I think I am dead


May 5, 2015
ever since overdosing on ritalin, recovering (or did I?) then doing 4 eighths of shrooms that same night,
I am convinced I am dead, I can't shake it- everyone is just a fake figment of my grief struck mind.

I am so sad, and alone....

I also used to do meth and molly, but i have been sober from everything for 7 months, besides weed, but I hate it, cause it makes me even more scared.

No you're not dead. At least you have stopped using mostly all of the drugs for the time being which will help you. You wrote about using herb and how it makes you paranoid or scared, stop smoking that as well. Good luck.
No, you aren't dead.... you don't get out of it that easily! If I might say so, that's a rather strange combination? How much Ritaling did you do? Easy for me to say, as Ritalin doesn't work on me at all. Was this an attempted overdose... i.e., did you actually want to, or intend to die? Or just plain not care to go on, and wished to end up in another place?

Luckily for you, though you may not believe right at this moment, those are two of the most physically harmless, non lethal drugs I can think of. They should leave no long lasting, harmful effects either, after a day or two.

All that might however be no comfort I realise, maybe quite the opposite. After being 'clean' for so long, what inspired you to take this action - were you actually feeling suicidal? You say 'sad and alone' - is it that, or something which has caused that? Sorry to cross examine you like this, no doubt the last thing you need. Even so, you clearly haven't given up, or you wouldn't have posted. Tell us about it, and we might be able to help... in fact, I'm sure someone can and will!
Telling you that you aren't dead probably isn't what you came here for. If you are dead, then this is what's next for you. You have to embrace the world around you, smell the flowers so to speak. Don't isolate, these people are real and can help you feel better about what you are feeling. Death isn't the end, we are always moving through time on the trajectory we set, however although we set the trajectory we can't control where that actually leads. It doesn't matter though, you are where you are and from there you need to seek support for what you are feeling. Go breathe some fresh air, talk to your family, find some group therapy, have some water.... It'll be as you choose it to be. So do your best to have a good day, this is your day whether you died or not; take care in all that you do and remember to keep living, because even if you died you are alive here and now that's how this engine works.
A far better answer/response than mine Pharmaccccist, I take my hat off to you!
You're typing, you're aware, so no, you're not dead. You're just in another reality, and guess what, you will recover, slowly or not. So live life, and when perfect life hits you again, you'll be proud of the strength you've gained from every experience, non-drug related and drug related.
I was in a house fire back in 2003. 3 o'clock in the morning. My family barely escaped the fire - house was 100 years old and constructed of wood; it went up in flames so quickly. for years I had trouble knowing whether I was alive or dead.

I remember half a year after the fire waking up and smelling smoke. My Daughter left a candle burning in the bath room, I was sure that I was still experiencing the house fire.

Honestly my life had gone south since then and I still wonder if maybe I did died and now I'm trapped in some kind of hell or purgatory
No Azure, you are still alive... and your present 'journey south' is probably just an unfortunate coincidence. It sounds as if that fire might have damaged you however, I don't know about physically, but mentally almost certainly. If you think about that candle incident, you actually WERE experiencing a 'house fire' again, albeit a harmless one, though in the confusion and panic of waking up, you weren't aware of that.

What you are suffering from sounds very much like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which affects many, many people after undergoing any terrifying, life threattening disaster or situation. The all consuming terror and panic endured at such moments does not just go away and get forgotten, it can be restored or revived by what sometimes seem like almost unconnected stimuli and events, sometimes amy many years after the initial trauma. It's hardly comforting to say you are quite normal, as I'm sure you feel far from it, but you are actually nothing unusual, and have plenty of fellow sufferers.

If you think about it, in a way everyone instinctively has PTSD, it is a vital part of survival and learning, for instance, someone badly bitten by a dog when a child, will usually feel a twinge of fear whenever they see a snarling dog for the rest of their life, which may well save them being injured or catching rabies. Unfortunately, such reasonable, sensible fears can sometimes run out of control, and turn into a panic attack, where fear feeds on fear, and is not only very traumatic, but can be positively dangerous - 'panicking blindly' is no way to be when faced with real danger!

