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Jul 8, 2022
In Matthew 24 of the KJV Holy Bible the Lord speaks of the end times and the events which must take place before He returns. Also in Luke 21, Mark 13 and the book of Revelation all speaks of the times in which we live today. There are many other places in Scripture that speaks of these times. I urge you to read at least these chapters of the Gospel first so you can compare these events to today.
I am here for any questions. I do NOT attend the denominational (to denominate or to take on a lesser name) churches. I am only a worker in the Body of Christ here to serve your questions. I'm not perfect and will never be while living in this body. The only perfect one who walked on this Earth is Jesus Christ (the Son of God) which went to the cross for the sins of the world. He is coming back and time is short so only serious content will be answered.
There will definitely be 'end times' on this earth...of all species, on all planets and stars infact. We know this 100%.

I don't believe the bible predicts anything at all, bar some fortunate coincidences if you really stretch those mental gymnastics. Broken clock correct twice a day. Throw enough mud some will stick. Etc.

I also fully accept it's very tricky for people to hear critique of things/people/ideas/.systems/beliefs they are long-wedded to, so I'll leave it there.
People have been saying "we are living in the end times" for at least 2000 years, probably longer.
I recognize the fact that humans are capable of destroying most, if not all, life on earth. But I don't think we're much closer to doing so than we were in the 1950s, although uninterrupted climate change will put us on that path.
I lived through the Cold War and constantly assumed we'd all be dead soon. That's part of why I abused substances with complete abandon. If I'd known I would live this long I'd have taken better care of myself.
I agree with the responses thus far. Quacks of all ilk are forever portending the end of the world, and their gullible followers are always eager to believe them and then to embrace their incoherent explanations after the appointed day has come and gone.

The truth is that there will undoubtedly be an end to the Earth, as any physicist or astrophysicist can tell you, and this has been known at least since the 1930s based on the work of Hoyle, Bethe, and Chandrasekhar. What will happen is that the sun will run out of hydrogen and will first expand and then contract to become a white dwarf. During the expansion phase, the sun's atmosphere will engulf the inner planets' orbits, including the Earth's. But there is no need to stop contributing to your 401(K); it won't happen for several billion years. We will have destroyed ourselves long before that!

Of course, there are other possibilities, such as an impact by a giant asteroid or a relatively nearby star becoming a supernova. The former is largely unpredictable, as the Oort cloud contains millions of uncharted bodies. Sweet dreams.
I'm not so sure end times of the bible. As I believe alot of information from the bible is missing likely deliberately. I would agree with some world events right now we could be heading for end times type scenarios though.
i've posted in some of the conspiracy theory threads about this. this is something i was told on another message board and it's always been something that has been in my head since then.

all of the inventions that were created in the 1900's and 2000s and late 1800's have actually been around for millions of years and took millions and billions of years to create and not just some big bang of invention during the 1900's which would appear to be christ or what the mayans were pointing out saying their calender would end in 2060 and whatever people said about 2012 and 2000.... at some point the rulers of the world decided that we are going to keep doing the 1900's over and over again... i think it's possible there is still a place with dinosaurs on the planet earth, maybe area 51, they probably have some similar places in other countries, but every 1000 years or so they burn all the trash and rebury dinosaur bones so people can dig them up again and think history is happening... each time they do the 1900's, the rulers of the world are secretly collecting all the music that is made to compare to all the other parts of history. they study to see how people respond in all different situations that they will create for these specific parts of time..... if there isn't a way to burn all the trash and waste that we have, i believe that it is possible to hide it for a while during the early 1900s and not have the people that doubt or think there is hidden trash recorded into history.... i just really can't believe they invented all of this stuff that quickly. i could go on writing stories about this, but i won't. i have some other a little longer posts where i try to be more convincing and fun with the thought of what history could really be....

i'm totally accepting that i might be wrong about what i just wrote too, and this is infact the time of christ with all these new inventions or the end of the world or whatever. i've actually been strongly convinced of that before, and that's why someone told me the story that i wrote about... what really convinced me is that i don't think humans are capable of designing all of this stuff at once, but anything is possible.

for people that doubt what i'm writing, i'm so crazy that i believe that aliens could come every thousand years or so with chemicals that can turn shit into air or whatever. i'd believe anything to be possible. if you believe in global warming, i believe aliens could extract some of the colors that we see in other nebula's, bring them here and fix the ozone layer.. i really don't know. i tend to think that they just write in numbers for a lot of the science that they do. sorry to offend anyone out there that is really into reading science. like i believe we have the technology to do a lot of awesome stuff with science like scan people's brains and whatever. i feel like all this real stuff could just lead into a conspiracy where global warming numbers have been forged through out the 1900's.

i don't believe the world is flat though. i trust we can figure that one out pretty easy.

and how i said they do the 1900's every thousand years or so, it could be every ten thousand years for all i know, we don't know how long the world has been around for, i mean, science says they do, but i feel like they could let global warming heal itself and only unleash all the poison we have toward the earth every thousands of years. like maybe it takes a real long time to burn all the shit and trash and we have some time period of thousands and thousands of years where we perfectly recycle everything.. i really feel like we are probably in some type of experiment time where we are being surveyed... who knows. though.
i've posted in some of the conspiracy theory threads about this. this is something i was told on another message board and it's always been something that has been in my head since then.

