I am done with drugs..PLEASE HELP ME


Jan 2, 2000
Today has been a trip to hell and back. I woke up, feeling slightly dizzy. I went to 6 hours of classes and felt like complete crap for the first 5. I was dizzy, short of breath, my pulse raced, i felt like my throat was closing up. I felt like i was dying. Around noon i had a panic attack and broke out in tears. I prayed that I wouldn't throw up, pass out or die. Ive been having them for the rest of the day. what is happening to me? I ate one pill on new years, 4 days ago and i hadnt felt any bad side effects except slight jaw clenching since that evening to about the next day. I did about 6-7 nitrous balloons 5 days ago. But that shouldnt affect it. But I am thinking, is this worth it? Is the fact that I have NO clue what i put in my body which is making me feel this way enough reasoning? No. Is 4 hours of intense happiness worth the way i feel now? I hallucinate off of pot now, I hallucinate sober. How is this one pill doing this to me? I am terrified to go to bed, i am terrified i will never never wake up. What is causing these panic attacks? Has this happened to anyone else? I want everyone to think long and hard about this. IS IT WORTH IT? I keep hearing these news reports about a guy who died at a rave on new years from oding. I am so scared to listen to what he od'ed from. What if its from E? Do we all need this in our lives for 4 hours of happiness? We have NO clue what we're putting in our body. We can only HOPE its MDMA. I am so terrified right now. I have friends who ate the same pills and are not feeling anything. What is going on? Is it all in my head? Please respond.
I'm sorry this is happening to you, it sounds horrible! I did E for the first time on New Years, and I have to admit I'm still feeling the effects. I've been feeling anxiety mixed with depression. I normally never feel that way. But, your symtoms sound much more serious than mine! You may be extremely sensitive to E. I think you're smart give up E, since you have such severe reactions. You also might consider seeing a doctor if you don't feel better soon.
Good Luck.
[This message has been edited by skibunny (edited 04 January 2000).]
Wow, I'm very sorry to hear all the pain that you are going through. But drugs have different effects on different people. Maybe rolling has a very bad effect on you, even though it sure sounds like that it wasn't just MDMA that you took. As far as if drugs are worth feeling bad? Absolutely not. No one truely needs drugs to have fun or feel good, but they can help the experience. If all this keeps happening to you, I would definately suggest that E just isn't for you.
hey honey..well have u been having any other stress in your life that might be causing panic attacks. It is a possibility that you are getting sick from the e. I have been doing e on and off for the last year and a half. I have seen alot of things good and bad happen to people from the drug. Is this the 1st time you have done it?? It could be all in your mind to, being afraid to fall asleep...you might be making your anxiety a little bit worse by thinking such bad things. I hope you end up ok..i hate hearing stuff about people that are suffering..especially in fear. So calm down...wait and see if this continues..if it does..go see a doctor or go to a clinic..hope u are ok..much love
Hey MissYEM. Sorry to hear what you are going through. What everybody else is saying really makes sence. Dont let I worry you. Some people are just a little more sensitive to some drugs more than others. But in my personal opinion, I don't think it's serious. I myself am just comming out of a G hole just about an hour ago, and let me tell you it makes me want to stay away from G altogether. Infact I urge anyone to stay away from it. Believe me I feel your pain, but some drugs can be a beutiful experience if taken responsibly. I've never heard of anyone suffering from perminate dammage from just MDMA. Infact it sounds like your symtoms are pretty normal, so don't let it worry you.
It sounds like you MIGHT be suffering from ephedrine poisoning,please note that I am defo not a doctor,but a friend of mine had much the same symptoms as you,and she had taken what was thought to be ephedrine.The good news is that her symptoms cleared within a few days,but to be honest yours sound a little worse and maybe a trip to the doctor wouldn't be such a bad idea?
Hope Ive been of some help and you get well soon..
It sounds like you MIGHT be suffering from ephedrine poisoning,please note that I am defo not a doctor,but a friend of mine had much the same symptoms as you,and she had taken what was thought to be ephedrine.The good news is that her symptoms cleared within a few days,but to be honest yours sound a little worse and maybe a trip to the doctor wouldn't be such a bad idea?
Hope Ive been of some help and you get well soon..
i remember once my day of god damnit cant remember the word right now,,, its when you are all out of balance and shit for quite a while and your hot and cold and your brains all out of wak, im trying to think of the word but for some reason the word dyslexia keeps getting in the way and i know its not it
ahh there it is vertigo
and that was before i did any drugs (or so i thought, see my "youre all druggies" post) it sucks i thought i was goign to throw up the whole time and i couldnt stand up straight, time seemed to take forever and it lasted most of the day
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"
- Buddha -
More than anything, it sounds like your seratonin is out of wack. If you continue to have these sensations for more than a couple of weeks, seek professional treatment.
