IM being more dangerous is a misconception.

Thing is, one case is not a study, making the data not very solid.
One case is 0.1% of a study.

"Maybe you're just lucky", has been said, and it's very true.
If I make someone eat a peanut to study the effects, and they die because they are allergic, I cannot draw the conclusion that peanuts are deadly,
only that in one case they caused an allergic reaction followed by death.

Ergo it is impossible to draw a conclusion from your findings,
except that for you IM has been rather benign.
You can just throw a pill with water in the rig and shake it to get solid particles floating in the water (eg 1mg xanax or 10mg valium which are certainly not water soluble). If you IV that (not regularly) most of the time nothing bad will happen. I've done this a few times when being completely fucked up and i recommend it to no one obviously. You couldn't IM that shit even once without getting an abscess.
For drug use, i.m. and i.v. both carry risks which can be mitigated with good hygiene and technique. I feel more comfortable doing i.m. when I am on my own.

When injecting, I am most concerned about infection. The precautions apply to both : wash your hands before prepping and injecting, have a clean work area, swab the skin with a 70% alcohol wipe before sticking it in and never reuse gear. I never inject if I don't have 0.2 micron filters at hand. Luckily my local needle program can give me a large supply on demand.

With i.v. you are at risk of damaging your venous capital. If you have excellent technique and rotate your injection sites, you can last a long time until you're out of usable veins. Missing a vein and accidentally skin popping can be dangerous too.

With i.m. the risk of abscess is higher. This can be mitigated with 0.2 micron filters. But the technique is easier, just stick it in all the way at a 90° angle and push.
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Tengo ketamina, cocaína (en América del Sur cerca de la fuente) y 2c-b, así como preparaciones inyectables farmacéuticas de morfina y diluadid.
You are a lucky man. How do you obtein morphine and dilaudid?
i IV'd 2CB, the first psych ever to be and my first revisit to the needle several months ago during a very depressed period. I thought it might scratch the itch yet kill any desire to continue. And boy, did it, at first. Something about seeing a vein in my hand swell up to the size of at least a jawbreaker when I knew I was in.. (It also provided much more mescaline-like effects than any of my extensive experiences with said chem, and lasted about 4hrs of pretty heavy visuals. It looked to be around 10-15mg, same amount i'd snort or plug.

Then before fully getting over the aforementioned bummer, for lack of better terms, something else bad happened which led to a missed coke shot and staph, plenty of stim shots with a flubLam back, and plenty of good soft or hard going directly into my bloodstream.
As for the addictiveness factor of IV, I haven't in several days and am going to check if that max solubility IPPH solution has changed at all after 4-5 days, or if its long-been beyond maxed out. I have aclean dart thankfully. I ate surely at least 0.3g propylhexadrine recently so I might be way too high. very soon.. but.. that's IV in a nutshell.
Prefiero IV porque el flash es instantáneo.
Sé que es fácil de OD.
No lo hagas solo. Es realmente peligroso.
Una vez que tienes la técnica es fácil IV.
Solo IM Ketamina y no sentí nada. La misma dosis IV es seguramente un Khole.
Entonces necesita una dosis más pequeña para IV que para IM.
Alguien sabe si puede enviar coca.
Bé careful with IV coke. Begin with a small dose
Well it does seem that the circulatory system seems to handle some pathogens and particulate matter better than the muscles.

For this reason frequent intramuscular and subcutaneous injection can be more dangerous, and is associated with some pretty nasty outcomes, very severe infections, wound botulism etc.

In any such event, all drugs injected must be filtered via micron filters.
In over 20 years of using IM ketamine, for pain relief, I've never had a problem. My two admissions to hospital with a septic abscess were due to kitties seeing me as some aid to movement and sinking their claws deep into me ie. a puncture wound. If you do inject any particulate matter, the muscle tissue tends to encapsulate it, hence hard lumps in muscles...
Sorry, also meant to say, put unsterile solutions into your muscle (unsterile due to pathogens) and you're entering a whole world of pain and suffering...