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Hi. Opiates, benzos and booze are my problems. Currently 1st night kicking oxy and h, not because I want to, because I'm out of everything. Been off the booze a week.
Feeling like hell. I'm desperate enough to consider methadone

I'm not new to BL but for the first time I have to accept the fact that I am a true addict. Not necessarily physically dependent on all the following, but: benzos, heroin, crack, and I guess you could add weed in there (psychologically). I also used to be a moderate smoker and fairly heavy drinker but thankfully I quit those early on. Well, I don't know about "thankfully", seeing that now my DOC is smack and crack. I'm already pawning shit for more dope and owe a grand to my weed guy. Have gotten clean at least 5 times and time I relapse ever harder. Never thought I'd be the heroin and crack girl, but here I am.
Hi, I'm a 44 year old male, married with 4 kids ages 4-12. Having issues with norco right now. Initially diagnosed in October 2015 with trigerminal neuralgia, which they started me on gabapentin 3x300mg daily. Neurologist referred me to ENT doctor. ENT doc refined diagnosis to sialadenitis. About a month ago I had surgery (parotidectomy) I've been taking norco for my pre-existing condition and post surgical pain- about 4 1/2 months now. I have a history of alcohol abuse, but I haven't had a drink since May of 2014. I'm really struggling right now with tapering, the depression and concurrent anxiety is difficult. I have about 12 Xanax pills and 10 tramadol. I also have the gabapentin and trazadone, which I take nightly. I've detoxed from Vicodin before, and both times I did it, I developed horrible psychosis, ushered by wicked insomnia. Even now I am on the threshold of that psychosis, but this was started because of a antibiotic called Levaquin, which they gave me due to a post surgical infection. I didn't take much of it, but the side effects were brutal. I should note that during both of my previous psychotic breaks, I had to physically move out of the apartments I lived in. My wife (then girlfriend) was party to one of those moves. She ain't having it now, that's for sure. I like blue light, it seems a bit more geared towards healing than erowid vaults do. I found BL through a web search for opiate withdrawal remedies. Thanks.

""Not all those who wander are lost."
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It all started with a healthy decision to lose weight. I was 5'8'' and 13st, which for my build and height was overweight, not horrifically so but in the gay world where only hedonism and aesthetics seem to matter it was fat. They always say you can be straight skinny but you're gay fat. Anyway, I hooked up with this guy on Grindr, went round his house and took my top off and he said "No mate, I don't do fat" which was harsh given that I wasn't that overweight and the phrasing was cruel - it has really stuck with me. I used it though, it became sort of the 'Christina Aguilera's Fighter' for my exercise programme. I lost 3.5st (~23kgs) in four months - the healthy way, at this time I had never tried drugs, and was so happy by the new year I went to a gay men's sauna. Here, I met my beekeeper who after fucking me gave me a free bag of mephedrone. I'd never tried it but I wanted to and so that's where it started.

It moved from saunas to chillouts fairly quickly but I was definitely a sex addict at this point and was using sex as a form of validation. I used to hate the weight but I'd lost the weight and now all I hated was me. I combined the two - drugs and sex - known as the chemsex scene in London and believe me, it is prolific. Dancing shirtless till dawn in a grotty but fun east London venue then pulling a guy, going to a group sex party dosing up on GBL and snorting Mephedrone for a whole weekend and then rolling into work on Monday and barely able to get through the day. I met my (then) boyfriend and we did this chemsex scene for about 8 months, we would work in the week and spend all weekend fucking and getting high at east London chillouts. My mind was conditioned that if someone went for me at a party, it meant I was worth something, the aim for me was to get as many as possible. The more guys interested, the better prize you are. But GBL is fucking risky, I G-ed out several times and was raped three times last year. It is literally a miracle I am not HIV+, statistically - I should be with the reckless chances I've taken. The worst health episode was a three-day hospital stay for orbital cellulitis - nearly lost my sight, nearly got meningitis.

