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Horrible Anxiery & Panic Attecks After Rolling

ADubbs -
Wow, you're not kidding! Went out last night, had like 3-4 drinks the ENTIRE night and woke up this morning feeling noticeably more down and depressed. This is insane.
Yup it'll just take time, keep away from the things I said for a while longer (especially drinking and weed) and see how you feel in a few weeks. I felt dizzy with brain fog a few weeks later still, was still waking up one night a week with sweats and shaking, had one small eye floater....Anyway I didn't take this seriously like I said and partied hard (think it was the weed that did me in again), and am suffering 9 months later still and have tons of floaters and Tinnitus. Not trying to scare you, just don't get hammered or smoke weed until you've been 100% for a while.

How is your sex drive? Mine has totally disappeared since I rolled. Was as horny ad they get before I rolled those few days. Now it's gone.

MDMA is definitely more damaging that people think. I think I totally depleted my dopamine and serotonin levels. Way to go, so proud of myself being an idiot.
Basically here is where I am: Cant drink alcohol, can't drink coffee, must have good sleep.

I drink coffee, and I get so dizzy and lightheaded that it's unbelievable. If I drink, the next day I'm depressed and feel out of it.

I can't believe how much damage I inflicted on my brain.
Okay, the first thing you'll want to do is relax. You don't want to get too worked up if you're already experiencing these symptoms. Next, know that it will go away. I promise. The reason you are feeling this way is because when you take MDMA, regardless of how far apart, you are going to be using up a lot of serotonin very quickly. That's what give you that happy feeling. Serotonin helps regulate things like stress, anxiety, depression, etc. When you run out, you have little left in your brain to combat these things. Now, when combined with Adderall... you're really pushing your mind to the limits. In fact, when you take an amphetamine with MDMA, it can result in the thinning of your cerebral cortex; the part of your brain that makes you, you.
Amphetamines also have a similar effect on your happiness/anxiety levels when you come down. I used to get a massive amount of anxiety when I would come down from Adderall. It usually ended with me in tears for no reason. This is because of the immense emotional strain you are putting on your brain. The most important thing to remember is: the comedown of these drugs will affect each person differently. While you experience anxiety coming down from MDMA, some experience the opposite. You need to listen to your body and learn what it can and can't take.
Now we need to take a look at how you rolled three times in one month... that is a serious no-no when it comes to MDMA. Your serotonin levels will not return to normal for about 90 days after you consume MDMA. So you just put a huge limit on how much serotonin your brain has, resulting in severe anxiety. This will go away, however, considering you let your brain recover for 90 days before taking anything else, even if it isn't MDMA or adderall.
I am currently recovering from psychosis due to MDMA. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I depleted my serotonin and dopamine levels to the point of no return... not for a very long time anyway. My life felt like it was a living nightmare, literally. Everything felt like a dream, as though nothing was for certain and nothing was entirely real. It even got to the point where I was actually batshit crazy... running around my apartment screaming at demons in the walls. It's not worth it, trust me. But please don't let that scare you... you don't have psychosis and you probably aren't going to get it if you start taking care of your brain. So here's what you can do to help your brain through this stressful lack of serotonin:
1. Don't let your anxiety get the best of you. I know this is much easier said than done, but if you really keep track of your anxiety and what sets you off, it could really help you get past the anxiety altogether. What I mean by this is: when you start to get anxiety, as yourself why? Question it. Don't just let it be there without reason, or it'll consume you. If you ask yourself why you're panicking... the thought processes that follow often help you to rationalize the whole situation and melts the anxiety away. Take control of your brain!
2. Supplements. One of the best supplements you could be taking right now is 5-HTP. Our bodies turn 5-HTP into 5-HT, which is serotonin. So by taking 5-HTP supplements, you're directly helping your body combat the lack of serotonin. There are also many other supplements you can take to help yourself through the MDMA/amphetamine comedown. Just do a little googling. You can even purchase something called a "Rave Box" for $15 online that sends you all the supplements you'll need before, after, and during a roll... all in one box! It's very affordable and your body will thank you.
3. Stop taking drugs. All of them. Your mind needs to rest and naturally recover. Serotonin isn't the only thing your brain is lacking right now, and almost any drug can prevent you from recovering. In some cases, marijuana can ease some of the side effects of a MDMA/amphetamine comedown because it helps your body get back into balance, and can lift your spirits up. However, be warned. I used to smoke marijuana every day of my life until I started doing MDMA. Following my consistent use of this drug, I noticed I was no longer able to smoke marijuana without getting severe anxiety or even having an anxiety attack. So like I said before, drugs effect everyone differently and you should keep that in mind.

So to sum things up, you're going to be okay. I strongly suggest ordering some supplements for yourself to help you recover a little faster. Other than that, just take it day by day. It'll go away eventually, you just have to know how to help your brain out in the process. Please, just stay away from drugs if you want to get better.
Excellent post. Thank you. Wow. I too used to enjoy weed before I rolled. Since then not only do I not get high from it, but it induces severe anxiety. I stopped smoking in December. So no weed for me for who knows how long.

Alcohol I used to be able to drink as much as I want. After my "nuclear attack," I find that it really messes me up. Same for coffee.

Everything happens for a reason. Maybe this is a wake up call for me.

