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Miscellaneous Interesting Drugs Presently Circulating Globally on Paper Blotters


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I can not keep track of the exotic or obscure but very desireable sounding drugs you guys outside of Australia talk about consuming. All I know is that besides 2c-b and LSD almost nothing mentioned is carried by local vendors here.

I also know that an Australian would be certifiably insane personally importing any quantity of powder, pill, or liquid by mail or any other method.

So, out of curioisity and without needing or wanting any specific sourcing details, I’m interested in knowing what is available out in the world on paper so I can suggest to my LSD vendor that he look into it…😇
I can not keep track of the exotic or obscure but very desireable sounding drugs you guys outside of Australia talk about consuming. All I know is that besides 2c-b and LSD almost nothing mentioned is carried by local vendors here.

I also know that an Australian would be certifiably insane personally importing any quantity of powder, pill, or liquid by mail or any other method.

So, out of curioisity and without needing or wanting any specific sourcing details, I’m interested in knowing what is available out in the world on paper so I can suggest to my LSD vendor that he look into it…😇
This is your conscience speaking... :cry:

I was under the impression that you were done with ALL of this shit.

And don't get pissy with me for butting in where I have no business in doing so and on a personal level. It's merely out of concern and respect for a good mind, an educated intellectual, and that I'd hate to see go to mush.
This is your conscience speaking... :cry:

I was under the impression that you were done with ALL of this shit.

And don't get pissy with me for butting in where I have no business in doing so and on a personal level. It's merely out of concern and respect for a good mind, an educated intellectual, and that I'd hate to see go to mush.
Hey man. Have you actually ever ventured into the Psychadelic Forums before? If not, welcome and I hope you enjoy the show.

I hope I have not inadvetrtently deceived anyone. I’m presently abstinent from all drugs except LSD. In fact I just finished a long post in another thread about taking a shitload of it accidentally last night.

I can trip at around lunchtime one day and be confident I’ll be at my desk 24 hours later working dilligently on my thesis. The same cannot be said of any other drug.

I submit my thesis at the end of February so I’m only personally committed to abstinence until then. Thereafter I intend to broaden my diet substantially but probably still exclude cocaine, meth, opiates, and anything needing to be injected.

This post is principally about LSD-analogues and a few other psychedelics which are really all that fit on blotters. I’m ok with those.
Hey man. Have you actually ever ventured into the Psychadelic Forums before? If not, welcome and I hope you enjoy the show.
Nope. But I've read enough of @AutoTripper's and @TripSitterNZ's posts to know that I shouldn't even be here. Only popped in here out of concern for you.

It's odd but there's a handful of active members around here that I become acutely aware of when they so ever so silently and stealthily missing in action or absent without leave. My knee jerk reaction: those cunts back on the Meth. hoping that nobody notices! :ROFLMAO:

I’m presently abstinent from all drugs except LSD.
Noted for the record!

In fact I just finished a long post in another thread about taking a shitload of it accidentally last night.
Yip. Just read that post. Sounds like it was a nice evening.
I can trip at around lunchtime one day and be confident I’ll be at my desk 24 hours later working dilligently on my thesis.
I can relate to this. I would often dose LSD the evening or even night before work.

It always worked out well. Was great actually. Usually hours 12-24 post trip I have a lot of energy, positive emotions, clear head and ready to go to work.
Never. Not once in my entire life (56 years and counting up fast). Honestly I don't have a clue.
what the fuck!~?

this makes me sad, angry, confused and concerned

I'm not gonna be "that guy" and say something silly like "you haven't experienced life until you've tripped"...... but yeah something like that
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Since joining BL again 2 years ago, I’ve had adventures with at least 3 drugs I’d never previously even heard of. I wonder why it does not have that effect on you? Too much time in CEPS probably.
Well let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I cannot say as some of the shit around these parts hasn't made me curious. Or that it hasn't triggered me if only psychologically and, well, ya know, wanna be part of the gang type of thing.

In truth: too much of a traditionalist (or dinosaur as I know somebody else around these parts will interpret that) i.e. only two substances that qualify as narcotics (somehow I manage to make the distinction between drugs and narcotics) and those are Cocaine and Heroin (which I distinctly remember you saying one fine day "great: my two least favorite drugs"). Heroin: fortunately never been on my radar (yeah: the scare tactics worked on me). Cocaine: went to shit two decades ago lucky for me. But I ain't no hero either i.e. if I was on my own and a member here I'd probably be singing a very different story and from a very different hymn book!

So as to not come across as sanctimonious here: I'm only too acutely aware of the fact that I gotta watch myself and remind myself of that saying "curiosity killed the cat".
I'm not gonna be "that guy" and say something silly like "you haven't experienced life until you've tripped"...... but yeah something like that
Feel free to be "that guy"! ❤️ :ROFLMAO:

I reckon I'd shit myself if I thought I saw one of these entities or thought that the grass (lawn) was talking to me! :ROFLMAO:

Fucking bad enough truly believing, while paranoid as fuck, from Crack that the DEA AND the ATF were about to bash the door down to catch me with my one little rock! And I don't even live in the US of A! :ROFLMAO:
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Last blotters I had, which were about a year ago, seemed to be quality LSD. Except that last hit of gel tabs. That was so menacing.

They weren't tested first, and were quite strong for me. So I would take 1/2 or 3/5 of a tab commonly.
See. Here we go. The mind starts churning and working overtime.

At the risk of coming across as a dumb ass: are these blotters to which you refer the same shit as that old blotting paper that was required in the days of the fountain pen? I'm not joking here. I've not seen that shit on sale in stationery stores for decades.
So that @dalpat077 doesn't have to feel like the square lone ranger here I will also make a confession. As we are both senior citizens hallucinogens weren't real popular as we were growing up. Lot of weed and alcohol but acid and LSD just weren't making the rounds back then. I also have never tripped. After high school it was powdered coke making the rounds and the occasional pill out of Grandma's medicine cabinet. Then in the 80's crack made the rounds and then ....well you all know where it went as all of you were just now being born.

I wouldn't be opposed to taking a little trip if I was with someone that I trusted. I believe introspection can be a good thing. But if anyone has had any kind of PTSD going on in their life I would be worried about the enhancement of it. Last thing I want to do is reflect on all the shitty situations I got myself into. I hear this class of drugs can be beneficial in certain people. Some have claimed they have come off opioids and meth with the help of them. Others seem to trip, come down, and be just fine. If people can enhance their life with them it seems like the least harmful way to get there.
If people can enhance their life with them it seems like the least harmful way to get there.
From all of the reading I've done around these parts I have to say I agree with you there and it does seem to be the case.

One thing that would concern me (although it could actually be fun): if there's any truth to this "we are all one in the universe" then it stands to reason that if I got a hold of some 5-Meow-Meow and ensured that I took it at the exact same time as @TripSitterNZ then we'd meet up somewhere in the ether right? :ROFLMAO:

Must admit: what interests me is how come (so it seems) the psychonaut fraternity always seem to see the same graphic or picture? I'll see if I can find it. Unless it's just simple conditioning and and association made with it on this topic: how is that possible?

Usually something along these lines:

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