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I want to enjoy weed...? Help me!!!

Oh, stop being so bloody male about it, with your indica this, and your sativa that, like you knew what the fuck any of it even meant. It's just weed, and it either gets you stoned or it doesn't. The mechanism is still not fully understood, but the latest hypothesis among advanced cannabologists is that a good blast on the Amy Wong inhibits the action of a natural hormone responsible for making you give a fuck.

The fact that you are getting paranoid suggests to me that the weed is working after a fashion, but your Set and Setting are all wrong. Smoking weed should chill you out and make you hungry, not paranoid. Revisit your Set and Setting, and try to find out -- and if possible, eliminate -- what is setting off the paranoia.

Good luck ........

What a pile of absolute rubbish and not only that but how pathetic and bitchy can you be?

First of, in this modern weed game if you don't understand the difference in the profile of effects from certain strains, then why are you trying to advise this guy, it's not 1980.

I prefer sativa based strains myself. However some strains just give me the wrong high. They make me feel too high because they are so racy, and boarderline trippy, and that's in the comfort of my own home with my own friends. I just can't relax in that environment with them. Other varieties everyone agrees on are more enjoyable.

It might seem all the same when your buying your silly little 20 sack from someone who doesn't even know the name of what they're selling. Try spending a few weeks having various named strains you are aware of the indica:sativa make up of, there is a huge difference in the profile of effects and what they are best suited for.

Please do not post such misinformation in such a bitchy manner. The ultimate upshot as several posts have indicated is it makes you look like a clueless person who doesn't know what they're talking about. Cheers.
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Never really had paranoia from weed except early on in my smoking career. This was soapbar, so you'd expect it to be less likely to freak somebody out than the modern strains if you subscribe to received wisdom. There's undoubtedly a bit of difference in the subjective effects of different strains, but it's much of a muchness after a couple of joints IME. Anything after that, you're just stoned. I think there's an awful lot of marketing hype and harnessing the power of suggestion in the weed business. I buy from a grower; all named strains, yet to be honest I don't give much of a flying fuck as long as it's properly cured and it works. I've never had the 'wrong' high from any of them. For a part-time, less-hardened smoker I can see how the differences might be subjectively more profound. For me, it's just weed: I like what it does and it all ultimately does the same thing.
It is very much strain dependent. But it's also very tough to find consistency unless you have access to pro growers who know what they are doing. One strain which always seems to deliver 0 anxiety is strawberry cough.

Most weed is grown to be a strong as hell and usually cut too early. If you get a magnifying glass and look at the trichomes a good sign is a combination of clear and Amber. Clear gives more of a heady fuck and Amber a more body couch lock. If they are all fairly clear likely it will cause more anxiety if your prone etc.

Taking a Benzo to be able to enjoy weed Wtf!! However as has been mentioned CBD % plays a part in the type of high and the push for high THC has seen significant reduction in CBD. I know a lot of 20+ year smokers who don't touch flowers because they don't like the high. They stick with Hash.

CBD oils and mouth sprays are legal to buy. Most headshops have it. Just take a spray of it in the morning job done and you get all the other benefits CBD gives as well. Yes it could be placebo but I do find It works every time and you will find the heady high is more controllable.
I have not read the replies so sorry if Im just repeating what has been said.

Eat it! Cook it in some milk drink that, cannabutter and spread that on toast <3

I hate smoking it.
you are obviously NOT liking sativas mate, they cause the million miles an hour thoughts etc, you want a 80-100% indica couch lock weed that wont put you in a state of panic off a few tokes!

They re out there, kush varieties mainly these days,

honestly tho dude, NO SATIVA'S they are the mind killers!!

Julie, some people here do know what they are talking about. :p :D Re the poster above has given me some almost 'life changing' tips about all this.

