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How high are you? v. I'm high, how are you?

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Finishing up a gram of incredibly weak amp sulphate. I love reading so much on stims. May go walk around town for a bit
His meth must have sucked if Adderall produced that. :)

On topic, some dexmethylphenidate and some plain methylphenidate plus some Fioricet thrown in. Feel ok I guess. Nothing special.
100mg hydrocodone, 80mg methylphenidate, 100mg diphenhydramine, 1.5mg alprazolam, and 200mg ketocanazole to potentiate
Should be feeling really good soon.

This speedball's for Friday...well, it is the closest thing to a speedball I can come up with...that is just line from the song Doornails by NOFX
Was going to take lower doses but I am being promised after deciding to take some methylphenidate that I will never be allowed to get another good prediction (told they are seeing things from the future - not sure if it is images or text) from the telepathic animal that is being called Deet (sometimes they want to repeat the word 3 times) and seems to be wanting help because they are being abused and confined in a telepathic drugging, mind-altering, and punishment program - I hear Deet is a polar bear. And I have been told things before they happen such as my soy milk was bad when I went to drink it and sure enough it was, and that is just one example. Also have been told my house is going to burn, but not when and if I don't quit smoking I will have a stroke or aneurysm but I am doing it anyway because I am tired of being harassed by the telepathic shrinks and workers from the mental institution I was at and how they want to control my life but I have been making sure to take my blood pressure meds again because that could change the outcome since I had stopped taking them.

They kept making threats to use telepathic drugging with Seroquel (the shrinks I guess).
Here is a youtube video I made of my ceiling fan putting out telepathic language and the things said in the video kept changing. Watch it to see what is said by someone I believe to be with government or the mental institution, it might blow your mind - and it could seem like I am just randomly talking at times because the words made by the sounds change and I was also doing most of my talking silently in my head. Need to try to watch it all and I will try to make a video of Lucky scratching words and/or the dogs barking them.

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just dropped 900mg pregabalin and 80mg bk2cb - looking forward to a fun weekend...

+01:30: tingly scalp. lets go.

+03:00: feeling great. mild visuals. glowing. headspace. nice.

what would happen if I throw 4mg hyromorphone (intranasal, slight tolerance) in the mix? ideas? no?!

....well, than I have to find out by myself. :)


+04:30: dammit! 8mg :| screwed my stomach hard. have to take a "scopolamine butylbromide".

fun experience. my head is exploding.
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^Haha that sucks but atleast you'll be stocked! Kratom fucks my sensitive stomach up too bad I LOVE the effects even more than real opiods its got an uplifting energetic feel to it.

I gotta get shit done and mostly sober at that shit. Weaned myself off beer with less beer. Expecting the sweats to hit me in a couple hours HARD (about the only W\D system I get but its bad and made worse by stress, dieting, and this fucking Carolina heat).

a tiny nug of killer bud
Holy Basil tea
150mg l-theanine
150mg dicaffeine malate
some dip (fuck I gotta quit this shit too)

Yes me too, it really is a great feeling. When i first started taking kratom my stomach wasn't too happy but now it doesn't bother me at all, maybe because i take low doses and drink a lot of water.
Good luck with your alcohol WD. Maybe try drinking a lot of chamomile tea? I've read somewhere that it can provide some relief to minor WD symptoms from GABAergics.

2.5g of maeng da kratom. I'll be traveling a lot next week so i'm lowering my doses a bit more, though i'll probably take some kratom with me just in case.
Also no more codeine for me, it is just not nearly as good as kratom and maybe more physically addictive.
Ok i'm going to roll a hash spliff right now.
90 mg morph ir plugged
2.4 g gaba
Looks like rain, might be time to break out that moonshine=D
You don't even have to read any of that block of text to know what kind of drug you were high on. j

Surprise surprise, it's amphetamines! lol

I actually edited out a few paragraphs before posting that. Be thankful I didn't subject you to my really weird existential musings. =D
I'm also a pretty verbose person sober. One of my goals is to practice and appreciate brevity.
But yes, I'm not particularly good at (nor do I really care about) hiding an amp high, haha.

His meth must have sucked if Adderall produced that. :)

On topic, some dexmethylphenidate and some plain methylphenidate plus some Fioricet thrown in. Feel ok I guess. Nothing special.

Hey now. Her meth was too strong to write coherently. I'd type for eight hours straight only to realize I'd forgotten the existence of punctuation.
Or, more realistically, I'd be too blissful after the IV rush to do anything. Then I'd get caught in a thought loop on some tweaker project, editing photos or masturbating or whatnot, and forget words entirely.
Not to mention that, as I wrote in my ramble above, I've been off all stims for four and a half months, and to assuage cravings I have tried very hard to forget what the high feels like--thus even a lesser high feels big.
Ooh, and back in the day I really enjoyed dexmethylphenidate mixed with some codeine or hydros. It's a mini-speedball. Highly recommended.

Little update on what happened after the post: I got full-on psychosis. My bed was alive and the voices were vicious and two shadow people came to visit uninvited. Long story short, I went psychotic so many times on meth runs (requiring hospitalizations and restraints and multiple involuntary shots of paliperidone antipsychotic) that I seem to have activated some latent aspect of my bipolar disorder. I sometimes hear voices sober now, and amp highs multiply the terror by ten. I seem to have lowered my tolerance, or at least they affect me far more than other people at the same dose. I don't mind--I get more for my money--but I didn't think mere amphetamine could unleash such power. The more you know. I have one more dose and I'm fucking done. The mental and physical toll is too much for me, and I can't let this become a habit, because I know where it will lead. The highs aren't worth the lows. Not anymore.

