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Is 80mg of adderall too much???


Jan 6, 2010
Ive been using adderall on and off for a while, and never went past 65 mgs

Well Ive been poppin them throughout the day, I had a massive hangover from last night so i took a few, and wound up taking more, and wound up taking my last one a few min ago...

I know 80mg is a high dose but have others done this and been okay? Its not like I popped them all i at once ive been spacing...but im not going over 80 thats forsure

How is the comedown??

To tell you the truth ive only had 1 comedown on the many times ive done adderall, and it was 40mg XRs my first time, and I snorted the last 2, and when I came down it was pretty rough, so I decided not to snort them again and since Ive never had a comedown.

I try to have a few beers and maybe smoke some indica medical weed and find it helps, and take benzos to help sleep sometimes, so ive never gotten a bad comedown other than the time I snorted them.

I know im probably not going to sleep tonight, which is fine, but just wondering if anyone else has done as high as 80mg and been alrite

As much input would be great thanks :)
btw these are 10mg IR not XR

Which is strange, I find I have worse comedowns on XR than IR

Even times I did 40 mg XR swallowed, I noticed I got a slight comedown, but never with IR

Weird huh?
If you can handle 40mg your first time then you'll be fine with 80mg with your tolerance. Just don't keep redosing to keep the psychoses at bay.
I think it is too much, I would only prefer to take 10mg of IR Adderall at a time.

80mg of it is a bit much, but it's really up to you what you want to do with it.

Basic dosing questions belong in BDD though.
Ohh im sorry, my bad, I just thought this thread would get more attenton in the "other drugs" section

So far im still feeling great, I cant believe how much more I perfer IR over XR (my doctor just changed it), and im still goin strong off 80 no sign of comedown, although I did pop about 2 hours ago.

Anyone have any idea for how long before the comedown?
80 is kind of a high dose, I wouldn't recommend anyone new to this drug starts out near there but if you're tolerant, you're tolerant.

I haven't been on it for very long but my comedowns don't last long and are mainly psychological, like I can do things to get my mind off it. So far I am always able to sleep them off. I am on Lexapro 30mg daily which also totally combats the comedown syndrome.
not to size up my cock but when i would binge on adderal---i would sometimes take up to 200+mgs IR in a 12 hour period...thats wayt too much..80mgs ir is an excellent recreational dose IME
I know 80mg is a high dose but have others done this and been okay?

Yes, I have done doses higher than this. I've been prescribed that dose + 10. I don't want to dick size with how much I've taken so I won't.

How is the comedown??

Just tired. Although I'm also prescribed Klonopin with my Adderall so its probably easier for me.

I know im probably not going to sleep tonight, which is fine, but just wondering if anyone else has done as high as 80mg and been alrite

Yes, many times times and been alright. With the doses you have taken before you should be just fine.
I had one hell of a horrible comedown of 80mg of dexedrine and no real jump in positive effects from 60. They're different though so can't really say.
80mg is tolerable though scary because it makes one thinmk of OD and one's mortality too much, as you might think by nowq yuou have--in the end, one survives amphetamines. but the ride is nasty. and scary. keep in mind the mortal/hospitalizable dose in a nontolerant individual is 1-2grams. that's 1000-2000mg. Anyone having 80mg is nowhere near--you, or anyone else reading this, will be fine. All--the MAX--80mg will bring is fear and unpleasantness. Also, adderall is a very slow-delivery form of taking amphetamine (being XR, entering through the allimentary canal, etc) so if people are alright smoking over 80mg at a time, certainly swallowing the same in slow-release form won't harm you more than you allow your mental state to harm you.
Tolerable though scary

I notice there are a lot of people here that think 80mg is no big deal and I'm sure it's not to their tolerance levels. Just for harm reductions sake from inchem.org regarding adult amphetamine overdose cases:

"Fatalities have been reported following ingestion of doses as low as 1.3 mg/kg"

So that means if you weigh 185lbs, a dose of 120mg could potentially be fatal, that's only 6 20mg IR tabs. There are lots of variables here obviously.

Conversely, also from inchem.org:

"tolerance has been developed to 1,000 mg at a time and up to 5 g in a day"

Still, I would not recommend more then 20mg to start for any speed rookie. You can always add more if the effect is not enough. Starting too high is what you do if you intend to eventually die from drugs. I've seen 3 close friends die from overdoing it with that mentality. Not from Amphetamine but heroin, still, it seems the problem with ODing on this drug is surviving it retarded.

80mg is tolerable though scary

I notice there are a lot of people here that think 80mg is no big deal and I'm sure it's not to their tolerance levels. Just for harm reductions sake from inchem.org regarding adult amphetamine overdose cases:

"Fatalities have been reported following ingestion of doses as low as 1.3 mg/kg"

So that means if you weigh 185lbs, a dose of 120mg could potentially be fatal, that's only 6 20mg IR tabs. There are lots of variables here obviously.

