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I Like to Draw Pictures of Random Molecules

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It's a neuroactive steroid, alphaxolone, combined with a morphine molecule. Does anyone know if either of these combinations would be possible / efficacious?
What about this kind of a cyclized amphetamine molecule (2,3-dihydro-2-methylindole) ?


This seems to be available from chem suppliers but I couldn't find any pharmacological data... Also, are there any better known amphetamine derivatives where there is an amino group on the aromatic ring?
What about this kind of a cyclized amphetamine molecule (2,3-dihydro-2-methylindole) ?


This seems to be available from chem suppliers but I couldn't find any pharmacological data... Also, are there any better known amphetamine derivatives where there is an amino group on the aromatic ring?

I reckon I could draw that.

Its 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone-4-acetoxy-N,N-tripropyltryptamine


BK-MD-4-ACO-ATPT for short.

Yeh what a gangsta chemical.

Its street name would have to be "tentacle rape".
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^^ Very potent though somehow unpleasant from what I've heard.
BTW it is funny we haven't heard of any aryl substituted phenylethylamines....like para-amino or meta-amino.
Is there a reason behind this?

Its 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone-4-acetoxy-N,N-tripropyltryptamine


BK-MD-4-ACO-ATPT for short.

Yeh what a gangsta chemical.

Its street name would have to be "tentacle rape".

Then why not this:


C'mon guys let's kep it serious a bit, my ketamine proposition had some insight in it....playing with molecules wike they are lego is just a waste of time.
Okay I agree that is ridiculous. Heres what I was going for before I got carried away:


Trying to make a novel entactogen/psychedelic. I'm hoping the alpha-ethyl combined with the MD ring should retain some affinity for SERT pathways while the dimethyltryptamine buried in there provides some 2A affinity. The Alpha-ethyl substitution should also stop metabolization by MAO-A.
In that case the amine conjugations would almost abolish activity, this is a common between all alfa-alkyltryptamines. Also the lower methoxy group makes no sense at all.

Regarding the methylenedioxy moiety, it would be MUCH more reasonable to put it betweeh the 4th and 5th position (1 step up).
I assume this from the psychedelic profiles of 5-MeO-DMT and psilocin. Though maybe 2 indipendent methoxy grouos or 2 halogens might be somehow more efficient and probably more neurotoxic.
In that case the amine conjugations would almost abolish activity, this is a common between all alfa-alkyltryptamines. Also the lower methoxy group makes no sense at all.

Regarding the methylenedioxy moiety, it would be MUCH more reasonable to put it betweeh the 4th and 5th position (1 step up).
I assume this from the psychedelic profiles of 5-MeO-DMT and psilocin. Though maybe 2 indipendent methoxy grouos or 2 halogens might be somehow more efficient and probably more neurotoxic.

Excluding the methylenedioxy and lower methyl group (it got put in by accident, I was adapting previous drawings) would an alpha-ethyl position substituent on the DMT (or 4-ho-dmt) molecule create monoamine release properties? AFAIK AMT is the only monoamine releasing psychedelic and I think it would be interesting to explore more.
hi everyone, i was always interested in dragon-fly derivities. anyone have any idea on this

the x represents an alkyl or halo substituet. my reasoning was that if a furan group substituts fairly well for a methylene dioxy group (eg in 6-apb and mda) then the reverse could be applicable for the dragonflys.
wakofly, the most potent 5ht-2a agonist:
Why would that be the most potent 5-HT2A agonist? Any info to back that up? Just wondering I'm interested ;-)


This would be an ACh releasing agent along with an AChE inhibitor. Hopefully it will kill >;-)


This here is a weird methylphenidate analogue I made.. It is based on a few other MPH analogues and in theory, it would be a potent DA reuptake inhibitor, and maybe even have decent affinity for the other monoamine transporters.. either that or that C-Fl chain in the front would be impossible :p


And this guy here is just a product of boredness in Anatomy and Physiology class. An MDMA analogue with some neat stuff!


EDIT: Sorry for the huge images, from now on I'll use a smaller rendering size.
randomer, I don't think you can use such methylenedioxy substitutions on two sides of the ring AND a 4-substitution. The starting position of the idea would be that there would be 4 times a methoxy group on all those positions and I think existing molecules indicate that this is too much. It should not be that much electronegativity - it probably couldn't bind correctly. Though I do wonder, with the dragonfly series there are pi orbitals in those areas so who knows.

SNR about the compound with the chloro's that are triple bonded, Cl doesn't do that unless perhaps in special inorganic configurations, if that. It's not nitrogen. Yes it does have extra electron pairs but I think the atom is just too big and negative for one, a second bond would already be far too unstable let alone a third one.

Is this just random? Because that word is in the thread title so in that case I will leave you to it. :D
hi everyone, i was always interested in dragon-fly derivities. anyone have any idea on this

the x represents an alkyl or halo substituet. my reasoning was that if a furan group substituts fairly well for a methylene dioxy group (eg in 6-apb and mda) then the reverse could be applicable for the dragonflys.

An oxygen at the 3-position of 2CD-FLY reduces affinity slightly (2C-MeTriox in Bradens thesis, Ki 10.35nM vs 6.22 for 2CD-FLY). I don't know what effect adding the 6-oxygen would have, but it could be an interesting compound, as could the 2C-MeTriox.

wakofly, the most potent 5ht-2a agonist:


The brominated, alpha-methylated, non N-benzylated version of that was published by Nichols, same affinity as DOB-FLY but with higher intrinsic activity. So Br-DFLY is still more potent, but who knows when you put the N-benzyl on...
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SNR about the compound with the chloro's that are triple bonded, Cl doesn't do that unless perhaps in special inorganic configurations, if that. It's not nitrogen. Yes it does have extra electron pairs but I think the atom is just too big and negative for one, a second bond would already be far too unstable let alone a third one.

Is this just random? Because that word is in the thread title so in that case I will leave you to it. :D

Yes, that particular molecule was pretty random :p
You asked about better molecular design software.
Avogadro is freeware and can do 2d and 3d editing.

we don't allow torrent site discussion or links on Bluelight. Please read the BLUA Thanks..
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My idea of a very potent 5-HT2A agonist

Another Fly, probably very toxic. I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to these things, but would this substance also have some MAOI activity?
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Not got the energy to draw it, but cut off the methoxy and tape on a methelynedioxy.

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