TDS I have to get this out...

I agree with you, crazy diamond--marriage is a lot of work, compromise, humility and acceptance; none of which come easy to most of us!

One thing I know for sure from my years of teaching: divorced parents that keep the hate going do so much damage to their kids. People that can "bury the hatchet" and forgive each other can heal their own lives and create stable loving environments for their kids. You create a universe when you bring children into the world. Like it or not, you play god for the early years. What kind of universe do you want for them?
Hi, sorry if this is the wrong place to put this but I have to get it out.

I came across this forum whilst looking for a method to conceal suicide as an accident. More on the reason later, but firstly, a little about myself.

I'm an early 40's male, married, with children. Own my own house (well, the bank does), hugely in debt, employed at a job that I can't stand anymore. No formal qualifications, although experienced in my field. Have applied for loads of jobs without even interviews. I drive a shit heap because I can't afford anything better.

My wife constantly blames me for everything and I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells. She got an evening job 2yrs ago and since then our intimate life has become almost non-existent for which she blames me (even though she's constantly tired and never wants it). She doesn't get out of bed with the children, I do and I get her up, every day at 7am with a coffee, after I've made the kids breakfast. I then get in the shower and make the hours' commute to work. I spend the next 9hrs stressing at work, to then come home so she can leave to go to work. she doesn't return for 4hrs, yet she's only employed for 2hrs 10 minutes away.

When she gets home, she sits on her mobile phone for the rest of the night, "apparently" talking to the people she's just worked with. Then she goes to bed.

Total time I see her during the week where she is actually engaged with me is about an hour.

At the weekends, she has zero enthusiasm to do anything and when I don't take the lead and sort stuff for the family to do, I get moaned at.

Bringing up any of this with her results in her arguing all my faults and blaming everything on me. It's a completely irrational argument and every time she threatens to leave with the kids.

It's got to the point now where she gives me no affection or appreciation. I pay for all the mortgage, running costs, food, and I also give her money, plus she has her own wages which I see none of. I've been sinking for years into debt.

I cannot remember the last time she came up to me to give me a hug. I think she's just with me for the financial and security benefits. Don't get me wrong, she's not nasty and we don't argue (I've come to the point where I just agree because arguing with her is futile, she see's no other point of view), I just feel that she doesn't want me anymore.

Moving on from this, I've tried moving jobs, no success in even getting an interview and at the moment, I really don't even want to continue my career.

The only thing stopping me from ending it all is the kids. They don't deserve it and I love them to bits, I don't want them to suffer like I am. I put on an act with them that I'm happy, but it's becoming too hard to do now. Which is half of the point of my initial question. The other half is because from what I've read Death in Service insurance won't pay out on suicide.

A lot of you will say and think that this pales into insignificance compared to other lives, but imagine always not being good enough, never achieving goals. Always waking up to thinking that you could have another 30 years of this or worse.

I can't carry on.

Just get fucking divorced what's the matter with you dude? I can't imagine anything dumber than letting a nasty woman drive you to suicide and I'm in favor of suicide for many things that can go wrong in life but you really have an out here so why aren't you taking it? You're letting her have all the power over your life. That's not a very smart way to live your life friend and once you do get free never ever marry again. You need some inner reserves if you're going to be in a marriage. You've made yourself into a doormat from the sound of it. Dude she's just another human and no god you need to be in such fear of.

Personally I'm totally against marriage for almost any reason. That's why I was able to retire at 55 with a ton of cash to play with for the rest of my life. I'm all for love and relationships but never for marriage. You're selling yourself to the devil and for what? A contract to do business in the eyes of the govt that will cost you a ton of cash to dissolve. You'd think men would learn this shit. MGTOW for the win. (Men going their own way)
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Atleast stop giving her money! Since you cant get rid of her, then ffs stop supporting her in anyway! Make her feel shamed and humble! Its the only way she start appreciating you! Now she takes everything for granted! You have the power! Not her! If she wants the divorce, then play your cards right and court has to be on ur side! First of all make clear who takes care of the kids in all ways! You give them love, time, food and roof over their head!

Strenght man! Be patient! Suicide aint answer! There life after they grow up! And then you wont have to be with her if she still mean and wont value you!
Once you cut her off from the money things will change fast and clarify for you what she's really all about. No money for nasty people.