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How high are you? v. I'm high, how are you?

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Cooking up a big pot of kratom tea :)

OT: gaba supplement, 0.5mg clonazepam, had a pretty nasty double panic attack because I cut out both my daily hydro and clonazepam dose. Silly me, I thought I could just do that out of the blue and be fine.
1 g codeine just ingested. About 8 mg nifoxipam split into 2 doses over 12 hours. Again, the dose sounds ridiculously high considering I'm not very GABA tolerant at the moment, but it is what it is. Add in 20 ml isopropanol to that and I'm wondering how I'm even able to type. But yeah, feeling pretty high. Love benzos because I can drink coffee as much as I want without negative side-effects, and just enjoy the additional euphoria.

Have a good one everyone.

How's that H treatin' you, P2C? Sorry for being such a mommy, I just enjoy your posts in this thread :) and not only!
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Throughout the course of the past 9 hours I've ingested:

25mg MDA
50mg MDMA
~7mg 5-MeO-MiPT
~25mg 3-MeO-PCP
2 beers
So so so much weed
One fat dab
Vaped nicotine, and a lot of it
Cigarettes (Light Blue Natural American Spirits)
Roughly 15 cartridges of whippets
900mg Gabapentin
2mg Etizolam
Some poppers
A whoooole lot of really good food :D

And I'm probably going to call it a night after this, after taking down one more whippet (or six) and then maybe taking some Clonazepam or more Etizolam or weed or melatonin or something for sleep. For HR's sake, please don't do what I did, I just have an incredible tolerance and I spaced it all out so I'm 100% good. I also just got back from Dead & Co at Alpine Valley, which was the most amazing fucking two nights of my life...more on that later. Love yall <3 <3 <3
1 g codeine just ingested. About 8 mg nifoxipam split into 2 doses over 12 hours. Again, the dose sounds ridiculously high considering I'm not very GABA tolerant at the moment, but it is what it is. Add in 20 ml isopropanol to that and I'm wondering how I'm even able to type. But yeah, feeling pretty high. Love benzos because I can drink coffee as much as I want without negative side-effects, and just enjoy the additional euphoria.

Have a good one everyone.

How's that H treatin' you, P2C? Sorry for being such a mommy, I just enjoy your posts in this thread :) and not only!
Hehe, no worries. I enjoy your attention and it gives me a pretty good outlet. ;)

The H is really strong. I've taken some very small shots (did 2 today, somewhere around 6 hours apart, with like 50mg in each one) and smoked some hash, which made(/is still making) me feel quite noddy. Feels good! I'll try taking a break for a while after this evening (plan on doing 1 more shot later tonight) and then tomorrow wait and see if I already start getting wd's again, if I don't get any real w/d I'll lay off it for a bit and try to get by on the thought that it's there if I really want it. If I do get w/ds I'll either sub or take a really small H dose just to alleviate the w/ds and not get high.

It's also quite possible I will compulsively binge until it's gone and don't find out about the potential & severity of w/ds until then.

I'm hoping I can pull off option 1 though.

(This post took over 30 min to write because of the continuous nodding off. Make that 40min. ;))
300 mg Lyrica
15 mg of Morphine ER 3 x daily
25 mg Roxis five 5 mg pills

how are you guys able to stop for days to weeks at at time so easy? Pill2chill, pretty impressive how you were able to stop for the amount of time you did and come back and chip. I can't stop for a day. How did you do it?

decided you guys were overdue a pic of quaality herron.

thats a lil bit of what i bought today. i'd say it A minus , but i have very high standards from getting my H at a dealertodealer level through a friend. this is not from said friend, this is my budget connect, it's pretty impressive for my budget connect.

Got me feeling very warm and huggy - strong in the nod too, pleasant smelling on the up-sniff too.

Gonna have a bong of dro now and 2 mgs loprazolam

Dude for real if you keep putting pics of d out that looks damn near pure like that, it's gonna catch the wrong attention. From the looks of it, it looks like you're one middleman behind the amigo thats bringin that shit up the border..Your ass is gonna get shaked down for your plug.. Probably by guys in blue shirts and badges.. fair warning do not fuck with them dudes so you better be able to take a stint if you get caught cause if you start singing and name dropping, theyll have no problem doing what they do on a daily basis and erase you from the equation. Don't pic and post peoples prod even on bluelight dude dumb move.
I humbly disgaree Mr Toke. i do see your point, it is only my opinion that it doesnt matter. whoahblahnlah is safe from prying eyes imo.

im smoking pot and drinking and doin regular person stuf

rip dgs chillum
I humbly disgaree Mr Toke. i do see your point, it is only my opinion that it doesnt matter. whoahblahnlah is safe from prying eyes imo.

im smoking pot and drinking and doin regular person stuf

rip dgs chillum
Yeah this.

