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How does your significant other feel about tripping?

triiper said:
ppl against drugs are going to be against them no matter what, thats why she doesn't even wanna know. but everyone wants to, even if they themselves don't know it. if you think you could get away with slipping her a tab do it, just make sure its not strong. she just needs to get her eyes and mind open.

Bad! Horrible idea! Never dose someone who isn't away of it or against their will. :p
nikol said:
My boyfriend and I refuse to trip unless we can do it together. It's one of the very important rules about our drug usage- we don't do things unless we do them while with each other.

that sounds... er, a bit confining, my dear :\
I introduced my girlfriend to psychedelics in college. For a while she was trepidatious, so I would dose alone and she'd hang out with me while I had my trip (in retrospect--what I sweetheart she was. I remember drinking san pedro tea and she drove me around los angeles all day and then made love to me at my apartment, then politely listened to me play my drum set for much too long). After realizing that these things can actually make you calm and blissful, and not necessarily bonkers, she felt ready to take the plunge.

We went up to one of the most scenic and tripped out beaches imaginable--rocks and caves everywhere, with faces covering everything. Ate a couple grams each, me a little more. When they kicked in she burst into tears, and I thought, "oh fuck, this is gonna be difficult." But then she saw faces in the rocks everywhere and started to bust up laughing. She took to psychedelics very naturally... she's introverted and artistic, qualities which I think make one more likely to be amenable to the boundary dissolving qualities of these trips.

That was four years ago, today we live together, just attended our 9th music festival, have tripped on LSD, MDMA, Pedro, DOC... consequently we know eachother a little too well these days but it has done nothing if not bring us closer. Be careful taking acid with someone you love, you might just come out of the trip bonded at the genetic level :)
Have only tripped with one gf. She just got frustrated because I was well into using LSD regularly and she wasn't, so she felt left out.
She was much happier when we used K together.
Listen up! Give your girlfriend more attention, love, respect, and care than for the drug. If she doesn't want to do acid right now, don't irresponsibly push on her. It is her choice to be responsible with her mind, as I am sure she knows some of the consequences. I am sure she has too much to lose, and you're probably already losing her. Now ask, are my acid escapades worth the loss of love? Get a grip, and understand where she is coming from. Just slow down. Also, don't be a fuckin' prick and do this shit behind her back.... it's like an oxymoron. Being closed with an open drug. If you love her very much, as you declare, then my friend you already know what you should truly do. I think the greatest advice would be to apply what you learn on acid to your relationship. Synthesis? Tap into your testosterone.... Come on, it's all what you do with yourself.

Note: Psychedelic Tibetan Book of The Dead.

Why don't you ask to have your girlfriend there while your under? She doesn't have to be on acid.
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My wife (as of last Saturday :)) and I have been together for 6 and a half years, and I have been a tripper for all of it. For most of it I only tripped very occasionally, but for the past two or so years I tripped a hell of a lot, all things considered, and most of it she didn't know about. She's always known I tripped, and sometimes she's known during trips, but she tends to be weird about it even if she tries not to so generally I haven't told her and have just went on with the day without letting her know I'm tripping (but still spending time with her). I haven't done that very much since the new year. Over the years she has gotten much more open about it, until recently she said she intends to eat mushrooms with me one day, which is a huge step. But she suffers from anxiety and it could be either really good for her or really bad, so I'm glad she's cautious (about as cautious as it's possible to get, really). I don't feel good about all the hiding but at the same time she knows I do it sometimes and it's more of a lie of omission... not like with your girlfriend where she outright hates it.

The thing is, though, that we are able to talk about my experiences and she is also a very spiritual person who has always had pretty amazing experiences without drugs. So I can still share this part of my life with her.

Bottom line, in my mind: you need to decide which to choose, drugs or her. Do you feel ridiculed by her when you try to discuss your experiences? How does it make you feel? Does she ridicule you when the spirituality you discuss is not drug-related? If so, you should decide whether that's the kind of attitude you want to be around for the rest of your life.