Thank you again for all the responses. I'm really struggling
I would be wary of using mdma period without the amp if you had a reaction like this. just because you never had a long comedown from only mdma doesn't mean you aren't sensitive to having one.

These comedowns seem to be user dependent, there are ppl that smash mdma plus meth or amp constantly and leave unscathed. others have LTCs.

ive never had a particularly horrible comedown. but hearing stories like these scares me from rolling even though its probably my favorite drug. these days i roll about 3 or 4 times a year
My sex drive is intact, but I'm not having sex right now as it screwed me up bad 9 months ago after I kept retriggering my symptoms and things would get worse each time. Like I said I combined it with Adderall like you, so you may be in a similar position. The problem I had is I went back into my old ways of coffee drinking and smoking weed and drinking alcohol way to quick. Your brain needs rest. Honestly I'd give it 6 months. Don't let your anxiety get the best of you. If you're sleeping well, you'll recover. Look on the bright side, be happy you don't have HPPD or Tinnitus, things that seem to take longer to go away.

Be careful with the 5HTP, some people have had weird reactions to it. I took a little but it didn't do anything.

I know FirstBadComedown, a former major poster on here had issues with garlic. I have too, along with a turmeric curcumin supplement and ginger. I've had no issues with small amounts of these things, but when I have a lot it screws me up for a few days.

Exercise and sleep and a healthy diet are imperative. Cardio increases blood flow to the brain which is how it repairs itself. If you're sleeping good, you'll be fine. If you're brain was fried badly your sleep would be horrible (like mine)
My sleep has been bad for a while now, even before all this shit happened. I try and sleep as much as I can, but I do have trouble sleeping.

I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard. I feel very weird. Feel very out of it, a weird empty feeling. I'm spaced out, dizzy, and the depression is bad. I freak out really easy, and I get panic attacks whenever I think about any of this. Despite reading so many encouraging posts I keep thinking that I may be stuck being this way.

I am done with MDMA for good. Don't care even if I recover to be better than ever, I'm not touching it again.
Just got back from the gym, 45 minutes of cardio. I will say that cardio exercise is the only proven way to feel somewhat better. Nothing else works. Today is 18 days since my little adventure.
that would be awful, my favorite foods off limits!! thats like the shit icing on the cake during a bad comedown
lol don't get me wrong, I can still eat food with this stuff in it, just not a ton. And the issue I have with turmeric curcumin was the strong supplement I was taking, I can eat indian food fine!
lol don't get me wrong, I can still eat food with this stuff in it, just not a ton. And the issue I have with turmeric curcumin was the strong supplement I was taking, I can eat indian food fine!

I'm eating some thai curry right now as I type.

did you notice anything from the supplement before your comedown? and whats the purpose/benefit of it?
Been taking 5HTP but it seems to make me really nauseous. Taking B6 and B12 vitamins, zing, VitD, VitC, and Fish oil.
Took 200mg extended release 5-HTP before bed last night. Woke up this morning feeling the best I've felt since I rolled.
Easy schedule today, gonna hit the gym and keep this going. Cubs home opener tonight, gotta keep this going.
Yea the supplements and time are key. Been taking 5htp along with some other things like bcomplex and b12 everyday. I feel like I've found the light at the end of the tunnel. No anxiety, nothin. Can even enjoy the effects of the ganja again.
HELP!! Traumatic experience on MDMA. Flashbacks?!

So I am new here and I made an account just for this post. Not even sure if I am posting this correctly but any info helps. I am 19 years old and have taken MDMA 3 times. The first 2 times were 3 months ago two days in a row with my friend. (I know.. stupid). Me and the same friend went to a rave 3 days ago and took a capsule (not sure how many mg.. again i know that was stupid) it hit us like 1000 bricks after about an hour and we were both rolling EXTREMELY hard. She wasn't acting like herself, she was quiet and tired. We went home and tried to go to bed. I woke up to her having a seizure and it was the scariest moment of my life. I had no idea what to do and even typing this out is making me want to cry. She didn't even remember anything after and then she started throwing up. Everything is good now and she went to the hospital and such but that is not why I am here.. I keep having horrible flashbacks all the time and I don't like being alone AT ALL and I even slept in my moms bed last night. This is so unlike me and its so scary. I don't know what to do???? I never had bad anxiety or anything like that in the past and a month ago I stayed home alone at my house for 3 weeks without a single issue. I don't even like being alone during the day because I just have flashbacks of everything that happened and it is so scary. Will this EVER get better?!? I am never doing MDMA or any other drug like that again, but I just need to know if there is anything I can do to get over this. I am so desperate, I cannot live like this.
I suspect that you took a pill that was part MDMA and part Methamphetamine. And that pill was extremely strong. If you read the comments, I did a similar thing and combined Adderall and MDMA. I was totally messed up for about 13-14 days, and only the last few days am I feeling better, but still not feeling close to being myself.

When are you gonna feel better? That part I don't know. From what everyone here says, it's gonna take some time. 90 Days is about how long it takes for Serotonin levels to get to their normal levels after you roll. So it may take that long. I had the panic attacks for about 10 days in a row before they subsided.

Wish can give you more advice, but all that you need to know has been covered in here. I wanna be ok again too. It's a messed up feeling to have.

Good luck and let us know how you feel.