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Lysergamides How to make LSI or Lysergic Acid Isovaleraldemide at home from LSA in morning glory seeds, ancient LSD


Apr 26, 2004
Page 1 with studies: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27850299/fpart/1/vc/1

--> read the trips below (top of page 3, link below) and you will also find at least 10 more reports of people having excellent trips when using lemon juice for their HBWR or MG extraction...and those using wine combo with lemon juice extraction. The order of the extraction does not seem to be important: mix all at once or do in stages, I prefer to extract with wine first, then add the isovaleraldehyde or lemon juice or peppermint mixes and spin around 1 hour at high speed with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar for the condensation catalyst to form the LSI and LSH.

Top of page 3 for 10 trip reports from others: https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/ho...morning-glory-seeds-ancient-lsd.929417/page-3
I've had numerous pm's to condense the tek onto 1 page with pics, as lots of people are wanting to try this, so here it is...print this out and carry it with you and study it, it's super easy and fast I promise.

COMPLETE TEK ON HOW TO MAKE LSH and LSI combo or just LSI (your preference) on this one page with supporting studies, very simple:

Self trip with 600 seeds:

LSI trip report made from MG seeds: on my 600 seed or 18g high dose morning glory wine extract prepared with 3 drops isovaleraldehyde and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar as catalyst for the aldehyde condensation onto LSA to form LSI, saw 2 hours of dancing colored geometrics, thousands upon thousands they were so intricate for 2 hours which formed completely naked women goddesses at the intersections of the geometrics, mind blowing music enhancement and euphoria, very strong trip for 6 hours with 8 hour duration. One of the most prominent visual features is the seeing of colored energy fields or auras surrounding all objects just as itbebasidia reported, I see this every time the whole trip. Very powerful shimmering and glowing of everything as well, as if there is an intense divine light inside, very beautiful. Mentally: Deep healing head space.

If you only have a few HBWR seeds, you can mix them for a few minutes with pure peppermint oil drops, see post #1 for recommendation on how many drops of pure peppermint oil to use, or just read below.

This trip report from Kash (long time LSA master) below is taken from post #3 of the beginning of this thread....keep in mind that LEMON JUICE also contains isovaleraldehyde, my best trip report using just a few HBWR was when I mixed them with fresh lemon juice from the fridge for a while, then consumed.

Do not use the cheap grocery store peppermint alcohol extract, instead buy real Peppermint oil max dosage: Adults: 0.2 to 0.4 mL (4 drops to 8 drops max for adults, DO NOT EXCEED: https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2007/0401/p1027.html

I still don't recommend using HBWR but it will still work to form LSI, see post #2 at very beginning of this thread: all about why this is so (MG vs HBWR seeds)...the main reason is that HBWR contains high amounts of ergometrine which causes cramping and vasoconstriction...whereas MG only has traces of it, I've used MG up to 25g and still no cramping or vasoconstriction. You can get way higher on MG seed LSI whereas with HBWR you will start to experience the somatic side effects of cramping way sooner due to the ergometrine if you are not careful on dosage, it's a balancing act with HBWR.

Psychonauts (psychedelic astronauts): you can still find isovaleraldehyde out there, you just have to look, try looking for the 25ml bottle.


Just took a 40 seed portion of LSA extract that was mixed for 15 minutes with peppermint oil (contains 2mg acetaldehyde per 5 drops, editors note: and contains even more isovaleraldehyde) yesterday and tripped his face off with a friend. Was very clean feeling and relaxed. Rainbows and vibrant fractal energy danced all over the skies and throughout his surroundings and music sounded great. The head-space was very acid like but different. Was a bit intense but he was able to keep it together lol. Whole trip was about 8 hrs long.

I have tried a 20 seed extract without peppermint oil and it seemed Had a feeling you may only had HBWR seeds, in which case: You may want to try mixing it with pure peppermint oil from amazon as kash did to make some limited amount of LSI, you can find his post on post #3 of the thread: (also note that lemon juice contains isovaleraldehyde, you can use in place of peppermint oil.
uncomfortable and sedating with no visuals, while every time he has added peppermint oil he has gotten visuals.

p.s if you read post #2, you will see that ALL the best MG trip reports involved adding fresh lemon juice, examples below, this is because LEMON JUICE ALSO contains isovaleraldehyde:


Having read someone's description of a cold water extraction with added lemon juice, I decided to try it one day. I've tried this method several times and will describe my best trip to date following these notes…

I've found that the ideal dose for my body weight (5'9, 200 lb.) is 30 grams of seeds. I TRIPPED HARD AS HELL.

I saw geometric patterns in everything…

It ranked up there with the best trips of my life, and that includes Mescaline, LSD, and Mushrooms. The trip lasted for about 8 hours and seemed to peak at about 3 hours. Unlike an acid trip where I peak rapidly and then come down fast, this is more like I peak slowly, level off, and then come down slow. I am always in control of my faculties.

Hermes (Lycaeum):

With a 400 morning glory seed extract into cold distilled water with a squirt of lemon juice, I see amazing three and seemingly four-dimensional shapes morphing and bifurcating. Often I get religious and esoteric themed visuals, like fractal cherub wings and winged eyes like those in some of Alex Grey's work. Eyes are all over everything! I see pyramids and sphinxes and Gigeresque biomechanical forms. I see amazing geometric lattice structures. I watch mathematical space-filling algorithms doing their thing.

I also find that I can control the imagery by an act of will. Anything I intend to visualize comes forth and then goes beyond what I had imagined and then transforms into something else. This is great for artists! I could swear that on one occasion while listening to Mozart's Requiem, Heaven itself opened up inside my skull! It was incredible! OH, THE BEAUTY! I saw glorious celestial architecture and there were seraphs singing along with the chorus in the music. I just can't even begin to describe what this was like.

I had tears streaming down my face. I was in the highest ecstacy I have ever known. And all of this with a nothing more than a good mindset, good music, and only about 500 seeds. I'll never forget it. It was probably all in my imagination, programmed by my Catholic upbringing. I don't know and don't really care where it came from. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced, and I still feel great joy when I think of it. I felt so whole!

My comment: Lemon juice also contains ISOVALERALDEHYDE just like peppermint leaf.

Hermes (lycaeum March 2003) on morning glory visuals & strength, extracted into cold distilled water with a squirt of lemon juice:

Depending on seed quality, you should get some weak to decent effects from 8 grams, like mild reality bending, marked enhancement of aesthetic perception, insights, weak open eye visuals, moderate but subtle closed eye visuals (especially with music). I find that more satisfactory results are achieved with more seeds, like 14 grams or more. This much is needed to enter truly psychedelic territory. I wouldn't recommend this much if you haven't tried lower doses with the same seeds and method, however.

I usually just measure by Burpee bags. These are 1.8 grams each. I have used anything ranging from 3 to 12 of these. Strangely, the 12 bag trip was relatively weak. They must have been some old seeds. My strongest experience ever with MG seeds was with the Martha Stewart brand from K-Mart. I had strong effects, with good open eye visuals, on only 300 seeds! I used a cold water extraction with some added lemon juice, but the alcoholic extract by Stretchman also here at the Lycaeum I tried was the strongest.

I had strong 4D lattice-like open eye visuals and warping and melting of furniture with only 400 seeds. There are about 32-36 seeds to a gram. The Martha Stewarts are more expensive than the Burpees. They are like $1.30 a bag or something close to that for a 1.2 gram bag. The Burpees are something like $0.88 a bag and each bag has 1.8 grams. That's $2.05 a gram for Martha Stewart seeds and $0.92 a gram for Burpee seeds. It seems to be a trade off.

My comment: lemon juice contains isovalearaldehyde as well.

Nogal (the Nook):

Yes I know of someone who tried the CWE method with the Heavenly Blue variety, except with the substitution of a coffee grinder in place of a stone metate (I think that's what is called but I could be wrong), and a squirt of lemon in the water, with around 400-500 seeds. Closed and open eyed visuals were extremely breath taking. Some of the most prominent visions were of Aztec/Mayan glyphic patterns, a menacing and demonic technicolor nymph made of light who tried to seduce the viewer, and this bizare trail of energy spheres which each contained a different stylized animal form (again definately of Aztec/Mayan origin).

My comment: lemon juice contains isovalearaldehyde as well.


Seems this does do alot more, its alot more refined, clean, less body high all mind high.. i extracted 700 riveas into 100 ml of lemon juice , 50ml water .. that sat 9hrs in the fridge(water stayed the color of lemon juice but smelled like alkaloids) i filtered and added 100ml of sherry wine and that sat 6hours..

A buddy and i sampled 12ml of this and the effect is way different from just eating the seeds or just a simple water extract..

No body feelings AT ALL, not even the normal body buzz.. just a extreme lsd like head and abstract thoughts, better sense of understanding.... Real soon i am def going to try a large dose ..I Feel GreaT...I will no longer do it any other way.....my friend says the same.

Norman, mycotopia, said on 16 September 2019:

Years ago I stumbled across a simple method for dosing HBWR.
Grind the seeds and cover them with white wine, let sit in the fridge for a day or so, shaking occasionally, decant, filter and drink.
No nausea no aches no vasoconstriction.
I am now off alcohol completely so I’m thinking of an alternative method short of a full on extraction.
I’m convinced that something in the wine besides water and alcohol is what makes the trip so clean. I’ve tried twelve percent water alcohol mixes in the past and still had the nasty side effects and at the same time the trip is not as strong.
I’m thinking acetaldehyde and or tartaric acid may be involved or at least a good place to start.
Any thought on what chemically may be going on?


"This paper states tha "LSH" was identified in blood and/or urine samples in two individuals who ingested the seeds. This is interesting because Peter Webster alleges that LSH will immediately decompose when in the body. This paper indicates that that's not true.

Klinke HB, Müller IB, Steffenrud S and Dahl-Sørensen R, Two cases of lysergamide intoxication by ingestion of seeds, which resulted in one fatality due to falling from a building and one surviving witness. Forensic Sci Int, 2010, 197(1-3), e1-5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20018470/

Easy steps, I've used this process over two dozen times in a 2 year period, it works with zero nausea:

---> You can even drink this LSH and LSI enhanced liquid extract at the same time you drop your LSD for an experience that is way beyond LSD, the LSH and LSI adds infinite dimensions to the normal LSD experience, like incredible (I mean phenomenal !) music enhancement, every sound in the music is "epic", infinite beauty enhancement, strong sensual feelings, strong neon like color saturation, flowing visuals, energy fields seen in constant motion around all objects, heavy tracers, etc. These qualities LSH and LSI adds are very similar to what cactus tea adds in my experience when added to LSD.

