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I want to enjoy weed...? Help me!!!


Oct 19, 2010
Maybe an odd question, I love all my drugs and can knock back acid, stims, just about anything EXCEPT weed! Man it batters me, 3 drags on a joint and I'm wasted for hours. But not in a good way, in a paranoid, shakey, edgy way.
I like Sativas I had some nice stuff in Holland, are there any weak as piss Sativas strains out there? Would hash or wax be a better option? Or vaping it?
Basically any way to enjoy it mildly?
you are obviously NOT liking sativas mate, they cause the million miles an hour thoughts etc, you want a 80-100% indica couch lock weed that wont put you in a state of panic off a few tokes!

They re out there, kush varieties mainly these days,

honestly tho dude, NO SATIVA'S they are the mind killers!!
Hmmm it's always been the indica that I don't like that heavy monged out feeling. I just want something not too heavy, everyone laughs at me cuz im such a lightweight with it lol
What's your thoughts on wax or hash etc?
well its all your dosage mate, no-one is asking you to roll a gram in a joint ;)

Experiment with skinny spliffs, I'm sure you will find a happy medium,
As for hash and wax/oils/concentrates, hash I would say get some nice mellow polm, avoid any of the headfuck waxes tho, they will leave you feeling tweaked out lol,

Just experiment mate, start small and see where you go, I bet you will find it fairly enjoyable!( regardless of strain/phenotype/indica/sativa/whatever)
Maybe try doing slightly less, work up one toke at a time, in the comfort of your own place so you don't have to deal with social stuff (I'm guessing that's when you start to feel shakey and paranoid?) or do you get that alone as well?

Cannnabis can be one of the most anxiogenic drugs, more so than traditional psyches like Mushrooms/Acid/DMT etc. I personally struggled with a ton of anxiety from smoking way too much - but once I'd learned how to deal with those thoughts in a healthier way - I can pretty much get stoned in any social circle now without feeling 'the fear' and 'dread'.

I'm now mostly just incapable of communicating without grinning like a tool. Never thought the day would come but yeah, deal with the root cause.
Funny i never struggled with anxiety until i stopped smoking. And i pretty much exclusively smoked sativa as thats what grows best outside here...huge plants..mould resistance and just made for our client. I grew plenty of indica inside but i rarely smoked it. I just like sativas. But BCF is right...sativas have that racing thoughts, up kind of high. I just preferred it. I actually had a joint after a day on the stims last week. It was great. But i cant risk keeping on smoking because of the driver drug tests. Get caught doing that and lose my nurses registration. Sucks really.
Oh, stop being so bloody male about it, with your indica this, and your sativa that, like you knew what the fuck any of it even meant. It's just weed, and it either gets you stoned or it doesn't. The mechanism is still not fully understood, but the latest hypothesis among advanced cannabologists is that a good blast on the Amy Wong inhibits the action of a natural hormone responsible for making you give a fuck.

The fact that you are getting paranoid suggests to me that the weed is working after a fashion, but your Set and Setting are all wrong. Smoking weed should chill you out and make you hungry, not paranoid. Revisit your Set and Setting, and try to find out -- and if possible, eliminate -- what is setting off the paranoia.

Good luck ........
Maybe an odd question, I love all my drugs and can knock back acid, stims, just about anything EXCEPT weed! Man it batters me, 3 drags on a joint and I'm wasted for hours. But not in a good way, in a paranoid, shakey, edgy way.
I like Sativas I had some nice stuff in Holland, are there any weak as piss Sativas strains out there? Would hash or wax be a better option? Or vaping it?
Basically any way to enjoy it mildly?

What you want are sativa CBD strains. Upbeat, energetic, relaxing and NO anxiety.

Also where are you getting your weed? I find the hydro grown stuff (which IMO is basically all most dealers sell) can have some unpleasant effects like you mention.

Best of luck dude. If none of that succeeds I would look into some high quality blonde Moroccan.
Maybe an odd question, I love all my drugs and can knock back acid, stims, just about anything EXCEPT weed! Man it batters me, 3 drags on a joint and I'm wasted for hours. But not in a good way, in a paranoid, shakey, edgy way.
I like Sativas I had some nice stuff in Holland, are there any weak as piss Sativas strains out there? Would hash or wax be a better option? Or vaping it?
Basically any way to enjoy it mildly?

I'm kind of the same regarding paras and weed. When I was a 'yoof', I used to smoke weed all day, every day. I don't know if it was because of that I started to become more self-conscious or I just got more shy as I grew up.
Nowadays, I can only enjoy cannabis when I've taken heroin -- or any other strong opioid. In fact, I actually crave a hash spliff when nicely opiated.

