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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

How can we get this place active again?

I've ALWAYS been emotional. I trued taking codeine to STOP it. I tried taking lots of caffeine including Pro Plus around 10 years ago, just made me shaky and worse.

As a child, teenager, young adult I'd just burst into tears over the slightest things. I HATED it and didn't want to but I would. People would think I was doing it on purpose but I wasn't. And I'd get obsessed with stuff over and over again. It's a fucking curse that I've begged God over and over again to release me from.

For example, the other day when I was arguing with you all on EADD... I got obsessed, couldn't sleep all night, couldn't focus on anything the next day but sorting it out. I even missed my recovery meeting because my phone had died and I HAD TO COME HOME TO SORT THIS....
Today I felt calm and could focus on other stuff because I had sorted things so wasn't obsessing over Bluelight.

It's a fucking bastard curse I don't know why I can't be normal and just have normal interests. I don't have interests. I have obsessions.. And if I'm not obsessed with something, I feel empty and complete dead inside. It's like every minute is an hour and the days are like eternity. But if I'm obsessed with something and my mind focuses on it, all is ok.

Codeine made me normal... Codeine took all that away!!!!

Bet you're sorry you asked now eh LOL.

What receptors / neurotransmitters does phenazepam affect? Citalopram has helped a bit but I guess I shouldn't have started drinking again because it affects it.


hahaha Sammy that's funny... Nah I've a cat which is better... Doesn't want my attention 24/7.

Why doesnt everyone just download pidgin and the OTR plugin and then let everyone know your username on here. That way its nothing to do with BL...........safeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)

Cos it ain't secure and hasn't been for years presumably.
Cos it ain't secure and hasn't been for years presumably.

Never heard of pidgin n wouldn't want to use it... have enough instant massagers as it is as so many requests to add me; (Oh to be popular, haha!) n Now I've had to download AIM... Just got to look for the app on iPhone now...

Damn there always whats app haha... if you want the world knowing your phone number!!!!

Pidgin works with all instant messenger software - it's the big selling point. Only need one to talk to any. Theoretically securely.. only that bit stopped being true many years back.
Urrrrm no it bloody does not. I'm not coming here every evening frightened I'll have my head bit off. I like Shambles n all - but why come here after a drink if he knows damn well it makes him snappy? After all he's a moderator n should be leading by example n it's not a good one by getting drunk a lot knowing it makes him snappy. How many people has he laid into and apologised to lately?

By the way I'm not a sheep I'm not going to not say anything because a person is popular n it means I'll be hared by all of EADD for it.


lurching was being sarcastic evey.

Say what you like... i do and dont give a shit... it seems shamby turns into abit of a dick when hes drunk. a bit like raas maybe. i guess some people cant handle their booze... or the booze brings out their true colors
I don't want to leave BL. I said it because I was hurt then I saw Dan's comments how I was being a drama queen - So I needed to try and stay away. :( I hate all this anger I'm feeling I don't want it. I just need honesty in my life that's all :(


Eve, you you have a young child who should IMO, take priority over a bleeding forum. You should be spending every effort on your daughter, instead of creating such a sheer negative amount of drama you create here, go live your life hassle free. Please.

I genuinely wish you all the best.
lurching was being sarcastic evey.

Say what you like... i do and dont give a shit... it seems shamby turns into abit of a dick when hes drunk. a bit like raas maybe. i guess some people cant handle their booze... or the booze brings out their true colors

booze makes some people not nice to be around, it makes others all over sentimental and stuff. The main effect of just too much booze without anything else to go with it kind of just zombifies myself, and not even in a way that is any way pleasant. Strange. I guess certain other substances do similar things, and the effects are more noticeable in some people than others. Not mentioning any names.
Depends on who you know... i know people that are fine to be around when drunk.. but yea over sentimental etc... then again MDMA etc does that... and agreed, booze on its own is pretty shit, but always loved booze and stim combo. altho i do get pretty euphoric off booze on its own sometimes, but it ends up too messy and sloppy
Eve, you you have a young child who should IMO, take priority over a bleeding forum. You should be spending every effort on your daughter, instead of creating such a sheer negative amount of drama you create here, go live your life hassle free. Please.

I genuinely wish you all the best.

I DO spend time with my child as well as on here. How DARE you judge my parenting skills. You know nothing about me. Leave my child out of digs at me please. I don't go causing drama here, digs like yours do.

Moving on

I just hope shambles doesn't take what I said the wrong way. I have a lot of respect for shambles. I'm not a 2-faced person or dishonest n I have to say what's on my mind. Or I end bottling things n saying things in a worse way when in temper or whatever.

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How dare you give out to Shambles Evey. Also stop signing you name after posts I forbid it. Also wind your neck in.

Have a nice day.

How dare you give out to Shambles Evey. Also stop signing you name after posts I forbid it. Also wind your neck in.

Have a nice day.


Give out to Shambles? I dare because I'm a member of this forum and have every right to air my concerns. It wasn't said in malice. I've already said I like Shambles but I'm not going to kiss ass because a person is popular here. And I don't expect that Shambles would respect me if I did that either

A lot of you force your criticisms on to me whether I want them or not and the moment I do the same to another member there's backlash over it.

I can't wind my neck I don't have a winder.

Evey you do not have to explain yourself. You are a nice lass but you take things way to serious and as people know you will react they bait you into it. If you find yourself getting annoyed at something on here then your best bet is not to respond and forget about it and don't think of it as a personal attack. Talk to those whom deserve your time and ignore those that don't. The less you respond to those that get you irate the more other people would be willing to talk to you as at the moment its a bit like walking on egg shells as people worry how you will respond. I don't like dog shit so I dont go anywhere near it and doing that stops it bothering me.
Evey you do not have to explain yourself. You are a nice lass but you take things way to serious and as people know you will react they bait you into it. If you find yourself getting annoyed at something on here then your best bet is not to respond and forget about it and don't think of it as a personal attack. Talk to those whom deserve your time and ignore those that don't. The less you respond to those that get you irate the more other people would be willing to talk to you as at the moment its a bit like walking on egg shells as people worry how you will respond. I don't like dog shit so I dont go anywhere near it and doing that stops it bothering me.

yea I get what you mean.
Surely people don't feel like walking on egg shells around me????? I'm absolutely shocked if that's the case. I'm not that scary am I?!
I want to help people not have them fear me.
Yea I do take things seriously - and need to learn not to. I'm trying to but kinda went a bit backwards last week.
Thanks for your comment, darkinthepark xxxx
