i love the older crowd!!!!!

I'm 41 and tried e for the first iime about two years ago at the sound factory....then started going to parties...at the time I was sort of a metalhead...now its all about Bad Boy Bill, Carl Cox, Sasha&Digweed, Frankie Bones to name but a few. I'm a Technojunkie and am loving it. The kids all treat me like I'm 17 and when I'm rolling at a partie or club I don't think I know the difference either. Nonrollers don't understand they mostly treat me like a pedifile.....It's so sad they will live their whole life not knowing the Love and true peace that we experience so often....
I consider this a gift...and pray that I never take it for granted.
It is less how old you are but more where your head is at, or shoved as the case may be!
Dance, like no one is watching.
Love, like you have never been hurt.
This message has been brought to you by the undeniably unstoppable indomitable unyielding life force of, DoctA GROOVE!
good words of wisdom dr groove!!! i love to love baby!! its all about spreading the positive energy around and helping everyone's spirits lift as their own energy becomes stonger due to yours, i'm rambling here, its all energy. i fucking love us alll!! the world is becoming a better place!! got E?
28 here, and LOVE to ROLL! Been in the club scene for YEARZ, but only been rolling for about 10 months. Wish I would have tried it alot sooner, but why worry 'bout the past? It's NOW that I live for, not then! Many peeps on this board are older, quite a few over 40, and if I could afford it, I'd buy them all a bean.
My best bud is a Bluelighter and over 40, and without saying who he is (for he needs no introduction), I think the majority of you that read our posts can guess who it is. I think it's a great thing we have here being able to have a variety of age groups among us!
~~~I dont do drugz, DRUGZ DO ME!!
~~~CAUTION!!! Brain Cellz are addicting!
~~~I wuz on my reserve brain cellz, but I have killed them off.......shitty!!!!
Hey jollyrancher ! dude good to see your back on the board!

hell yeah ! us over 40 guys KNOW how to party !! shit we've had 20 plus years at it ! lol... and like wise , the younger crowd thinks its great ! only have ran into a couple that thought it was weird , partying with someone whos like there dads age...
hey raverdave: you can make that bean you want to give to us oldsters as my "X"mas present !LOL.... woof woof , arf!!!
..And it won't be very long / till i'm going going gone (and is there really something wrong with me )...
i'm 26 and just started rolling this summer. first time was at sasha&digweed in downtown LA. ever since then, the scene's been addictive cuz everyone's so nice and i LOVE talking to people and making new friends! Jujubeats was my first rave too! i loved it! take care all!!!
i gotta say dem olda kids r tha shit... of course im 18 too and can never tell what age people are and at parties chill wif peeps jus thinkin they are my age and findin out they are older, this one guy i met last week was madd chill and he was 30, i swear i thought he was 18...but age dont matter cus these kids can party and ah luv ya all no matter how young or old ya are

"We hold these experiences to be self-evident, that all is equal, that the creation endows us with certain inalienable rights, that among them are: the freedom of the body, the pursuit of joy, and the expansion of consciousness."
Hey BC,
And they talk about the older crowd corrupting our youth. You are bad bad bad to be turning on your sociology professor. My mom warned me to stay away from you youngsters...LOL
I love it. You go boy

Sometimes you can see THE LIGHT
In the strangest of places
If you look at it RIGHT
At first I thought I was too old to go to rave (just turned 28). Now I think I'm too young to care so much about it. Raves are a great place to see people of all ages truly bridge the generation gap.
Wow! I'm only 23 but until reading this I was thinking I was getting too old for the E rave scene. So glad to hear that there are people older than me that still know how to have a great time! I hope I'm as cool as you guys are when I reach your ages! PLUR!
It makes me sad that I've met so many people my age (and many younger) who claim to be burnt out on the scene-- I'm 19! It's so great to read these posts from everyone, of all different ages, and realize that age really is just a number. There IS hope for the future. It's not just a phase we're supposed to grow out of.
Of course, I knew that before.
howdy bc ...hi all

well at first i thought being 26 and still rolling when all my friends my age had stopped i thought i was like a dinosaur...extinct as hell

its really good to see that there are others willing to go the distance and push those ageing bones and keep on keeping on !!!!!
tis hard to think after a couple ofbillys

"reality use to be a friend of mine"
howdy bc ...hi all

well at first i thought being 26 and still rolling when all my friends my age had stopped i thought i was like a dinosaur...extinct as hell

its really good to see that there are others willing to go the distance and push those ageing bones and keep on keeping on !!!!!
tis hard to think after a couple ofbillys

"reality use to be a friend of mine"
Hey I will be 31 next month and I only found E's this year. Quite mental anyway, just need something extra for stamina these days.
So bc - what do u like for breaky

As for me, I really enjoy clubbin with the youngens. They seem to smile ever so much and I can't help smilin back at them.
God I love this
So bc - what do u like for breaky

As for me, I really enjoy clubbin with the youngens. They seem to smile ever so much and I can't help smilin back at them.
God I love this
Right back at 'cha, bc!
I'm 28 - started rolling back in April. Never been to a rave, out of fear of being the oldest one there ("what's Grandma doing here?"). It's nice to know that I'd be welcome!
E PLURibus unum
All i can say is your only as old as you wanna be!!!

The other night i was at this afterhours
having a great time and looked over in the corner and saw these 3 older men. (had to be in their 60s) it looked like they were having the time of their LIFE..
I fell down the hill and kept rolling.