The good news is, significant developments have been made in treating this disorder lately, and enlightened methods and therapies which don't require large quantities of drugs with unpleasant, sedating side effects. Even better, PTSD is now treated with far greater sympathy and understanding, mostly due to the large numberr of military personnel afflicted upon returning to civilian life.

Although PTSD has always been with us, it was only really recognised during WW1, when large numbers of soldiers suffering from 'shell shock' caused concern - though it took a while for military medics to understand why strapping great, veteran troopers with many decorations for bravery and valour, would sometimes collapse and hide under the table shivering with terror, after someone pulled a Christmas cracker near them. The steady, unseen and crippling effect of being under intermittent shell fire for weeks at a time had never been seen before, and was very sadly and cruelly dismissed as 'lack of moral fibre' or 'cowardice', and quite a few poor devils were shot by firing squads before this 'new malady' was recognised. PTSD is of course most often and most dramatically an affliction of front line troops, where long periods of inactivity (though still in danger and under pressure), are suddenly broken by frantic, nerve jangling combat... where a cool head and clear thinking are essential.

Sorry aboout that 'lecture' Azure, but it may be reassuring to know you are 'in good company', and have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, blamed for or worried about. I'd guess that what you experiencing is particularly unfortuate, since the initial trauma occured at night, and is (I'd guess?) disturbing your sleep, and maybe causing nightmares - which can still have severe effects on your nerves, even if you are actually unaware of them.... but wake up in a cold sweat, heart pounding and very anxious.

That sounds like I am 'covering all bases' I suppose, but I hope it might help explain possible reasons for your current problems. I notice you say you "...wonder if maybe I died and was trapped in hell or purgatory." In effect that is very symbolic, if PTSD panic attacks are the cause - a terrifying, overwhelming fear of dying is one of the worst features of panic attacks, which I have suffered, and found (like I suspect you do) they were utterly exhausting, just the dread fear and tension of waking up in the grip of one kept me awake and 'disturbed my rest' for months, during which everything seemed to go wrong, and my whole life was effectively made a misery, just by the 'fear' of fear itself. THe expression 'nervous wreck' has gone out off fashion nowadays, but actually suited my condition very well at that time. I wonder if any of this sounds familiar?

If it does, I have good news, based on my own experience and what little I know about modern PTSD treatment. Back in the 'old days', I was sucessfully treated with small doses of Benzodizepies, and recovered very quickly, and a few months later needed no medication at all. I'm pretty sure you will find things much more advanced and convenient nowadays, assuming PTSD is to blame. The very best of luck, whatever - sleep well and sweet dreams!
Anyone who posts on this message board is alive in this world. I don't know if you came here from another parallel world, but I believe based on recent scientific finding within the sub-disipline of quantum mechanics that when you die in one world you travel to another world that is the same as ours except you don't die from the same accident in the world you ultimately travel to. So anyone posting on this board is alive here, but may well have died in a former world. So take it easy, breathe for a minute and have a glass of cool water, if you are experiencing emotional problems from your experience you should seek help from trained psychotherapists. I wish you the best and if you have any questions feel free to voice them.

I will share this, I too think I died and it's been haunting me for years. I will go as far as to say that I think I've died over and over again in different ways. I did so many things that should've killed me and somehow I'm here. The quantum mechanics theory makes sense to me and if it is correct then that would explain why I'm somehow alive after everything. The consequences of this is that I've lived my life hoping to die for a long time and since according to quantum mechanics death is always differed to the next parallel world I haven't accomplished anything in my life and I keep winding up in a place where I want to die because I don't like my life situation. So the solution is to pursue a passion so that I don't keep finding myself in a place where I want to die. So I'm doing that. I'm going to one of the best psychiatric hospitals in the world on monday to get my medicine figured out and then I'm going to the best residential treatment facility in the world to do psychotherapy in order to challenge the overt belief that I'd rather be dead.

