How High is North America? v. 2011 Team Nod Playoffs

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i know i just fb'ed some people lol.

i didn't even realize my sins were over 3000 until after reading that
haha, I keep losing track, I think once you get to 2000 or so it doesnt matter until you get to 10000. That's a milestone.
I can only imagine. I didn't even notice I had hit 1000, because I'm usually stoned out of my face when I post here. But yeah, I can only imagine the day I hit 10,000. Thats the day I will say to myself – I think you need to go outside and/or get a job :D
I'm actually stone cold sober right now, its kind of nice in a strange way. Family time and all that, drank some beer earlier with my dad but that was five or six hours ago.

I know I'm gonna at least dip into some benzos after dinner :)
^ Doesn't it? Being a drug-addict, I keep forgetting that. But then something (like being dead, flat, broke) will keep me from getting high/drunk for a few weeks, and I'll be like 'oh, shit... so life can be lived without using drugs... how absolutely mind-blowing!'
^I agree. Although I know life can be lived in both ways, or a combination of the two.

Bluelight certainly makes me fiend though ;) In some ways, I consider it a challenge
^I agree. Although I know life can be lived in both ways, or a combination of the two.

Bluelight certainly makes me fiend though ;) In some ways, I consider it a challenge

I feel like my 'higher self' (the part that actually thinks) knows life can be lived both ways, but my primitive, non-rational brain
doesn't exactly agree. Its like, 'MORE MOTHERFUCKER, MORE!'
yeah i came down about 3-4 hours ago...

family time is cool, but it's wierd when i think about it too much, because the "families" i spend time with are not mine at all. they are my ex-step-fathers and biological fathers new wife's families.

I haven't seen my blood-family in nearly a that's half of my life. shit.
yeah i came down about 3-4 hours ago...

family time is cool, but it's wierd when i think about it too much, because the "families" i spend time with are not mine at all. they are my ex-step-fathers and biological fathers new wife's families.

I haven't seen my blood-family in nearly a that's half of my life. shit.

damn. at least you've got Bluelight :)

I feel like my 'higher self' (the part that actually thinks) knows life can be lived both ways, but my primitive, non-rational brain
doesn't exactly agree. Its like, 'MORE MOTHERFUCKER, MORE!'

Yep. That's the "monkey-brain" professors are always thinking about. Oh, dopamine. Negative reinforcement sucks.
damn. at least you've got Bluelight :)

Yep. That's the "monkey-brain" professors are always thinking about. Oh, dopamine. Negative reinforcement sucks.

I know... just now coming off of a year+ long MDPV addiction (lots of constant usage, insane amounts, IV'd all of it) so unfortunately I now know first hand, all to much about how the dopamine reinforcement/reward system works.

That shit (MDPV) is insane, when injecting in high doses. Its like cocaine without the euphoria. Just pure dopamine satisfaction. You slam a shot, and a basic, no-frills satisfaction of overwhelming intensity engulfs you, without a drop of that serotonergic 'on-top-of-the-world' feeling. Its like, 'ahhhhhhhhh... all better.' =D
^That sounds almost....too good to be true.

I've never tried MDPV, but after reading about it on Bluelight and all the Bath Salt Horror Stories, I think I'll stick to doing cocaine like once...a year haha
Well it is too good to be true – I didn't elaborate about the (always present) stim-psychosis that would come every single time I binged. But I grew to just embrace it and laugh at how crazy it would make me because it would always fade with a few days after stopping.

Have you read the Soap MacTavish chronicles of MDPV insanity?
If not, do a user search for threads started by 'Soap MacTavish'.

Thats the kind of stuff that was happening to me (chasing shadow people with bush-knives, thinking robots are among my apt, conspiracies, etc) every time I would binge.

Everything was magnified by the cheapness and availability of it. Imagine if you could buy ounces of almost pure, lab-grade, IV-able cocaine for like $20, and have it delivered to your door. lol, you can see the dilemma here.
^I've read the stories, that's what kept (and continues to keep) me away from those things.

Besides the 2C's (which I've only done a handful of times), I try to stay away from RCs as much as possible. Benzos and opiates are my thing, with dexamphetamine added just for the hell of it ;)
^me too. the fucking horror stories i've read on here. idk, i'm just too old school to go too far past the basics. and i am too old to be mixing too much shit. i dnt drink so that takes care of alot of "drug combos gone wrong". plus once you chem detox off alcohol you realize what an evil and quick addiction it can be.
not knockin drinkers. i have a cpl on a cpl-no more than 4 occasions a year. i just know where that road will take me.
if i have weed-occasional psychedelics and my much earned meds-maybe some street speed once or twice a year,i have found that moderation is good. plus for a true addict like me-anything can be junk.
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