Introducing the Bluelight Gallery (merged)

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Mar 16, 2001
Introducing the Bluelight Gallery

Bluelight is pleased to announce its new "Bluelight Gallery" feature. It is an an interactive photo gallery where users can upload their own images to our server and Bluelighters can add comments. We are using PhotoPost 4.01, which is arguably the best photo gallery software available right now.

Each registered poster can upload a maximum of 10MB of pictures. Bluelighters are free to later delete these pictures at any time. You can also create subcategories within your account to help keep things organized. Other people can add comments or rate your pictures. Users have the option of being notified by email when someone posts a comment to one of their pictures. The whole thing is connected to vBulletin. Each "comment" you make in the Gallery adds to your main post count.

Many different categories are available. Users can upload photos to a specific category or to their own gallery. For instance, if you want to add a picture of your dog, upload it to the "pets" category. Not only will your dog appear under "pets", it will also appear under your personal category. Or if you are shy, put the picture under your personal category but people looking through the pets category will not see it!

The Gallery is also searchable. Well, if people don't get lazy and remember to use the keyword function appropriately. So if you are uploading pictures from a party, put the name of the party in the keyword area so people will be able to find it with a search! You can also mark things as your "favorites" to save certain pictures for later.

Gif images

Okay, that's the good news. Here is some bad news!

All .gif images are not allowed because of their patent issues. This is beyond our control and please read this link understand the situation:

Solution? If you have a .gif image that you want to upload to Gallery, just convert it to a .jpg image. If you are not sure how to do this, here is the easiest solution:

  • Download Irfanview (a freeware program!) by clicking: here
  • Install it!
  • Start Irfanview and open your .gif image
  • Simply do a "save as" and save the picture as a .jpg/.jpeg image
  • That should do it!

Sorry for the .gif inconvenience but it is out of our hands. A preliminary check showed that .gif images were only 5-10% of the old Bluelight "pic" page, so .jpg is much more widely used.

And now, yes indeed, it is time to discuss the RULES!

Bluelight User Agreement applies to everything! Here are the preliminary rules...nothing new here, just expanding from BLUA:

1. A picture showing small quantities of drugs is fine. In fact, there is a "Drug Picture" category so it is actually encouraged. Posting pictures of kilos of cocaine, however, would indicate criminal intentions and that violates BLUA #1. Personal use quantities only!

2. Posting pictures of people without their consent would be a violation of BLUA #3. If you upload a group photo, please make sure you have everyone's permission to do so. If someone complains, it gets taken down!

3. Do not post any copyrighted images! That is also from BLUA #3.

4. Quoting from BLUA #4: "[Do not] upload any content that victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or any other reason."

Please note that all pictures must be approved by the Gallery moderators. The Gallery moderators will also watch the comments. There is a "report" function with four reasons: inappropriate material, copyright infringement, image in wrong category and the all-inclusive "other". If you see a picture or comment that is out of line, use the "report this photo" option and explain the situation.

The Gallery moderators will be michael, randycaver and Strawberry_Lovemuffin. They can be reached at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments.

Notice: The old Bluelight picture page is now obsolete! Begin transferring your images to the new Gallery immediately! The old page is now hidden from view but you can still access it:

It will be taken down one month from now!

Gallery will be an ongoing project for the next few days but we are releasing it to the public at this time! Please be realistic about making your comments and complaints. If you have betters ideas regarding .gif to .jpg conversion, please volunteer them!

You can access the Gallery at this address:

or by clicking the "Gallery" button on the top righthand corner of your screen (between Journal and Chat)!

Credits: chr1.5, skydancer, Catch-22 and Jase got this thing running.
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looks good! much more convenient than having to look for online hosts =D

Wow first the journals now this? Its amazing how this site just keeps getting better. Big ups to all the admins mods and everyone else who keeps this going!
I chalenge anyone who says Bluelight isnt the best (or up there) online comunity there is!! :)
I'm getting an error that says my file type (6) is not supported when trying to upload a .jpg file?
I was not aware there are still gif patents in the UK and Canada amongst other places. Blasted gifs!

Nice addition everyone =D
Once they are in Irfanview how do you make the actualy file size smaller so they can be uploaded?
1. Find the picture you want to re-size and load it into irfanview.
2. Go to Image, go to Resize/Resample.
3. Shape as needed.
the gallery is pretty darn sharp. can a gallery photo's url then be used within
A recent picture is featured on front page thanks to an addition by skydancer! :)
michael said:
can a gallery photo's url then be used within tags in the other forums? if so everyone's photo hosting problems have been solved! [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes. :)

(Hot-linking our pictures on other sites is not possible, you can post the link to your personal gallery.)
beautiful! maybe now i will never have to follow broken yahoo picture links again.

(at least, not from here)
btw for macs you can use DropJPEG to convert your images.

note: i don't use this software and can't answer questions about it. it's freeware. personally i use GraphicConverter, which is excellent shareware and well worth the $35 price tag.
been waiting for a place like this to happen...have wnted to put up photos for ages...nice work guys :)
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