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How High Are You? v. Probably Pretty High

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super baked plus reaching a plateau from the 120 mg oxy i took an hour and a half ago, gonna snort 40 mgs more now + 30 mg clobazam, 2 mg loprazolam.
2mg etiz and a small amount of sublingual mxe , just took a dab. T-1:00 until munch time. Happy thanksgiving everyone
Just good ole cannabis on this fine turkey day. No etizolam for 2 weeks now. I'm doing a little wash out as I've been taking it 1-3 times a week for the last 4-5 months so I figured it was time to reset.
Pretty blazed just chased my dinner up with a cig.
drank a lil wine
Smokin more dank

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Soooo high... And I only took one bong rip. Must be because I only really take one hit in the morning and two at night. That after work bong rip is always the best. I'm so faded. Peace. %)
just paid CASH for 2 grams of dope, I never pay cash. and I almos forgot my wallet when I reached my dealers b ut he said check your car, if you don't find it will put it on ur tab and boom it was in my car so I still have no street debt yo.
It's quite euphoric in deed. However it isn't raw.
How high?
Well first i did some K like 1h ago with very little effects (must be bad ketamine and/or I dosed too low). Then like 15min ago I smoked more crystalised residue of DMT that was in my pipe and had an awesome experience. Now i took a big line of K, lets see if i can at least extend the duration of the DMT afterglow.
I feel great, god bless DMT. 8)
Preach it brother, hugs from the universe!!!

I just ate 35mg valium on top of my maintenance dose of 5mg, common sense wouldn't let me eat more even though I really wanted to!!!! Fuck common sense, he is an asshole :( :eek:

Also drinking some mighty juicy west coast IPA hell yeah let the alcohol flow!!!!!
Common sense and benzos? Wait till later, then tomorrow, and wonder where it all went. Jokes =P

Im actually kinda low. 2g's syrian rue kicking to stave off this disease I have sometimes (morning sobriety). But also it's beneficial effects. My morning nicotine rush was decent though. I really like the body high. I don't celebrate traditional holidays, usually make my own with an ayahuasca type deal, and I forgot to reorder my diclazepam. Stretching it out reeeeeeeally thin, order should go out sat so I should have it mon. Ima go calculate how I need to ration 4 days.

30mg diclaz with cimetidine as always. I went over some number and am better than I thought. I should just be pretty uncomfortable and drinking on monday until the dreaded 4-5pm delivery time. I envy you people who get your mail at like, 9AM.

I miss my DMT. Still buried in a secret location for when I drift back up there. I know how to A/B it and get more but reagents and funds aren't there. I was about to make some good money, but that all went down the hole. Same thing with P. Cubensis mushrooms.
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^It feels more like a low benzo dose probably. I like it in tea form, used to drink it with chamomile or with mate.

I'm having a beer and will smoke a bong in a minute. Think i'm gonna watch jurassic park lol
Just got off my Black Friday shift, wasn't to bad, thanks etiz! Just took a dab , took a mg of etiz and subbed 30mgs mxe. Also 1pound of PST because it's hard to quit and it feels nice. I feel bomb , that is all, wrapping up some Christmas presesnts
Went and got that greeeeeeen, Could smell the shit from my pocket. Currently have no tolerance. You do the math. Plus now I got a nigga in the hood who can get me a wider variety of drugs now. He's tight my friend who got me to him. I havent really a dealer in a while. Just a unreliable other friend who just sells to a few ppl.

10mg diclaz from before too
Beautifully, wonderfully nodding gently

Like I'm experiencing the caress of the oceanic universe
Coming down from an LSD experience. Definitely a very wild night. My pupils are still fucking saucers.

Gonna smoke some weed and see if that will make me sleepy. For some reason I feel like I'll be up for a little while. There are still patterns forming from the white space in the text box lol... Peace guys. %)
Coming down from an LSD experience. Definitely a very wild night. My pupils are still fucking saucers.

Gonna smoke some weed and see if that will make me sleepy. For some reason I feel like I'll be up for a little while. There are still patterns forming from the white space in the text box lol... Peace guys. %)

Dope man hope you had an awesome time have a bunch tabs in my stash can wait to dig in a lil later prolly once some more snow shows up.

OT: So I'm back up to get ready for week maybe 2 hours of sleep still super baked from my pre bed bowl
Smoked too much and drank too much last night for how much i had eaten... fell asleep sitting up at my bros house lmao. I blame the wings place not being open. Just woke up from a solid nap, gonna be a nice day. Expectin some CDs in the mail from amazon and got more beer to drink.
Just smoked a spliff, chillin on brews now. Had unagi-don aka unadon for lunch (eel rice bowl) and miso souo for lunch, hells yes.

Its good i only got an eighth of bud cause weed goes real far for me without any tolerance now. And my wallet be happy.. er.
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