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How High Are You? v. Higher Than A Kite That Ate Acid

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^ lol, benzo blackout stories always amuse me, so do share if at all possible. Hell, no ill intent - I have a plethora of alcohol blackout stories as well, so I'm not one to judge.

Tryptamine Dreamer, that was a rough read. I wish people didn't have to go through such shit in a civilized country. I'm glad you've somewhat regained your thinking. And I'm also glad that you don't seem to want to top yourself anymore. Keep it up mate.

OT: not high cause it's morning, going to take codeine later though. Well, to be fair I still feel the afterglow of the midnight codeine.
Had 20 g of kratom , a quarter gram of White Widow and perhaps 18 mg of 2c-e. I'm hoping the kratom takes away some of the psychedlic angst without dampening the visuals. I chose it over heroin for this reason.

yesterday's trip was a succes over 25 mg my first experience with a 2c and I was as you can expect blown away very impressed with the body high which was a bit like rolling.
Some say that kratom itself is slightly psychedelic, so hopefully it works out well for you.

OT: 650 mg codeine. Had a great day today, time to make it even better.
I just found a dormicum connect at bargain prices unfortunately im broke so I had to do with bumping 15 mg's.
Soooo high right now on a new combo: the 5-Way Special! xD :) *dr00lz*

IV Heroin 5 bags (500 mg) + 250 mg of Cocaine IV + 400 mg of Ketamine IM + 200 mg of 4-MAR (4-MethylAminoRex) IV + 50 mg of aMT (alpha-MethylTryptamine) IV, w0wz! :D (4-Way Special consisting of H, Coke, 4-MAR and aMT followed by a 400 mg IM Ketamine shot...)

You can also do the 'Glitz (shemelessy ripped from Moonbeam City series I admit... :/) otherwise known as glitzsufflation or being glitzed out of or on a combo of DMT / aMT / 4-MAR / Heroin / Cocaine *yumz* :)

--» Peace o/
45mg diphenoxylate+2.5mg alprazolam. Briefly fell asleep, feeling good :)

About the sickness and how I had to treat it: Yeah, that was not an easy or pleasant time and it took a while to get my mind sharp again, but it probably did some damage that I just don't feel. I had some trust issues with doctors to begin with but that made me not want to see one again. I am not 100% sure of what caused it, but the same type of pneumonia caused by pneumococcus bacteria causes pneumococcal meningitis. I suspect that is what I had and I assume they detected some bacteria in my blood, urine, or sputum (no memory of a sputum test) and if so, that was probably due to meningitis as I had no problem with coughing but they put me on strong IV antibiotics to treat it and I had myself released early because I thought they were modifying/implanting my dreams. If that is what was causing my brain problems, I should be able to sue though I was told I tested negative for meningitis (without a spinal tap being performed). I know I'll try though I don't think they have anything in the records showing I had meningitis - they must have records of the pneumonia without a meningitis diagnosis unless they destroyed them.

Rexeh: That sounds like loads of fun, even though I havent tried H, Coke, or 4-MAR. Almost got to try coke on its own not long ago but got ripped off. Was once going to get a few grams of 4-MAR and that never panned out. Must be a Hell of a good trip you had/maybe still having :)
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rexeh that shit's insane man. Truly fireworks inside the body and mind.
500 mg codeine, strong coffee, lots of valerian and still feeling the leftovers of last night's cannabis (I'm a very rare smoker, so yeah I still feel it the next day to a certain extent). Great way to start the last day of this year. How's everyone doing and what's in store for the New Years eve?
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WHOOOAA Nelly! Goood hard. Really good hard.

Glad I got that second round of dope delivered to work I quote this often because it's such an appropriate quote:

"Your drug use is becoming indiscriminate"

---I won't do crack without heroin!
I just found a dormicum connect at bargain prices unfortunately im broke so I had to do with bumping 15 mg's.

Pure envy! I must experience IV midazolam once in my lifetime, by my own hands (other than prior to surgery)

OT: 3mg etizolam + plenty o' 80 prf + IV cocaine/heroin earlier + Marlboro reds
Luckily I got my kratom about 10 minutes after the last post. The 12g or so I had is near worn off so I will have another 10g before sleep time (which is well after midnight for me, closer to dawn. Or sometimes after sunrise but I probably need to go to sleep earlier). Only thing I'm feeling much now is 1,200mg Seroquel and 160mg Latuda which would be unpleasant if not for the lingering kratom effects and being used to taking large doses of antipsychotics because they help people calm down, particularly when other people are using telepathic attacks and need to have their power diminished with the drug telepathy it produces.
I'm rolling. My MDMA high has kicked in 10 minutes ago. Managed to fix it at last minute. I'm alone for the greater part of NYE but that's okay. Imma smoke a big aft joint later and wait until my mate finishes worj in 6-7 hours so I can go chil with him. Happy fucking holidays

Anyone else alone of NYE and doing MDMA? Or anything else?
I too am by myself. I've been smoking weed all day, went for a long walk at the lake, now I'm drinking beer.
Been drinking a lot, smoked some spliff too but im very drunkk. Could use some mdma right now
just ate 10mg more oxy, more dabs and maybe some cocaine over the next 4 hours
also gonna eat a pizza and smoke some joints
happy new year guys
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