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How High Are You? v. On a scale of 1 to Charlie Murphy

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Woke up and plugged 30mg morphine sulphate and snorted 4mg dilaudid.

V lit.
almost the same here... chewed 30mg morphine sulphate and snorted 4mg hydromorphone but took 0.5mg alprazolam before that. great combo. very itchy. %)
Vaping weed
A lot of RV Baik Bali
12.5mg doxylamine

Feelin' good. The doxylamine sedation is actually quite noticeable.
The doxylamine sedation is actually quite noticeable.

Fuck yeah, it is. Either doxylamine or melatonin were pretty much on par with zolpidem for inducing sleep, iirc. Taking 12.5mg of doxylamine was the only anti-histamine I ever found worth it to take just for its sleep-inducing properties, although I haven't taken anti-histamines for that purpose in years.
i got work for 2 out the next 3 days and possibly 3/3. hooray!!! next week ill tweak my availability even more and line up additional work to re-establish my nest egg.

time to drink beer, not only to celebrate, but to put me to bed early for work tomorrow.

hooray! now if only i could get the motivation to play my vidya. i need a much more comfortable chair for my game cave as i refuse to bring my TV into my bedroom. and i dont even have cable. and i use my tablet in my bedroom so that also defeats the purpose of no TV. gosh i am messed up.
Congrats on the work SirTH! I'm not exactly high but almost a six pack in after work, lol almost wasted....
Spending the night at my boys hotel room

Shot like .15 of some dope that was probably majority fent analogue based

400mg tramadol

2mg mylan circle alprazolam

Smoked a couple bowls of bud

Feeling good, with I had some uppers
Drunk on tequila and tomato juice with hot sauce. And just had 90mg temazepam. I have the Devil's nanobots in me in addition to the normal ones! They fixed my polonium and plutonium poisoning along with gods, foxes, and Winemucca :)
Took my 100mg dose of methadone like a good junkie lol
Working. My 2nd coffee bout to go spark a ciggarette
Fuck yeah, it is. Either doxylamine or melatonin were pretty much on par with zolpidem for inducing sleep, iirc. Taking 12.5mg of doxylamine was the only anti-histamine I ever found worth it to take just for its sleep-inducing properties, although I haven't taken anti-histamines for that purpose in years.

A little bit after I posted that I got like 500x more sedated to the point of not being confident in my ability to walk. This shit is no joke lmao. Reminds me of promethazine but 'heavier'. Definitely good for sleep, but I got it for opiate potentiation.
900mg pregabalin
200mg tramadol
1mg alprazolam

happy weekend everyone
0.5mg alprazolam
Half a hash cookie
Nice fat bowl

Might add some clonazepam in a bit. Cutting back on the Kratom but still low key searching for pharm opioids...
80 mgs oxycoedone
200 gs fire H
gonna add 2 mgs loprazolam
and 60 mgs codeine
gonna have a bong too
11,650mg paracetamol to damage my liver to teach the world a lesson. I found the cure to many or most cancers, it is cyanide in doses that are well below the lethal level that do not cause major side effects and I feel it is being covered up and I think China is getting hit with a 185 mph typhoon in 12 days that will kill 42,000 people but nobody is going to listen if it really happens. Now I am going to get really drunk.

Update: Added 975mg paracetamol and I also had 15mg hydrocodone with 650mg paracetamol earlier today.

Man I wish you'd realize what you're doing... paracetamol poisoning is not a joke. I would tell you to seek help but you probably won't listen, best of luck to you T*D.

OT: High of kratom, weed and alcohol. Just got back from an excellent road trip, feeling fiiinee.
About to cut open a 500g bag of Kratom I've had saved since December, and have 1-2g in a tea to cap off the night. Still kinda feeling the weak 150g "tea" of poppy seeds and the 200mcg clonazolam I took earlier today. Also have some Platinum GSC I'm eager to smoke with the tea, it's been about 5 months since I've taken Kratom last.

So... not exactly high, but I'll be where I want to be in about 20 minutes. :D
280 mgs oxycodone
+ a small line oof dope
feeling fkin incredbible.
like the feel when you like pls don't let this wear off too fast...
started the day off with 4g of Kratom, 200mcg clonazolam, and a soma, then made myself a nice breakfast and broiled some homemade patties for lunch later before hopping in the shower with a small snap of some plat GSC.

feeling nice and ready to take on the day :) hope you guys are having a decent sunday
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