Oh yeah--I'm gently buzzed on a fistful of gabapentin. I lost count a while ago. Three grams, maybe four.
I'm feeling loquacious as fuck, and my couch is so goddamn soft. And walking is like bouncing. And the river birch in my front yard is absolutely glowing in the sunset.
And yes, I wrote this much and I'm not on amphetamine ;)
30mg hydrocodone, 3mg clonazepam, and cigarettes. Just chillin' out.

My source says invest 93-L later to be TS Colin - Becomes storm Monday 4:00 PM Max Winds 85mph will post landfall info later if I can get it.
Invest 91-E in the East Pacific - Monday 5:00AM Becomes a tropical storm (Agatha). Attains max winds of 110mph
I am asking for a margin of error/ acceptable mistake of +/- 10mph as these are storms that have not even been classified as tropical depressions yet.

i watched the whole video... im not sure what i was looking for tryptamine dreamer. i have reason to believe that the deet program that you refer to as well as the other things youve mentioned may actually be the result mkultra experiments. what you have been describing match many reports ive read very closely. i reccomend you find an mkultra support group, it may shed light on your situation.
75mg hydroxyzine, 12mg bromazepam. Feeling like shit. =D I gotta end this cycle of being high during the week and miserable during weekends soon or it'll be the death of me. =/

/E: Picked up a few grams of H.. Sigh. I can never resist when i'm w/d'ing.

So I shot a bunch of H and now Im feeling aaaiyte. My room is a freaking mess though, but at least now I have the energy to clean it here. Or well, I have the house to myself all day & night, might park my ass downstairs in the living room and worry about this mess tomorrow. Yeahh.. I think I'll go with option B.

The H is reallyyyy good (for Belgian H, can't compare to anything else obviously) and I'm reallyyyy high from it. Lovely! In a few days I'll be crying on here again cuz of the w/ds. Lol. Fuck things really need to change, necause this is really going nowhere. Time flies when on H, but crawls by when detoxing.

Need to get my shit straight... But right now I'm gonna enjoy the relief... Cheers BL!
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I drank a few dip a and smoked weed which sent me to bed at 7pm yesterday

Just woke and finishing a bottle before I move on to coffee before a short shift.

Neveremind I opened another beer. Oooops
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Pill2Chill, I've been fucking up in terms of using IV heroin/cocaine the past weak, heavily and constantly. Life is so much better when I just stick to my bupe and do the right thing.... ugh

OT: IV 0.25g heroin + IV 0.3g cocaine + 900mg gabapentin + caffeine + nicotine. Hit a fucking artery at first because I was in a rush to get well and I knew I was fucked when I saw that bright red blood and felt my nerves burning, so I pulled out the rig instantly and blood was gushing everywhere. It was a fucking mess. It took me forever to register after the barrel was filled with that arterial blood. So irritating, I couldn't just use intravenous drugs today without a disaster.
Pill2Chill, I've been fucking up in terms of using IV heroin/cocaine the past weak, heavily and constantly. Life is so much better when I just stick to my bupe and do the right thing.... ugh

OT: IV 0.25g heroin + IV 0.3g cocaine + 900mg gabapentin + caffeine + nicotine. Hit a fucking artery at first because I was in a rush to get well and I knew I was fucked when I saw that bright red blood and felt my nerves burning, so I pulled out the rig instantly and blood was gushing everywhere. It was a fucking mess. It took me forever to register after the barrel was filled with that arterial blood. So irritating, I couldn't just use intravenous drugs today without a disaster.

Lol, right? Hah. I've never had it happen to me or anyone near me thankfully. I don't know how I'd react. Probably shoot him up with suboxone as well and if that doesn't work call 911, I don't see why a sub shot wouldn't work though.

How did things turn out hyh? Gave him precip. w/d? I imagine so.

OT: Morning shot of dope. Have only about 1 shot's worth left, this weekend is gonna suck. =D

Oh yeah and i have like 60mg methadone as well as 20 or 40 mg oxy left too, small doses of both but I reckon the m'done will help at least a little. Think I'll take it now and save the dopeshot for after so I don't have to wait extremely long after the last dope/oxy to take a sub.

I posted that after actually, just worded it wrong Felonious Monk. I was in a panic, there's no way I'd be able to be sitting there watching him OD and posting on BL haha.

P2C, I had to hit him twice with the bupe, gave him CPR, and mouth to mouth resuscitation (not pleasant, but it definitely contributed to him breathing normally again and coming to). It's all good, he's alive and well; and actually he didn't go into PWD's surprisingly (I would've personally) he was still fucking high!
1mg clonazepam
2mg bupe
25mg promethizine
2 blunts of some crazy purple nugs since this morning

feeling fucking good today
Pill2Chill, I've been fucking up in terms of using IV heroin/cocaine the past weak, heavily and constantly. Life is so much better when I just stick to my bupe and do the right thing.... ugh

OT: IV 0.25g heroin + IV 0.3g cocaine + 900mg gabapentin + caffeine + nicotine. Hit a fucking artery at first because I was in a rush to get well and I knew I was fucked when I saw that bright red blood and felt my nerves burning, so I pulled out the rig instantly and blood was gushing everywhere. It was a fucking mess. It took me forever to register after the barrel was filled with that arterial blood. So irritating, I couldn't just use intravenous drugs today without a disaster.
How much bupe do you take? What roa? How long does it take for you to get stable on sun after a long binge on H or oxy or any other strong opiate? Do you use Suboxone or Subutex? Sorry for all the questions but the answers would really be helpful to me. ;)

OT: High on lots of H, 12mg bromazepam, 1.25mg lorazepam & 75mg hydroxyzine. Feeling fiii-iine! =D
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