"How High is North America?" v team nod spring training

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Haha, glad to see there's options to go around. Any gender advantages for me? That would be kinda sweet, either that or Tommyboy, use your sexy Italian kid charm to get us more chicks.
Haha, glad to see there's options to go around. Any gender advantages for me? That would be kinda sweet, either that or Tommyboy, use your sexy Italian kid charm to get us more chicks.

well on my team, im opebn to anyone and any opinions by my members...im not some egoimaniac that has to control everything..thats why i let tommy make the pick...after chemist picks, you can make the next pick for our team :)
I don't follow enough and am nodding real hard reppin' my team so you can take that pic for me. Yay to team nod though!
guys i'm lost...i don't know what's going on anymore lol.

I'm repping hard tonite, who's with me?



guys i'm lost...i don't know what's going on anymore lol.

I'm repping hard tonite, who's with me?



Haha, glad to see there's options to go around. Any gender advantages for me? That would be kinda sweet, either that or Tommyboy, use your sexy Italian kid charm to get us more chicks.

I think skillz 4 thrillz is a chick. I'll see if she will partake more.

I need to go scout for some talent in the female dept.
Ok, i want skills 4 thrillz, she sounds like an amazing person to be around.

edit: Goodnight Team, keep reppin'
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i love it when you you have been nodding but not completely nodded out and when you get up and look at the time you think...where did these last 2 hours go? lol
^Props on the bone thugs my friend. It looks like I missed a lot of team pickin' last night (nodded out early, I grabbed two or three 25mg diphen's with the intention of giving my girlfriend one of them and instead took all of them, lorazepam in my system making me forget how many pills I had! so I ended up taking all this DPH and passing out, not even really enjoying all the bupre I had taken.)

Oh well, there's always tonight! Go team go!
you people need:

I think the Je-man would be a great addition to Team Nod. Afterall, the man did turn water into wine. Imagine what he can do with that bottle of Tylenol 3's in your medicine cabinet! ;)
Well, it's a warm 47 degrees in northern NY. Smoking on my way to getting beer.
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