I just need to post Vs. wisdom, beauty, and baggage.. here hold this bag and ponder.

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I found Breaking Bad to be very anxiety inducing and depressing oddly enough :\. I wish I coulda watched it past the 4th episode so I'd be able to talk about it with everyone else.
right I only watched the first four as well.. but I liked it a bunch.. but couldn't make it through the end.. but I would love any thoughts on its a wonderful life.. if anyone chooses to watch it again.. that is truely an amazing movie.
I haven't seen it, I'll have to see if it's on netflix or download rent it. I really enjoy the Trueman Show, a must watch. Mindfuck abit..
if your talkin its a wonderful life star i just posted it in 895.. this movie has more wisdom in what's wrong and rite with life than almost al I have ever seen.. watching it now and have a smile on my face already. take a gander and I would love to see what you think.
if your talkin its a wonderful life star i just posted it in 895.. this movie has more wisdom in what's wrong and rite with life than almost al I have ever seen.. watching it now and have a smile on my face already. take a gander and I would love to see what you think.

I'll have to give it a watch then :)

I ended up watching "Orange is the New Black" again =D I fucking love that show and cannot wait until the next season!

PS: Stardust- it's actually healthier to drink sugared soda, trust me!

My friend turned me into Orange and Black when she was here, we watched maybe the first 5 episodes (up until Reds chicken fiasco). I'll have to start watching it again.

About soda, I guess it could be more dangerous due to aspartame being so hazardous, but the amount of sugar in 1 can (and I don't just drink 1 can/day), is a little scary :sus:

I thought i was in a "trueman show" a couple of years ago lol

I think after watching that everyone gets the notion they could possibly be the star of the Trueman (your name) Show. :sus:
My friend turned me into Orange and Black when she was here, we watched maybe the first 5 episodes (up until Reds chicken fiasco). I'll have to start watching it againn

About soda, I guess it could be more dangerous due to aspartame being so hazardous, but the amount of sugar in 1 can (and I don't just drink 1 can/day), is a little scary :sus:

Heh yeah you'll love it! At least I do. The fact that Alex is so hot probably has a lot to do with it ;)

There's this drink that I've been obsessed with, I don't know how good/bad it is for someone but I think it's delicious. Here's a pic:

Whaat I'm going to look next time. Perhaps I've never see it because I don't ever go into RiteAid lol.
I'm hungry, i got dumped and i havn't been this itchy in over 5 months :/
Hey phat sorry to hear the relationship ended.. bet way to get over someone is to get under someone else i say.
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Hey phat sorry to hear the relationship ended.. bet way to get over someone is to get under someone else i say.

true true, i should make the most of it now, whilst i still have some self confidence, i'm just not used to "playing the game", but i do know a few hotties i could try and hook up with, take my mind off my ex...
thx ;)
Ugh I hate conflict. I attend this weekly recovery meeting on Thursdays n when we started a while back I asked if we could have the meeting at 1 pm so I am able to get my little girl. There was only 5 members then n now a few more have started. They're set up a Facebook page n when I looked at it (I wasn't going to due to confidentiality reasons) I noticed one of the girls was telling everyone the meeting starts at 1:30 pm. That probably explains why for the last few weeks some of us arrived at 1 pm n spent half hour waiting for the others to arrive.

This 'newer' member mentioned it today on Facebook n I mentioned someone about it but now I'm extremely wortied. This girl is loud n a lot of them are friends shes always been nice to me but I feel intimidated. Part of me wants to do the usual n just let them have their way but another part of me is saying "no you're apart of the group n one of the original members n your feelings matter too.

What if they think I'm being a spoilt brat? I'm sure they don't like me as a lot of them meet up outside the meeting n appear to really know one another. Also one of the people working there said There was too many volunteers to work giving breakfast to the homeless (mainly other addicts) n yet I heard someone mention about starting voluntary work there so why am "I" not wanted? I found working here that one day really forfilling n even laughed at a joke against me which is something I never normally do.

Oh god how do I handle it without conflict? I'm thinking stop going to the meeting n just leave them to have it at 1:30 pm?

I know it may seem a small n petty thing but I've been trying to work with a therapist on bringing my self esteem up n one thing i do is try to please people n run away from conflict. The old me would have just left them change the meeting to 1:30 pm to avoid conflict n let it fester in me.

What do I do about it? :(
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