I Just Need To Post Vs. Lend me your eyes and ears, your wisdom and beauty.

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Has to cool down at some point rite BRoI. Since their is only so much energy I bet as I get warm you get cooler... we can hope anyway.
Does anyone think I would make a decent Words moderator? They posted about needing a new mod.
I am in there more than any other forum but it just bothers me that it doesn't move fast enough.
Maybe I could help change that?
So im also in TDS and OD alot too.
I did just get an infraction for something in that forum but it was for sticking up for my passion and something I am good at.
I donno if i should even try it.. I don't read books or anything, im more into just the rhyming aspect of words.
I'm a "lyricist in training". I donno if that would qualify me for the position.
If no one else will do it, I would be more than happy to.
I am an addict in recovery, I did leave the site for a while to help clean myself up and am back with hindsight I never had before being a full blown addict but also still remember some things about drugs even though my memory with my usage the past few years is hazy.
That shouldn't have much to do with that forum in particular but I do know that most post there do drugs and it wouldn't really be my responsibility in that forum to help with those aspects.
But would be willing to if need be.
I have a passion for writing and so do some friends of mine that I have met in that forum.
I may not be the best person for the job, but like I said. If no one else will do it, I will try.

Thoughts on if I should apply or not?

If you would like to moderate a sub-forum then apply I would love to be a moderator of sub-forums that I participate in n so when a vacancy comes along I apply for it. You can learn anything that you are unsure of can't you.

I wish you the best of luck.

Mr.scag (do you come here?). I read somewhere that you're a tattoo artist. What sort of designs do you prefer drawing up n designing? I've spent the last 2 years having a sleeve done. Will find it n stick it on avatar later. I've a lot of respect for tattooists n the art that they create.

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^^ I just had a conversation with one of my roommates who is considering going celibate for a year. I'm considering the same now to be honest. Until a few months ago I've been in a relationship with someone or another since I was 16, so basically 6 years without being single and it's been incredibly difficult for me transitioning into single life. I always end up dating chicks that I have sex with, and I think I need to take some time and figure out how to be happy with my self before I commit to being in a relationship again. I don't know if I want to commit to any length of time without sex but I think I *should* commit to some time being single, and based on my past history committing to being single is the same thing as not having sex. Which is probably an issue I need to think about in and of itself. I don't know, point being I think I need to figure out who I am and what I want in life before I try giving myself to another person again.
I went through that a couple of years ago too Case. Had been a long time since I'd been single for longer than a month or two and now it's nearing 2 1/2 years since I've been in a relationship. It's good to get some perspective on yourself and get back in touch with who you are and what has changed in those years.
^^ I just had a conversation with one of my roommates who is considering going celibate for a year. I'm considering the same now to be honest. Until a few months ago I've been in a relationship with someone or another since I was 16, so basically 6 years without being single and it's been incredibly difficult for me transitioning into single life. I always end up dating chicks that I have sex with, and I think I need to take some time and figure out how to be happy with my self before I commit to being in a relationship again. I don't know if I want to commit to any length of time without sex but I think I *should* commit to some time being single, and based on my past history committing to being single is the same thing as not having sex. Which is probably an issue I need to think about in and of itself. I don't know, point being I think I need to figure out who I am and what I want in life before I try giving myself to another person again.

I was celibate for exactly one year from 2008-2009. I did it in conjunction with my recovery. Before that time I had been in two relationships back to back; one was for 7 years, the other for 2, and I found celibacy to be a very powerful way to focus on myself and nurture myself. It was extremely challenging, of course, but for the most part the struggle diminished as each month passed. I was lonely sometimes, but looking back on it I think the loneliness had just as much to do with the fact that I had to isolate myself from my friends who used as it did with not dating.

My 7 year long relationship was with a woman, and I found it interesting that in the lesbian community I found many more women who were understanding (or at least showed empathy) about my choice. The guys I spoke to about it almost all thought I was absolutely out of my mind. Even the guy I has the 2 year relationship with thought I had gone off the deep end. ;)

It was a serious commitment to make, but just as I was commited to staying sober, I was totally commited to remaining celibate. As each month passed I grew more confident with my choice. I was also proud to see how disciplined I could be; particularly after about a decade of lacking discpline when it came to substances. I had shown extreme discipline in my education/professional life, but I never thought that I would be living a life of recovery while living a celibate life. Suddenly I was a completely different woman than I had been since I was a kid.

By 6 months my celibacy had become a part of me as opposed to a struggle, and I was able to use that energy in my spiritual life instead of exert it through sex. I still was able to maintain and develop relationships with people, so I did have intimacy in my life, I just didnt have sexual intimacy. This made my relationships even more intense in some ways. Connections were heightened and vibrant without the complexities (and bliss) that sex brings. I broke my celibacy after exactly one year, and ended up marrying the man I broke it with.

Focusing on yourself, your passions, your hobbies, your dreams, and your friends will allow you to grow in ways you simply cant when you are dating and in relationships with people. I myself am very extroverted, an empath, and simply love giving a lot mof myself to those I love, in all the ways humans can love other humans. I love being in relationships, but I also cherished the time I had when I was only having sex with myself. I would recommend it to everyone. But a year is a long time. Even a month of celibacy can certainly be just as powerful. Take that energy and focus it inwards. The healing that came from that has been unparalleled in my life since. Plus, sex is still better than it ever was before I took the break.
i've been celibate since august sex isn't very exciting to me anymore
I do not get along with celibacy. I feal much better when I have healthy sex at regular intervals.
It was hard for me to jus abruptly stop after frequent sex for years. It's been over a month and I'm going crazy!
My last night in my hometown before I fly back home tomorrow, only here for a few days didn't get to see everyone I wanted to see bit shattered about that but I've spent my whole time with good friends so it's still been a great trip, but feeling very very very homesick right now for where I am before I'm even gone. This feeling is just crazy. I'm gonna miss this place because I don't know when I'll be back next. :(
Feeling like switching jobs, I need a refreshment from my current job. I've been there several years and it's not going anywhere for me (fucking liars) was promised so much and I barley get half of what I am promised/owed. I work way to hard to get shitted on, like wtf maybe if I'm lazy and text all day drinking coffee sitting in the back office like every other GM ill get 'recognized' haha my work is so fucking backwards.

It's like if I don't get the shit done it's not going to get done :\
Just cracked out a five layer meat and veg lasagna... and it will be in the oven soon.

Ace NSW, any spaces left for tea then????


EDIT: On read previous conversation, I don't understand why everyone finds sex so important. For me it was a laborious chore. There's far more exciting things in life like exercise, I never understood the appeal, and without sounding offensive, always found the opposite genders private parts, to be dirty. I honestly NEVER understood the appeal n interest to sex. All I know it is changes people into people I don't like. But maybe I'm just not normal LOL.
^^ Yes please!!

I've been sick all week with a cold :\ finally called out of work today. I don't even care if they fire me anymore, I'm in no mood to work.
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