Scared How to stop using blow?


Jan 22, 2024
so for about 4 or 5 months now, I've been using cocaine daily. Used to only do it on occasion but I've been using on and off for about 10 years. The amount has increased gradually & I have plateaued at a point where I'm getting a quarter O every week. I previously had issues with K usage to the point where I was hospitalized for gall stones from it, and I pretty much replaced one addiction for another-- except this one has been far less problematic for the most part. I still use MAYBE a half g of K a day. For years I have had trouble with sleeping way too much (12-16 hrs daily). Have recently done a bunch of blood tests over it (awaiting follow up appt) and found out I'm anemic. So I'm pretty sure my usage stems from trying to fix my sleep patterns. In recent weeks I've been becoming concerned about my usage. Every day I have to switch off nostrils bcuz one hurts too bad and can't handle it. Today I accidentally did one line out of the wrong nostril and sent myself into excruciating pain to the point where my eyes were continuously watering/dumping tears for an hour or two. This side of my nose suddenly feels very open, like i can breathe in more air than i used to in a weird spot on the back of my nasal passage before it turns downward which is obviously concerning. I use as soon as I wake up til about an hour before I go to bed. Super clean stuff that I can eat & sleep on.. but this pain has me concerned. It hasn't impacted my life in any other negative manner aside from draining a bit of money and mild occasional anxiety, but it's financially sustainable considering my income. Ive only been more productive on it. Just mostly problematic to my health.

How the heck do I get myself to stop waking up and doing a line? Is there something I can supplement to help myself feel better? An alternative route? Boofing is inconvenient. Something softer to bridge the gap?

Please help. Not comfortable in admitting myself into a rehab yet & I know this is something I need to chill out on.
My wife is doing ok by replacing blow with Ritalin 10 mg ( she pops two in the morning , sometimes other two in the afternoon). It s also a good deterrent cos Ritalin and coke don t mix.
Take a 300 mg pregabalin u be flying keep doing for 5 days once your anxiety not there then think about something else but those 5 days will stop that not good sleep wake up half fucked need a banger line in morning then getting more because u not thinking straight works for me not long but I can work for you I have no will power
My wife is doing ok by replacing blow with Ritalin 10 mg ( she pops two in the morning , sometimes other two in the afternoon). It s also a good deterrent cos Ritalin and coke don t mix.
How easy it be to get put on rivaling in us what should I say I recently come back to US and to old to been put on it as a kid for anything
How easy it be to get put on rivaling in us what should I say I recently come back to US and to old to been put on it as a kid for anything
Dunno about the US mate, we live in Brazil. My wife got a diagnosis of Attention deficit disorder + she told to her shrink that she was doing a lot of blow and wanted to stop
There is some evidence that the anticonvulsants carbamazepine or valproic acid reduce drug cravings. The mood stabilizing effects are beneficial during withdrawal as well. I had some stimulant problems for like a year, and they really helped. All that said, a really good friend of mine did a residential cocaine rehab in Santiago, Chile. This is a bigger problem in SA than people in the US realize as cocaine is so cheap. The place he went to wasn't at all expensive. I would think Brazil would be pretty similar.
I was never addicted to coke but i used to IV quite abit sometimes. Quitting reminded me alot of quitting cigs actually as unlike opiates there are no physical wd's but the cravings are brutal. I hate the coke dreams so much.

I have heard of certain anticonvulsants being used for coke addiction as well. I think baclofen may also help but id have to read up on it
Yeah a buddy of mine used a little crank mixed in his coffee first thing and or put into gel tabs and he then went off of that. He said very little side affects or withdrawals. Most of the response on hear are good but all in all your just trading addictions. But I would really like to know as I'm sure others want to also. Best of luck
That's tough. Sounds like your nose pain might have the right idea.

Heard that topiramate has been used for stimulant withdrawal. Also that mirtazapine, bupropion, and modafinil combined can greatly reduce meth cravings. At least you're not doing meth, though, something to be proud of, however bittersweet. Meth and cocaine are both addictive stimulants, but assuming it's just the nasal route, meth tends to last much longer and is way harder on the brain. Instead of the 300% increase in dopamine seen with cocaine, it's more like 500%+, and empties out your stored vesicular dopamine, whereas cocaine doesn't do so. That said, cocaine could be more cardiotoxic.