This is most likely due to LSH and LSI hitting 5 more adrenal recpetors associated with beauty, aesthetics and sensuality beyond normal LSD, see radioligand chart for LSH. I used this potion every time I tripped, you can even add it to cactus tea by taking drinking the LSH potion 1 hour later (always stagger 1 hour so the amides do not clash with the trace maoi's in cactus, only take in that order) it's incredible.
--> How to make the ZERO NAUSEA morning glory wine which is used for all aldehyde experiments, example: forming LSH and LSI from the LSA in the seeds: <--

How this works, from 2022 aldehydes paper, see 1960's study by Arcamone, go to post #1 to read all the studies (5 papers). LSH and LSI do make it to the bloodstream and urine, so it does indeed reach the brain so long as you keep it in it's original state (in acidic wine so it does not decompose back to LSA which will happen in plain water or nonacidic solutions) store in fridge or freeze in freezer to keep forever, drink as so.

Pic 1: Sherry wine is the wine highest in acetaldehyde.

Pic 2: With only a lamp on in garage, no overhead bright light: grind 15 grams or 525 heavenly blue morning glory seeds in a coffee grinder (35 seeds per gram) using 10 second grind with occasional shaking of coffee grinder, pause 5 seconds, then grind again 10 seconds, repeat x 4 times, you will end up with a dust like consisteny, all the alkaloids are extracted from within the tough rubbery embryo of the seed. 525 seeds x .01mg LSA per seed = 5mg LSA

Pic 3: Place ground seed dust into a 1/2 pint tall jar (*almart case of 12, canning section), add 4 shots of cold just opened fresh sherry wine from the fridge, and around 30mg of DL tartaric acid which aids the extraction (from hi media store, *mazon, auction or similar). Do not use plain L-tartaric acid used in wine making, get the good stuff, which contains the D isomer. D-lyergic acid amide isomer salts are the potent form of salts.

And also ADD a tiny splash or 1 to 2 teaspoons of acetic acid or VINEGAR (I use apple cider vinegar) to catalyze the condensations of the aldehyde to LSA: acetaldehyde in this case onto the amide of LSA, and isovaleraldehyde to form LSI. The vinegar acts as an important catalyst as it contains acetic acid, and speeds the formation of new adduct product, see study below:

From Mehra, R.K & Panya, K.C. 1938, The condensation of aldehydes with amides - part III, the condensation of cinnamaldehyde with acetamide. Proc Natl Acad Sci India Phys Sci 7(6). 376-380

NOTE: from paper: Acetamide (very similar to LSA) when cinnamaldehyde adduct added, forms: N,N'cinnamylidenediacetamide just as LSA + isovaleraldehyde forms LSI or Lysergic Acid Isovaleraldemide. RATS RESPOND TO it as if they had been given LSD, and this human rat loves the effects, the closest thing in nature I've ever experienced that is very similar to LSD. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE !!!

Cinnamaldehyde should not be used as it contains nearly twice the number of carbons and hydrogens and thus weak activity due to this (weights way too much)...only use isovaleraldehyde (weight is perfect) to form the potent LSI. However, I am showing the study so that you see an even "longer chain aldehyde than isovalearaldehyde" will even adduct onto acetamide or LSA as proven in study.

YOU WILL LOVE LSI, it is so very similar to LSD !!!

Re-seal your sherry wine by spraying wine preservation canister which has inert gas (contains argon, carbon dioxide, etc.) around ten dollars from *mazon into your wine before sealing with cork and placing back in fridge, this way the precious acetaldehyde in the wine will not oxidize to vinegar as normally happens over a 5 day period when corked without preserving.

Put lid on and shake contents for 1 to 2 minutes.

Place jar into fridge for 10 minutes after the 2 minute shaking, during this time the nauseating seed debris can be seen falling to the bottom.

Pic 4: Filter entire contents of jar thru a "coffee wire filter" from *almart or *amazon or your local grocery store sitting atop a glass, the liquid above the seed debris will filter real fast in seconds, then filter the debris at the bottom from the jar, once the debris is in basket, use a spoon to press down on it to get all the liquid out, this only takes around 10 seconds.

Pic 5: Place this filtered liquid in the fridge for 3 hours or even overnight, within 3 hours, all of the nauseating to the intestines seed debris will have fallen to the bottom. This process begins within an hour after sitting in fridge, check each hour and watch as the seed debris falls by around an inch each hour.

Pic 6: After 3 hours or longer, decant the liquid from above the bottom 1/4" of seed debris, this is what you want to consume, it is psychedelic and results in zero nausea, as there is no seed debris in it. DO NOT DRINK the SEED DEBRIS at very bottom or you will become nauseated and sick, don't worry, there are no alkaloids in it.

Note: never try to extract your seeds using just plain acidified water, I have tried this before, your seed debris will not separate out in the fridge, and you end up with a complete emulsion in the coffee wire filter which will not filter at all, wine is needed to effect the proper extraction, and allows the liquid to separate from the seed emulsion below, this will not happen with a plane water extration. This is how the ancient Aztec and Mayan extracted the seeds using balche, an alcohol they made themselves, see 2nd pic.

Rest of the pics:

sources of isovaleraldehyde: pure chemical (on line 25ml bottle) or you can use fresh lemon juice or pure peppermint oil, I prefer to use the pure chemical.

Use ice bath on your stirrer to keep wine as a combo of LSH + LSI (as LSH adduct acetaldehyde boils off at room temp, so always keep cold, to form LSI only, omit the ice bath, as LSI does not boil off till 198 degree F).

All the alkaloids are concentrated in the fridge decanted liquid above the seed debris. This contains your LSA which has adducted to the acetaldehyde in the wine, forming new amounts of LSH, since the wine is at ph=4, the new LSH adduct product will remain stable indefinately, store in fridge if you plan to use within a few days, or you can freeze and de-thaw in fridge overnight to use next day. It dethaws fast since it is wine.

You just formed LSH using the method above, to form LSI, simply take your 4 shot morning glory wine, and at this point add your 3 drops of isovaleraldehyde along with 1 to 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar (if you don't have the pure chemical then add teaspoon or more of lemon juice, or several drops of pure peppermint oil) to form new molecule similar to LSD in every way. Be sure to spin for around 1 hour at high speed. I always use the pure chemical as I have it. Don't forget to add the apple cider vinegar as it contains the acetic acid catalyst which speeds up the adduct chemical reaction.

References: Lysergic acid Isovaleraldemide, LSI

The aldehyde in peppermint oil and leaf and lemon juice is Isovaleraldehyde otherwise known as 3-methylbutanal. If you are a business or researcher you can order it directly, there are also two places that sell direct to individuals, just google it. They delivered it straight to my door, one place starts with a "*******" All you need to add is two drops of this to your LSA sherry wine liquid extract as it spins on the stir mantel for 1 hour at high speed, also must add 1 teaspoon of either vinegar or apple cider vinegar (my preference), as the acetic acid in the vinegar is the catalyst for the condensation of the isovaleraldehyde onto the LSA forming Lysergic Acid Isovaleraldemide, see study above.

There is .01mg LSA in 100 seeds (.01 x 100 = 1mg LSA), just a 100 seed extract has effects very similar to 100ug of LSD, LSI is 1/10th the potency of LSD. Immense visual power with closed eye geometrics, wild colors, music sounds bad ass, divine healing power. I have prepared an extract with 200 seeds and the strength increases similar to 200ug of acid.

I have been tripping my ass off every 14 days or so taking this LSI liquid extract around 1 hour after a very small bridgesii tea prepared with only 450 grams of bridgesii cactus chuncks from around the core (around 225mg mescaline), as I love the combo of cactus + LSD, this is no different. Yes, I have tried LSI many times without the cactus, super potent, highly recommend. I will be using LSI for the rest of my life.

This aldehyde is completely safe and has been administered in high does to rats with no ill effects. This aldehyde as you can see from paper makes up a substantial part of peppermint oil and leaf.

More on LSI:

chemical formula for entry #16....3-aminopentane = CH(C2 H5)2
chemical formula for isovaleraldehyde is (CH3)2 CH2 CH2 CHO

Notice isovaleraldehyde even LOOKS EARILY similar to the tale end of psilocin or DMT with nearly the same exact chemical formula as the tail end of psilocin or DMT, see pics in middle

diethylamine from LSD has 4 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups with a molecular weight of 73 g/mol.

Both the 3-aminopentane and the isovaleraldehyde of this new discovery have 5 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups (once the aldehyde attaches to the H already at the amide of LSA) and BOTH have exact same molecular weights of 87 g/mol similar to diethylamine molecular weight of LSD at 73g/mol.

The 3-aminopentane from Dr. Nichols and isovaleraldehyde discovery join at the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H still. This new aldehyde has same molecular weight as 3-aminopentane on the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H, see Dr. Nichol's paper on page 84, chart shown. This is one of only 2 entries in which the rats responded to it (3-aminopentane) as if they had been given LSD.

Dr Nichols:

The important thing to note from the table below, in the far right column, is the fact that LSD has a potency in rats in the drug discrimination behavioral assay of 48 nanomoles per kilogram of rat body weight. Only two other compounds have comparable activity: entries 6 and 16.

Curiously, entry 6 is a monoalkylamide that has the same molecular weight as LSD itself, that is, it has a total of four carbon atoms attached to the amide. Entry 16 has a five-carbon group attached to the amide.

We have no evidence as to whether either of these compounds would be active in man, but these rat data suggest that they might be.

3-aminopentane has a potency in the drug discrimination behavioral assay of 52 nanomoles per kilogram of rat body weight, this is very similar to the 48 nanomoles per kg of rat body weight observed with LSD.

Last 3 pics: Home grown fresh potent mg seeds....if you can't grow them yourself, buy them on-line in bulk and store in freezer to keep potent until you use...also shown: the priest may have made LSI from claviceps paspali ergot (same alkaloid profile as the mesoamerican morning glory) as it grows it the famous Rarian plane adjacent to Eleusis, and served it for 2,000 years in ancient Greece to the psychedelic initiates (hundreds of people drank it at once every Sept). The Kykeon brew was known to contain ergot and fresh peppermint (contains isovaleraldehyde) all mixed together for some time. This easily made brew could have easily fed hundreds of people.

