How are you in word? V. Darksiders feelings

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So much stuff to do over summer. Really fucking worried about whether I'm going to be able to cope with it all, I can't face failure. It would tear me apart.

Trying my hardest not to think about that and just get up each morning and do what I need to do to move myself towards where I want to be.

I think I have finally realised what will make all this drug use, tapering off of opiate and benzo shit so much easier. Thank you Bluelight! I have nobody but my partner to speak to, thanks to this website I can listen and work through my own thoughts and actually get rational, friendly and helpful replies to my questions. Honestly, this site triggers me sometimes, but god damn if it were a person I would kiss it right now!

I am definitely going to make a donation, it's the least I can do to support the site. Thanks to all the members that have helped me, and to all the moderators too :). You have all been awesome and have been better to talk too than most people, and by far, any professional!
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Relieved, my husband had to infuse my med for me tonight but I feel better. I usually feel pretty amazing for a few days after getting an extra dose too.
satisfied = love the cheesecake dessert after dinner
^hehe mouth watering for sure and it's a creme brulee cheesecake too.

Sleepy going back to sleep but whoops!: 666 post from Maya \m/

But I think that says a lot, bored is a hell of a lot better than wanting to crawl out of my skin. Pretty sure I'm only one or two sleeps away from being done with the acutes now.
Embracing my emotions is the easy part. Embracing my actions and their effects on others is not so easy.

If you hold yourself up to the standards of a god then we will always be disappointed and always feel awful about the mistakes we have made. Humans make mistakes and often choose to do the wrong thing outright. Have to find a way to forgive yourself otherwise the missouri stays around. Join the ranks of the mortals RL.. we great people even with all our folly and mistakes.

I'm feeling a little hectic as life's getting pretty busy for me.. Just need to keep the thoughts in the moment.. things are going great and worry and anxiety about the future does no good and makes me uncomfortable.
^ I'm headed to the beach tomorrow! Have fun whenever you hit the beach up.

Hungry for good health
Hungry for revenge
Hungry for success
Hungry for knowledge
Hungry for respect
Hungry for motherfucking life

Weather's lovely here. And is nice seeing everyone lovely n tanned.

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