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I'm Frightened I'm Fucked I'm Soulless

Hefe1313- Welcome to Bluelight. This place is not only a great resource but full of people with great advice and perspective. I hope you enjoy your stay here. To answer your question, I do have a passion. My career is as a fitness trainer with a specialty of nutrition, along with weight resistance exercises to help others feel their best. I get great joy in seeing my clients achieve things that they've never thought were possible. The irony isn't lost on me that I have plenty to fix with myself while doling out fitness advice to others. Something is still missing though, an emptyness,apathy.
Great to hear dude! Excellent!
Makes me happy to hear you have turned your life around.

I got high for like 3 years (drank for about 10) and I find socializing and exploring life to be fun and exciting. sometimes ill hop on a bus in the city and just see where it goes, listening to music, and exploring the city. when it gets warmer I'm gonna do more walking and exploring, maybe pack some lunch, and go urban exploring. or go hiking in the woods with some friends. video games can be a great escape as well. I'm thinking of picking up skyrim as its been out for a bit so the price should be lower now. also, pursuing women is fun too :D

Thanks for the note. I've followed your story. Congrats man, sounds like your on your way to the height of the mountain top, where the sky is brighter and the air cleaner. Some great ideas in your post. When I was younger I used to do a lot of hiking. Living in Canada we have some truly majestic sights and hiking trails to explore. It was so tranquil and still, not many moments in life that make you take stock more than admiring nature and it's surroundings.

As for women, I love them in every sense. They're much more emotionally open than us and willing to bare their soul without the fear of looking foolish. I had too much pride, wouldn't let others in for many years. The shame builds up and you shutdown to avoid further pain. I'm worried that being this new in sobriety that a potential mate wouldn't understand what i'm going through. It would be an abundance of baggage to begin a relationship on. I know it would do me a world of good. Just not sure if i'm ready.
Do you notice an improvement in your mood when you are on the celexa and trazodone? Both of these drugs can make you significantly more drowsy not to mention all the other side effects. I bet I was on and off a dozen different medications before I finally realized that for myself they were doing me more harm than good. While the side effects varied drastically, one constant was the feeling I was living in a bubble, watching everyone else live life and there I was just floating along. Sure, some of the feelings that were bothering me before were no longer bothering me as much, but all of a sudden I had all these new ones to deal with, and for me it just wasnt worth it. I also couldnt stand the constant light headedness, the drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, the nightmares when I did manage to sleep....

All this being said, they DO really help some people. But was just curious as to whether you had considered giving it a go without them...since it has only been after getting off them completely that I have been able to make any kind of progress in my ten years of trying. Good luck to you, ive really enjoyed reading through your posts.

Hey Mal,

Thanks for the note. When I initially began the celexa I notice a marked improvement. My overall disposition was more positive than prior. Then unfortunately as the months passed (been on it for over a year with gradual increases) the positive effects became negligible. The trazodone was for sleep as since I've stopped using I've had terrible insomnia. I sleep on average of five hours a night now and that is medicated! It would be nice to see a day where I no longer need these meds. Many days I take them for the sake of it, almost a placebo effect.
Your title says you are frightened, You are fucked, only for now, but you are not soulless my friend. I've seen soulless and they don't write like you and they don't care about who they stole from or that they hurt their one true love. I've seen a lot of good options and advice replied to you I hope you take the iniative I feel strongly you can do this! Crazy thing about life concentrate on you and getting straight and one day she will see you walking down the street laughing with your next big love! Don't give up man! You got this! Xoxo

Thanks MaryJane. I've come along way, sometimes it's tough to pat yourself on the back for making it here. An inpatient rehab was what was the turning point. I saw the suffering of others and knew those dark passages so well. A kinship was born of support and love. A remarkable experience. I realize this is a disease that I will never completely be free from, but it's the longest i've gone without snorting oxy in eight years. Solace can be taken from that fact in the very least.
^I'm glad that you got the support that you needed. I just finished responding to a post about someone facing jail time and I had that feeling of rage that I get when I think about how hard it is to find treatment in this country. Support and compassion with honesty and all the science we can throw at this beast is what is needed--not punishment.