all of the inventions that were created in the 1900's and 2000s and late 1800's have actually been around for millions of years and took millions and billions of years to create and not just some big bang of invention during the 1900's which would appear to be christ or what the mayans were pointing out saying their calender would end in 2060 and whatever people said about 2012 and 2000.... at some point the rulers of the world decided that we are going to keep doing the 1900's over and over again... i think it's possible there is still a place with dinosaurs on the planet earth, maybe area 51, they probably have some similar places in other countries, but every 1000 years or so they burn all the trash and rebury dinosaur bones so people can dig them up again and think history is happening... each time they do the 1900's, the rulers of the world are secretly collecting all the music that is made to compare to all the other parts of history. they study to see how people respond in all different situations that they will create for these specific parts of time..... if there isn't a way to burn all the trash and waste that we have, i believe that it is possible to hide it for a while during the early 1900s and not have the people that doubt or think there is hidden trash recorded into history.... i just really can't believe they invented all of this stuff that quickly. i could go on writing stories about this, but i won't. i have some other a little longer posts where i try to be more convincing and fun with the thought of what history could really be....

i'm totally accepting that i might be wrong about what i just wrote too, and this is infact the time of christ with all these new inventions or the end of the world or whatever. i've actually been strongly convinced of that before, and that's why someone told me the story that i wrote about... what really convinced me is that i don't think humans are capable of designing all of this stuff at once, but anything is possible.

for people that doubt what i'm writing, i'm so crazy that i believe that aliens could come every thousand years or so with chemicals that can turn shit into air or whatever. i'd believe anything to be possible. if you believe in global warming, i believe aliens could extract some of the colors that we see in other nebula's, bring them here and fix the ozone layer.. i really don't know. i tend to think that they just write in numbers for a lot of the science that they do. sorry to offend anyone out there that is really into reading science. like i believe we have the technology to do a lot of awesome stuff with science like scan people's brains and whatever. i feel like all this real stuff could just lead into a conspiracy where global warming numbers have been forged through out the 1900's.

i don't believe the world is flat though. i trust we can figure that one out pretty easy.

and how i said they do the 1900's every thousand years or so, it could be every ten thousand years for all i know, we don't know how long the world has been around for, i mean, science says they do, but i feel like they could let global warming heal itself and only unleash all the poison we have toward the earth every thousands of years. like maybe it takes a real long time to burn all the shit and trash and we have some time period of thousands and thousands of years where we perfectly recycle everything.. i really feel like we are probably in some type of experiment time where we are being surveyed... who knows. though.
I'm glad your open to possibilities and think outside of the box as I do. You spoke of the inventions of man which "they" say happened in the 1900's. I don't believe their timeline. I believe it was technology brought back for the 1900's in the effort to control society even with the good inventions, bad & evil. The book of Enoch speaks of these fallen ones who shown men how to make war with metals and other technology besides other things like medicine,building ext.
They kept this book out of the Bible because it was thought to be too conspiratorial.
Than there's the giants which were the offspring from the fallen angels taking human wives and their offspring were the Nephilim. I have a couple links here:

The governments have hid many subjects in schools like Magneto-biology but now there's some info on it:
I guess the point I'm making is we can't see the air but know it's real. Same as the wireless radiation all around us. So if these things are real which we can't see than what about the unseen world , God , Heaven & Hell?
While the notion of veiled truths holds credence, the existence of literal giants walking the earth is, alas, firmly rooted in the fantastical. The purported "giant skeletons" unearthed across the United States until the early 20th century were revealed to be a curious cocktail of deliberate hoaxes, financial scams, imaginative fabrications, and, perhaps most interestingly, misidentified remains of long-extinct megafauna.

I'm not convinced. Jesus was very clear about this, perhaps seeming to anticipate the question.

When it gets to be the end times, things will be much worse than this.
Things will be much worse and not all the prerequisites have been fulfilled so to say. The world is in a time of shaking, especially the USA...
While the notion of veiled truths holds credence, the existence of literal giants walking the earth is, alas, firmly rooted in the fantastical. The purported "giant skeletons" unearthed across the United States until the early 20th century were revealed to be a curious cocktail of deliberate hoaxes, financial scams, imaginative fabrications, and, perhaps most interestingly, misidentified remains of long-extinct megafauna.

