I Have A Dream 4 - Jan.19th 2001- Hammerstein Ballroom (nyc)

and also...chrissy, yeah so i assume it's you...but go changing names on me.....i'm outa the loop girl...
so you guys have my number, but i don't have yours..so u gotta get ahold of me..k?k.
my best girl tha ti met in school in Israel just transferred to Pratt in Bklyn, I'm so pumped- i just gotta get the 42...nahmean???
allright lady
peace&hairgrease....CALL ME
heh uve been out of the loop for a while, i changed my name in august :)
we will definitely give you a call... buzzys in montreal right now, ill see what he wants to do for the weekend... u gotta come see our new place! :) WE MISS YOU!!!! talk to you soon :)
See Above Question
Repeat to yourself a couple times
Find someone who knows answer
Post please!
Hey guyz...
I e-mailed Jeff from SOE and asked if there's an afterparty for this. Apparently, there will be an afterparty... however, details such as location, directions, price, lineup etc, will be announced at the event....
Guess we'll have to play it by ear.....
Im not going to this party, but I will be in the city during the day, if theres an after party someone needs to get in contact with me when they find out! hehe cuz ill def go, also if any bl'ers are gonna be in the city during the day, hit me up im going to yellow rat bastard :)
TOMORROW NIGHT!!! Well I'm already down in the city chillin wit my girly. I'm gonna try and make it to at least one of the meet-ups but I usually tend to forget once I'm there. But I am gonna try REAL hard to remember this time. Hope to see ya kids there. Peace
holy CRAP.. this party is... TODAY! wh00t!! I'm leavin for the City in a few (hours) YES! this is gonna be Excellent. .. oh and speekah.. lets stay off that balcony with those friggin invisible security guards.. (that sukd) heh.. yep... were gonna park in that hammerstein parking garage right next to the place (fuckin $30 to park there tho) and we're going to be wandering around the city until the party starts :) wh00t.. well.. Be safe tonite.. have phun.. and I'll see ya THere!!!! wh00000t! /freddie d
ohhhhhh dirty. damn...i havent been to sleep since i woke up at 9 am yesterday...i went to buzz last night and it was fuckin unbeliveable..now its time to get some rest for tha real party (ed rush and optical 2 days in a row?? fuck YEAH!!!) so i really hope to meet u kids tonight...hopefully the snow wont hamper anyones arrival..everyone be safe comin out!!!..aight peace :)
dayyyyuuuumm....there isnt a cheaper place to park that isnt 20 miles away or what??
if you go down the street from hammerstein and make a right on whatever street is after that block, theres a parking garage thats all night and is only like $20.
So its snowing hard here in MD. Guess we'll be driving through the snow the entire way up there, but "f**k it", we've got a party to attend. So I'll have on white caffeine pants and a black shirt. see ya in a couple of hours!!
and NCTexan I was at Buzz last night too (didn't get home til 5am). Spent the whole time wilding out to Ed Rush & Optical, it was a good warmup for tonights main event. And yeah it was hella crowded, but it was a good night.
Agreed, Freddy!
Party's just a few hours away!! I'm so pumped!!
As for what I'm wearing: Camo baseball cap, camo bandana, black turtleneck sweater, irridescent camo'ish green windbreaker w/lime green logo on back, and camo'ish green UFOs.
Yeah, so thats what I'm wearin'. People say I look kinda like Craig David. Say hi and stuff.
See everyone in a few...
Whoo Hoo.
I claim the 100th post to this thread!! lol
Anyway, This party is gonna be insane! I'm so excited!!
I have no idea what I'm gonna wear yet, but I will be at the meetups.
I want to meet as many BLers as possible. :)
So you guys later.