It sounds like you are in a very good place and I know that the depths of the darkness you were facing before contributed to that place. Congratulations on all the hard work it took to get where you are now. I hope that you feel an enormous amount of pride and self-worth from what you have allowed yourself to see. Much love to you.<3
Hey DP, I’ve also been following you posts and sorry if some of what Im about to say has already been discussed since I havnt read them all, but Id say the one part that gets me most is the part where you talk about your lost love. I can not only identify with how you’re feeling as far as that goes but in many other senses as well. I can remember when I was at the height of my H addiction and my ex was trying to get back with me and I somehow convinced myself that I was not even in love with him. Years later, as I was sitting in a rehab and as the drugs effects wore off I realized that I was still very much in love with him but I had let it slip away. My true feelings had been numbed to what I was really feeling within. I wanted him back, but I realized it was too late as he was already married to an old friend of ours and were expecting their first baby. You see, as you know that’s what the drug does to us, that’s the power it has when we give our body and minds over to its control, and make no mistake that whatever your going through right now it is STILL deceiving in the same way by saying that things will never get better... don’t believe that.. that’s the lie.

I know it’s been years since your first post but those first years were hard on me as well, thinking back to all the memories and the times me and my ex shared. The sear of pain that would go through my chest when those thoughts would flash across my mind made me wish I could somehow lose my memory. That along with my many other losses and the aching depression that it brought made me feel as if I wanted to die, but trust me when I say this... it doesn’t stay that way! While the memories never fully go away, once you get you back to a place of happiness and comfort you then open yourself to a whole new world of possibilities and life starts to get really good, far better than even before the dope because you now have new eyes.

There for a while I almost lived my life through Facebook because although I knew me and my ex would never get back together, something in me was compelled to show him and all the others that I was doing good. I think initially I even went into the field of substance abuse just to show everyone that wow, if she’s doing that she HAS to be doing good. Over time however, as my true confidence and self- esteem began to build, my zest for life came back and I didn’t need it anymore. I stopped thinking daily about the 'what ifs' and even began extracting the blessings that had came from my experiences. While I still stumble from time to time, its nothing like it was.

I can see you’ve been on some meds for depression and maybe anxiety and that you have also had lots of side effects. That was me as well. Since you’re into health and fitness (just like me) have you ever thought about maybe ramping up your amino acids like 5 htp, GABA and taurine? I started going to a naturopath out of desperation after the meds I was on only seemed to give me side effects (I was on amitriptyline as well at the time and man was that good for weight gain). Anyways, bumping up the the amino acids really helped me.

This may sound simple and kinda hard to believe, but one other thing that helps the body heal esp at your point and drastically helps PAWS are high doses of vitamin C. You can take pretty much as much as you want. Whenever I start feeling paws I take about 5000- 10,000 mg of vitamin C several times a day and I swear it just levels me out right away. Like I said, I know that sounds crazy but it really does work. Although there has been some controversy about it there have been articles published on this and I can attest that it does work for me at least. If you’re worried about acidity you can also get vitamin C in a form called sodium ascorbate which is sodium based and is even better for this. At the very least mega -doses of vitamin C can help your body restore itself.

Ill tell you what I’ve found the real secret for lasting happiness for me is— the secret is doing the next right thing. Just keep doing exactly what you doing. There’s a quote that I try to live by because time and time again I have found that it is true in any and every sense of life: "People that are the most depressed do what they WANT to do, but the people that are the happiest do what they HAVE to do."

Being in the fitness field I know you can absolutely relate to why this is. Don’t let your brain trick you, because you KNOW you’re on the right path. Just keep doing exactly what you doing and fill your day with discipline and soon the joy will begin to creep up on you. There are wonderful things waiting for someone such as yourself if you just hold fast to what you know is right and ignore the mind chatter. You’ve obviously been given MANY gifts, people really respond to you. I mean look at the people who have followed this thread for so many years!

