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I have severe Anxiety, Will smoking weed make it worst??

ugh, i wont risk it then.
god i hate being sober, guess this is bedtime for me.

i have severe anxiety too. and yeah, i've had panic attacks from pot before. but if you really only want to relax with a joint before bed, you'll be fine. it IS relaxing. and if you do feel a panic attack coming on, you'll already be a step ahead because you KNOW that it's ONLY anxiety and you cannot die. once you learn how to talk yourself down, it's fucking fantastic.

one thing i did notice though, in my case, after i started smoking daily my overall social anxiety got extremely worse. just remember, moderation is key.
I suffer from anxiety too and I noticed that if I smoke alone, my anxiety is a lot worse than when I smoke with my girlfriend or roommates.
never know until u try, if u do have a panic attack just remeber u cant die from cannibus- i get feeling wierd but wen i get relly bad i just eat a bunch and it helps alot once u get used to it u might like it better than bezos
It could make it way worse or way better.

I'd say take a hit, just one hit, even if it's not very good weed (people who don't smoke can often get a decent buzz from a hit of even shwag), then wait 15 minutes and go from there. There's no way one hit will send you into a panic attack unless it's very good weed.

I have some anxiety too, not necessarily "anxiety disorder" but I can be jumpy and neurotic sometimes for sure, especially in social situations. Weed was hit and miss with it at first, it would either make me wrapped up in my own head and thus relaxed or extremely anxious, and as my tolerance for it went up it became excellent for it. When you smoke for a while the anxiety stuff goes away, but obv. that's not a real option for you.

If you do go into panic mode, keep a level head. You can rationalize your way out of a panic attack if you're good. If this happens your heart will appear to be beating dangerously fast. Just remind yourself that the THC makes it *seem* like your heart is beating faster than it is, and also that a healthy person can sustain a fairly heightened heart rate. Nobody's ever died from cardiac problems while smoking (I have seen one or two examples in the literature but meh that could very well be coincidental and both people had pre-existing cardiac disorders).

You also might feel very paranoid about the people you're with. Be honest with them before you smoke, just tell them that you have anxiety disorder and that if you start acting odd or withdrawn or scared that they should talk nice to you and "talk you down". That can help with social paranoia from weed, once you see the people you're with being very nice to you that's usually (usually . . .) enough to get rid of most of the paranoia.
I would reccommend not smoking if you can BUT if you must have a smoke then do what the poster a few posts reccommends. Take a light toke and wait 15 - 20 minutes and see how you feel. There is no hurry but if your going to be sensitive you'll be sensative to a light toke. It is also good advice to do it with at least one other adult and be honest with them.
If I have anxiety, I'm ok taking one hit. But that hit tells me that I need to stop or I'll freak out.
This is mostly because when I'm stoned I start thinking about stuff. And my mind starts racing and I get super anxious about all sorts of made up bullshit that probably won't happen (but freaks me out anyway).
Basically, it enhances how you feel. If you're having a great time with friends or whatever, I'd give pot a try. If you're freaking out (or in the mood to), I'd avoid it.
For me.. cannabis = anxiety + paranoia.. i'd say no although i recognise it's different for other people.. one step at a time mayor, one step at a time..
Try some high-grade Sativa, that's what my girlfriend does, she can't smoke anything but Home-grown Sativa. Lucky for us, our friend is a grower.
I have panic attacks often. In the past, weed would create a more intense state of agitation or anxiety. However, it doesn't effect me (or anyone really) in such a way where you are 'out of control'. If you work through it mentally...knowing that you are self inducing your anxiety you can work through it . Just practice breathing techniques; knowing that you 'may' become anxious seems to help. Then when you feel an attack coming you can do something about it-walk, tell the people you're with and ask for them to help calm you down or whatever (if an option). Or just only smoke if you have a small dose of a benzo with you to take when you start feeling anxious (like .5mg kpin-which is what I do if I'm in that situation).
I was feeling anxiety free for a while so I thought why not smoke something to relax more, but that totally backfired on me, it triggered my anxiety bad, my mind was racing ,my chest felt hot and I couldn't sleep all night maybe it was cause it was exotics but I feel it happened because I was alone, I wont risk smoking anything for a while now, so through MY experience,if you have to smoke, don't smoke alone, and no exotics, cause I once smoked a clip of piff and I was ok.
You could try taking some valerian root before you smoke.

Edit: Holy hell this is pretty old..
i have bad anxiety as well. i dont like to smoke hash or indica. i smoke the lightest sativa strains i can find. they generally have waay less paranoia and anxiety for me. early girl, homegrown from mendocino, is the strain i would smoke....if i did. havent done so in several months now.

having a benzo is GREAT. if you are not prescribed one, you could try ordering some phenazepam for the sole reason of combining it with thc. i would definetly be able to enjoy the effects of both, and enjoy the thc without the anxiety. if you dont want to use a benzo, try smoking 1 or 2 puffs of a sativa.