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How High Are You? v. Everyone Knows You're High And You'll Feel Like This Forever

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Just woke out of pot/beer stupor, friends coming over to chill now. I hope they dont stay long haha, only because reasons.
Could barely not fade out to my music.
Took 4 nyquils, had an edible and blunt. Wavy as fuck
Feel pretty damn good, just fed my tarantula some lunch, straight pounced on that feeder cricket. Can't wait to get a few more.

11mgs of Alprazolam ( oral)
25mgs of Doxylamine
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Holy fuck I had probably the most euphoric high from taking 4 Nyquils and have had weed earlier. It's so weird how the high worked, I embraced the strange euphoria until I caved n smoked a ciggie which pretty much took all the body tingling out. Weird..

OT: Just this ciggie, may throw in some valium at some point.... still feeling funny from the NYquil, they told me to take my dose every 4 hrs and i been knocked out for like the last 5! Doxylamine is a brilliant anti-histamine. Like a cleaner DPH. Think I'm ready for round 2 :D
^jigga, every time I read your posts I legit foam at the mouth. Not fair my dude, not fair

*blushes* Well I'd take living in a developed country over my easy access to OG OC 40s and 80s lol.

OT: Have a lil OC surplus so played around with my ROA's tonight, chewed 120 mgs oxy, smoked 20 mgs and railed 60 mgs (1.5 oc's). The hyper, slightly stimmed phase has faded into a gentle but euphoric nod. I'm now adding in 10 mgs of clobazam + 2 mgs of loprazolam - regrettably no weed, my new additions will get me nodding aggressively, then I'll sleep. Prob nod out for the night in my clothes in bed upright, do that quite often when I take a lil too much.

Feelin the nod coming.
4 more nyquils.

It's so funny how Im getting high on cough meds again. But this one's gold. Coming up already... just the thing with these anti-cholinergics I cant smoke my ciggies or else it'll zap the high :(

This is what happens when there's no weed.... feeling it coming on tho...
Faded and x-rated!

.20gs of quality Tar Heroin (smoked)
2mgs of Alprazolam on top of the 11-12mgs of alprazolam I consumed orally earlier today.
Nicotine (kamel red lights)

Take care fellow BL'rs!!
Gerry Rafferty and Presidente brandy tonight. Spent first part of the week crashing from a two-week perco/vico/ultram binge. Keep swearing I'll get it right next time %). Would be happy with Vitamin L, but best not to crave what you can't get.
I feel like i'm about to nod right now, having trouble keeping my eyes open. This kratom i bought is excellent (but tastes like shit), also took some alprazolam, little caffeine and a couple of vapor hits of weed.

Just wish i had at least enough weed to make a big joint but only have a 0.4g nug and probably wont be able to get more until later next weed.
Gonna take a few more hits and then roll some tobacco.
Had the house to myself tonight so i took 12 mg xanax and smoked 5 grams of hash... eating ice cream!
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