How are you in One Word? ver. Smiling: the universal language

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So true, it was 2 months up till Xmas and then I kinda fell off the straight and narrow a little, in the past that would have been a green light to go back to my old ways but this time around I'm trying to avoid that.

@Gr33n3y3z sounds nasty, I slipped on our slopping driveway a while back and bruised the base of my spine. A hot bath is in order...and no excuses :)

Yes hot bath is an order! But I'm dreading the thought of getting my neck x-rayed it hurts to breath as well. URGGGGG:X

Court was adjorned for another month, so I have more time to build my case and look good for the courts, and hopefully get a lighter sentence.

Of all the days for my girlfriend to pull some shit, she picks today when I'm the most stressed after all my court shit.

Of all the days for my girlfriend to pull some shit, she picks today when I'm the most stressed after all my court shit.

That sucks mang

Calming down a bit. I am still pissed but fuck it! I should feel sorry for my asshole boss because at least I get to sleep at night not worrying so much about a gazillion dollars I have but him, all he thinks about is money money money which makes him miserable everyday of his life.

Got hit by another driver while pulling into my driveway yesterday. I am grateful that I wasn't seriously hurt. I am more grateful that I didn't need to be put on opiates to relieve the pain of my injuries. For this opiate dependent lady, that wouldve surely meant relapse.
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