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How did you get off your butt today V.2

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15 min nike abs training 15 min cardio dumbbell exercises
I had physical therapy today and decided to do a few miles on the treadmill at a very solid pace. Felt really good afterward. I'm glad I decided to take advantage of physical while being at the hospital. This is, after all, ranked in the hospital top 10 physical therapy hospitals in the country.
Did hot yoga and some exercises in the gym today. I didn't do cardio exercises though but that's my target for tomorrow's workout.
I am interested in learning about yoga. Is there a difficult learning curve or are there basic techniques/positions that can give you a feel for it?
3.5 mile walk, some uphill, varied terrain.

@Effect (and anyone interested in yoga): there are many different types of yoga. To begin, I would check out yogajournal.com. They have some great resources about the varied, wonderful world of yoga that are great for beginners. In terms of basic postures, use their search engine to look up downward facing dog, warrior 1 + warrior 2, plank pose, child's pose, triangle pose, tree pose, and sun salutations. The website has photos of each pose, and detailed instructions of how to get in and out of each pose. There are also hundreds of videos on youtube and vimeo where teachers and practitioners from all over the world have posted their lessons and practices.

Maya and I both do hot yoga often. It is 90 minutes of the same series of 26 postures done in a 100 degree room. I teach vinyasa flow yoga (also called power flow yoga in some places). Both forms are appropriate for beginners thru advanced practitioners. Boston (and most major cities internationally) has plenty of different styles, studios, and classes for you to pick and choose from. Take advantage of studios that offer beginners packages--many have unlimited classes for a month for around 30-40 bucks.

One of the biggest hindrances most people run into is the cost of doing yoga in a studio. It can become ridiculously expensive, which is a shame and a crime. For this reason I recommend that people buy an intro to yoga DVD on amazon for 10 bucks or so and practice in your own living room until you feel ready to move on to a studio. Some people (myself included) find that doing yoga alone allows for better meditation, less distraction and competition, and better concentration on what your own body and breath are doing.

One thing you should also keep in mind is that "yoga" is a lifestyle--an ethos--not just a way to get fit (although it is an amazing way to get fit!) As you immerse yourself into the physical aspects of the practice I encourage you to look into yoga as a way of life as well.

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Did a few miles on the bike after the sun set. Feels good to get some fast air in my lungs after sitting in stillness for a long time.
Walked four miles around the city and around the bonsai garden. It was in the mid 70s here today, so I wasn't as comfortable as I would have liked, but it was a lovely Spring walk.

A quick note about shoes--Today on the walk I wasn't wearing my running shoes or trainers, I wore a new pair of Vans. I can say with 100% confidence that they are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn. Those skateboarding companies really know how to make a comfy, durable shoe. Plus Vans are a California company, so I can feel good about buying local ;).
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