How are you in word? V. Darksiders feelings

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^ that just made me chuckle a little, picturing NSA grumpy =D

im smelly, just got back from the new age shop with my aromatherapy kit, got some lavendar and eucalyptis oil. and my burner is in the shape of an elephant!

And I have an appointment with a potentially big client at 9AM. I thought sleep was supposed to be easy for the first couple of weeks coming of stims...
Blah one of those days where you just want to stay home. Not feeling upbeat.
^I hope the rest of the day goes better for you. If not, there's always tomorrow <3

I'm hungry
Im in so much pain, also hungry but I will have to pass on the food today:|, i just can'6t bring myself to eat.

parents have been back from holiday, and i am finding it a serious challenge not to punch a window out or something, after being in the same house as them for the past few days

life was going so well >_>

Debating if I should go back too school now that I've lost my job... If I can find a program that will give me a living allowence while I take the course, then I'm golden. *Crosses Fingers* Then I can find a part time job on top of that :)

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