Then I was introduced to Tina (Crystal Meth), which is what it's called on the chemsex scene. It was always at parties but I always declined, that was a line too far. But then I caved and had a blowback, then it escalated from there. All this time, my original beekeeper and I became closer and closer as friends. We have an inseparable bond and I cant be away from him for more than a couple of days without missing him painfully but with being a beekeeper come the bees - easy access, cheap as shit - barely a cost. I started to sort his life admin for him, his English is a little ropey at times and he struggles to write. I'm a personal assistant to an Education Director of a company so I can handle sorting out people's life admin and in exchange for this I got anything I wanted for free. Well, I chose Tina. I then started beekeeping on the side, I didn't need the money but I enjoyed it. I was incredibly OCD and had a complicated code of records and systems and failsafes. Probably the most pedantic and organised beekeeper in the world. Tina plus label makers equals a lot of wasted time. Beekeeping was overwhelming, it was hard not to get stung by the pressure of it especially after a 6-day binge and I have depressive and suicidal tendencies which are out of control sometimes, I go into pit of physical despair where I cant move or talk and I cant bear to be anywhere but an enclosed space with a locked door so no-one can get in but yet I hate the loneliness of it.

I had a complete breakdown having lost more weight, looking gaunt and skeletal and with meth face, I quit cold turkey for 4 weeks on the 28th January. I've started up again though, I managed to use coke, mephedrone and speed to keep me occupied off the T for that time but I have gone back and the habit is creeping up. I'm finding that I am losing more and more friends. My family are detaching from me and I am struggling to meet the demands of my job. I'm in therapy but I don't it's working and the citalopram have been a godsend but I feel apathy rather than depression. I'm still not happy. I can't be happy without Tina and my beekeeper.

I tried K the other day and I has really perked me up, experiencing the afterlife and leaning into death has given me a new lease on life. Something happened there that made sense and I felt good about myself for the first time in ages. I really think that so long as I don't get addicted to the Ket then I can use it to drive me forward to give me goals and hopes. I want to want to want to be here. I want to care about whether I'm here or not, but the apathy is sometimes overwhelming.

Thanks if you read through this - it feels nice to write it all out like that, sorry if I rambled.
^Hey, welcome to TDS. It sounds like what you want and need is to escape the self-loathing. IMO, self-loathing is the hallmark of our era. It's distressing to me to see so many young people (you are all young to me!;)) burdened with this. Each of us has to untangle the roots of this killer for ourselves because though the condition is identical the roots can be wildly varied and diverse. Homophobia has surely played a part in your story. I hope that you can stay away from the meth--it's a seductive road even when everyone knows how it usually ends.
I'm 36. Afghan vet with ptsd. I take pain meds for injuries and went completely of the rails. I was over doing every drug I could get
I isolated myself from family and friends so they never knew
After a binge I read some comments on s post I made and realized I was killing myself
I've stopped and just taking my pain meds Stressed out and alone but can't go back. I was diagnosed with MS and the rate I was going I'd be dead in a month if I didn't stop. People here caring about my wellbeing really helped me realize what I was doing
I can't go back
Sweetyjane, I am so glad that you are back on your meds as prescribed.I am sorry that you feel stressed and alone. If you ever need to talk I am a PM away.<3 (I will be gone for about two weeks starting April 3 however so please don't hesitate to reach out to any of the mods at any time.)<3
I must admit, I am scared of something. Although now I can drink moderately, helped others to overcome addiction problems BUT my partner was diagnosed with terminal cancer recently, to die in a not so far future. Hence, in spite of the fact I wrote books about alcohol, now I am vulnerable myself, I am acting to protect myself, I am reaching out, I decided to join this group so that alcoholism does not show me its ugly face again under the excuse of bereavement.
SergeKolpa, welcome to Bluelight. My husband also has a terminal cancer although he is a mystery to his doctors (doing relatively well) and no one has ever given us any kind of time frame. That is going to call on you to dive into living in the present as never before. I hope that you realize that your vulnerability will be the source of your courage in all this. Don't fall prey to the myth that you have to be strong for your partner by hiding or suppressing your fears and emotions. Believe me, there is no way around the travesty of losing someone you love with all your heart--only through, never around. If I can be of any help at all, please feel free to contact me. While alcohol may offer you a temporary relief it will bring you years of unnecessary pain. One of the best gifts you can give to your partner is the gift of being fully present.<3
Welcome to Bluelight Serge! I am so sorry to hear about your partner. While you take care of him don't forget to also take care of yourself. If you don't take care of you it will impact the level of care you can give to your partner. Also, you have to continue to live, even after your partner passes, you cannot let everything else fall apart regardless of how tempting it is. This will be one of the most difficult times in your life, and I am so very sorry you are going through this.