Other topics: Alchemy chemistry fun:

Compilation of pan cyan or panaeolus cyanescens or copeandia cyanescens trip reports, crown jewel of mushrooms:

How to extract 2.4g dmt from 170g bark using a 2 Liter erlenmeyer flask (heat and break resistant), post #15:

Tetrahydroharmine or THH and how to make her, Caapi visionary feminine teaching spirit:

Zero nausea HPBCD or aloe vera enhanced penetration Ayahuasca capsules:

Cactus tea before waterpark to beat the heat:

Make your own 1-acetaldehyde LSD at home from LSD, very similar to ALD-52 or the real orange sunshine:

On my very first pan cyan mushroom trip, where I went to a house music club tripping with friends, I viewed laser light patterns on the floor of the club, where the women danced, I believe the mushrooms showed me how to form never before seen patterns, as went I went home, over the next several months, I built my own 6 channel audio generator that when these combined frequencies (3 on x channel and 3 on y channel) were sent to a laser x and y galvanometer, were able to produce brand new laser patterns such as collapsing circles and spinning lines 360 degrees which looked beyond belief in the fog as 3-d, I then went on to market these laser scanners to clubs on the strip, and they were a huge success...I owe this creative invention to the mushrooms which sparked new creative energies, way beyond thought, from a higher source where the mushrooms tap into. My love for house music stems back to those days of visiting many clubs as an entertainment laser lighting fixture creator and programmer and making friends with the many DJ's. Over the summer myself and friends were lifeguards at the local water park. But on the weekends we went to parties or house music clubs.


57 Ayahuasca tetrahydroharmine or thh trip reports, my archived posts at the new and old dmt nexus forum:

The dmt nexus forum has transitioned to a new format, in this new format you will find my old posts (as ava69) here for anyone interested:

And yes, that is me from head down, I'm a life long bodybuilder.


Sublingual Ayahuasca Journey #57

How to make THH or tetrahydroharmine, Caapi feminine teaching spirit, in same family as ibogaine, completely legal:

Journal: 50 Sublingual HPBCD DMT Ayahuasca journeys over a years time

HPBCD DMT part 2

Receptorome study: how traditional Ayahuasca & snuffs differ from dmt

Positronic Ayahuasca brewing

Real Ayahuasca Jungle brew

THH - Harmala Holy Grail

Compilation of caapi & harmala only visions from the literature
Last edited:
Just for clarification, this is not LSC which uses cinnamaldehyde or LSH which uses acetaldehyde.

This is not cinnamaldehyde, if you read the attached 2022 aldehydes paper above, you will find at the end of the paper that even though it was plausable that LSC was forming, LSC was found to have very weak effects, it's a hot mess due to it's very heavy molecular weight and has double the hydrogens and carbon groups of both the 3-aminopentane and aldehyde that has worked for me twice already. Cinnamaldehyde is way too large to fit into the receptor. I will say one last thing before the book is released at the end of the summer below:

From LSD and it's Lysergamide Cousins, Dr. Nichols, page 84: chap6.pdf (heffter.org)
The important thing to note from the table below, in the far right column, is the fact that LSD has a potency in rats in the drug discrimination behavioral assay of 48 nanomoles per kilogram of rat body weight. Only two other compounds have comparable activity: entries 6 and 16.

Curiously, entry 6 is a monoalkylamide that has the same molecular weight as LSD itself, that is, it has a total of four carbon atoms attached to the amide. Entry 16 has a five-carbon group attached to the amide.

We have no evidence as to whether either of these compounds would be active in man, but these rat data suggest that they might be.

chemical formula for entry #16....3-aminopentane = CH(C2 H5)2

Both the 3-aminopentane and the aldehyde of this new discovery have 5 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups (once the aldehyde attaches to the H already at the amide of LSA) and BOTH have exact same molecular weights of 87 similar to diethylamine molecular weight of LSD at 73g/mol.

The 3-aminopentane from Dr. Nichols and this new aldehyde discovery join at the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H still. This new aldehyde has same molecular weight as 3-aminopentane on the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H, see Dr. Nichol's paper on page 84.

This aldehyde discovery that works has FIVE carbon groups and 11 hydrogen just like 3-aminopentane which was found by Dr. Nichols to have activity very similar to LSD in the rat assays, as the rats reacted to it as if they had been given LSD. Anything beyond this, like cinnamaldehyde with a very high molecular weight has way too many carbons and hydrogens (almost double) and will result in weak effects.

We know from this paper that LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxethylamide does indeed reach the brain as it was found in the bloodstream and urine of two individuals who ingested the seeds, one fell backwards to his death from an apartment building, and his friend who watched it happen, both had bloodwork and urine tested by authorities:

This paper states that "LSH" was identified in blood and/or urine samples in two individuals who ingested the seeds. This is interesting because Peter Webster alleges that LSH will immediately decompose when in the body. This paper indicates that that's not true.

Klinke HB, Müller IB, Steffenrud S and Dahl-Sørensen R, Two cases of lysergamide intoxication by ingestion of seeds, which resulted in one fatality due to falling from a building and one surviving witness. Forensic Sci Int, 2010, 197(1-3), e1-5

Two cases of lysergamide intoxication by ingestion of seeds from Hawaiian Baby Woodrose | Health & Environmental Research Online (HERO) | US EPA

Example: Also, in the book "LSD my problem child", Albert Hoffman himself presents a color illustration of LSH, and labels it as one of the main psychedelic alkaloids of the morning glory seeds, he once again presents a molecular diagram of LSH towards the end of the book "Plants of the gods", and this illustration takes up an entire 1/2 page of the book.

Example: LSH has been shown to be active in humans at 1.6mg and above according to TIHKAL, with LSD like effects and a stimulation unlike the sedation of LSA. Dr. Glasser in the 1960's showed LSH showed significant activity in mice as well. They became active and even pressed on each other's noses.

LSD and it's Lysergamide cousins from Dr. Nichols, see page 84: Attached File chap6 (2).pdf 263.06KB 7 downloads
The reaction between the LSA amide and the discovered aldehyde is a condensation reaction when spun for 1 hour at high speed on stir mantel with a tornado like vortex created, in each case of LSA + adduct condensation product I created, a small amount of acetic acid (vinegar) was added to solution to catalyze the condensations, the small amount of vinegar acts as a chemical catalyst, similar to this paper: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ja01335a085

The created condensation product will fall apart if added to plain water, as it will only remain stable in an acidic solution around ph=4, which is how it is consumed.
Don't we want to avoid exposure to aldehydes for their carcinogenic and mutagenic effects?
pupnik said:
Don't we want to avoid exposure to aldehydes for their carcinogenic and mutagenic effects?
Once the aldehyde joins the molecule, there is no danger, and just in case, I have looked up the safety data sheet on this new discovered aldehyde, and it is quite safe, as it was given to rats at very high doses, with no ill effects. There is a 10 page paper on it's safety profile which I will reveal at end of summer as well.

In conclusion for now:

A little bit more on LSH or Lysergic Acid Hydroxyethylamide, one of the main actives of the seeds normally, as this relates to how the new aldehyde discovery works...the fresh seeds contain around 1/4 LSH and 3/4 LSA:

Vecktor (advanced chemist like myself, from 1998):
tregar, you have probably rediscovered something that has long been a curiosity, for example on the now defunct blacklight site there was TLC posted of morning glory seed extract treated with methanol, acetaldehyde-methanol or with acetaldehyde-methanol-water, the extract treated with acetaldehyde-methanol showed a clear difference in the alkaloid profile, with a shift to several new non polar spots which couldn't be identified. Very likely the LSA converted to LSH (LSA + acetaldehyde adduct = LSH). IIRC Erhlichs was used to develop the plates so these were indole compounds.

LSD----------------------------------------CH2CH3-----CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C20 H25 N3 0)
LAE-32-----------------------------------------------H------CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 0)
d-lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide--------------H------CHOHCH3....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 02)

* LSH was found to form in the famous 1960's paper by Arcamone when LSA or Lysergic acid amide from claviceps paspali (this ergot grows and infects paspalum grass current day on the famous rarian plane adjacent to Eleusis in ancient Greece where the psychedelic kykeon secret formula was prepared by the priest and drunk by hundreds of initiates at one time every September for 2,000 years straight) was dunked into fermented liquor which contains the aldehyde acetaldehyde. This is recounted on page 1 and 2 in the attached 2022 LSA aldehydes paper attached on post #1.

Don't get claviceps paspali, which has the exact same alkaloid profile as the Mesoamerican morning glory seeds with claviceps purpurea which has black kernels, infects barley and is poisonous, and causes gangrene and limbs to fall off. Many people even mow over claviceps paspali ergot with their mower which infects paspalum grass in the states, and don't even realize it.

1) In the middle of the book "LSD, my problem child" by Dr. Hoffman, Dr. Hoffman presents a color illustration of LSH, and labels it as one of the main psychedelic alkaloids of the seeds. He once again presents a large scale molecular model of LSH towards the end of the book "Plants of the gods" and labels it as one of the main actives of the seeds. This model even takes up 1/2 page of the book. He shows it compared or side by side with a molecular model of LSD.

2) LSH or d-lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide is very similar to LAE-32 in TIHKAL except it has one extra oxygen atom. In human experiments in TIHKAL, LAE-32 at 1.6mg resulted in LSD like effects and a stimulation unlike the sedation of LSA.

3) Dr Glasser in 1960's in a paper published in Nature showed that when LSH was injected into mice, the mice responded as if they had been given a substance similar to LSD, they became very active and even pressed on each other's noses. Glasser A (January 1961). "Some pharmacological actions of D-lysergic acid methyl carbinolamide". Nature. 189 (4761): 313–4: https://www.nature.c...ticles/189313a0

4) LSH was given to a person in 2020 and a receptorome or radioligand chart was mapped showing what receptors in the brain it hits, with many similarities to the receptors LSD hits: http://www.t3db.ca/toxins/T3D3687

When preparing LSH from LSA + acetaldehyde as given in instructions above using the discovered new aldehyde which I will disclose when book comes out, when using acetaldehyde you must remember that acetaldehyde evaporates off at room temp or right above 69 degrees F. So when spinning the solution in ph=4 wine high in acetaldehyde wine such as sherry (contains 10mg acetaldehyde per shot glass) for 1 hour with a dash of vinegar to catalyze the condensation reaction, the spinning must be done on an ice bath or in the fridge on a battery powered magnetic stirrer to keep the acetaldehyde from boiling off which happens at around 69 degree F.

Luckily, this newly discovered aldehyde when condensed or adducted onto LSA with effects very similar to actual LSD has a high boiling point right below the boiling point of water, and all this formation can be done at room temp.