While I know we will still ache to a certain degree over our past loves and they will never be exactly the same, there are MANY wonderful people in the world that are easy and worthy to fall in love with. With the honesty and heart behind your writing, I can’t imagine you having a difficult time finding the right woman for you when the time is right. Just let that happen when it does, and as long as you are living well you are just going to naturally attract that girl that is right for you and when it happens you are going to know it. Slowly, you will begin to quit counting the days and thinking so much of the losses and depression because as you do the next right thing, many of the losses will be restored and your body will begin to just naturally heal itself. Just hold fast and know that things are going to change. You’ve got many people behind you here (as well as me) that are with you all the way!
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They probably won't let you so take this in with you: we all are here for you whenever you need us. You know you are doing the right thing by going. I am very proud of you and wish you all the best. Take advantage of everything while you are there. Go deep, be honest and be proud of what you are doing.<3

Thanks Herbavore! You were a good friend when I was at my worst. :) Happy New Year!
Another year coming to a close. Time to reflect of where we were and where we plan to go. 2006 thru 2012 were filled with self loathing, selfishness, sobriety, relapsing harder than ever,rehab and sobriety. I had two invites to New Years parties and turned them both down with a paper thin bullshit excuse. Drugs will be at both parties, I can't trust myself yet to not go buck wild in that scene. Instead I'm home watching a movie and living like a retired old man. A lot of it is learning who I am. That got lost during the years of abuse. My social circle also has to change. I have numerous friends who use and I haven't had the balls to cut them loose. When you know someone for almost a decade, it's makes things complicated, very complicated.
Dear Jay...l stumbled on this thread and spent a few hours reading it from start to finish. I too initially thought it was fake. Too well written, it came off sounding like a novelist writing about his fantasy of an addiction experience. As the years of the thread ticked by I changed my mind and realized that you are very like the rest of us, with the exception that you have a talent for writing (whereas most of us type!). I am wondering how you are doing. From your postings you seemed like a young guy, but then you mentioned a son-in-law. Do you have children? Anyway, I just want to add one thing, since you often seem to be asking if the desire for drugs ever goes away. I am a recovered alcoholic, and I went through years of on again off again drinking. And don't believe that the addiction to alcohol is any different than an addiction to drugs. Alcohol is a liquid drug. Quitting was horribly difficult, and my see-sawing took years longer than you have spent trying to kick opiates. Wasted years that I can't get back. However, the time came when I quit one day, and stayed stopped. It took moving into sober-living (huge help) and I have been free of that miserable disease now for going on four years. I stopped craving completely after about two years. As for your depression, the only thing that I can add to the excellent advise you have been given here is to find a way to be of service to someone or something on a regular basis. I would also encourage you to develop a spiritual life of some kind. I found it to be the rock that my own sobriety was built upon. Finally, you have heard it enough from everyone on this thread. Start writing, for real. If you need the structure of a classroom to start the process, go to a local community college and sign up for a class. You have a gift too special to waste, and you are very very lucky to come by this talent so naturally. Start with short stories, feature articles on things that catch your fancy or interest, then try thinking about something longer. I hope that this post finds you well, but no matter what shape you are in, no matter. Things can always get better. God bless you Jay.
After a long period of sobriety (over 10 months) I once again succumbed to oxycontin. This time I went over the line doing 240 mg in one session leaving me on the brink of overdose. The humiliation of having a good friend call 911 might be enough. I was thankfully brought back from being unconscious as they pumped my stomach of the remaining contents. I'm a junky, no matter how long I stay sober I seem to get the craving and spiral. There is no grace period of dipping a toe in the water, I go full torque. That personality landed me in a phyc hospital for four weeks following the overdose. I got to see what real sickness was up close. People struggling with skitzophrenia among other debilitating ailments. Once again i'm trying to rebuild my life without the aid of my crutch.
Hey Downward<3.. there is quite an amazing story in this thread, full accomplishment and heartbreak.. its one hell of a tough life sometimes isn't it.. what are you going to try and do different this time.. to try and pull out once and for all.
just read briefly through this thread.
I was addicted to opiates for 10 years.
you seem to be my kind of addict.heavy,destructive use,life disasters...