Regarding your sobriety- I think you need to make it a priority. I have read some of your other posts today and I gather you are struggling. I am sorry you have to deal with that along with the pain of your partner's illness. I think you should talk to your doctor about the Vivitrol shot. I found that it lowers anxiety and helps to remove cravings. It also keeps you from getting any pleasure from alcohol, so there is little incentive to drink. It's good insurance against a relapse. You need clarity right now, and a relapse is just going to make the situation exponentially worse.

Five years ago I cared for somebody close who had terminal cancer. It went on for a year. It was one of the hardest experiences I have had, and nothing in life prepared me for that situation. I relapsed briefly during that time, got clean, and then relapsed again after he passed. I promise you that drinking makes everything worse, and in a situation like the one you're in, it will not give you the escape you are looking for. The guilt is far greater than regular relapse guilt. Please stay strong for your partner and for you. I wish you the best!
I'm sorry to hear all these sad happening to most of us. This year is not at all as expected. Sobriety makes us different, serious and we relearn to deal with all of our emotions, problems and sadness. Once we let all these 'drug related' issues go a torment of feelings just pour on us.
I was glad to read that vulnerability does not necessarily makes us weak. It's an everyday fight. :\
...I think you should talk to your doctor about the Vivitrol shot. I found that it lowers anxiety and helps to remove cravings. It also keeps you from getting any pleasure from alcohol, so there is little incentive to drink. It's good insurance against a relapse. You need clarity right now, and a relapse is just going to make the situation exponentially worse...

Thank you for the kind words and advice. Incidentally I am seeing a doctor tomorrow I will ask for Vivitrol.
Thank you for the kind words and advice. Incidentally I am seeing a doctor tomorrow I will ask for Vivitrol.

You may also want to inquire about Indural (propranolol). It's not addictive and works wonders for anxiety - it's a beta blocker and is primarily use for blood pressure, but it stop the adrenaline reaction with anxiety. It was a god send in early recovery.
I agree. It also works for rhythm disorders, circulation. Very comprehensive medication.
Hi everyone,

Not sure if I’m posting right or replying to someone’s post. I’m a long time lurker of Bluelight. Finally registered and got an account because shit is going off the rails and I don’t know what to do about it.

I’ve been struggling with opiate addiction, then pregabalin addiction for over 7 years now. About 4 years ago I decided to drop a bomb on my life-move 500km, self report myself to my regulatory college, file for sole custody. It’s been an absolute disaster and in terms of achieving my objective- sobriety, all I’ve done is get much better at hiding my using.

But I’m fucked. I know it. I’ve been to inpatient treatment, 100’s of NA meetings (gag me), MAT, CBT, DBT. All of these things help for a while and then shit goes side ways…

Right now I’m in a pretty bad bout of severe self isolation. The only social interaction I have is going to work and even then it’s a struggle to force myself to go. My using isn’t crazy- 2mg suboxone a day/300mg pregabalin (both prescribed) but the agoraphobia, difficultly with task initiation, no motivation, is killing me and my problems are slowly adding up.

I donno what to do. I don’t know how to fix my problems so I guess reaching out to strangers on the internet seems fairly logical. I hope I can help someone else here too. I sincerely hope anyone reading this is in a better place in their life then I am. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

God bless,
Hi everyone,

Not sure if I’m posting right or replying to someone’s post. I’m a long time lurker of Bluelight. Finally registered and got an account because shit is going off the rails and I don’t know what to do about it.

I’ve been struggling with opiate addiction, then pregabalin addiction for over 7 years now. About 4 years ago I decided to drop a bomb on my life-move 500km, self report myself to my regulatory college, file for sole custody. It’s been an absolute disaster and in terms of achieving my objective- sobriety, all I’ve done is get much better at hiding my using.

But I’m fucked. I know it. I’ve been to inpatient treatment, 100’s of NA meetings (gag me), MAT, CBT, DBT. All of these things help for a while and then shit goes side ways…

Right now I’m in a pretty bad bout of severe self isolation. The only social interaction I have is going to work and even then it’s a struggle to force myself to go. My using isn’t crazy- 2mg suboxone a day/300mg pregabalin (both prescribed) but the agoraphobia, difficultly with task initiation, no motivation, is killing me and my problems are slowly adding up.