When the ancients prepared this new aldehyde product with a handfull of the fresh herb high in this specific aldehyde mixed with the powdered claviceps paspali ergot in wine, they most likely also added a dash of vinegar or used wine which had been sitting out un-corked for a few days, as a portion of the wine will convert to vinegar if not sealed with an inert gas to prevent oxidation. This is actually good, as this is what they needed, wine with a tiny amount of vinegar.

When preparing the new potent condensation product from the discovered aldehyde + LSA which I will disclose at the end of summer, you must use a tiny splash of vinegar to catalyze the condensation reaction as explained in attachment, where the researchers formed new condensation aldehyde products with acetamide + chosen different aldehyde.

By the way, acetamide in the paper looks identical to the amide group on LSA which we are using.

Pic 1: chemical formula for entry #16....3-aminopentane = CH(C2 H5)2

diethylamine from LSD has 4 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups with a molecular weight of 73 g/mol.

Both the 3-aminopentane and the aldehyde of this new discovery have 5 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups (once the aldehyde attaches to the H already at the amide of LSA) and BOTH have exact same molecular weights of 87 g/mol similar to diethylamine molecular weight of LSD at 73g/mol.

The 3-aminopentane from Dr. Nichols and this new aldehyde discovery join at the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H still. This new aldehyde has same molecular weight as 3-aminopentane on the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H, see Dr. Nichol's paper on page 84, chart shown. This is one of only 2 entries in which the rats responded to it (3-aminopentane) as if they had been given LSD.

Dr Nichols:
The important thing to note from the table below, in the far right column, is the fact that LSD has a potency in rats in the drug discrimination behavioral assay of 48 nanomoles per kilogram of rat body weight. Only two other compounds have comparable activity: entries 6 and 16.

Curiously, entry 6 is a monoalkylamide that has the same molecular weight as LSD itself, that is, it has a total of four carbon atoms attached to the amide. Entry 16 has a five-carbon group attached to the amide.

We have no evidence as to whether either of these compounds would be active in man, but these rat data suggest that they might be.

3-aminopentane has a potency in the drug discrimination behavioral assay of 52 nanomoles per kilogram of rat body weight, this is very similar to the 48 nanomoles per kg of rat body weight observed with LSD.

Pic 2: Description of 3-aminopentane by Dr. Nichols and why it is important.

Pic 3: how acetamide + new aldehyde condensation product is formed. LSA or Lysergic acid amide in the seeds has an amide group just like acetamide.

Pic 4: LSH, LSA + other minor alkaloids profile in morning glory seeds from 2016 Polish mg study, claviceps paspali ergot infects paspalum grass, and color illustration of LSH from "LSD, my problem child". Note: HBWR contains very high levels of ergometrine which causes cramping and vasoconstriction, while mg seeds contain very low levels of ergometrine, which is why mg seeds should only be used. HBWR only has history of medicinal use while MG seeds have hundreds of years of Shamanic use.

Pic 5: Molecular model of LSD compared with LSH from morning glory seeds towards end of book "Plants of the gods" by Dr. Hoffman. Also see chapter on morning glory seeds.

p.s. magnetic stirrers are cheap and can be found at auction or *mazon for less than fifty dollars.

Nichols, page 84.PNG Nichols, page 85.PNG amide + aldehyde condensation.PNG LSH.jpg LSD model.jpg LSH compared to LSA model.jpg

Part II:

How to make the zero nausea morning glory liquid which is used for all aldehyde experiments, example: forming LSH from the LSA in the seeds:

Easy steps, I've used this process over a dozen times in a year period, it works:

Pic 1: Drink this LSH enhanced liquid extract at the same time you drop your LSD for an experience that is way beyond LSD, the LSH adds infinite dimensions to the normal LSD experience, like incredible (I mean phenomenal !) music enhancement, every sound in the music is "epic", infinite beauty enhancmenent, strong sensual feelings, strong neon like color saturation, flowing visuals, energy fields seen in constant motion all objects, heavy tracers, etc. These qualities LSH adds are very similar to what cactus tea adds in my experience when added to LSD.

This is most likely due to LSH hitting 5 more adrenal recpetors associated with beauty, aesthetics and sensuality beyond normal LSD, see radioligand chart for LSH. I used this potion every time I tripped, you can even add it to cactus tea by taking drinking the LSH potion 1 hour later (always stagger 1 hour so the amides do not clash with the trace maoi's in cactus, only take in that order) it's incredible.

How to make the zero nausea morning glory liquid which is used for all experiments, example: forming LSH from the LSA in the seeds:

Pic 2: How this works, from 2022 aldehydes paper, see 1960's study by Arcamone.

Pic 3: Sherry wine is the wine highest in acetaldehyde.

Pic 4: With only a lamp on in garage, no overhead bright light: grind 15 grams or 525 heavenly blue morning glory seeds in a coffee grinder (35 seeds per gram) using 10 second grind with occasional shaking of coffee grinder, pause 5 seconds, then grind again 10 seconds, repeat x 4 times, you will end up with a dust like consisteny, all the alkaloids are extracted from within the tough rubbery embryo of the seed. 525 seeds x .01mg LSA per seed = 5mg LSA

Pic 5: Place ground seed dust into a 1/2 pint tall jar (*almart case of 12, canning section), add 3.5 to 4 shots of cold just opened fresh sherry wine from the fridge, and around 30mg of DL tartaric acid which aids the extraction (from hi media store, *mazon, auction or similar). Do not use plain L-tartaric acid used in wine making, get the good stuff, which contains the D isomer. D-lyergic acid amide isomer salts are the potent form of salts.

And also ADD a tiny splash of acetic acid or VINEGAR to catalyze the condensations of the aldehyde to LSA: acetaldehyde in this case onto the amide of LSA. The vinegar acts as an important catalyst, and is needed for the formation of new product and will not form without it, see study from post above.

Re-seal your sherry wine by spraying wine preservation canister which has inert gas (contains argon, carbon dioxide, etc.) around ten dollars from *mazon into your wine before sealing with cork and placing back in fridge, this way the precious acetaldehyde in the wine will not oxidize to vinegar as normally happens over a 5 day period when corked without preserving.

Step 6: Put lid on and shake contents for 1 to 2 minutes, at this point you would add your discovered aldehyde 3 drops before shaking to form new molecule similar to LSD in every way. But this will not be disclosed until end of summer. With the new aldehyde discovery I will disclose at end of summer, I spin the wine on magnetic stirrer with splash of vinegar at ambient room temp with 3 drops of the discovered aldehyde for 1 hour at very high speed to form the new molecule with effects very similar to actual LSD in every way.

Place jar into fridge for 10 minutes after the 2 minute shaking, during this time the nauseating seed debris can be seen falling to the bottom.

Pic 6: Filter entire contents of jar thru a "coffee wire filter" from *almart or *amazon or your local grocery store sitting atop a glass, the liquid above the seed debris will filter real fast in seconds, then filter the debris at the bottom from the jar, once the debris is in basket, use a spoon to press down on it to get all the liquid out, this only takes around 10 seconds.

Pic 7: Place this filtered liquid in the fridge for 3 hours or even overnight, within 3 hours, all of the nauseating to the intestines seed debris will have fallen to the bottom. This process begins within an hour after sitting in fridge, check each hour and watch as the seed debris falls by around an inch each hour.

Pic 8: After 3 hours or longer, decant the liquid from above the bottom 1/4" of seed debris, this is what you want to consume, it is psychedelic and results in zero nausea, as there is no seed debris in it. DO NOT DRINK the SEED DEBRIS at very bottom or you will become nauseated and sick, don't worry, there are no alkaloids in it.

All the alkaloids are concentrated in the fridge decanted liquid above the seed debris. This contains your LSA which has adducted to the acetaldehyde in the wine, forming new amounts of LSH, since the wine is at ph=4, the new LSH adduct product will remain stable indefinately, store in fridge if you plan to use within a few days, or you can freeze and de-thaw in fridge overnight to use next day. It dethaws fast since it is wine.

Note: never try to extract your seeds using just plain acidified water, I have tried this before, your seed debris will not separate out in the fridge, and you end up with a complete emulsion in the coffee wire filter which will not filter at all, wine is needed to effect the proper extraction, and allows the liquid to separate from the seed emulsion below, this will not happen with a plane water extration. This is how the ancient Aztec and Mayan extracted the seeds using balche, an alcohol they made themselves, see 2nd pic.

Sublingual Ayahuasca, my psychedelic of choice: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/28189371
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Don't we want to avoid exposure to aldehydes for their carcinogenic and mutagenic effects?

Compare the possible trace amounts in a dose of LSH to the amounts resulting from the breakdown of a dose of alcohol. There's probably no need to worry.
hedgehopper said:

Just tried this tek today with 450 seeds on an empty stomach and I didn't feel too much of an effect. Just slight euphoria and a good mood boost. Not really any nausea so that's good. I think I didn't grind the seeds fine enough and didn't decant enough of the orange liquid off. Will try again next week most likely. I am also going to try to put the orange liquid into a smoothie using my blender because it tasted so bad. Very artificial sweet flavor with the boozy aftertaste Maybe it was because of all the tartaric acid. i wasn't able to get any of the inert wine gas so I used a vacuum wine stopper and put the bottle of sherry into the coldest part of my fridge. Do you think that is enough to keep it from going bad for a week or 2? Very excited to try again!

The wine preservation gas from *mazon is around ten bucks and has enough gas to seal wine bottles for a months on end. Your wine should keep for 7 days without the gas. Congrats on zero nausea and your extract hedgehopper. Hedgehopper did you remember to add a tiny splash of vinegar to your jar once you decanted off the seed mush from the bottom? The acetic acid is a "chemical catalyst" necessary to propel the reaction of LSA to LSH and LSA to mystery compound that is very psychedelic as well:

ADD a tiny splash of acetic acid or VINEGAR to catalyze the condensations of the aldehyde to LSA: Acetaldehyde in this case from the sherry wine onto the amide of LSA. The vinegar acts as an important catalyst due to it's acetic acid, and is needed for the formation of new product and will not form without it, see study from post above.

I love to prepare an extract using 15 grams (525 seeds) and drink this at the same time as taking some acid hits, adds incredible dimensions to the experience, only way I take acid is with this combination, way beyond normal LSD. You will not believe the euphoria and music enhancement, bold saturated colors, increased flowing visual power (not choppy), has many similarities to mescaline.

Try adding 2 drops of REAL PEPPERMINT OIL (not the extract in alcohol from the grocery store) along with the tiny splash of vinegar at the same time.

