not the same as fact, no matter how "real" it feels.

Nuclear fusion, in its current form, is a red herring. The ITER reactor, which is still not finished and absorbing more energy than it is giving out (in terms of cash ;) ), won't solve our energy needs anyway.. those reactors haven't been designed to extract the energy and are merely prototype demonstrations to show that fusion can be achieved. This has been going on for decades now and is just an excuse to take money. The technical issues surrounding the concept are immense.. and most likely unsolvable. You can't generate that kind of heat and neutron output and expect any earthly materials to keep that system stable for a prolonged period of time.

Solar, wind etc are all inferior energy generation techniques.. as are all our other systems.. nuclear, oil, coal. We never extract the power directly, always through an electrical turbine (magnets) or converting light to power, it's all secondary. Solar, wind etc are unstable and not consistent enough to power industry, and converting raw materials to generate steam to spin turbines will last only as long as the raw materials exist. Even fusion will rely on heat to create steam, to spin turbines. The materials needed to create turbines, solar panels etc are not infinite either. All those lovely wind turbines we have in the UK are screwing over someone elses environment in China somewhere, mining for the raw materials.

The only way we'll ever solve our energy problems once and for all is by going directly to the source itself and hooking into larger/cosmic natural systems. The Earth is a massive store of electrical potential, constantly being recharged by the Sun. The ionosphere holds more electrical potential than we would ever need, and again is constantly recharged. It's been more than 100 years since someone (Tesla) suggested we hook into the cosmic wheel and get our power directly. I don't believe it can't be done. The only thing that is stopping us is a failure of the imagination.
and yet people who explore their minds (and people have done this for thousand of years), they still didn't find a verified solution to this problem but are actually not consistent with each other.

okay then
It's verifiable only if you decide to explore..

Yeh we understand this point, but going right back to the original point of you trying to talk to other people and coming up against a wall.. why do you act surprised if people don't understand, or get frustrated if they don't want to know/explore these things? The majority of people operate according to materialist principles and that is never going to change.. the only issue is your reaction to this perceived issue.

It took me a few years to finally get the message myself and understand. I regret bothering family, friends and strangers with this stuff. I do. It was the wrong approach, but hey.. it was a lesson I had to learn. You have to treat people as friends first and always. If they don't want to know, respect that and move on to other topics. And compared to a lot of people I never really preached or anything, but I tried to test or interject ideas in the same fashion you described. It leads nowhere and only pisses everyone off, including yourself. You'll continue to beat your head against this "issue" until you finally understand the issue is actually you and your ego, not the other people.

Some people are destined to go through this life with their eyes closed. That is their journey. If anything you're wasting your energy that could be put towards other uses.
so in a sense you tell me that even though you think that you have proven something, you don't feel the need to actually inform others about your proof

It's something you really expect me to prove to you? Are you one of those who say "If there is a God, show me the proof of it"?

It obviously doesn't work along these lines, or there would be nothing to it.
no I say "if you cannot prove god than it hasn't been proven", but you just fail to see the difference. also not disproving anything doesn't mean it's proven. only proof can prove something, lack of disproval cannot.

and yes, if you claim that "big changes" (you haven't even specified what will happen, just something) will come which will affect the whole planet or society, then I expect that you have more to say than "oh I just feel it".

It obviously doesn't work along these lines, or there would be nothing to it.
but along which lines does it work? you cannot even answer that question in a way that everybody can relate.
I don't think any aliens can come to save us. I think we have to raise the light in the world by or own power, and the more it increases the faster it grows, until it can no longer be stopped.

This is the critical point so many are waiting for but no one knows when it will be. Just if you're sensitive you can feel there's a certain lightness to things, the atmosphere has become lighter
Yea, and also that it's a free-will world, and looks like it's going to remain that way.
Ninae, you are making statements as if you are privy to info that others aren't. But, you're unwilling to share your 'source'. Why is that?
I don't have to share absolutely everything.

Some great channelings up today for what is The 11:11 Portal. I honestly wasn't expecting much as there always seem to be "portals" but I received a lot. I'll get into that more tomorrow so in the meantime you can have a look at those.