I actually still take suboxone after 5 years.
this is partly because it works as anti depressant too,but still....
would subs be something for you?

go easy on yourself.
this IS fucking hard.and it lasts for a while.
but the REWARD makes it worth it.
and the reward is you get to live.really feel life again.
or maybe for the first time.

my mantra used to be "fuck shit piss".i always repeated this to myself.(yeah,I'm whack too).
now it's "life is a gift".
it's cool to be alive when you should have been dead.
and feel good doing it.

wishing you best of luck,brother.
Hi, I seem to only show up here when I need help, I apologize for that. I find Bluelighters the most knowledgeable, any help would be greatly appreciated. I began using opiates in 2005 with with brief sobriety her and there then back on until December 2017. My addiction began with percocet and progressed to 75 mg of dilaudid daily insuffliated. After losing everything and racking up 60,000 in credit card debt I was so low and decided to try and get sober. I found Kratom and I felt like I had my life back for the first time in a decade. The one problem now is im taking about 36 grams of kratom a day and im now hooked on it. Most people will say its nothing like real dilly or oxy withdrawal but i disagree. It was horrible and the onset comes on about 8 hours after last dose. Taping is an option but i have never been strong enough to do it. Suggestions?
Hey there, I was addicted to kratom for 7 years (eventually moved on to stronger opiates). I agree kratom withdrawal is terrible, people talk about it like it's harmless and barely addictive but that's absolutely not true. I was taking about as much a day as you, or even more. I find the restlessness to be worse with kratom than any other opiate I've tried, it's torture. Restlessness is the worst part of opiate withdrawal for me so kratom has some of the worst withdrawal. However it doesn't last very long, 4 or 5 days for the worst and then, like any opiate, lingering, gradually decreasing post-acute withdrawal symptoms.

High doses of loperamide (Immodium, the anti-diarrhea medication) can help to mask withdrawal symptoms quite well for many people, like 40-60mg. It takes a good 3 hours to start working at all, and lasts about a day. It won't make you feel 100% but it really helps a lot. However, it's really bad for you, people have died of heart arrhythmias from taking it long-term. It also causes physical dependence after a while. The only somewhat safe use for this method is to take it for exactly as long as it's needed to get through acute withdrawals, and then stop.

I was never able to taper either. To be honest, I was on opiates for 10 years and believed I'd never get free. But in April 2014 I did an ibogaine flood dose (at home with supervision rather than at a clinic) and I have never wanted an opiate again, it really changed my life. Of course I also had recently removed the main thing in my life that was causing me unhappiness (my abusive marriage), and after the ibogaine I changed my life even more and did a lot of work on myself, I went to therapy, started working out and got in shape, started eating better, and I started playing music again and hanging out with friends more. All of these things combined turned my life around and these days I'm a very happy person. Ibogaine interrupted the physical addiction and gave me motivation to change. Honestly the most important thing when dealing with addiction is to identify what is making you unhappy that you are covering up with drugs, and then change those circumstances. And then identify things that would make you happy/inspired/good to do, and start adding those things to your life. If you feel good about your life, staying off opiates is much, much easier.
Hi, I seem to only show up here when I need help, I apologize for that. I find Bluelighters the most knowledgeable, any help would be greatly appreciated. I began using opiates in 2005 with with brief sobriety her and there then back on until December 2017. My addiction began with percocet and progressed to 75 mg of dilaudid daily insuffliated. After losing everything and racking up 60,000 in credit card debt I was so low and decided to try and get sober. I found Kratom and I felt like I had my life back for the first time in a decade. The one problem now is im taking about 36 grams of kratom a day and im now hooked on it. Most people will say its nothing like real dilly or oxy withdrawal but i disagree. It was horrible and the onset comes on about 8 hours after last dose. Taping is an option but i have never been strong enough to do it. Suggestions?

Well I don't care how you show up I'm just happy to see you!:) Many people here have struggled with Kratom dependence There is a whole community centered around it on Reddit I have heard. I have never actually checked it out but here's a link:https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/

I'm going to move this over to SL because I think maybe more people will respond there. It's sincerely great to see you back here despite the reasons for it.<3
Xorkoth great to see you and Herbavore! I remember you both from way back in the day.:) Xorkoth i live in Canada, I don't know much ibogaine. What is it exactly?Our addiction history is so similar that i'm willing to give this a try as i'm standing still in life and have pissed a lot of time away 1) chasing drugs 2) doing drugs 3) in desperate withdrawal. So proud of you for getting clean I know what a struggle it is.
I'm currently taking Kratom four times a day with three small tablespoons with each dose. Can someone give me some advice on a taper please? im very weak when it comes to opiates drugs,
Mods please delete this thread it's run it's course. Thank You. Bluelight has changed a lot since i've been back. Seems to be a less active board than before. I hope i'm wrong because i've met some wonderful and helpful people here.