Once I have my orange morning glory liquid decanted from the seeds, what I do is spin it on an ice bath on a magnetic stirrer along with 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 2 drops of peppermint oil, I also prepare a peppermint tea using 2 peppermint tea bags (not mint tea bags) that come in a keep fresh foil pack, order the peppermint drops and tea prepared from 2 peppermint tea from *mazon or you can find peppermint tea at your grocery store.

To make an ice bath: fill a bowl with ice cubes, pour your morning glory liquid into measuring cup or glass and place your cup in center of bowl surrounded by ice cubes, place a magnetic stirrer in glass and spin on magnetic stirrer at high speed for 1 hour, then consume. Make sure you added your splash of vinegar and 2 drops of peppermint oil along with 4oz cup of peppermint tea. The cool temp keeps the acetaldehyde from evaporating off.

You can buy a magnetic stirrer for less than fifty dollars from *mazon or auction. If you don't have one, then just shake your jar full of morning glory liquid, 2 peppermint drops, and 2 peppermint tea prepared in 4 oz water, shake all ingredients in jar in your hand for around 2 minutes, always keep cold, store in fridge at all times with occasional shaking once per hour until you drink.

To make the peppermint tea: heat up 4oz water in microwave to around 150 to 175 degree F. DO NOT HEAT TO BOILING, or the special aldehyde in the tea will boil off or evaporate. Add 2 peppermint tea bags, let this cool down in fridge for a while, then add to your morning glory liquid.

Preparing the MG liquid this way will provide you with not only acetaldehyde (which boils off above 69 degree F, but also with the mystery aldehyde which I will disclose in book at end of summer). This mystery aldehyde is stable all the way to right below boiling point of water.


Just took a 40 seed portion of LSA extract that was mixed for 15 minutes with peppermint oil yesterday and tripped his face off with a friend. Was very clean feeling and relaxed. Rainbows and vibrant fractal energy danced all over the skies and throughout his surroundings and music sounded great. The head-space was very acid like but different. Was a bit intense but he was able to keep it together lol. Whole trip was about 8 hrs long.

I have tried a 20 seed extract without peppermint oil and it seemed uncomfortable and sedating with no visuals, while every time he has added peppermint oil he has gotten visuals.

I was the one that 2 decades ago told everyone to add peppermint oil drops and/or along with peppermint tea to their morning glory seed extract and it took off like wildfire, cause it works, just google the combination on the web and you will find hundreds of enhanced trip reports similar to the one above.

This thread is an example containing at least 3 bad ass reports if you bother to read the whole thread:

I am not 69ron but he was a friend of mine, I have no idea what happened to him.

The main thing people forgot was to add a splash of vinegar for the acetic acid that catalyzes the reaction. It's difficult to correct people when when they don't follow the proper directions.

DO NOT USE HBWR seeds, as an alkaloid will form that causes bronchial constriction from ergometrine + acetaldehyde, HBWR contain very high amounts of ergometrine which causes cramping and vasoconstriction, the amount of ergometrine in mg seeds however, is very low and trace amounts. MG seeds have hundreds of years of Shamanic use, whereas HBWR seeds only have history of medicinal use.

Sublingual HPBCD DMT Ayahuasca, my psychedelic of choice: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/28189371/page/1
1mg LSA + new aldehyde molecule discovery results in effects similar to 100ug LSD - The Psychedelic Experience - Shroomery Message Board

Attached File Has the Mystery of the Eleusinian Mysteries been solved .pdf 164.7KB 9 downloads

Page 11 has the method with all pics: https://www.shroomer...age/2/fpart/11

Wanted to address two new recent very good threads on the shroomery, and archive my response here:

1) Ancient Eleusinian mystery brew kykeon (κυκεων) is Psilocybe serbica

Very good thread Blue_lux, keep up the great work! well done just keep in mind that the kykeon had to be able to feed several hundred people at once every Sept for 2,000 years. Mushrooms even though found 6 hours away are just not enough to feed 300 plus people all at one time, whereas the Homeric hymn mentions that the kykeon of ancient Greece (foundation for our democracy) was composed of ergot from grain, mint and water, what I propose is that claviceps paspali which grows adjacent to Eleusis even present day in the Rarian plane or field contains the exact same alkaloid profile as the mesoamerican morning glory, and when mint is added you get LSI, I have a book in fall coming out on this, all of page 11 describes this: https://www.shroomer...age/2/fpart/11

Even Albert Hofmann inventor of LSD said that claviceps paspali ergot which infects paspalum grass next to Eleuis could have likely been what was in the kykeon brew. The priest need only powder the ergot, add to water with lots of fresh mint leaf, stir, filter thru cloth and serve. Many people in the states mow over this infected grass and don't even realize it, here is a pic, I found it growing myself:

Page 2, post #27876221 (scroll to the middle) is a 5 page paper on claviceps paspali ergot likely being the kykeon, and why mushrooms could not have likely fed the hundreds of people all at once:

"Has the Mystery of the Eleusinian Mysteries been solved? by Ivan Valencic: "

2) LSA CWE with Decaffeinated Cold Brew Coffee?

What Logical Chaos proposes is actually not a bad idea, as fresh coffee grounds contain large amount of acetaldehyde. Flickabic actually used the coffee grinds method if you search the posts here. Just remember to keep the grounds cold when you grind as actetaldehyde evaporates off at above 69 degree F.

Page 11 last post describes how to form LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxethylamide from LSA + acetaldehyde found in sherry wine or coffee grounds using 1 to 2 teaspoons of vinegar (contains acetic acid).

Acetic acid is needed to catalyze the condensation of acetaldehyde onto LSA to form LSH, see study on post #28180455 (amide + aldehyde condensation reactions) where acetamide (very similar to our LSA amide) is shown forming new ALDEHYDE ADDUCT products with various aldehydes. This reaction will not work unless you include the vinegar, you can use plain vinegar or apple cider vinegar: https://www.shroomer...page/2/fpart/11

When I form LSH from LSA + acetaldehyde in the cold sherry wine, I pour my zero nausea morning glory extract extracted with 3 to 3.5 shots of sherry wine into a jar, add 2 teaspoons of vinegar, and stir on an ice bath for 1 hour, then consume, an ice bath can be formed by placing a bowl with ice cubes on your magnetic stirrer, place your jar of sherry wine morning glory seed extract into bowl, place magnetic stir bar into jar, stir contents for 1 hour at high speed, any leftover LSA will form LSH this way, much more psychedelic than the sedating and practically inactive LSA.

Note: always spray ten dollar wine preservation canister gas into your cold sherry wine before you cork it and put in back in fridge, this way the precious acetaldehyde will not oxidize to vinegar which happens normally after 5 days, this will preserve the acetaldehyde, only ten dollar canister from *mazon. You can always find sherry wine at liquor stores in the wine aisle if your grocery store does not carry it, it's only five dollars or so.

I also heat 4oz water up to 150 degree F, add 2 twinings brand peppermint tea bags (come sealed in fresh foil packs 50 to a box) and let it soak in the water in the fridge till it cools down, then squeeze tea bags, add 2 drops of peppermint oil (not extract), and add this peppermint concoction to my morning glory extract above as it spins for 1 hour, this forms LSA + mystery aldehyde product that I am writing a book on, this new aldehyde adduct product is very similar to an aminopentante that when coupled onto Lysergic acid was found by Dr. Nichols (LSD scientist) to be just as stimulating and active as REAL LSD in rat assays, only it is 1/10 the potency of LSD, in other words you need 1mg of it to equal 100ug of real LSD. Do not use mint tea only peppermint tea, and only peppermint oil drops, not the cheap peppermint alcohol extract from the grocery store. this is all covered on page 11.

Note: DO NOT BOIL the peppermint tea as the new aldehyde which makes up a substantial portion of the many alkaloids in peppermint boils off at right below the boiling point of water or around 207 degree F, so keep tea at 150 degree F, then cool it down in the fridge all the way till you put it on stir mantel. This aldehyde is no different from the 3-aminopentane discovered by Dr. Nichols to result in real LSD like effects when adducted to LSA, more below.

More on LSI:

Pic 1: chemical formula for entry #16....3-aminopentane = CH(C2 H5)2

diethylamine from LSD has 4 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups with a molecular weight of 73 g/mol.

Both the 3-aminopentane and the aldehyde of this new discovery have 5 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups (once the aldehyde attaches to the H already at the amide of LSA) and BOTH have exact same molecular weights of 87 g/mol similar to diethylamine molecular weight of LSD at 73g/mol. This new aldehyde discovery even looks almost identical to the TALE END OF PSILOCIN, mind blowing once you see it's chemical structure which I will reveal in the book.

The 3-aminopentane from Dr. Nichols and this new aldehyde discovery join at the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H still. This new aldehyde has same molecular weight as 3-aminopentane on the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H, see Dr. Nichol's paper on page 84, chart shown. This is one of only 2 entries in which the rats responded to it (3-aminopentane) as if they had been given LSD.

Dr Nichols:
The important thing to note from the table below, in the far right column, is the fact that LSD has a potency in rats in the drug discrimination behavioral assay of 48 nanomoles per kilogram of rat body weight. Only two other compounds have comparable activity: entries 6 and 16.

Curiously, entry 6 is a monoalkylamide that has the same molecular weight as LSD itself, that is, it has a total of four carbon atoms attached to the amide. Entry 16 has a five-carbon group attached to the amide.

We have no evidence as to whether either of these compounds would be active in man, but these rat data suggest that they might be.

3-aminopentane has a potency in the drug discrimination behavioral assay of 52 nanomoles per kilogram of rat body weight, this is very similar to the 48 nanomoles per kg of rat body weight observed with LSD.

Good luck. I will only take a small dose of LSD if and only if I drink the above brew at the exact same time, far better than regular LSD trip only, adds incredible dimensions to the experience, way out there music enhancement, euphoria, 3-d visuals, saturated colors, sexual and aesthetic properties far beyond LSD, many properties similar to mescaline. Good luck. I suggest taking the two together, what an experience!

With this method I get a mixture of LSH + LSI, there is no sedating LSA left in the brew.