The Flame of Unity and Love Is Ablaze - All Come!
by Sananda and Archangel Michael


The Changing of the Guard Is Underway

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters, I want to send you this message to offer reassurance and comfort in these last hours under the shadow of the old, troubled and destructive programs you had become so used to. You have felt the impact of the intense and punishing frequency attacks, even as we have worked diligently from above and on the ground to dismantle them.

We have sometimes chuckled with our human co-workers that it has been a bit like Whack-a-Mole: each installation that shut down, another took its place, and we resolved each issue as it popped up, just as we have done in the financial sector. Your safety, your happiness, and the smooth, uninterrupted distribution of your Prosperity Funds and the establishment of your numerous Freedom Programs are our primary concern.

The secret cabal programs were massively funded, intricately interconnected, and covered the entire globe. As enslaved minions by the thousands broke free to come forward for protection and healing, and the permanent installations were dismantled, mobile units in trucks, airplanes and drones were mustered. These last ditch technologies are mostly manned now by the most hard-bitten of the old guard cabal members, in their efforts to hang on, if only for a few more minutes, to their delusions of grandeur.

The news is out, Dear Friends, that Mother and Father God's prophesied end to the dark times is true, and it being enacted NOW. Do not be disturbed by the "news" of financial collapse (It is the cabal system that is collapsing, of course), or the alarmists who fill the internet with disaster scenarios like incoming asteroids, evil alien invasions and such nonsense. These are nothing more than propaganda messages from the very ones who created the suffering on Earth.

None of these things will be allowed. You are being protected by the Ashtar Command, backed up by billions - yes, billions - of benevolent Brothers and Sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light. You will soon be able to see the millions of beautiful ships in your skies, and I can tell you, they are a wondrous sight.

Add Your Sacred Fire to to the Torch of Love & Unity

My message is simply this: Do not worry; do not fear; do not allow your mood or your thinking to be disrupted by ANYTHING in these last hours. Continue to carry the torch of Freedom, Beloved Ones, as you have done so effectively for so long. As you, the torch bearers, enter the Cosmic Olympic Stadium, you will join your flames to create the great and triumphant eternal Flame of Freedom which will now be reignited on Earth.

Long ago, before Lemuria sank, the priests and priestesses of the time foretold that the surface of Earth was headed for a long spiral downward into the experience of darkness and extreme duality. In their wisdom, and with Mother and Father God's permission, the eternal sacred flames that had burned brightly all across the surface of Earth were moved to many higher dimensional Etheric Retreats. The ongoing ceremony I now invite you to is the re-lighting of the sacred flames on the surface of Earth. We begin with the flame of Unity on this day, 11/11/15.

Whenever you read this, go within and bring your treasured contribution. Come into the cheering stadium, be seen on the great cosmic Jumbotron, as you commingle your torch flame with the mighty flame of Unity and Love. As you read Michael's following message, keep the flame of Unity consciousness and compassion for all burning brightly in your hearts.

I am your loving Brother Sananda.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, November 11, 2015

Archangel Michael:

Dearest bright shiny Family of Earth, it is I, your loving brother Michael. I come to you on this auspicious day of 11/11 brimming with the exhilaration and anticipation that we in the Company of Heaven are feeling now.

Truly, your long awaited and hard-earned Freedom Programs are well underway. Get ready to trip the Light fantastic as you experience what's coming: RV/GCR, NESARA/GESARA, worldwide release of healing and free energy technologies, abolishment of illegal government practices, the Debt Forgiveness Jubilee, the Disclosure Announcements, the Mass Landings, Mentorship Program and more!

Of course, these events have long been in motion, humming and sometimes inching along just behind the scenes. SOON it will feel to many as though these terrific endeavors simply burst forth from the wild blue yonder. It is so thrilling because ALL will benefit from these blessed and assured events. It is a sequence of occurrences that brings understanding, peace, freedom and joy to everyone!

