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How High Are You? v. Probably Pretty High

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60 mg oxy, 10 mg clobazam, 10 mg propanalol. Will do more opi8s l8er on. make that 140 mgs of oxy now in total.

Also high off just having this:


Nodding now, gnna chug a 750 ml or quart of monster (can). Which reminds me I got some free Monster stickers in my car.

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I´m tired all the time. Too much work.
I really miss that warmth from any opiates these days. Not having to worry about anything..
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Weed is okay. I wonder if smoking weed, recreational would be considered a relapse.
90mg IV morphine
and a fat bowl of sour diesel

And this fried chicken right here, omg. I'm feeling pretty awesome
after half a bottle and munches, eventually woke up abd cane in, still with a good buzz. I can feel how diclazepam slowly effects seems to metabolize through its spectrum of bzd effects/sub receptors.'

ahh just got a knock on the door 'you want some beer. Or liquor? Makin a run' yes 375ml more gin for $4. Mixin it hard with juice.

…. (y)
tasty pics whosjigga!!!!

just woke up, took some 2-FMA before its off to work :\
Waking up is the worst part of the day.
And I have to go through this Monday to Friday.
It´s exhausting man!
Is there a medication for that?
Just woke up fer werk
still a lil high from the smoke sesh last night but it's back to business I guess.
tasty pics whosjigga!!!!

just woke up, took some 2-FMA before its off to work :\

Thanks homeh, the dope bag kinda makes me crave kinda even tho I got oxy. Can even smell metalic acidi9c dope in my nostrils when I know this isn't really possible, that is some addictive shit.

Gnna take another 60 mgs oxy b4 I feel the first. cos im keen as fk.
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Email me onna dem 60s yo, jus throw it inna attachment.

I'll fax you some blotters in return.
... Does anyone else get that funny feeling when you mix benzos and booze and... you're not quite sure how high you are. You feel pretty lucid but then you get up to walk to the fridge and it all goes wrong. That's where I'm at now.
I was there last night, until both overcame me too much with baclofen thrown in twice. Once the vision distortion hits I know im fucked. In a good way, but then I keep drinking, pass out 1hr, repeat.

Im just pacing myself with gin and baclofen. Tobacco too. Im a better day drinker. I'll pace myself. I.e. Last night taking at least 20mg+ (eyeballed) diclaz as a goodbye habit dose, down each my mixed drinks entirely in 1 sitting, as a task before anything else, and baclofen thrown in twice. Empty stomach till half way through. Now? I have a day to get through before I black out.

Enjoying a history of dubstep setlist by DJ Hatcha. So many dubplates and tunes that never saw the light of release. <3

Edit: Yay 10mg free methadone. That will help me feel less shit. Low tolerance so lately I do wake up with sniffles so I take 2 2mg loperamide tabs. Better than when Id get the occasional handout, taking 50-60 of the 2mg tabs to maintain. Sniffles arent much but im not having that ontop of my other problems. Soon I wont need any. Its from the day i found the stash and stole 150mgs unoticed not long back. Enjoyed them with 0 tolerance.

Also picked up some 'noid solution cheap from a friend. AB-FUBINACA I believe is what he said. Its the only synth noid I ever really liked, feels like a heavy indica and is cheap. Beats paying a lot for bud from a dealer and it turns out to rarely be much of an indica (in my recent experiences). Its drying on some plant matter now. Now I can drink less and stone more. More just not drink. =D
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Well i always have that voice in my head tryin to balance me when that combo come into life hihih. Beside that high on 25mg 3meo PCp, some good wine i drink with a friend who came around, enjoyed with some good music, now drinkin a glass of good whisky with honey, thinking maybe about sleeping soon.. quite chill midnight. Hope everyone is doin at his best at least!
Pretty damn high if I do say so myself

1lb PST
4mg etizolam

Things have gotten a lot more normal now that my mxe stash ran out. Normal reality is boring lol
I love mixing narcotix, I'm diverse as fuck.
OT; 3mg Lorazepam, 2g Alprazolam, going to eat dinner, pop another grip, then eat an Indica edible.. Or two, while drinking a Corona Familiar. Cheers to whoever else is drinking on this fine Wednesday evening.
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