If it's just the drugs, then maybe you should lay off of them if you want to keep her. Love is very important and if everything else is compatible with you two then maybe drugs should be less important to you than her.
Percussion_is_Free said:
that sounds... er, a bit confining, my dear :\

I give plenty of justifications for our choice in other posts. The only confinement is that I won't go ape-shit crazy in consuming stupid quantities of drugs (not that I would anyway, but you get the point).
You speak of how you and your girlfriend have developed such a close relationship due to the journeys you have taken together, and my boyfriend and I are the same. But given that we both are enthusiastic about all drugs, not just psychedelics, there is more ground to hold accountability to someone. Other than myself, Peyote is the only person who's judgement I will accept- and this applies to him as well. The reason why? Because of our journeys together :)
I've tripped with my boyfriend countless times. Since we're together so much, I haven't done many drugs without him at all since we got together. We're usually in the mood for the same drugs at the same time..well, except when he used to do DXM a lot. I'm not a fan.
It's not like she's going to break up with me because of acid, it's more that she just doesn't want anything to do with it (directly or indirectly).
My ex SO did not like psychedelics.
He thought that they were dangerous and did not like how alot of people started to think differently after doing them. He gave me a lot of shit for doing LSD, and told me that if i was ever around him on it, he would break up with me. Well i thought that was just plain ridiculous, and did it around him anyways. It took him about 4 hours to actually notice... and the only way he found out was that my friend called me and yelled it into the phone. Either way... he dealt with it. He was more of a coke + mdma + alcohol type person... occasional k every now and then.
I used to have this problem with calling my ex (who never did any drugs in her life) while I was on the tail end of LSD experiences and babbling a lot of cosmic shit. She thought I joined a cult or something, LOL.
My girlfriend has never really 'tripped' on your traditional psychedelic. She's somewhat interested, although honestly I don't think she's ready to enter into that realm yet. For now we just indulge in some marijuana and MDMA recreationally.
Hands down, honesty is the best policy. If she doesn't want anything to do with acid directly or indirectly, and you love her, then why are you directly indirectly doing it behind her back. Why don't you love on your girlfriend more? Because it sounds like you love the acid more... How can you honestly build up trust when your being distrustful? Man, honesty is the best policy... I mean, do you even love this girl? Have a nice long think about it.
we are both trippers and have been since we were kids so there is no issue with us. we both have similar appetites for the medicines. I have delved a lot deeper into many different and somewhat darker kinds of medicines though.

I can't wait to introduce him to my array of cacti medicines.
my gf has no interest in any drugs, rarely drinking even one glass of alcohol at a party...tho she has no problem with my use of psychedelics or any other drugs and actually finds the effects quite interesting, just not for her i guess...i would be absolutely ecstatic if she wanted to try something with me, but its a double edged sword i think
If I showed up high/tripping my BF would probably be pissed. I wish he'd do a psychedelic with me though.

Oh well. He is more important than the drugs so it's not a big deal to go without.
Mine dislikes most trippy drugs except for weak doses of DXM...but she has no problem with my (very occasional) use of PCP, Ketamine and the milder (more stim, less physedlicy 2c-x chems.

We sure do love nodding on some morph/oxycodone/PPT together tho. :D
My finacee doesnt mind psychedelics in anyway. She tripped for the first time with me and feelgoodhit back in july, and its seemed to be pretty life changing for her. Now she seems incredibly interested in sharing the various experiences of research chems with me.
Told of Reversal said:
Hands down, honesty is the best policy. If she doesn't want anything to do with acid directly or indirectly, and you love her, then why are you directly indirectly doing it behind her back. Why don't you love on your girlfriend more? Because it sounds like you love the acid more... How can you honestly build up trust when your being distrustful? Man, honesty is the best policy... I mean, do you even love this girl? Have a nice long think about it.

Who are you talking to?