Having experienced the difference myself first hand these last few weeks i have to agree 100% with this. Although it seems things aren't always completely straightforward, as it does come down to the ratio of THC vs CBD, but the Indicas generally have the ratios that are much more favourable to a relaxed and happy mellow heady stone. Occasionally you will get a strain that has unexpected ratios of THC and CBD, or one that doesnt have as much of the required chemicals as the others, in any batch of Indica or Sativa.

I'm still learning about all this, but the strain makes far more difference than set or setting. The set and setting is always my house, the only thing that alters is the amount of THC and CBD. The stuff ive just been smoking recently has perfect ratios for me, an Indica with a very heavy drowsy stone. Fuck it takes ages to prepare a bong though, as this stuff does not crumble, you kind of have to roll it out into tiny 'mice dropping' type strings and then chop it into tiny bits with a blade, if you try tearing it most of it just ends up under your finger nails, which is a waste of a luxury, high end, expensive smoke.
Mate the best way to prepare that hash is to stick it in the freezer for half hour then use a razor blade and slice off tiny bits, or roll out small 'shoelaces' or 'snakes' and roll em super thin then ball it up n place in your bong, i agree though, it takes an age to get prepped but its so worth it!
Maybe an odd question, I love all my drugs and can knock back acid, stims, just about anything EXCEPT weed! Man it batters me, 3 drags on a joint and I'm wasted for hours. But not in a good way, in a paranoid, shakey, edgy way.
I like Sativas I had some nice stuff in Holland, are there any weak as piss Sativas strains out there? Would hash or wax be a better option? Or vaping it?
Basically any way to enjoy it mildly?

Have you considered it's maybe it's just not for you? My man is a drug pig however he does not enjoy any type / form of cannabis. Nothing wrong with that.
LOL, OK I should have known you'd be reading. :D

I only have a tiny amount left now, but I'll try the freezer trick. I already have a stack of ice cube trays in there to cool the bong down ready for this evening/bed time tonight.

I've given up tobacco completely and use smokeable herbs, they are virtually impossible to make roll ups with as they are so dry, powedry and chunky, but they work fine in a bong, and smoking it through ice saves scorching all the cilia on my lungs. ;)
Have you considered it's maybe it's just not for you? My man is a drug pig however he does not enjoy any type / form of cannabis. Nothing wrong with that.

This may sound daft but I want to enjoy it, it's a pleasant social past time, all my friends smoke it and in the past I have enjoyed it. I'm not sure what's changed though as I get sketchy now.

Bearlove - I used to regularly eat it but last 2 times have been a bad experience. Well the first time was pretty funny, had a couple of brownies, didn't feel Owt so about an hour and a half later had another and an hour later went to bed.
Woke up in middle of the night for a piss I was absolutely BATTERED! Could barely open my eyes or get out of bed, dry mouth like a had been in the Sahara for a week, got back into bed then was really paranoid at every noise I heard!
The next time was about a month ago, I had some hash from an old grower who's BIG into it, it had been there for well over a year, only the size of a big BB, about 8mm diameter.
I ate that and spent the rest of the afternoon on the sofa freaking out! Shit I was in a bad place!

Regarding buying a few to try, what would people's recommendations be? I use DN and it's pretty much money no object to be honest

Thanks all for your replies :)
This may sound daft but I want to enjoy it, it's a pleasant social past time, all my friends smoke it and in the past I have enjoyed it. I'm not sure what's changed though as I get sketchy now.

Bearlove - I used to regularly eat it but last 2 times have been a bad experience. Well the first time was pretty funny, had a couple of brownies, didn't feel Owt so about an hour and a half later had another and an hour later went to bed.
Woke up in middle of the night for a piss I was absolutely BATTERED! Could barely open my eyes or get out of bed, dry mouth like a had been in the Sahara for a week, got back into bed then was really paranoid at every noise I heard!
The next time was about a month ago, I had some hash from an old grower who's BIG into it, it had been there for well over a year, only the size of a big BB, about 8mm diameter.
I ate that and spent the rest of the afternoon on the sofa freaking out! Shit I was in a bad place!