Who hides the truth behind the veil? The governments of the world or the devil who deceived the nations? The greatest trick the devil ever played is that he didn't exist. So why wouldn't his workers hide the truth about everything in the Bible?
I'm not so sure end times of the bible. As I believe alot of information from the bible is missing likely deliberately. I would agree with some world events right now we could be heading for end times type scenarios though.
The book of Enoch should be in there since he walked with God for 365 years and was talked about in Genesis and Jude. I believe were in a time of shaking especially in the USA. This once great nation has walked away from God and now we can see the fruits of this action. I believe Jeremiah ch. 50-51 is talking about the US and it's destruction in detail.
The book of Enoch should be in there since he walked with God for 365 years and was talked about in Genesis and Jude. I believe were in a time of shaking especially in the USA. This once great nation has walked away from God and now we can see the fruits of this action. I believe Jeremiah ch. 50-51 is talking about the US and it's destruction in detail.
One hell of a walk, that.
Jeremiah ch. 50-51 is talking about the US and it's destruction in detail.
I interpret this as the entire human race as Babylon as a nation is the representation of "the pride of man" and not a particular country or region. The entire world seems wrapped up in this; not one country, peoples, religion or ideology.
People have been saying "we are living in the end times" for at least 2000 years, probably longer.

This is what exactly I wanted to write. Since I can remember, I heard many members of my family and friends say that "this world is ready to rot" whenever something happened they did not liked/agreed with. This whole "we are living end time" is as old as humanity itself.

Where I live, we even have some bullshit saying - many claims it is a quote from the Bible or some important church member said it - that goes something like: "When winter becomes summer, and man becomes woman, you know the doom is near." Other than acknowledging climate change and being transphobic bullshit, this doesn't hold much water unarguably.
I can assure you that this is not in the Bible:
"When winter becomes summer, and man becomes woman, you know the doom is near."

However, this is:

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
-- 2 Peter 1:20

Also, I guess it turns out that Obama was not the Antichrist. But Trump might be-- he certainly possesses all of the qualities of Satan.

If you believe in that sort of thing. 😉
Yes, most people don't understand or care enough to learn. But through faith and study, and having lived since the mid 70's, I have noticed how a real bad change in this country and the world has occurred. I don't have the time or patience to get into a deep discussion but I can see, that things are getting bad and change ain't always good. Do I believe the end is near, only God the Father knows exactly.
The USA is, like all great powers, falling and the insurmountable debt, crumbling cities, (Not all, but wow California has become a mess) I see this country as having turned its back to God and he is going to let it die.
All I hear is complaining and no real solutions, well guess what you can only incur so much debt and print so much money out of thin air, before an economic crash which will have worldwide implications and I see more wars coming. The World seems to be lining up The Biblical predictions that have yet to happen. If you haven't read, and using study Bibles most of the Bible, and understand it. Then don't bother wasting your time or mine with a bunch of Universalist or nonsense.
The Idea that this vast Universe had no Creator and just appeared from no where is beyond laughable. The Universe is a creation of God. This complex world and a Universe that keeps getting bigger with each new multibillion dollar telescope, is not an accident and did not appear from nothing.
The only viable option is there is a God.
This earth was created for a purpose and at some point will cease to exist as we know it. I don't care to mention the movie, you can guess, but I believe that" Basically all the scariest parts of the Bible," will unfold. When, God only knows, but things are lining up.
The technology never existed until now, for global government and enslaving the whole human race under one system.
I just wonder when they will start microchipping babies, the way they do dogs?
I can assure you that this is not in the Bible:

However, this is:

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
-- 2 Peter 1:20

Also, I guess it turns out that Obama was not the Antichrist. But Trump might be-- he certainly possesses all of the qualities of Satan.

If you believe in that sort of thing. 😉

Oh sorry, I did not try to claim that this was written in the Bible - I just know many people who like to claim it, or link it back to some big church figure in Hungary. But eh, what else would you expect from Hungary.

I would say that every politician can qualify for the role of a Antichrist - some just more than others :D
Disclaimer: I'm not Christian (or any denomination), and I don't trust the Bible either.

I believe the 'end times' is an attempt at self fulfilling prophecy, written by men who desire it. The whole concept has human thinking written all over it and it reminds me of a clickbait YouTube video caption more than anything. No omniscient entity would deliberately terrify its own creation on the promise of salvation, it makes absolutely no logical sense what so ever.

It stinks of the same mentality that pervades the RC Church, of sin, guilt, and fear. Look at the affect the concept has on people, it sends them absolutely loopy by either making them incredibly paranoid or obnoxiously proselytising to others (in turn sustaining the fear loop).

Pretty sure if Jesus were actually going to return, he would tell you to chill the fuck out and focus your energy on being a better loving person, and not wasting your time on this proto-Alex Jones doomsday nonsense.

Some other points:
  1. The Bible is written word i.e. it was transcribed by humans. Humans are fallible. I'm not trusting anything or anyone that purports to be the middleman for God. If God wants to speak, he can speak to me directly. He's got my number.
  2. I don't believe God speaks at all, I believe it's language is that of silence.
  3. I don't believe in time (or space). These are both human constructs. Can't have an end if there was no beginning. And we can choose to live righteously now, if we all want it enough. No middleman required, no waiting for certain requirements external or internal.
As one of my favourite human beings once said;
"Why do you worry about the world before taking care of yourself? You want to save the world, don't you? Can you save the world before saving yourself? And what means being saved? Saved from what? From illusion. Salvation is to see things as they are." - Nisargadatta Maharaj