Anyway, as referenced, there are medications that can help reduce some of the withdrawal. Buproprion and ar/modafinil come to mind, maybe even venlafaxine and sertraline. Could be that a stimulant like methylphenidate might help, but stimulants tend to be very moreish, so you'd run the risk of substituting your addiction and not really getting anywhere.

However you find it's best to quit, try to lower your stress otherwise while you do it. I'd recommend getting a good therapist and joining support groups. It's not that long of a time that you were using, also, so there's a lot of positivity for you in quitting. And that you reached out to us here was a great step, as well!
Dude I have had a massive problem with blow. Full daily addict (although never injected).

I have just relapsed again after being clean for a month. I hate myself for it. I was doing so well.

I would do this: get clonidine (that stuff takes the cravings away)
focus on gym
im even going to use ghb for a while... benzos can be good too

But I'm done with the shit. I hate coke now (as I chop another line)
GHB and benzos are going to reduce your inhibitions like alcohol. Not sure they are useful except for a few days.
Update : the wife is not exactly doing that well with Ritalin,actually she was doing ok for a week and now she s back to her 1-2 grs a day of blow full force. So maybe Ritalin or some other upper can work super short term, but medium -long term some bigger changes are in order,a change of scenario, maybe cognitive behavioral therapy (the only therapy I consider remotely scientific) to deal with the cravings and shit ? I m at loss honestly, I have more experience with opioids and I ve always underestimated blow, I m learning the hard way ....
I have just relapsed again after being clean for a month. I hate myself for it. I was doing so well.
Yo, shit happens. A month is A LOT ( I guess you are in a situation similar to ours, cheap good coke available 24-7). Don t beat yourself down , it s not a linear process, and it s a pretty fucking insidious drug this one.....
I've said it before here, but give carbamazepine or valproate a try. You might have to search a bit for a doc to prescribe them, but the evidence is there - both for inpatient addicts and Parkinson's patients with "dopamine dysregulation syndrome" and the associated compulsive behaviors. Depakote is widely available as it is a first line epilepsy drug. It's not controlled with no serious side effects besides weight gain, so it should be easy to get a script.

Yo, shit happens. A month is A LOT ( I guess you are in a situation similar to ours, cheap good coke available 24-7). Don t beat yourself down , it s not a linear process, and it s a pretty fucking insidious drug this one.....

yeah in a way the relapse was a good thing... it made me realise how much I hate the shit
While there are some modalities one can use after stopping blow, like others have mentioned in this thread; however, I think blow addiction is more mental, than physical. I should clarify what I mean by this.

Of course that big increase of neurotransmitters is physically addictive and reinforcing, it can be resisted, at least initially. The problems start after about 1 week, when one is starting to feel physically better, by that time nose is close to being actually breathe properly, all the gunk is out too. What really makes blow addictive is this little voice that encourages you to use a little. Suddenly, different situations present to you, situations where its always so convenient to say 'yes' and so hard to say 'no', unfortunately.. for most saying no to the first line is easier, than stopping after that one line.. hence, the popular saying "1 line is too much, 1000 lines too little".

A lot has to change for the user to finally stop and even if they relapse - not fall into abuse cycle. First, it's mindset, one has to logically come to conclusion that you don't want it, when you feel no emotion toward it, you forget about it (and using). Then, it's a change of people around you (if others encourage you to use). This is not easy too, changing social circles often means feeling lonely/bored for an extended period of time, which again - is a strong relapse trigger. Third is doing some sort of physical activity, the aim here is to feel good without blow and knowing full well the consequences if you relapse (that you gonna use shitty); when using it's very often that we're either super high or super low, bouncing between these two states. We have to get to the point where we feel 'good enough' and appreciate finally feeling somewhat calm/more balanced; this can take plenty of time to achieve, depending on the users subjective physiology.

There is a reason blow is notoriously insidious drug, when one becomes addicted to it..
I relapsed again.

But this time is it. I'm over the shit now. It really is overrated.

Ghb and microdose meth far better.