Regarding buying a few to try, what would people's recommendations be? I use DN and it's pretty much money no object to be honest

Thanks all for your replies :)

Sorry for the 'one track recordness' but those strains would have been Sativas, not Indicas, which is where you went wrong imo. ;)
absolutely definitely, if you wanna avoid paranoia and 'bad places'.

Bearing in mind that Indica can feel like a sleeping pill, i guess its a matter of luck finding the strain that has the right mix for what you're looking for. I'm currently looking for 'natural' sleep aids so this strain of strong Indica is absolutely perfect for me. So nice to be able to have a smoke without a trace of 'racing thoughts' 'over analysing shit' or plain paranoia. ;)

Just dont ask me about CBD and THC as i haven't quite got my head around all that stuff yet. :eek:
absolutely definitely, if you wanna avoid paranoia and 'bad places'.

Bearing in mind that Indica can feel like a sleeping pill, i guess its a matter of luck finding the strain that has the right mix for what you're looking for. I'm currently looking for 'natural' sleep aids so this strain of strong Indica is absolutely perfect for me. So nice to be able to have a smoke without a trace of 'racing thoughts' 'over analysing shit' or plain paranoia. ;)

Just dont ask me about CBD and THC as i haven't quite got my head around all that stuff yet. :eek:

Nice one, thanks for the help :)
I too cannot enjoy weed like i once used to when i was 15-19. 1st few times was NUTS. Couldnt comprehend how ppl can "do this" everyday. Got really into it for about 5-6 yrs then started getting panic attacks, anxiety. Kinda stopped in few years back but couldnt smoke like i used to. Joints and joints pipe hits everyday. Now depending the strain quality ect i can take no more than 3-4 hits. It makes me way to sensitive and overly conscious of physical sensations my heart rate ect. I still smoke now but only small pipe hits. some days i dont smoke at all. once i had a dime or 2gs and it lasted like 2 months. Mostly use it to "synergize" with other stuff or when i drink i can smoke a bit more.
Why try to smoke it if its not for you? I know loads of people who get paranoid on it now, probably best to avoid it. However I always say its all about building up a tolerance to it. Whenever I've stopped I always feel paranoid the first couple of times smoking afterwards, but after a few days of smoking I'm fine
Oh, stop being so bloody male about it, with your indica this, and your sativa that, like you knew what the fuck any of it even meant. It's just weed, and it either gets you stoned or it doesn't. The mechanism is still not fully understood, but the latest hypothesis among advanced cannabologists is that a good blast on the Amy Wong inhibits the action of a natural hormone responsible for making you give a fuck.

The fact that you are getting paranoid suggests to me that the weed is working after a fashion, but your Set and Setting are all wrong. Smoking weed should chill you out and make you hungry, not paranoid. Revisit your Set and Setting, and try to find out -- and if possible, eliminate -- what is setting off the paranoia.

Good luck ........

What the fuck does gender have to do with it? Unlike you to make sexist posts.

Anyhow, I'm not sure if set and setting can eliminate paranoia in everyone, but I actually think it's the case for me. All my paranoia when stoned concerns legality and social acceptability, having to conceal my usage etc. Not a huge amount you can do about that though :(
Santa Maria 65/35 or 75/25 sativa/indica.
Must Dutch coffee shops worth their salt stock it and it's cheap 38.5€ for 4.5g
Eadibles just stick with it for a few days and you're rocking!
What the fuck does gender have to do with it? Unlike you to make sexist posts.

Anyhow, I'm not sure if set and setting can eliminate paranoia in everyone, but I actually think it's the case for me. All my paranoia when stoned concerns legality and social acceptability, having to conceal my usage etc. Not a huge amount you can do about that though :(

Kind of funny aswell if any of us had been to make a sexual remark about the OP. I bet that would be fronwed upon.
I think she just fancies me after seeing my pic on the show yourself thread....

She knows I'm out her league and it's consuming her ???