Conversely, also from inchem.org:

"tolerance has been developed to 1,000 mg at a time and up to 5 g in a day"

Still, I would not recommend more then 20mg to start for any speed rookie. You can always add more if the effect is not enough. Starting too high is what you do if you intend to eventually die from drugs. I've seen 3 close friends die from overdoing it with that mentality. Not from Amphetamine but heroin, still, it seems the problem with ODing on this drug is surviving it retarded.


The OP is not a "speed rookie". He has tried it before at 65mg. So no, 80mg is not a big deal for someone with his tolerance. Moving up 15mg is not going to cause any problem. As far as OD'ing from amphetamines, it takes an awful high dose unless you suffer heart problems.

I agree that 80mg would be too high of a dose for a beginner with no tolerance to abuse. I however don't agree with your recommended dose to begin with for a starter looking "to get high". I believe 30mg would be a better suggested dose for someone looking "to get high".

So someone with your tolerance, 80mg is a fine dose to try.
I wound up taking 80 mg, couldnt fall asleep, so I went to a friends house and took about 30mg more and snorted god knows how many lines.

Since then ive been binging, and got 7 hours in 4 days, but yesterday i took 120mg spread out, and took xanex to help me sleep.

Well....all hell broke loose on me today and im a fuckin wreck. Honestly one of the worst comedowns next to my old days of binging on huge amounts of mdma. I honestly cant describe how horrible it is, but all I know is: while I am new, I dont consider myself a "speed rookie" as you put it, so i have killed my entire 2 scripts in less than a couple weeks, and Im done with speed for quite a long time.

I strongly, strongly recomend taking this drug seriously, as it can be not only addictive, but is very serious.
LonE1: That's a bitch. Now you got 2 weeks of hard time to serve.

K'd-OUT-in-AZ: I got pretty darn good on my first 20, I'm sure 30 would be a fine starter as well, just sayin.
I believe 30mg would be a better suggested dose for someone looking "to get high".

This should be the dose Bluelight suggests for some audiences. Relatively healthy (a greater percentage of people) should find out how to appropriately "get high" off it while we still keep their dose relatively low based on amphetamine toxicity (virtuoso harm reduction). We need not suggest a diminutive dosage (doesn't provide a buzz) because people can always establish their own dosage later. I would say that there is a good chance visitors will follow the low-dose recommendation, barely "get high", and then discredit Bluelight's advice on everything involving Adderall (amphetamine salts) which is not desirable; Bluelight is then less effulgent.

A good first dose of Adderall for someone partying or something on it (ATTENTION: IF YOU WANT TO PARTY HARDER, TAKE BEADS OUT OF ANY ER PILL AND CRUSH IT ---> IR): 30mg.

A good first dose of Adderall for someone studying or just chilling, with or without cannabis psychoactive effects, who could appreciate subtlety more: 20mg.

A good first dose of Adderall for someone wanting to use it as a nootropic: 10mg.
Unless your hella sensitive, then no. I was scripted 30mg x 2, a day and my bp was 120/80. After tolerance, I have taken upwards of 240 mg. These diseases are all with proper diet/nutrition.

Sorry, I meant to say doses.
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Less is more when it comes to amphetamines. I say once you top 60mg's (which is still a lot) it just gets too anxiety inducing along with a body-load/side-effects.

IMO 20-40mgs is good enough. If you require more than 60 I suggest dropping it altogether. It just leads you on a vicious cycle and you gain nothing.
I only do addy like 2 times a month but when I do I normally do 6-7 20mg at one time sniffing it. But I've been on opioids for years and I'm on suboxone idk if that causes it not to work or what. When I got back from rehab for 12 days I did 2 20mg at once and was ok. Wasn't the high I wanted but I know not to jump back into things where I left off. It's really. Up to the user and how you wana feel. I wouldn't do more then 200mg a day or use back to back 2 days up coming down off addys sucks...worse then withdrawal.
While I'm here I might as well answer a few other question. "Yes" you can shoot addy I personally use 25ml of yellow food coloring for the "ethylene glycol" main ingredient in food coloring but if u were to get a shot in the hospital of xanex or anything like that the shot would be 40% (EG) ethylene glycol. It's used to break down the solid form and seperate the drug. So this is just what I do myself. 25ml yellow food coloring (any color works) it's just a looks thing for me is why I use yellow. Then 75water only do 1 tablet at a time w this. If ur gonna do another repeat steps. But anyway I would rather sniff em cause shooting wears off to fast and idk if u get it all. Like shooting a 20mg IR would be like sniffing a 7.5-10mg IR. And another thing idk what weight or sex or height has to do with anything but I'm pretty small 6'2" 138lb
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I need help, I took 80mg of adderall for the first time, and I'm scared I oded, my chest hurts, and I get dizzy, but I'm scared to go to the hospital because I'm not prescribed please help