836770235-thumb_acetaldehyde_2.jpg 836770228-thumb_acetaldehyde_1.jpg 836770220-thumb_aldehydes.jpg 603510935-thumb_Nichols_page_84.png 603510951-thumb_Nichols_page_85.png 835418595-thumb_17.jpg 425854713-thumb_LSH_books.jpg 151862467-thumb_2.jpg 979746026-thumb_z1.jpg 178088194-thumb_205.jpg 109237496-thumb_1002.jpg 887269212-thumb_mg_aztec.jpg

Last pic: From "Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers", Hallucinogenic nectar appears to flow from the blossoms of the morning glory plant, and "disembodied eyes" and birds are other stylistic features associated with the intoxication. An ancient Indian Mother Goddess and her priestly attendants with a highly stylized vine of Ololiuqui, in one of the murals from Teotihuacan, Mexico, dated about A.D. 500.

p.s. It is long believed that LSH or Lysergic acid Hydroxyethylamide is the actual real stimulating and psychedelic alkaloid in the seeds and that the sedating and non-psychedelic LSA is a decomposition product of LSH over time and heat conditions, which is why I always keep my 1lb of seeds frozen at all times until use in freezer. There is around 1/4 LSH and 3/4 LSA found in the seeds naturally, but you can up the LSH to 100% with 0% LSA using described methods. I am life long chemist and have written many other threads here pertaining to new chemistry, see above Ayahuasca posts for links.

I was also the one that 20 years ago on the now defunct Lycaeum told everyone to add real peppermint mint drops and peppermint tea to their morning glory extracts, along with a teaspoon of vinegar to catalyze the reaction from LSA to LSI (just as potent as real LSD, only 1/10th) and it took off like wildfire cause it works, just google and you will find hundreds of enhanced trip reports way beyond LSA. Two mistakes people continued to make was they did not add the vinegar and they used HBWR seeds instead (big no no) as this forms a bad product from the ergometrine found in very high levels in the HBWR seeds which causes bronchial vasoconstriction, this does not happen if you use MG seeds, as it has only trace amounts of ergometrine. MG seeds have hundreds of years of Shamanic use, and HBWR seeds only have history of medicinal use, I agree with Logical Chaos on the use of MG seeds only.

On page #11 of above link, I go into why peppermint works, example from one of the hundreds on the net:

Just took a 40 seed portion of LSA extract that was mixed for 15 minutes with peppermint oil yesterday and tripped his face off with a friend. Was very clean feeling and relaxed. Rainbows and vibrant fractal energy danced all over the skies and throughout his surroundings and music sounded great. The head-space was very acid like but different. Was a bit intense but he was able to keep it together lol. Whole trip was about 8 hrs long.

I have tried a 20 seed extract without peppermint oil and it seemed uncomfortable and sedating with no visuals, while every time he has added peppermint oil he has gotten visuals.

Since I am a chemist, I have been able to order the actual "mystery aldehyde" that is found in peppermint that when it adducts onto LSA forms a new product with 1/10th the potency of real LSD, only needed to add 2 drops of this pure chemical to my mg extract, add a teaspoon of vinegar, and stir at high speed for 1 hour. Only 1mg of this new product I call LSI gave me same visuals as 100ug of Lsd, same euphoria, cev's of geometrics, stimulation, no different.

Anyhow, good luck with the coffee grinds Logical Chaos.

Sublingual HPBCD DMT Ayahuasca, my psychedelic of choice, visions of feminine teaching serpents
Lysergic acid Isovaleraldemide, LSI

The aldehyde in peppermint oil and leaf is Isovaleraldehyde otherwise known as 3-methylbutanal. If you are a business or researcher you can order it directly, there are also two places that sell direct to individuals, just google it. They delivered it straight to my door, one place starts with a "G******" All you need to add is two drops of this to your LSA sherry wine liquid extract as it spins on the stir mantel for 1 hour at high speed, also must add 1 teaspoon of either vinegar or apple cider vinegar (my preference), as the acetic acid in the vinegar is the catalyst for the condensation of the isovaleraldehyde onto the LSA forming Lysergic Acid Isovaleraldehyde, see study above.

There is .01mg LSA in 100 seeds (.01 x 100 = 1mg LSA), just a 100 seed extract has effects very similar to 100ug of LSD, LSI is 1/10th the potency of LSD. Immense visual power with closed eye geometrics, wild colors, music sounds bad ass, divine healing power. I have prepared an extract with 200 seeds and the strength increases similar to 200ug of acid.

I have been tripping my ass off every 7 days or so taking this LSI liquid extract around 1 hour after a very small bridgesii tea prepared with only 450grams of bridgesii cactus chuncks from around the core (around 225mg mescaline), as I love the combo of cactus + LSD, this is no different. Yes, I have tried LSI many times without the cactus, super potent, highly recommend. I will be using LSI for the rest of my life.

This aldehyde is completely safe and has been administered in high does to rats with no ill effects. This aldehyde as you can see from paper makes up a substantial part of peppermint oil and leaf.

More on LSI:

Pic 1:

chemical formula for entry #16....3-aminopentane = CH(C2 H5)2
chemical formula for isovaleraldehyde is (CH3)2 CH2 CH2 CHO

Notice isovaleraldehyde even LOOKS EARILY similar to the tale end of psilocin with nearly the same exact chemical formula as the tale end of psilocin, see pic #2

diethylamine from LSD has 4 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups with a molecular weight of 73 g/mol.

Both the 3-aminopentane and the isovaleraldehyde of this new discovery have 5 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups (once the aldehyde attaches to the H already at the amide of LSA) and BOTH have exact same molecular weights of 87 g/mol similar to diethylamine molecular weight of LSD at 73g/mol.

The 3-aminopentane from Dr. Nichols and isovaleraldehyde discovery join at the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H still. This new aldehyde has same molecular weight as 3-aminopentane on the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H, see Dr. Nichol's paper on page 84, chart shown. This is one of only 2 entries in which the rats responded to it (3-aminopentane) as if they had been given LSD.

Dr Nichols:
The important thing to note from the table below, in the far right column, is the fact that LSD has a potency in rats in the drug discrimination behavioral assay of 48 nanomoles per kilogram of rat body weight. Only two other compounds have comparable activity: entries 6 and 16.

Curiously, entry 6 is a monoalkylamide that has the same molecular weight as LSD itself, that is, it has a total of four carbon atoms attached to the amide. Entry 16 has a five-carbon group attached to the amide.

We have no evidence as to whether either of these compounds would be active in man, but these rat data suggest that they might be.

3-aminopentane has a potency in the drug discrimination behavioral assay of 52 nanomoles per kilogram of rat body weight, this is very similar to the 48 nanomoles per kg of rat body weight observed with LSD.

NotSheekle said:
Interesting read as always, At the 100-200 seed range are there any notable side effects? Whats the headspace like?
Thank you kindly NotSheekle, good to hear from you again. I will show a pic of my bottle of isovaleraldehyde once I transfer from my phone. The headspace is super deep just like LSD. No side effects at all.

How to make the zero nausea liquid morning glory extract with pics you will need for the aldehyde experiments: see post #28180455 here in middle of page 11: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27850299/fpart/11/vc/1

See post #3 here on page 1 for two dozen morning glory trip reports: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27850299

On my latest 3.30.2023: 600 seed or 18g high dose morning glory wine extract prepared with isovaleraldehyde and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar as catalyst for the aldehyde condensation onto LSA to form LSI, saw 2 hours of dancing colored geometrics, thousands upon thousands they were so intricate for 2 hours which formed completely naked women goddesses at the intersections of the geometrics, mind blowing music enhancement and euphoria, very strong trip for 6 hours with 8 hour duration. One of the most prominent visual features is the seeing of colored energy fields or auras surrounding all objects just as itbebasidia reported, I see this every time the whole trip. Very powerful shimmering and glowing of everything as well, as if there is an intense divine light inside, very beautiful.

drugs forum pic 2.JPG drugs forum pic 1.JPG Nichols chart.JPG drugs forum pic 3.JPG
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Attached File Has the Mystery of the Eleusinian Mysteries been solved .pdf 164.7KB 5 downloads
Attached File DunningRobertL1956 (2).pdf 4.77MB 5 downloads
Attached File 3-methylbutanal or isovaleraldehyde safety sheet, low in general toxicity after oral exposure.pdf 158.57KB 3 downloads
Attached File Chapter5_Excerpt_Peppermint.pdf 483.07KB 3 downloads
Attached File The LSA component of claviceps paspali forms LSH when dunked into fermented liquor (wine).pdf 3.29MB 3 downloads
Attached File 2016 Polish morning glory study shows LSH and penniclavine two highest alkaloids in MG (3).pdf 1.19MB 5 downloads
Attached File 5 Ergot alkaloids in morning glory just as stimulating as LSD in animal experiments, Yui and Yuji Takeo, 1958.pdf 596.64KB 6 downloads
Attached File Adduct formation of d-Lysergic Acid Amide or (LSA) and aldehydes.pdf 1.13MB 2 downloads
Attached File Tryptophan analogues form adducts by cooperative reaction with aldehydes and alcohols or with aldehydes alone, 1992 Austin.pdf 780.97KB 2 downloads
--> Attached File: LSD and its Lysergamide Cousins by LSD scientist Dr. Nichols, Ph.D.pdf [this file is only attached to POST #7 further below of the Shroomery thread only]

Vecktor (advanced chemist like myself):
tregar, you have probably rediscovered something that has long been a curiosity, for example on the now defunct blacklight site there was TLC posted of morning glory seed extract treated with methanol, acetaldehyde-methanol or with acetaldehyde-methanol-water, the extract treated with acetaldehyde-methanol or acetaldehyde-methanol + ph=4 acidic water showed a clear difference in the alkaloid profile, with a shift to several new non polar spots which couldn't be identified. Very likely the LSA converted to LSH (LSA + acetaldehyde = LSH). IIRC Erhlichs was used to develop the plates so these were indole compounds.

As stated in 1961 Arcamone attached paper:
The LSA constituent of Claviceps paspali (same alkaloid profile as the Mesoamerican morning glory) forms LSH when submerged into fermented liquor (Arcamone, 1961) LSH is the chemical adduct formed from the reaction of LSA and acetaldehyde.

Page 8441, 1994 Austin: "Tryptophan analogues form adducts by reaction with aldehydes and alcohols or with aldehydes alone":
Reaction of Indole with Acetaldehyde: A 0.2% solution of indole in equal amounts of water, ethanol, and acetaldehyde formed a product with 60% yield after 1 hour of reaction at ambient temperature. Omitting the ethanol (50% acetaldehyde in water mixture) had no effect.

Decreasing the concentration of acetaldehyde to 0.1% increased the reaction rate and percent yield of product. See pic of the researchers's indole + acetaldehyde adduct product formed before (page 8439) and after (page 8441).
The researchers achieved a new adduct product with or without the use of ethanol, it made no difference, you only need water acidified to around ph=4 and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution, and around a 3 hour soak time for 100% conversion.