I, too, find it strange that you prefer sativa strains as they are usually what bring on the negative mental aspects of cannabis.

It's hard to know whether you've bought an indica or sativa hash until you've smoked some. From personal experience, your average, commercial polm is leaning on the indica side and the lighter the colour of the hash, the more sativa-ry it is.
Most skunk sold nowadays comes with a strain name, so you can look up its sativa/indica ratio on your smartphone; that wasn't the case 20-odd years ago.

Most commercial weed has been grown outside so is usually a sativa. Thai weed (blue/red etc. string) would probably be your ideal smoke. The higher CBD content of regular weed and hash is supposed to make people less anxious; and you can enjoy a smoke rather than tentatively drawing a puff or two from a mind-bending skunk spliff.
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Oh, stop being so bloody male about it, with your indica this, and your sativa that, like you knew what the fuck any of it even meant. It's just weed, and it either gets you stoned or it doesn't. The mechanism is still not fully understood, but the latest hypothesis among advanced cannabologists is that a good blast on the Amy Wong inhibits the action of a natural hormone responsible for making you give a fuck.

The fact that you are getting paranoid suggests to me that the weed is working after a fashion, but your Set and Setting are all wrong. Smoking weed should chill you out and make you hungry, not paranoid. Revisit your Set and Setting, and try to find out -- and if possible, eliminate -- what is setting off the paranoia.

Good luck ........

/ignorance :(
I used to get anxious on weed but dont really anymore for some reason. Smoking hash though i never got it.
Id say get some hash, theres usually 2 types available, soap and stuff for double the price. Avoid the soap, id some nice hash that bubbled a few weeks back, its lighter stuff im getting now that doesnt bubble but decent enough.
Id smoke all day but i wouldnt touch weed till later in the day or night.
Oh, stop being so bloody male about it, with your indica this, and your sativa that, like you knew what the fuck any of it even meant. It's just weed, and it either gets you stoned or it doesn't. The mechanism is still not fully understood, but the latest hypothesis among advanced cannabologists is that a good blast on the Amy Wong inhibits the action of a natural hormone responsible for making you give a fuck.

The fact that you are getting paranoid suggests to me that the weed is working after a fashion, but your Set and Setting are all wrong. Smoking weed should chill you out and make you hungry, not paranoid. Revisit your Set and Setting, and try to find out -- and if possible, eliminate -- what is setting off the paranoia.

Good luck ........

lol ooooooo. How bitchy
I can totally relate, I would love to be able to enjoy weed. My last experience put me off for life!! Was so sick, but it because I rolled my own, and put in far too much. Half a spliff later I took so sick. Scared to try it again.
You see, the setting doesn't seem to make much difference, I can be para as hell sitting on my sofa as I can out in town. I used to smoke it with friends when I was younger and it was never a problem, only these last few years.
I'll get searching DN tonight see what weak strains I can find.
It was always indica we got before but then I brought some Sativa back from Holland I can't remember what strain though and it was amazing! Like a different drug completely, loved it but then it ran out. I've been searching ever since and all I've found is fear and anxiety ?
I can totally relate, I would love to be able to enjoy weed. My last experience put me off for life!! Was so sick, but it because I rolled my own, and put in far too much. Half a spliff later I took so sick. Scared to try it again.

People underestimate weed definitely, for me, it's one of the strongest drugs about!
People underestimate weed definitely, for me, it's one of the strongest drugs about!

yeah it definitely is the strongest drug I've tried, but saying that a friend of mine can smoke it all day long and she's still acting normal. I thought it would be a bit like how an opiate high would feel, warm blanket, chilled feeling. But nope, not for me haha!
The only time it affects me negatively is if I smoke shortly after taking codeine. Gives me spins and impending doom type feelings in the pit of my stomach.

If I leave it a couple of hours, all is well.
You see, the setting doesn't seem to make much difference, I can be para as hell sitting on my sofa as I can out in town. I used to smoke it with friends when I was younger and it was never a problem, only these last few years.
I'll get searching DN tonight see what weak strains I can find.
It was always indica we got before but then I brought some Sativa back from Holland I can't remember what strain though and it was amazing! Like a different drug completely, loved it but then it ran out. I've been searching ever since and all I've found is fear and anxiety ��

Seeing as though you use the DN, depending on your budget, why not order several grams of various types of cannabis and see which you prefer -- if any?

Perhaps take a benzo before you have a smoke if it makes you that nervous?

I wouldn't worry too much, mate. It's not as though there's anything wrong with you.

Remember, most of the population don't smoke it; and just because you may like other drugs, it doesn't mean that you have to enjoy smoking cannabis.
UK prices are ridiculously high, so more money to spend on the drugs you do enjoy.