how are you in one word? v. Happiness is in your hands


I feel confident and strong and proud of things that I am great at, and going to enjoy life and enjoy the level of skill I have attained for once(usually I get so bogged down with life circumstances, and the bleak, harsh place that I have in this world, that I don't give myself the credit for how god damn great I am at my field), and put some more work in today towards applying that to some goals.
Well-rested. Have not had a long ass sleep since 4 months ago

got the best news ive had ive ever had i been forgiven by some i hurt so badly to find out he never stopped loving me and ive got my big brother back we aint flesh and blood but he's my our kid Ian Brown - Keep What Ya Got thats a hint as to who he is
HEALTHY, 2nd day in a row. Haven't had two days in a row feeling healthy since...really can't remember. So happy I quit pills.
Whatever the word for when you just want to cause yourself loads of pain to shut everything else out is.