We're all in this boat together, I want to help others... it's the only way to help myself
Voyager, I appreciate your input. I do suffer PTSD but more from childhood trauma and my brother's suicide. The house fire only bothers me if I smell smoke but don't know the source if it. My daughter definitely suffered psychologically due to the house fire but that was 11 years ago and she has since been through therapy and seems rather well adjusted now.

Pharmacist, I like your post. Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm alive right now, though yes there are times I wish to be dead. Having lost my oldest brother to suicide makes it an attractive option at times. I always wanted to be more like him, definitely idolized him as a youth. Knowing that taking my life would completely fuck my teenage son up for life helps me keep that urge in check.

This world is too fucked up and complicated to be a figment of my imagination alone. I know I'm not dead yet!
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You are probably just extremely disillusioned by your bad shroom trip, I can say for certain that you aren't dead. Weed won't help with these hallucinations, stop any and all hallucinogenic, or anxiety causing substances.

I had some really paranoid thoughts after some bad synth cannabinoid trips, weed just made it much worse. a few months after I stopped smoking most of the paranoid thoughts went away and they are completely gone now (years later). Just take a break from everything and you WILL recover.
Enjoyed that Pharmacist, and was v pleased to see no mention of Shrodinger's cat, which always spoils quantum physics for me, by diverting my (easily distracted, ahem!) train of thought to animal welfare, rather than the subject in question. Just as well that we don't die every time we wished to, or felt like it, as I would long ago have found myself somewhere beyond space and time (so 'tis said?), maybe still with a bad hangover, cursing my ill fortune/stupidity/greed/carelessness etc, or both! On a serious note, I actually have and did abandon suicide as an option a few years ago, after attempting it and (clearly) failing. I decide that if managed to screw up something so simple, even after weeks of careful consideration, planning and preparation, it just wasn't supposed to happen for some reason, so it would be best to give up. Still get the idea, often the urge, but the temptation has gone... unfortunate you can't control your thoughts and desires, but that they will remain - and the knowledge that nature or fate will no doubt take the matter out of my hands before too long anyway is helpful...

Talking of which, funny you mention that Gkeel? First time I've ever heard of that 'foggy feeling', maybe I now know why I was wondering, only last Saturday night/Sunday morning, it seemed strangely misty as I walked home, even though it actually wasn't! Very weird I thought...
Getting desperate now. I feel like I'm in a nightmare and I can't wake up. The main problem is that everything gives me a CHRONIC feeling of déjà vu- EVERYTHING. IM STUCK IN A TIME LOOP NIGHTMARE
I've never experienced anything like that, chronic dejavew sounds very unpleasant indeed - some sort of 'vicious circle', which has to be very disturbing, even if it isn't 'vicious'! I've never even heard of it before either, and can think of nothing to help I'm afraid? I just hope it is some temporary, chemically induced condition that will fade away and/or stop in a day or two, when your system cleans out and recovers. Good luck with it, you have my sympathy and best wishes - just wish I could do more?
It's been ongoing for 6 months. I'm sitting in a psychiatrists office, wondering how many times I've been here before... (Never). But I have memories of being here?
^^ Good to hear you are seeking professional help, as your symptoms have gone on for quite some time. I would think you would be off all mind altering substances for sure, and then take any prescribed meds from the psychiatrist, is your best bet.
The human mind is, on one hand, VERY powerful, yet on the other hand, so very fragile.

We can put our mind to something and we can complete and task. At the same time, one strange feeling can cause us to focus on that feeling and other unnecessary emotions, getting disoriented from reality. Yet, still powerful enough to automatically keep us breathing, heart beating, etc.

Powerful enough to trick ourselves, and fragile enough to actually believe it.

But know this. You are stuck here on this shit "planet" with the rest of us :) You don't get off THAT easy, friend. We are all in this together, no matter how it feels.