Had some H earlier. I'm in the waiting room at the docs office right now and I'm going to ask for a morphine (mscontin) script, because it's less abusable than oxy, lol. (can't inject it which kind of is a big deal to me).. I hope he goes for it. If he doesn't, I'm asking for methadone.
Yeah this.

Had some H earlier. I'm in the waiting room at the docs office right now and I'm going to ask for a morphine (mscontin) script, because it's less abusable than oxy, lol. (can't inject it which kind of is a big deal to me).. I hope he goes for it. If he doesn't, I'm asking for methadone.

It's too bad you can't get the morphine 60 mg IRs. Those pills are legendary in my eyes. My former heroin dealer had a source that he received large amounts from...they're pinkish-orange tablets with a symbol of a half-moon on one side, IIRC. I actually looked them up once and they're manufactured by Actavis. They don't gel when you heat them, and when you're done removing the coating and heating them down (and have filtered out the waxy film left behind), what you're left with looks like a syringe full of distilled water. Distilled water containing 60 mgs of morphine, right to the ol' bloodstream. The pins and needles sensation is often pretty damn intense but after that you're left in warm opiate bliss...ahhh...

But don't shoot pills, kids. Shooting pills = no bueno
Well I got a nice morphine script. 30x100mg and 56x60mg MS Contin. It's good that they gell up. I want to lay off the needle you see, I just can't take opiates that can be injected orally. The appeal is too big. With these oral (or plugged but the discomfort isn't worth the reward to me) is the only way. Which is what I wanted. :)
Dude for real if you keep putting pics of d out that looks damn near pure like that, it's gonna catch the wrong attention. From the looks of it, it looks like you're one middleman behind the amigo thats bringin that shit up the border..Your ass is gonna get shaked down for your plug.. Probably by guys in blue shirts and badges.. fair warning do not fuck with them dudes so you better be able to take a stint if you get caught cause if you start singing and name dropping, theyll have no problem doing what they do on a daily basis and erase you from the equation. Don't pic and post peoples prod even on bluelight dude dumb move.

yeah, imma stahp....

I humbly disgaree Mr Toke. i do see your point, it is only my opinion that it doesnt matter. whoahblahnlah is safe from prying eyes imo.

im smoking pot and drinking and doin regular person stuf

rip dgs chillum

Yeah this.

Had some H earlier. I'm in the waiting room at the docs office right now and I'm going to ask for a morphine (mscontin) script, because it's less abusable than oxy, lol. (can't inject it which kind of is a big deal to me).. I hope he goes for it. If he doesn't, I'm asking for methadone.

Ya'll just wanna let your greedy eyes scope my product. You don't care if my head ends up on a turtle 8) lol

What you think of targin, oxycodone/naloxone combo drug - my doc wants me to try that to get my tolerance down ? think it has a prospect for success there ?

OT: 120 mgs oxy. feels good manes
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^I think targin is worth giving a try if you really want to stop abusing your pain scripts.

Stupid doctor forgot to put his signature on 1 of the scripts. The one for 56x60mg MS Contin. I left the script there, they will call up my doctor tomorrow morning and then I'll give them a call and see what they propose to do. I just hope I don't have to go to my doctor to pick up a new script because it's not fun to travel the distance on foot & by bus to the doctor's office. I hope they come to some arrangement (like he mails them a new script or whatever) so that i can just pick them up tomorrow or ASAP without having to go see my doctor again first.

I did pick up the 30x100mg though (and 60x10mg diazepam), so I have enough morphine to last me until this is resolved.

I took 100mg without chewing, so the XR is intact. I also shot a small amount of H. I took 12mg bromazepam this morning, and around 5 PM I took 10mg diazepam on top of the bromaz. Gonna switch to diazepam for a while because switching every now and then seems to help tolerance. There's a big cross-tolerance, but I seem to feel more from valium than I do from bromazepam right now. And usually 12mg bromazepam is a lot stronger for me than 10mg diazepam. Meh, it could be the combination with the morphine. :D Idk. Still, I've found that switching between benzos every now and then helps to keep their anxiolytic action working well enough without having to up the dose.

I also smoked a little weed with a friend and I got another one coming over who will have more weed with him.

I'm very high and gonna be even more high later!

I think the morphine might've been a good choice, so far no fiendishness with it at all. And I'm scripted 1x100 & 2x60mg every day. I'm on 100 now and tbh it's enough, I even think it would be enough without having shot a little H. But I'll know that tomorrow, when I take morphine without H.
what a beautiful day. i had an interview for a schoolbus driver gig, training starts on august 1. then i went to the weed store and they had shake eighths. after i work out tonight im gonna smoke and drink and things are gonna be awesome. right now im sober but very hopeful/happy.

have a great day everybody.
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