Sherry wine fits the bill perfectly with it's high acetaldehyde content, and low ph, which is already at ph=4, just like the study calls for. The researchers stated "the lower the PH, the faster the reaction (indole adduct formation at the NH group)." It contains the perfect amount of acetaldehyde as well, in an alcoholic medium no less.

Interestingly, when a boy was found dead at the bottom of his apartment building (he fell out by accident, apparently this really does happen), they detected levels of LSH or Lysergic acid Hydroxyethylamide in his blood, and also his friend's urine and blood also had LSH who observed the death. They had both been drinking heavily and taking HBWR seeds that night. Acetaldehyde is in alcohol and may even form LSH from LSA in vitro in the liver when combined with LSA, there is no LSH naturally found in HBWR seeds, only morning glory seeds, we have no studies on this possible in vitro process but here is the actual toxicology study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20018470/ Cocaethylene also forms in the liver when combined with alcohol + cocaine, cocaethylene is not only very orally active but more potent than cocaine and works strongly for an hour and is the secret ingredient discovered finally in 1994 formed from the famous Vin Mariani coca wine (5mg cocaine per each coca leaf tea bag soaked per each 1 oz wine) famous with Thomas Edison, both Popes and countless singers and celebrities of the time it was legal:

This is the paper that shows the alkaloid content of HBWR is vastly different from the alkaloid content of morning glory: Paulke A, Kremer C, Wunder C, Wurglics M, Schubert-Zsilavecz M, Toennes SW. Identification of legal highs—ergot alkaloid patterns in two Argyreia nervosa products. Forensic Sci Int. 2014;242:62–71.

No high levels of stimulating LSH, agroclavine, elymoclavine, chanoclavine, penniclavine found in HBWR seeds, only in morning glory seeds. A 2014 forensics paper from Paulke found no LSH in HBWR seeds, but only found LSA & iso-LSA (83-84%) & ergometrine (10-17%) & rest minimal: lysergol, elymoclavine & chanoclavine.

The researchers administered LSH to test subject in 2021, and recorded the radioligand binding data of the LSH to her brain: http://www.t3db.ca/toxins/T3D3687

Also, see Glasser A (January 1961). "Some pharmacological actions of LSH or D-lysergic acid methyl carbinolamide,". Nature. 189 (4761): 313–4. Bibcode: 1961, Nature.

Glasser in 1961 noticed animals became stimulated when injected with LSH. Dr. Glasser said some of the mice even stood on their hine legs and pressed on the noses of the mice in front of them, very peculiar.

LSH or D-Lysergic Acid Hydroxyethylamide is also very chemically similar to LAE-32 in TIHKAL which at 1.6mg resulted in long lasting powerful LSD like effects. The combo of penniclavine + LSH, the 2 highest alkaloids in the seeds is what results in the ultra-powerful experience, and as we all know, 2 alkaloids are more powerful than just one.

Animal tests all point to LSH being an active psychedelic and it is indeed the closest thing to LSD found in nature, far closer than d-ergine. Owsley claims Hoffman himself told him that LAOH is very LSD-like.

It was Gröger who first discovered LSH in the seeds, published in his 1963 paper "Über das Vorkommen von Ergolinderivaten in Ipomoea-Arten". Later also Hofmann then extracted it from the seeds. It probably was in 1967, as Heim wrote in his work from August 1967 that Hofmann said he recently extracted it from the seeds (personal communication, as they knew each other very well).

LSD----------------------------------------CH2CH3-----CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C20 H25 N3 0)
LAE-32-----------------------------------------H------CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 0)
d-lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide-----------H---------CHOHCH3....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 02)
Penniclavine-----------------------------------------------------chemical formula (C16 H18 N2 O2)

fastandbulbous (chem wizard from bluelight):
Apparently N-(1-hydroxyethyl)lysergamide (LSH) is an adduct compound formed from lysergamide (lysergic acid amide, LSA/LAA, LA-111) and acetaldehyde. This hints towards the idea that isn't the most stable of compounds, but would be pretty easily formed by the combination of lysergamide (LSA) & acetaldehyde under physiological conditions (ie a way to get much more & better psychedelic activity from any lysergamide extracted from seed sources).

Chemist Peter Webster who spoke at the LSD symposium:
LSH is a labile adduct of ergine (LSA) and acetaldehyde.
This is true LSH is unstable but will remain stable and not break down into LSA so long as it's in acidic solutions such as wine which is at ph=4.

Also, a lb of fresh seeds is dirt cheap from **** ******* on *mazon. They come in metallic zip lock bag, I keep them frozen at all times in freezer. See bottom of page 12 for how to use isovaleraldehyde to create LSI from LSA via condensation of isovaleraldehyde onto the LSA amide via catalytic catalyst acetic acid found in a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, studies for this on page 12 as well = forming Lysergic Acid Isovaleraldemide, or you can view post #1 on page 1: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27850299/fpart/1/vc/1 A 25ml bottle of isovaleraldehyde goes for around the price of two movie tickets, you only need 2 drops. There are 20 drops in a ml, so 500 drops in 25ml bottle. Remember, only a couple places sell it to individuals (which is how I bought it), rest to places that have a business (not residential) address, you just have to really search.

I give instructions half way down page 11 here https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27850299/fpart/11/vc/1 on how to create the zero nausea morning glory liquid extract (very easy) you will need for your aldehyde experiments, and also how to use two twinings peppermint tea bags along with 2 drops of pure peppermint oil in case you can't find or don't want to use pure isovaleraldehyde. See attached paper, isovaleraldehyde is in peppermint leaf.

The hymn to Demeter states the Kykeon was composed of barley, mint, and water. This was used to prepare a psychedelic brew that was able to feed hundreds of people (300+) all at once every September for 2,000 years at the sacred ceremony at Eleusis in Greece. All were able to become initiates including women and slaves. Claviceps paspali grows on paspalum distichum grass or even some types of barley in the famous Rarian field adjacent to Eleusis even present day and contains the exact same alkaloid profile as the Mesoamerican morning glory. Albert Hoffman even stated that this could likely have been the entheogen they used, and could have easily fed hundreds of people like clockwork every year. They also added fresh mint or peppermint leaf to the brew and stirred it for a while.

Do not get claviceps paspali ergot (orange colored) confused with claviceps purpurea ergot (black kernels) which causes gangrene and is poisonous.

Pepppermint leaf contains the aldehyde ISOVALERALDEHYDE or 3-METHYLBUTANAL which has the same molecular weight, and exact same number of 5 carbons and 11 hydrogens as 3-AMINOPENTANE which was discovered by Dr. Nichols (LSD scientist) that when coupled to Lysergic acid caused almost the exact same effects as LSD when administered to the rats compared to over a dozen compounds he tested, this one stood way out among all the others.

ISOVALERALDEHYDE will adduct onto the amide LSA via condensation reaction (all studies given), this aldehyde is way more potent than LSH which uses the aldehyde acetaldehyde, and way more potent than LSC which uses the aldehyde cinnamaldehyde (complete mess imho, I have no idea who came up with LSC, but it has nearly double the number of hydrogen and carbons as needed, and will not fit into the receptor site that LSD or LSI uses).

LLSH or D-Lysergic Acid Hydroxyethylamide uses acetaldehyde on the amide, acetaldehyde.......C2 H4 O
LSD uses diethylamine on the amide, diethylamine...................................C4 H11 N
chemical formula for entry #16 from Dr. Nichols uses....3-aminopentane...CH(C2 H5)2
chemical formula for isovaleraldehyde (used in LSI) is.............................(CH3)2 CH2 CH2 CHO

Also notice isovaleraldehyde even LOOKS EARILY similar to the tale end of psilocin with nearly the same exact chemical formula as the tale end of psilocin, see all pics on post #1, page 1.

diethylamine from LSD has 4 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups with a molecular weight of 73 g/mol.

Both the 3-aminopentane and the aldehyde of this new discovery have 5 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups (once the aldehyde attaches to the H already at the amide of LSA) and BOTH have exact same molecular weights of 87 g/mol similar to diethylamine molecular weight of LSD at 73g/mol.

The 3-aminopentane from Dr. Nichols and this new aldehyde isovaleraldehyde discovery join at the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H still. This new aldehyde has same molecular weight as 3-aminopentane on the R1 substitute of LSA with R=H, see Dr. Nichol's paper on page 84, chart shown. This is one of only 2 entries in which the rats responded to it (3-aminopentane) as if they had been given LSD.

Dr Nichols:
The important thing to note from the table below, in the far right column, is the fact that LSD has a potency in rats in the drug discrimination behavioral assay of 48 nanomoles per kilogram of rat body weight. Only two other compounds have comparable activity: entries 6 and 16.

Curiously, entry 6 is a monoalkylamide that has the same molecular weight as LSD itself, that is, it has a total of four carbon atoms attached to the amide. Entry 16 has a five-carbon group attached to the amide.

We have no evidence as to whether either of these compounds would be active in man, but these rat data suggest that they might be.

3-aminopentane has a potency in the drug discrimination behavioral assay of 52 nanomoles per kilogram of rat body weight, this is very similar to the 48 nanomoles per kg of rat body weight observed with LSD.

How to make the zero nausea liquid morning glory extract with pics you will need for the aldehyde experiments: see post #28180455 here in middle of page 11: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27850299/fpart/11/vc/1

See post #3 here on page 1 for two dozen morning glory trip reports: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27850299

On my latest 3.30.2023: 600 seed or 18g high dose morning glory wine extract prepared with isovaleraldehyde and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar as catalyst for the aldehyde condensation onto LSA to form LSI, saw 2 hours of dancing colored geometrics, thousands upon thousands they were so intricate for 2 hours which formed completely naked women goddesses at the intersections of the geometrics, mind blowing music enhancement and euphoria, very strong trip for 6 hours with 8 hour duration. One of the most prominent visual features is the seeing of colored energy fields or auras surrounding all objects just as itbebasidia reported, I see this every time the whole trip. Very powerful shimmering and glowing of everything as well, as if there is an intense divine light inside, very beautiful. Mentally: Deep healing head space.

Special Note #1: 69ron (not me but a friend of mine from long ago, I have no idea what happened to him, but do miss him) once had a thread https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=5733 on forming a potent Lysergamide psychedelic from LSA + peppermint tea. In this thread, you will find at least 5 bad ass reports scattered throughout the 11 pages. Just be careful if using HBWR seeds, as I have mentioned before, there are high amounts of ergometrine in HBWR seeds which cause cramping, vasoconstriction, and even bronchial vasoconstriction when ergometrine (not LSA) is adducted with acetaldehyde and other aldehydes as you will find some reports of this in the thread. If you use HBWR, just keep your dose low. Stick with morning glory seeds if possible, as they contain only trace amounts of ergometrine, see page 11 of the shroomery thread in the middle with pics on how to make the zero nausea MG liquid wine extract to use for your experiments. I prefer to use the pure ISOVALERALDEHYDE chemical found in peppermint whenever I can. At the time 69ron suspected some other unidentified aldehyde in peppermint besides acetaldehyde was responsible for the strong trips, he was right.

