IN, INDY - 12.31.08 Wednesday - NYE w/ StarSteady, Jared Curry, Dave Owen @ FortyFive

I was at Hoosier Mama at the purple underground since I wasnt 18 yet, it was on my birthday actually. We tried to get in but got turned back. It was dead until about 4am when all the kids showed up from Industry getting shut down because of the numerous overdoses and deaths (4 kids died that night?). That was an interesting night.
I didn't think there were any deaths that night. ODs, yes. But they [the owners] were eager to do another one after this party. I wouldn't think they'd be so keen had there actually been deaths.

Everyone was used to ODs, tho', because Utopia routinely had fish-outs and cross-overs for their Sunday nights around that time. It was worse for the queers than for the ravers around then.