How will you react when the true picture of the horrors that have been taking place on Earth are fully revealed? How humanity responds to the full scope of damage and evil that you have been living with will be the next significant milestone for the inhabitants of Earth. The conditions across Terra are shockingly worse and terrifyingly more painful than you yet comprehend. I do not say this to scare or worry you. You are mature and wise; you are ready to look at things for what they are. You have worked tirelessly to prepare for your grand Ascension from the 3 rd to the 5th dimension. You are the strongest of the strong.

Respond with Love. Love. Love.

You know inside what Love is and what it is not. Every Soul is a child of Mother Father God and so gifted with knowing what Love is. Confusion, entitlement, grudges - anything that keeps you from loving - is a choice. Go into your heart and choose Love at all times and in all conditions.

Should you feel yourself lose your grip on Love, even for an instant, call to us, and we will rush to your aid with an army of Angels to support you. We will always be there to shower you with Love and to help you remember - the only answer to every question and the only way to live is Love.

And this is where our story begins! As you have surmised, millions of Lightworkers are in similar situations all across this glorious world, wrapping up projects and already moving into the next magnificent phase of Life on Earth. We are with you - closer than ever before!

Each event coming will stun you with its beauty and delight you with its wonder. Freedom begins now. We are jumping up and down with joy because we cannot wait to unleash all the marvelous surprises we have waiting for you! We cannot wait to hold you close in our arms.

Thank you for your courage and for your service. I bow to you.

Your brother, Michael

Transcribed by Christine Burk, November 11, 2015

"The 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels"
Archangel Gabriel through Shanta Gabriel

Dear Ones,

On November 11, the exalted moment of 11:11 for this year, the Archangels hold the Celestial Gateway open so you can access your Golden Template of Light - the 5th dimensional template for your new crystalline light body holding the frequencies for full divinity within your human form.

As you step through the Gateway, you are fully supported by the Angelic Dimensions to anchor this divine template of Light into your human form. It has been divinely decreed that on this day of 11-11, your new Golden Template is activated for you to fully download into your life.

When you have the preparation established within you, it is exhilarating to step through the portal provided by the Archangels during this 11:11 opening. The Gateways of Power are clear entries established on inter-dimensional levels, to create alignment within your energy systems. You are being offered an empowerment so you can feel the operation of higher frequencies in a condensed moment of time.

Once you sense the alignment within yourself, you are forever changed. You can claim this empowerment, access these exalted states that exist beyond the Gateway and use them to bless your own life and all of humanity.

The Gateway of the Archangels

On November 11, your Golden Crystalline Template is activated to be grounded into the new frequencies of your human body through access to the pathways opened by the Archangels. Archangel Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Sandalphon stand present as they hold Divine Light in massive pillars at the gateway that opens for you during this sacred moment in time.

Archangel Sandalphon holds frequencies of Earth's crystalline grid so you can anchor and become familiar with the new 5D energy systems.

Archangel Gabriel holds the power for Balance of the sacred masculine and feminine to awaken on the Earth, which allows Unity consciousness within each man, woman and child.

Archangel Michael offers you the courage to step into your highest potential as a blended divine human in 5D consciousness.

Archangel Raphael offers immersion into the Light of Divine Love that permeates every cell and brings into you the highest frequency your human form can integrate in this sacred moment of 11:11.

How to Step through the Gateway

Bring the Soul's vision from your Higher Self for the new life you desire to awaken into your conscious awareness, honor it and hold it in your heart. Invite the Archangels for assistance to anchor the higher 5D frequencies very gracefully
into your human form. Ask to be in Harmony with the new crystalline Golden Template as decreed by your Soul's original blueprint to bring divinity into your human form.

Take sacred time during the 24 hours of November 11, most especially at the moments a digital clock displays 11:11, to anchor these intentions and visualize the Gateway of Power. The Archangels standing guard over the gateway are holding this expansive Portal of Golden Light open for you. See them standing there; massive wings of Light expanded in dedication to your own evolution and that of the Earth. These great Archangels are bringing to you a blessing from God.

When you walk through this gateway, holding the vision for new life of Peace and Harmony on the Earth, you align with the forces of all Creation, and a high level of Unity fills your world. That which does not align with these new frequencies of energy drops away. The old frequencies and energy systems cannot exist simultaneously, when your Soul becomes aligned with its purpose in an empowered, integrated way.

