TDS How Do You Deal With Loss

I just lost my 17 year old daughter
I am so sorry to read this. There is nothing I can say as I have witnessed the loss of children from OD and other related incidents and there really is no comfort to be given for something like this. My opinion and experience.
I do want to thank you for posting this as to do so may lead to a healing of sorts. Getting ones darkness down on "paper" can bring some perspectives/reflections that otherwise may not come through.
If there is anything else you feel like sharing please feel free... there are others here that have and are going through like times. Maybe someone can offer a bit of solace... IDK. I have never had children but lost my brother early in life and saw the impact on my moms. It almost destroyed her and left a huge gulf between us that can and will never be closed.
How long ago did your daughter pass?
Love always
Sorry to make most of this post about me and not you.
Hey man this is about you. And I appreciate ya putting this out there as I know it can help with dealing with "things" and provide a chance to get back in touch with ourselves and possibly help to clarify what is usually a very "foggy" situation.
My pops was an abusive alcoholic so after "growing up" I had the chance to get away from the toxic situation and grow into who I was supposed to be... which depending on who you ask I can be either the biggest ass-hole in the universe or a saint/angel. I am neither but like to believe I may be somewhere in the middle.
Best wishes
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I just lost my 17 year old daughter to and overdose and I cant handle this shit Im angry at her adoptive parents and for no one doing anything. I begged her to come live with me as im older now i had her really young thot i was giving her everything i didnt have but i begged her to come up but i dont have the money shes accustomed to and now shes gone!!!!
I am so, SO sorry
I just lost my 17 year old daughter to and overdose and I cant handle this shit Im angry at her adoptive parents and for no one doing anything. I begged her to come live with me as im older now i had her really young thot i was giving her everything i didnt have but i begged her to come up but i dont have the money shes accustomed to and now shes gone!!!!
I'm so sorry, I'm in tears 😭
This question is aimed at those you love/care for (really) be it a person, "pet", car, favorite shirt etc.
Something/someone you are "attached" to.

Myself: I don't take it very well... at all. It does something inside of my being that is super painful and can put me in a "depressive" mood and sometimes can make me manic.
Some it doesn't bother as "life goes on".

Just wondering how others deal with loss.
Sadly I have delt with a lot of loss while still being relatively young.

I'm 19 and I've felt with about 12 deaths in my family most of which happened when I was around 13-16. And because of that I feel I've had a lot of time to think about death and loss. So I feel I deal with death well, or at least rationally. This may sound good but I dont think I give myself enough time too grieve if I did I wouldn't get shit all done, but life keeps on living even after death y'know.

So yea I isolate myself and fill my head with distractions to give me time to process. Its Its kinda like when you hold sand I'm your hands and let it go through slowly but like with emotions and stuff.

I wasn't always good at staying "chill" in a crisis. Around the time my aunt "killed herself" and my grandparents started withering away from cancer, dementia, ect. I became suicidal. My logic behind it was that I dident want to die in a hospital bed where my family would have to sit around on fucking shifts all to watch me die, all the while I become a husk of my former self, a fucking mockery of all I had done. So I decided that I would kill myself before I could not kill myself. But I eventually moved on from that faze of thinking that I would become retarded enough in my youth to not be able to kill myself. Now I know I have plenty of time before I have to do that.
I am so angry and hurt the pain of losing my daughter “she passed on sunday 31” and the fact that no one ‘s being held accountable and my pain and everything is coming out but everything is coming out as anger and irritation and frustration and they’re coming out of my five-year-old and my dog because I don’t know how to handle any of this and I feel completely alone due to everything that’s happened since and it’s horrible and it’s manifesting itself extremely fast I’m trying to take the right steps to get some accountability for the people that were involved but I am feeling like I am headed down a path and it’s not summer I want to go but I am afraid of whatever it is I’m feeling
I am feeling like I am headed down a path and it’s not summer I want to go but I am afraid of whatever it is I’m feeling
Hey, do you have any support system at all? Is there any chance that you can go see a doctor to try to maybe dig around and hopefully find some "tools" to get through this. Maybe even a script of something (hopefully temporary) I can feel your darkness and I am sorry I cannot reach through this screen and offer support.
Fuck I am lost in despair now and at a loss for words all I have is please talk to someone (a professional) before anything happens that is not "fixable". Please
I have a doc she put me on meds but yhere anti depressants they’re not anything that’s going to help with the rage I’m feeling right now or them in pain gonna take two weeks to at least kick in I can’t wait two weeks I go back to see her this week and I have a therapist we talked every day last week I reached out to my college counselor to see if she had any resources cause I don’t want to go down this path I feel like I can’t function unless I’m yelling and on the verge of tears while I’m doing it because I know what I’m doing is wrong im just at a loss as for support no im an introvert who has it and then swells up even though I’ve tried to let them down just due to my childhood so I don’t have any close friends and if I don’t feel close to somebody I can’t let them in to support me because I just I don’t know why I just can’t something I haven’t been able to figure out in all my years of therapy so as her support system know I’d I really don’t have one and I can normally cope with everything but this is something I can’t do alone I don’t have anybody.