I donno what to do. I don’t know how to fix my problems so I guess reaching out to strangers on the internet seems fairly logical. I hope I can help someone else here too. I sincerely hope anyone reading this is in a better place in their life then I am. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

God bless,
Hello @Conscious-signal-447, welcome to Bluelight and thank you for reaching out. I am sorry you are struggling to keep afloat. What are your intentions? Would you like advice on how to stop using drugs? Are you using anything that is not prescribed?

I don't have much experience with opiates so I hope you someone can chime in and help with some words of wisdom.
Hello @Conscious-signal-447, welcome to Bluelight and thank you for reaching out. I am sorry you are struggling to keep afloat. What are your intentions? Would you like advice on how to stop using drugs? Are you using anything that is not prescribed?

I don't have much experience with opiates so I hope you someone can chime in and help with some words of wisdom.
Hello @Conscious-signal-447, welcome to Bluelight and thank you for reaching out. I am sorry you are struggling to keep afloat. What are your intentions? Would you like advice on how to stop using drugs? Are you using anything that is not prescribed?

I don't have much experience with opiates so I hope you someone can chime in and help with some words of wisdom.
Hi Jerry,
Ideally i would like to stabilize and become more functional like socially speaking. Also, stabilize and gradually decrease pregabalin use. I don’t really know what is the root cause of my agoraphobia- prior to recovery this was never an issue.
As I mentioned there is a lot that I’ve tried without a whole lot of success.
I hope someone thinking about recovery doesn’t read this and use it as an excuse to not pursue recovery. Recovery seems to really work for some people, Ive met some people that have had astonishing success with it. But that just isn’t me and I’m just trying to be honest about where I am emotionally so I can find some solutions that work for me. Because what I am doing isn’t working at all right now.
I do not use more than what is prescribed opiate wise, or rather I haven’t since I went to inpatient treatment in August 2019. I was discharged on suboxone 24mg and have tapered to suboxone 2mg. I guess I feel like I can’t really say that I’m clean because of the suboxone.
I routinely misuse pregabalin. It is not a controlled substance where I live (yet) so I have at least 2 scripts rocking at any given time. I am prescribed pregabalin 150mg a day (one of my scripts anyway) but use between 300-600mg a day. It’s a horrific drug to try and get off of. Im no stranger to managing withdrawal symptoms but pregabalin is a different beast. I see a lot of people on here recommending it for the management of opiate withdrawal symptoms (this is how I was first introduced to it too) and let me save you a trip through hell- never use pregabalin for opiate withdrawals. Honestly like exhaust all other comfort medications (clonidine, loperamide, Advil, Tylenol, gabapentin if absolutely necessary, benzos short term for sleep etc) and then wait 72 hours before even considering pregabalin. If I had to do this all over again I would have taken the 3-5 ugly days of opiate withdrawal vs. Pregabalin addiction.
If I were reading this I think a logical question that I would have would be “jeez if you are having so much trouble with the pregabalin, why not go back to inpatient treatment?”. The answer is the medical community has still not recognized pregabalin addiction as a “thing”, despite the fact that the occurance of it is very well documented in Europe. No recognition of the disorder prevents inpatient admission from being covered by my extended health benefits. Secondly, I have a 4 year long custody/access family court battle that has literally drained every resource I have (including my pension, all savings, all lines of credit, etc) and any “relapse” would end my case in a bad way (according to my lawyer). Finally, as I mentioned in my intro, I self reported to my regulatory college (I’m a health care professional) and the hoops that I have had to jump through as a consequence are positively asinine. You would think that a health care professional self reporting an opiate addiction would be perceived as a responsible, healthy and safe (in terms for both the health care professional and the public they serve)…I certainly thought this would be the case but as it turns out I was dead wrong. You are treated equally as harshly for self reporting an addiction as if you overdosed at work and had to be resuscitated by your colleagues. Any “relapse” or even “lapse” would definitively end my career…such as it is. Presently I am randomly called 3 times a month to take a witnessed urine drug screen. This urine drug screen is in addition to the urine drug screens I do for my suboxone script. If even OTC drugs show up in my urine and I don’t have a script it is considered a relapse and breech of contract/professional misconduct.
So ya. I’m in between a rock and a hard place in the worse possible way. Can’t get help because I know what the fall out will look like, but can’t keep going as I am. If you have any advice at all I’m all ears. My situation feels totally untenable.
Thank you to whoever is reading this. I hope things are going better for you then they are for me.