In the holy instant of profound opening, the Gateway of the Archangels awakens your divinity into alignment with your physical form, as you step into the 5D Golden Template for new life on Earth. Know that as you claim this for yourself, these frequencies bless all of humanity in this moment of awakening.
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Ninae, you seem to make unfounded assumptions about your "evidence."

What is the 5th dimension, from your own point of view?

Is it another spatial dimension? How would it interact with the other 3 spatial dimensions.

What you have quoted is irrelevant.

While it maybe true that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence in all cases, in this case it seems to hold true.

P ⇒ Q, ¬Q ⊢ ¬P

If Ninae is correct, she will post relevant evidence and explain her hypothesis.

Ninae posts irrelevant evidence and does not explain her hypothesis.

Therefore, Ninae is incorrect.

It is reasonable to take absence of proof of the existence of 5D as positive proof of its non-existence.

Please explain how the above is an argument from ignroance, if that is the case.
I get offended when people equate spiritual experience with mental illness. It's the ultimate cop out. If we can't trust our experience than who do we trust? Someone else's experience? It's the cognitive dissonance this produces that makes me feel crazy, not the experiences I'm having. I'm happy experiencing my reality and I work hard on integrating it so it doesn't step all over the experiences of others. If our experience is not a valid barometer for reality, then we got problems right? Well if the OP is crazy than so am I, only she is braver than I for relentlessly sharing it with the world. This is a P&S forum where people discuss spiritual matters. I personally find it rude to diagnose others mental health based on their spiritual experiences and the content of that experience. There's a separate forum for mental health issues if that's ones thing.

It's obvious to me that reality is changing, because my reality is changing. Life talks to me in a much more direct way and I'm listening and humbled. It also talks to everyone else. When I bother to investigate the commonality of the experiences some are claiming to have, I find we are all speaking a different language but there are many common threads. That interests me tremendously. There's no lack of serendipities and my connection with God helps me purify it. It's that simple. It's that organic. If you need proof (often that's simply another word for ammunition) to validate the extent of my delusion, no thanks. I've already been down that road. There's countless websites dedicated to this, there are thousands of posts here talking about it, millions out there claiming it. If war broke out would you believe it? If the economy collapsed would you believe it? If you had an amazing spiritual experience would you believe it? If aliens landed in your back yard would you believe it?

There is absolutely no point arguing if you aren't open to that sort of thing as a premise. So if you're feeling it cool, thanks for sharing. It can be lonely at times so feels good to know I'm not the only one. If you're not, oh well, don't feel bad. It took me a couple experiences of cosmic consciousness and serendipities so ridiculous I thought the universe was making fun of me to start saying, hmmm, maybe somethings going on. Lol. Oh well, I probably get the prize for being the most obtuse of the bunch. Seems the rate at which the individual goes through this wakeup process is not so much determined by convincing intellectual arguments, rather by the degree of mental resilience that the individual can handle when considering the corollary of the newly discovered reality. Of well, I forgive myself. I blame the matrix. Why else would the beautiful, infinite beings of spirit we all are find ourselves in such a limited biological existence fending for limited resources and suffering because of it? That to me is crazy. Still not sure what I'm gonna do about it except keep learning, keep praying and sharing this with God and offering support to those that are awakening around me (I've come across several already, including my sister and it can be rather unsettling for everyone involved.). Anyways, the gnostics figured this all out long ago.

I blame the matrix. Why else would the beautiful, infinite beings of spirit we all are find ourselves in such a limited biological existence fending for limited resources and suffering because of it? That to me is crazy.

The Cube of Saturn. The symbol of this 3rd dimensional world - with the physical, emotional, and mental aspects but closed off to the higher planes of light and love/unity/bliss consciousness (cue drug-abuse).

It's represented by a black cube, as even though it's made up of both light and darkness it's like being in darkness compared to the higher planes that we also have bodies or consciousness-layers in. The prison of the material world.

But it feels as if a dam has broken now, we'll see what others say, but I'm hopeful it will be easy from here.