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How High Are You? v. Let's get loaded and practice medicine

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Just got home from work 2mg klonopin four 10mg Zaleplon so 40 mg zaleplon all together and 400mg tramadol
100 mg tramadol IM
200 mg tramadol caps
5 mg morphine IV
4 grams of hash
30 mg bromazepam
50 mg promethazine
Lots of coffee and ciggs
20 mg ambien
Wish i had the weed that i smoked yesterday...
2.5mg alprazolam, 2ml 1,4-butanediol, 60mg temazepam, and weed. Gonna go smoke a cigarette.

Update: added another 1mg alprazolam, 15mg hydrocodone, and 30mg temazepam and a little weed.

Either the government or my local hospital uses invisible tiny needles to infect me and others with Hemorrhagic Dementia and possibly other diseases and others may be delivering cures to others invisibly. I have started to see some ghosts. Most are transparent. Things keep knocking on my wall and I have heard several times knocking like you'd hear on a door in the middle of the night on my bedroom wall. Crickets chirp in short phrases sometimes. My bird scratches messages that sound like words and has started saying a few new things, he must be telepathic. I hope the one who talks to me like I am the Neo of Bluelight will start giving me better info and kick agent Smith's asses.

Am I the only one who uses the telepathy feature of Bluelight?
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Probably not the most appropriate thread, but do you meth heads find it easier to maintain a habit because it allows you to work for longer periods?

With dope i was always stressing about getting money so i could get dope so that i could go to work. If i was WDing there was no working unless it was going to be a quick payoff. Otherwise it just wasn't a possibility
Geeked up. 100mg D-Amp IR plugged.. Fast fucking comeup that keeps building! Goddamn. Wonder how a high dose of gabapentin would feel, topping off this excursion!
So far 1500mg of Gabapentin when I woke up with 2 grams of Phenibut, then I got back from the dentis and took another Gram of Phenibut and 900mg of Gaba...think I'm gonna add a lil more Gaba, then wait a few hours and have a micro dose of my bupe((Its been 22 hours since I chewed up 130mg oral oxy,dont wanna take much cuz I'm gettin Roxis 2morro) then maybe a couple of xanax. Bout to listent to some tunes on youtube, Phenibut is fun at high doses once in a blue moon...and that gaba woud probly feel pretty good ykm420.
80mg Methadone, Liquid
4mg Clonazepam, 4 1mg tablets
600mg Ibuprofen, 1 600mg tablet
100mg Promethazine, 4 25mg tablets
1200mg Gabapentin, 4 300mg capsules
Caffeine from coffee
Marlboro cigs
Synergizing! I feel fucking gnar.. Time to chain smoke and game!
7mg Clonazolam Oral
100mg D-Amp Plugged
1200mg Gabapentin
^Hm, whiskey hasn't crossed my mind in a while. I almost exclusively stick to beer, wouldn't mind switching it up this weekend. I went through many handles of Evan Williams in college, also Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey. Some of that mixed with root beer is great.

ot: Not high, really just exhausted ready for sleep.

The honey stuff makes me puke, lol. I stick with plain old whiskey. Canadian Mist is pretty good and it's cheap too.. Love Jack but it's too expensive.

Had 4g gabapentin, couple points of ice, smoking cancer sticks and drank a pot of coffee. Feeling productive and happy :)
I feel as though I could write a novel. Just want someone to chat with %).
met a lot of people today, and feeling calm...
90mg oxazepam+250mg hydroxyzine+1mg sub snorted+75mcgs of LSD+ high grade weed +1gram of Rachacha (check erowid its like low quality opuim) just for the fuck of it :)
haven't touch to LSD for long time, so I dosed low ^^
4mg alprazolam subL
IV 350mg heroin (shit is FIRE)
bowls of some Purple Urkle
Miller High life x 3
Fairly high.. i had pike 2 hits of herb, blue dream. Its gone now. :(

Did 3 shots of heroin today
8 600 mg gabapentin
5 150 mg lyrica
150 mg seroquel
....meh. want a speeeeedball.
Can't wait till I have the cash for 4-ho-mipt and 3-meo-pcp.

Drunk till I puked while smoking a cigarette. Had 90mg temazepam, 3mg clonazepam, 22.5mg hydrocodone, 100mg diphenhydramine, 80mg latuda, and 1mg alprazolam
Nothing special but i like the combo, feeling pretty good. Thought about taking some amps from my stash but I don't really see a reason to get amped today.
Well.. After I plugged the 100ng D-Amp, and ate a few Clonazolam, I wake up to find I killed my entire Adderall script, and ate a whomping 12500mg Gabapentin. Not sure if there is a thresh hole to the medication, but damn, it is so wonderful for anxiety.. I do recall thinking 'I'm going to plug 100mg' then I recalled my better rx, imo, and just went for it. Anyways;
1500mg Gaba
1.4mg Clonazolam
I'm either ordering gaba, or just get phenibut.. If you've had it, does it compare at all? What does it feel like? Gaba made me want to talk to everyone, libido increase like mad, and mellow me out quite hard. All my muscles were in relaxation mode. I must still have some after effects, I'll go smoke a cig and shut up.
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