Special Note #2: Notice on the last pic, from the attached paper "Adduct formation of d-Lysergic Acid Amide or (LSA) and aldehydes.pdf" that many amides such as acetamide which is very much identical to LSA or Lysergic acid amide will form adducts readily with aldehydes such as cinnamaldehyde forming N,N'-cinnamylidenediacetamide (ref 6) even without a catalyst (this was even proven to happen back in 1938, see ref from Academy of India Science) however I prefer to use a chemical catalyst as stated in the study pic to the right to speed up and guarantee the formation of the adduct LSI product from LSA using ISOVALERALDEHYDE, I add at least 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar for the acetic acid catalyst (or you can use plain vinegar) to my 3 to 4 shot sherry wine spinning zero nausea morning glory extract containing around 600 seed's worth of alkaloids, this spins for around 1 hour on a thirty dollar stir mantel (see *mazon) for an experience similar to several hits of LSD, trip report above.

ISOVALERALDEHYDE boils off at 198 degree F so you don't have to worry about it evaporating off like acetaldehyde in wine does at 69 degree F, however you can spin all this on an ice bath on the stir mantel to keep the sherry wine's acetaldehyde from evaporating off, this way you will get a liquid extract in the end with a mixture of LSH + LSI. How much of each is anyone's guess. To make an ice bath, put your mg liquid extract jar in the middle of a bowl surrounded by ice cubes and place this on your stir mantel with a stir bar in the center of the jar, spin for 1 hour, then consume, see post in middle of page 11 for pics with easy directions: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27850299/fpart/11/vc/1

If you want only LSI (my preference) then spin the liquid sherry mg extract along with the 1 to 2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar or regular vinegar with the 2 plus drops of isovaleraldehyde (depending on how much LSA you extracted) AT ROOM TEMP (>70 degree F) so the acetaldehyde in the wine will evaporate off as it stirs on the stir mantel for 1 hour, but the isovaleraldehyde will remain in solution forming LSI. Note: DO NOT ATTEMP to extract your morning glory seeds with water instead of wine or you will get a giant emulsion which will not separate, in other words you won't get a liquid to use (to decant) above the seed debris you don't want that forms a 1/2" layer at the bottom, just like the pics on page 11.

If you don't have the pure ISOVALERALDEHYDE chemical, to make the peppermint tea: heat up 4oz water in microwave to around 150 to 175 degree F. DO NOT HEAT TO BOILING, or the isovaleraldehyde in the tea will boil off or evaporate as this happens at 198 degree F. Add 2 twinings brand peppermint tea bags, let this soak and cool down in fridge for a while, then add this when cool along with 2 drops of peppermint oil to your morning glory liquid extract. Then spin all of this together for 1 hour, then consume.

Do not use the cheap grocery store peppermint alcohol extract, instead buy real Peppermint oil max dosage: Adults: 0.2 to 0.4 mL (4 drops to 8 drops max for adults, DO NOT EXCEED, see last pic): https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2007/0401/p1027.html

mer.JPG mg1.JPG mg2.JPG mg3.JPG mg4.JPG mg5.JPG mg6.JPG mg7.JPG mg9.JPG mg10.JPG mg11.JPG mg12.JPG mg13.JPG mg14.JPG

mg 1000.JPG peppermint oil.JPG
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Vecktor (advanced chemist like myself):
tregar, you have probably rediscovered something that has long been a curiosity, for example on the now defunct blacklight site there was TLC posted of morning glory seed extract treated with methanol, acetaldehyde-methanol or with acetaldehyde-methanol-water, the extract treated with acetaldehyde-methanol or acetaldehyde-methanol + ph=4 acidic water showed a clear difference in the alkaloid profile, with a shift to several new non polar spots which couldn't be identified. Very likely the LSA converted to LSH (LSA + acetaldehyde = LSH). IIRC Erhlichs was used to develop the plates so these were indole compounds.
Quite a while back, I had some 'liquid acid', with B9 and a few others. It turned out it was LSH and to be honest, I doubt I could tell the difference in subjective effects. This was so much different to lysergic acid amide, which I extracted from Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds. There was a lot of gastric distress and it lacked most of the CEV/OEVs associated with LSD.
Maybe reports of being able to produce LSD direct from submerged batch preparations of one of the Clavicep species fungus, actually was LSH, as I have no idea if any of it was run through a GC-MS, to confirm identity.
GS/LC or it didn’t happened

If you are (remotely) right, LSH revolution would come
NMR or it didn't happen LOL GC/LC won't prove characterization just that its pure you need more organic analytical techniques or verifactions

Also as someone who has worked as a analytical chemist in r and d for about 6 years now, GC wouldn't be used as the compound isn't violate, its only used to chew formulations and LC would work but you would need a standard to test it against and a well development method that takes awhile to build, or not cause the compound is so closely related to other ones that are published that you could get your column and RT pretty easy and make a 1ppm solution for purity check
How to make LSI or Lysergic Acid Isovaleraldemide at home from LSA in morning glory seeds, ancient LSD

Opendoors said:
I have a magnetic stirrer but i cant really pit it in an ice bath ...without knowing your aldehyde do i even need the stirrer? also when i do stir do i have to drink the extract immediatly or can i save it for later? or do i have to do the stir everytime before i drink it ?

Lysergic Acid Isovaleraldemide or LSI:

Good morning opendoors. You can order the special aldehyde which is Isovaleraldehyde for around the price of two movie tickets for a 25ml bottle. There are 20 drops in a ml, so 500 drops in 25ml bottle. You only need 2 drops. This small bottle can last you a lifetime of trips. You only need to spin in ONCE for 1 hour to form the amide adduct, then drink it or store it away in fridge or freezer to drink later (days, weeks, or months). Remember, only a couple places sell it to individuals (which is how I bought it), rest to places that have a business (not residential) address, you just have to really search, but yes it is available to individuals. Hint: google 25ml bottle isovaleraldehyde. One of the places is ********. This aldehyde allows you to get real LSD like effects finally from morning glory seeds. I will post a picture of my bottle of isovaleraldehyde in 2 weeks, I can't post it now as I am out of town for 2 weeks.

If you don't have a magnetic stirrer, you can buy one for less than fifty bucks on *mazon or similar. Anyone can make an ice bath, to make one you simply put a bowl of ice on your stirrer, place your 3 to 3.5 shot cold sherry wine zero nausea morning glory extract 1/2 pint jar in the middle of the bowl, drop a magnetic stir rod into your mg liquid, add 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to the liquid (catalyst for the chemical condensation of isovaleraldhyde onto LSA amide) along with 2 drops of isovaleraldehyde. Spin at high speed for 1 hour. Isovaleraldehyde boils off at 198 degree F, so you really don't need an ice bath, but the acetaldehyde in sherry wine boils off at 70 degree F. So if you want to make LSH, you need the ice bath, if you only want to make LSI or Lysergic acid Isovaleraldemide (my preference) you don't need the ice bath. If you want a combination of LSH and LSI, then use the ice bath.

This LSI really works, I've tripped my ass off every 2 weeks already with it several times, this LSI gives me 6 strong hours out of it compared to my Ayahuasca which gives me only 1.5 hour strong experience. I tend to alternate between the LSI and Ayahuasca on some weeks however when I feel like it.

Yes, you can place your LSI tea into fridge to keep for 1 to 2 weeks, or place into freezer and it will keep forever, simply defrost it in fridge the day before you want to drink it.

This page 11 shows you how to make the zero nausea morning glory extract you will need for the aldehyde experiments (go midway down page 11 where you see the pics): https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27850299/page/3/fpart/11/vc/1

I read somewhere (I can't remember where) that morning glory sprouts are as effective as the seeds.Is that bs or real? Have you experimented with them?

I don't get any effects from mg sprouts. I only use the seeds as this is what is traditional and proven to work. The sprouts will not have the developed LSA amides you need.

On your cactus question, I used to spend years extracting mescaline from cactus, now I just deskin and boil bridesii cactus chunks from around the core, boil for 45 minutes, strain water and chunks thru a strainer, then reduce the water down to however much you want (I prefer a 6oz liquid) then pour water off into 1/2 pint jars, place into fridge, after 2 days, there will be a 1/4" layer of green sludge at the bottom, simply decant off the liquid above the sludge and drink that for an awesome time, zero nausea, the fridge does all the work of taking out the nauseating particles. I love to combine cactus tea with my LSI....I take the cactus tea first, then 1 hour later drink the LSI, as I've always loved the combo of LSD + cactus tea. Always take in that order only.

pic: I will post my bottle of isovaleraldehyde when I am back in town 2 weeks from now. But this is the aldehyde that will give you real LSD like effects and stimulation, 2 drops is all you need. Isovalderaldehyde has nearly the exact same chemical formula as the tail end of DMT or psilocin: CHO CH2 CH2 2(CH3), and nearly the same molecular weight 87g/mol as LSD's diethylamine at 73 g/mol. Both isovaleraldehyde from the Greece Eleusis kykeon peppermint and 3-aminopentane from Dr. Nichols have exactly 5 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups (once the aldehye attaches to one of the H already at the amide of LSA). Very similar to LSD's diethylamine which has 4 carbon groups and 11 hydrogen groups. See post above with the pics and study from LSD scientist Dr. Nichols as to why Rats respond to this number of carbons and hydrogens on the LSA amide as if it is real LSD.

This is ANCIENT LSD, it was hypothesized to form from ground claviceps paspali ergot which grows on paspalum distichum grass in the famous Rarian plane adjacent to Eleusis (same safe alkaloid profile as Mesoamerican morning glory high in LSA) that is mixed with a handful or large amount of fresh peppermint leaves for a while in wine. This could very well be the famous Kykeon psychedelic brew, formula kept secret for 2,000 years by the priests, able to easily feed over 300 hundred people (new initiates) like clockwork every Sept. LSA --> potent LSI, it is indeed possible and works extremely well.
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the sheer dedication of non-synthetic lysergamide enthusiasts for their craft is mindboggling. I can't think of any other plant/drug where such attention is paid to every aldehyde variant and their subtle differences.