My assumption (keep in mind this is the assumption of an ill-educated idiot) is that taking a multi-vitamin and 100mg of 5htp per day will probably help you recover from these problems. I tend to take this combination for several days (up to a week) after rolling to help my body "reset" itself.
I'm not trying to encourage you to continue taking E (that's something everyone needs to decide for themselves), but if you do try it again, 5htp and/or St. John's Wort are both effective in prevention of the symptoms you have described. Of course your condition may be caused by a varity of other factors, so my suggestion may not even apply.
Please do whatever makes you most comfortable...and good luck snapping out of the anxiety; I think there's a good chance it is temporary.
I will find humor in my everyday life by looking for people I can laugh at.
A few months ago something similar happened to me. On a Friday night I went out and ate 5 pills. The next night I went out completely sober. Well, half hour after we got to the club I started feeling slightly dizzy. The club sucked so we decided to get some water and leave. Well I got extremely dizzy and stumbled out of the club while my friend was getting the water. My vision was fucked up. I couldn't balance myself I felt this terrible pain in my stomach I felt like I was gonna puke and I was sweating bullets. I was sooo scared and my friend wanted to take me to the ER. But it finally went away. It has happened 2 more times since that night. Maybe you should take a break or if you feel you need to stop then that's what you should do. I haven't rolled in 6mos and I feel great. But I still love the music and dancin' my ass off til dawn is great. So just do what you feel is right. And I hope everything works out for you.
Hey everybody! thank you so much for your responses. They helped a lot. Today was a normal day and I didnt feel a lot of the effects that I had felt the previous. I drank lots of juice during all my classes and ate more carbs. It seems to help. I really dont know waht it was. I think i was just working myself up into a tizzy and i have NO clue why! This was not my first time taking e, but it was my first time feeling like this afterwards. About the ephedrine post, the shamrocks I ate were going around my friends. One of my friend's older brother had about 100 of the pills and about 20 of my friends ate them. In fact, i know some girl who ate 5 pills in 2 days and had zero bad effects. So, i dont know if they could have had anything else in them thats completely dangerous. Its possible. But drugs do different things to different people. But im gonna chill out for a while and let my body get back into the groove of things and then maybe roll again some time in the future. Hey, ive got a lot of weekends until the year is over. Im sure there will be one special enough to roll with. thanks again everyone!!!!!!!! :)
Love Always-
One more thing---about the St. John's Wort...is that really effective? How much/many should i take and when?
Miss YEM
Your symptoms are all indicative of a panic attack, which is something you should get used to if you keep doing drugs. There are ways of controlling them though. This is probably what happened with you. You noticed yourself sweating, your heart was racing, dizziness, etc. You had the idea that you were gonna die. This made you extremely nervous. In situations which put you in that state of mind, your body activates the sympathetic system, which basically makes you more able to cope with stressful situations, such as getting attacked. Adrenalin, norepinephrine, and other hormones are released, which quicken your pulse, make you anxious etc. All this anxiety, and feeling of your heart pounding in your chest in turn make you even more scared you're gonna die. It's a vicious cycle. There are many psychological and chemical ways to treat these things. A simple one is, when you first feel the symptoms, to just tell yourself that it's just a panic attack, you aren't dying, everything will be fine in a few minutes. This is easier said than, done, especially when you are first learning to deal with these things - Good luck!
Hey there, don't start to panic till you know for sure what your going through. I had the same symptoms last year. I went to the doctor, call the poison control center, did all sorts of panicking! All you need to know is that MDMA depletes your Serotonin levels. For your body to regenerate the Serotonin, it take about 2 weeks! Why you feel the way you do is because your brain lacks Serotonin. For more info go here http://www.dancesafe.org/
You should find there slideshow to be very informative.
Sigmund was right!!!!
i'm really sorry for what you're going through. i'm thinking about quitting e myself... its just not worth it anymore. it used to give me the best feeling in the world but now every time i dose i either just end up sitting down all mashed out, or with my head in a toilet puking my guts up. and you're right, you NEVER know what you're taking, and i really don't know if i want to keep risking it. i know i'm probably going to end up dosing this weekend or sometime soon. i told myself i would quit and i didn't even last two weeks... oops..
ah well.
good luck to you. hope you feel better soon.
lotsa love,
~ left betty ford to drink, i'll trip on anything ~
if you feel like that drugs is getting to you then stop.
But first ask urself this...Have I made my life a little better after this?
I found myself at a point once where I felt that using drugs was no longer worth the damage it was doing to my body....I too was hallucinating off of weed (a side effect of speed)..Dry heaving, shaking and twitching constantly...And when I'd pop a pill or two, I'd find myself sitting there, fighting headaches and nausea, digging through the cobweb laced remains of my brain in an attempt to find THE BUZZ...I took a break and went on a "diet", and found out that being straight is the craziest buzz of all...Now, I rarely use chemical drugs, and when I do, its SO much better...My body feels great, my mind feels great (well...more squishy than anything) and the drugs hit me WAY harder than they did when I used them on a regular basis....